Ce rapport présente les travaux de la Conférence Européenne des Ministres des Transports et ses relations avec d’autres Organisations internationales. En même temps qu’il reprend les études sectorielles menées par la Conférence, le rapport contient une analyse globale de la situation des transports dans l’aire de la CEMT pour l’année 1964.
This report presents a general review of the working of the European Conference of Ministers of Transport and its relations with other international organisations. As well as detailing the sectoral studies undertaken by the Conference the reports contain a general review of the transport situation in the ECMT area during the year 1964.
Following a suggestion made by M. Louis Armand of the Academie Française on the occation of the celebration in Brussels in June 1963 of the tenth anniversary of the ECMT, it was decided to organise an international meeting with participants from a variety of milieus (university, economic, transport) under the general theme "Theory and practice in transport economics". This general theme is divided into a series of sub themes and the proceedings of this first symposium are presented in this book. Most of the presentations are in French.