OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: Norway 2017

image of OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy: Norway 2017

Following a remarkable transformation in the past century in research and innovation, in particular through the development of new technologies and processes in sectors such as oil and gas, shipbuilding and also fisheries and aquaculture, Norway is today increasingly facing a “triple transition imperative” in which it needs, first, to shift toward a more diversified and robust economy; second, to move to a more competitive, effective and efficient innovation system; and third, to support research and innovation activities that can confront an array of societal challenges (climate change, food security, aging, health and so on). The Long-Term Plan for Research and Higher Education 2015-2024 (LTP) launched by the Norwegian government has set the base to enhance the capacity of the research and higher education system to cope with these transition challenges. This report proposes recommendations to take advantage of the revision of this comprehensive strategic plan in 2018 to improve the horizontal coordination and add more concrete structural policy initiatives, without changing the plan’s general orientation nor giving up the sectorial and the consensus principles that form the basis of Norwegian policy making.


Tackling societal challenges through research and innovation and public sector innovation in Norway

This chapter discusses the state-of-the-art and potential of the Norwegian research and innovation system to address major challenges facing society, which is one of the three overarching objectives of the government’s Long-Term Plan. The first and second parts analyse respectively the investment and progress towards achieving this objective. The third part focuses on the strategies and policies supporting actors involved in these activities. The last section presents a synthesis of the achievements to date and remaining challenges in tackling societal challenges through research and innovation and public sector innovation in Norway and presents some high-level conclusions.


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