
The in vitro macromolecular test method is a biochemical in vitro test method that can be used to identify chemicals (substances and mixtures) that have the potential to induce serious eye damage as well as chemicals not requiring classification for eye irritation or serious eye damage. The in vitro macromolecular test method contains a macromolecular reagent composed of a mixture of proteins, glycoproteins, carbohydrates, lipids and low molecular weight components, that when rehydrated forms a complex macromolecular matrix which mimics the highly ordered structure of the transparent cornea. Corneal opacity is described as the most important driver for classification of eye hazard. Test chemicals producing protein denaturation, unfolding and changes in conformation will lead to the disruption and disaggregation of the highly organised macromolecular reagent matrix, and produce turbidity of the macromolecular reagent. Such phenomena is quantified, by measuring the changes in light scattering (at a wavelength of 405 nm using a spectrometer), which is compared to the standard curve established in parallel by measuring the increase in OD produced by a set of calibration substances.


The present Key Event based Test Guideline addresses the human health hazard endpoint skin sensitisation, following exposure to a test chemical. Skin sensitisation refers to an allergic response following skin contact with the tested chemical, as defined by the United Nations Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (UN GHS). This Test Guideline is proposed to address the Molecular Initiating Event leading to skin sensitisation, namely protein reactivity, by quantifying the reactivity of test chemicals towards model synthetic peptides or amino acid derivatives containing either lysine or cysteine. This Test Guideline provides three in chemico test methods addressing the same Key Event on the Adverse Outcome Pathway for Skin Sensitisation: (i) the Direct Peptide Reactivity Assay – DPRA, (ii) the Amino Acid Derivative Reactivity Assay – ADRA and (iii) the kinetic Direct Peptide Reactivity Assay – kDPRA. The DPRA and ADRA are used for supporting the discrimination between skin sensitisers and non-sensitisers in accordance with the UN GHS. In contrast, the kDPRA allows discrimination of UN GHS subcategory 1A skin sensitisers from those not categorised as subcategory 1A, i.e. subcategory 1B or no category but does not allow to distinguish sensitisers from non-sensitisers.

  • 25 Jun 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 146

The United States economy has continued to expand at a solid pace and price pressures have eased somewhat. However, a sustained fiscal deficit has contributed to raising public debt as a share of GDP to its highest level since World War II, with a further substantial increase in prospect over coming decades as the population ages. To put the public finances on a more sustainable path, a multi-year fiscal adjustment should be enacted that achieves savings on pensions and healthcare and raises taxation, including on capital incomes. A more medium-term oriented and less complicated federal budgeting process would support this. At the same time, economic growth would benefit from productivity enhancing reforms that promote competition, including through maintaining international trade openness and reinforcing relevant skills in the workforce. Efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions have accelerated, but further policy measures will be needed to achieve emission reduction targets. Policy options include a package of broad-based carbon pricing, taxes and sectoral policies. As the climate transition further progresses, additional measures will be needed to support displaced workers from fossil fuel industries and for climate adaptation.


Kazakhstan’s trade performance has displayed remarkable resilience to recent economic shocks, including Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine and the ensuing international sanctions. However, connectivity remains one of the greatest challenges facing the country: its trade integration is limited by low density of settlement and economic activity, infrastructure bottlenecks, weaknesses in trade facilitation, and long distances to major markets; its economy still depends on a limited number of export commodities and a narrow range of trading partners.

This report summarises the analytical guidance and capacity-building on export diversification in Kazakhstan provided by the OECD in 2022 and 2023. The report complements recent OECD work on trade connectivity in Central Asia, by focusing on practical aspects of export diversification identified in collaboration with the government of Kazakhstan: (i) how to develop export promotion policies for SMEs; (ii) how to design a one-stop shop for exporting SMEs; and (iii) how to improve cross-border co-operation in Kazakhstan’s Caspian Sea ports.


Торговые показатели Казахстана продемонстрировали удивительную устойчивость к недавним экономическим потрясениям, среди которых полномасштабное вторжение России в Украину и последовавшие за этим международные санкции. Тем не менее вопрос торговой связанности остается одной из самых серьезных проблем, стоящих перед страной: ее торговая интеграция ограничена низкой плотностью населения и низким уровнем экономической активности, наличием узких мест в инфраструктуре, сложностями в процедурах торговли, и удаленностью от основных рынков. Экономика Казахстана по-прежнему зависит от ограниченного числа экспортных товаров и узкого круга торговых партнеров.

В настоящем докладе обобщаются аналитические рекомендации и рекомендации по наращиванию потенциала в области диверсификации экспорта в Казахстане, представленные ОЭСР в 2022 и 2023 годах. Доклад дополняет недавнюю работу ОЭСР по развитию торговых связей в Центральной Азии. Основное внимание в нем уделяется практическим вопросам диверсификации экспорта, согласованным в сотрудничестве с правительством Казахстана: (i) разработка мер экономической политики по продвижению экспорта МСП; (ii) создание «одного окна» для МСП-экспортеров; и (iii) улучшение трансграничного сотрудничества в каспийских портах Казахстана.


La présente Ligne directrice (LD) décrit un essai de dépistage à court terme de l’activité de l’hormone juvénile (JH) faisant appel à Daphnia magna en vue de détecter les produits chimiques ayant un potentiel d’activité analogue à l’hormone juvénile. L’essai JHASA est un essai de dépistage conçu pour évaluer la production de descendants mâles chez les daphnies d’origine parthénogénétique.


La méthode d’essai macro-moléculaire in vitro est une méthode biochimique in vitro qui peut être utilisée pour identifier des produits chimiques (substances et mélanges) susceptibles d’induire des lésions oculaires graves, ainsi que des produits chimiques ne relevant d’aucune classification pour irritation oculaire ou lésions oculaires graves. La méthode d’essai macro-moléculaire in vitro exploite un mélange réactif macro-moléculaire composé de protéines, de glycoprotéines, de glucides, de lipides et d’éléments à faible masse moléculaire qui, une fois réhydraté, forme une matrice macro-moléculaire complexe qui reproduit la structure hautement organisée et transparente de la cornée. L’opacité cornéenne est considérée comme le principal critère de classification des dangers pour l’œil. Les produits chimiques testés provoquant la dénaturation, le dépliement et des changements de conformation des protéines induisent une désorganisation et une désagrégation de la structure hautement organisée de la matrice macro-moléculaire, ce qui génère une turbidité du réactif macro-moléculaire. À l’aide d’un spectromètre, ce phénomène peut être quantifié en mesurant les changements de diffusion de la lumière à une longueur d’onde de 405 nm et en comparant ces valeurs à une courbe d’étalonnage (établie en parallèle en mesurant la hausse de la densité optique (DO) induite par une série de substances étalon).


Public procurement measurement frameworks are essential, both to assess progress and achievements periodically and consistently and to identify gaps in progress against objectives and targets. This report assesses the public procurement performance measurement framework in Hungary and provides recommendations for its improvement. It also explores aspects to consider in developing a public procurement measurement framework and communicating the results of the framework.

Ce rapport propose une analyse en profondeur des réformes du gouvernement ouvert au Maroc, à la lumière de la Recommandation de l’OCDE sur le Gouvernement Ouvert. Près de six ans après l’adhésion du Maroc à la Recommandation et au Partenariat pour un Gouvernement Ouvert, cet examen prend acte des progrès réalisés depuis dans l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre d’un programme de réformes pour un gouvernement ouvert. En prenant appui sur la théorie du changement, ce rapport s’intéresse aux cadres qui forment un environnement propice au gouvernement ouvert au Maroc ; aux processus à l’œuvre pour cette ouverture ; à l’espace civique comme prérequis aux réformes ; à la transparence et l’accès à l’information ; et à la participation concrète des citoyens et des parties prenantes. Le dernier chapitre présente une feuille de route pour guider le Maroc dans l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre d’une possible stratégie nationale pour un gouvernement ouvert visant à soutenir l’intégration et la mise en cohérence des réformes pour un gouvernement ouvert et se rapprocher progressivement d’un État ouvert.

  • 25 Jun 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 35

The Hyalella azteca Bioconcentration Test (HYBIT) provides a non-vertebrate test for bioconcentration in aquatic environments. The test consists of two phases: the exposure (uptake) and post-exposure (depuration) phases. During the uptake phase, a group of H. azteca is exposed to the test chemical at one or more chosen concentrations. They are then transferred to a medium free of the test chemical for the depuration phase. The concentration of the test chemical in the analysed H. azteca is followed through both phases of the test. Parameters which characterise the bioaccumulation potential include the uptake rate constant (k1), the depuration rate constant (k2), the steady-state bioconcentration factor (BCFSS) and the kinetic bioconcentration factor (BCFK).


Масштабы «зеленого» перехода в Узбекистане требуют значительного увеличения частного финансирования для заполнения существующего финансового пробела. Непомерно большая роль государства в экономике Узбекистана и неразвитость внутреннего рынка капитала являются существенными ограничениями и требуют диверсификации источников финансирования «зеленого» перехода. С 2021 года Узбекистан сделал зеленые облигации центральной частью своей стратегии по заполнению финансового пробела и мобилизации новых источников капитала для своих проектов зеленой инфраструктуры. В данной публикации рассматриваются текущее состояние рынка и институциональной структуры в Узбекистане, реформы, которые привели к недавнему выпуску как суверенных, так и корпоративных тематических облигаций, а также сохраняющиеся барьеры для дальнейшего использования этого инструмента. В отчете также представлены рекомендации, касающиеся институционального устройства рынка, нормативно-правовой базы Узбекистана для рынков долгового капитала и открывающихся возможностей для дальнейшего использования зеленых облигаций, предназначенные для ключевых заинтересованных сторон, включая разработчиков политики и участников рынка.


This annual publication compiles comparable tax revenue statistics for 36 economies, including Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, People’s Republic of China, the Cook Islands, Fiji, Georgia, Hong Kong (China), Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kiribati, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, the Maldives, the Marshall Islands, Mongolia, Nauru, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Samoa, Singapore, the Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tokelau, Vanuatu and Viet Nam. Additionally, it provides information on non-tax revenues for 22 of the 36 economies. The publication applies the OECD Revenue Statistics methodology to Asian and Pacific economies, facilitating consistent comparison of tax levels and structures within the region as well as globally. This eleventh edition of the report includes a special feature on tax revenue buoyancy in Asia. The publication is jointly produced by the OECD’s Centre for Tax Policy and Administration and the OECD Development Centre, in co-operation with the Asian Development Bank, the Pacific Islands Tax Administrators Association and the Pacific Community.

This Test Guideline describes an in vitro procedure the identification on its own of chemicals (substances and mixtures) not requiring classification (No Cat), requiring classification for eye irritation (Cat 2) and requiring classification for serious eye damage (Cat 1) according to the UN GHS ocular hazard categories. It makes use of reconstructed human cornea-like epithelium (RhCE) which closely mimics the histological, morphological, biochemical and physiological properties of the human corneal epithelium. The test evaluates the ability of a test chemical to induce cytotoxicity in a RhCE tissue construct, as measured by the MTT assay. RhCE tissue viability following exposure to a test chemical is measured by enzymatic conversion of the vital dye MTT by the viable cells of the tissue into a blue MTT formazan salt that is quantitatively measured after extraction from tissues. Cytotoxicity is measured at different time points of exposure; this is one of the methodological differences with the original TG 492.


This Performance-Based Test Guideline (PBTG) describes in vitro assays, which provide the methodology for human recombinant in vitro assays to detect substances with estrogen receptor binding affinity (hrER binding assays). It comprises two mechanistically and functionally similar test methods for the identification of estrogen receptor (i.e. ERα) binders and should facilitate the development of new similar or modified test methods. The two reference test methods that provide the basis for this PBTG are: the Freyberger-Wilson (FW) In Vitro Estrogen Receptor (ER) Binding Assay Using a Full Length Human Recombinant ERα, and the Chemical Evaluation and Research Institute (CERI) In Vitro Estrogen Receptor Binding Assay Using a Human Recombinant Ligand Binding Domain Protein. This assay measures the ability of a radiolabeled ligand ([3H]17β-estradiol) to bind with the ER in the presence of increasing concentrations of a test chemical (i.e. competitor).  Test chemicals that possess a high affinity for the ER compete with the radiolabeled ligand at a lower concentration as compared with those chemicals with lower affinity for the receptor. This assay consists of two major components: a saturation binding experiment to characterise receptor-ligand interaction parameters and document ER specificity, followed by a competitive binding experiment that characterises the competition between a test chemical and a radiolabeled ligand for binding to the ER. These test methods are being proposed for screening and prioritisation purposes, but also provide mechanistic information that can be used in a weight of evidence approach.


This Test Guideline describes a Rapid Estrogen ACTivity In Vivo (REACTIV) Assay in an aquatic assay that utilises transgenic Oryzias latipes (Japanese medaka) eleutheroembryos at day post hatch zero, in a multi-well plate format to identify chemicals active on the estrogen axis. The REACTIV assay was designed as a screening assay to provide a medium throughput and short-term assay to measure the response of eleutheroembryos to chemicals potentially active on the estrogen axis.


Policies that foster the transition towards a more circular economy are gaining significant traction. Such policies are essential for a sustainable, low-carbon, resource-efficient and competitive economy. These developments bring about demands for reliable information to track progress and gauge results as well as for indicators that speak to policymakers and the public at large.

This report presents a conceptual framework and indicator set to monitor progress and inform circular economy policies. It is designed to support OECD work on circular economy and provides a source of inspiration for countries seeking to build a coherent circular economy monitoring framework.

  • 26 Jun 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 96

This report discusses the role of Korea's active labour market policies (ALMPs) and one-stop shops for employment and social services in fostering a more inclusive labour market. It highlights the innovative digital tools that the Korean authorities have adopted using state-of-the-art technologies to provide ALMPs as well as their strategy for continuous improvement of the digital ecosystem. This report on Korea is the fifteenth country study published in this series.

This report presents the results of the 2022 OECD Green Public Procurement (GPP) Survey, to which 38 countries (OECD Member and accession candidate countries) responded. The aim of the survey was to better understand how public procurement, a significant economic lever, is being used to generate environmental benefits. The report is organized around four areas: green public procurement policy and strategic framework, public-private interactions on green public procurement, the monitoring and the evaluation of green public procurement, and building capacity and support for green public procurement. Developments in GPP since the survey was completed in 2022 are included in the country-specific factsheets annexed to the report.

L’investissement public joue un rôle capital dans le développement économique et dans la réalisation d’un large éventail de politiques publiques au Maroc. Il est essentiel pour la continuité et le bon fonctionnement des services publics. Cette revue souligne les forces et les opportunités d’amélioration du système d’investissement public marocain, dans un certain nombre d’étapes du cycle de vie de l’investissement public tels que la vision stratégique pour l’investissement public, la préparation, l’évaluation, la priorisation et la sélection des projets d’investissement public, ainsi que leur suivi et leur évaluation ex-post.

Inclusive and sustainable economic growth in the six Western Balkan (WB6) economies depends on greater economic competitiveness. Although the gap is closing gradually, the standards of living in WB6 are well below those of the OECD and EU. Accelerating the rate of socio-economic convergence will require a holistic and growth oriented approach to policy making.

This is the fourth study of the region (formerly under the title 'Competitiveness in South East Europe') and it comprehensively assesses policy reforms in the WB6 economies across 15 policy areas key to strengthening their competitiveness. It enables WB6 economies to compare economic performance against regional peers, as well as EU-OECD good practices and standards, and to design future policies based on rich evidence and actionable policy recommendations.

The regional profile presents assessment findings across five policy clusters crucial to accelerating socio-economic convergence of the WB6 by fostering regional co-operation: business environment, skills, infrastructure and connectivity, digital transformation and greening. Economy-specific profiles complement the regional assessment, offering each WB6 economy an in-depth analysis of their policies supporting competitiveness. They also track the implementation of the previous 2021 study's recommendations and provide additional ones tailored to the economies’ evolving challenges. These recommendations aim to inform structural economic reforms and facilitate the region’s socio-economic convergence towards the standards of the EU and OECD.

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