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This cross-country report on prevention of public sector corruption analyses the preventive measures that have proven to be effective and successful in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The review focuses on twenty-one countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia and includes examples from OECD countries. The report is based on questionnaires that were completed by governments, NGOs and international partners in participating countries. In addition, good practice examples presented during expert seminars in 2013 and 2014, contributions by the Advisory Group and additional research also feature in the report. The majority of the report was prepared in 2014.


This is the fourth edition of the OECD survey of large pension funds and public pension reserve funds that collects long-term investment data since it was first published in 2011. The scope of this report covers 87 public and private pension funds from 34 countries. This survey is based on a qualitative questionnaire sent directly to large pension funds and public pension reserve funds. It covers the infrastructure investments made by large pension funds and public pension reserve funds, but also their approach to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. It provides detailed investment information and insights which complement the aggregated data on portfolio investments gathered by the OECD at a national level through the Global Pension Statistics and Global Insurance Statistics projects.

  • 01 Jan 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 155

The global value chain (GVC) revolution that began in the early 1990s has been characterised by unprecedented geographical separation of tasks and business functions employed to produce complex products. Through GVCs, firms have increasingly drawn on the international, instead of national, knowledge, resources and production factor base which allowed further specialisation and realisation of greater economies of scale. GVCs have also opened opportunities to participate in the global markets without having to develop a complete product or value chain and to draw on foreign knowledge and learn by doing. However, GVCs also tend to be very competitive, versatile and are characterised by powerful governance relationships which means that the capacity of workers and firms to participate in beneficial ways is not to be taken for granted. This report aims to lay an empirical foundation for structuring economic policies to facilitate Chile’s GVC participation and maximise the benefits associated with it for national firms and workers. It builds on data and methodological advancements by the OECD, compiles key indicators of Chile’s engagement in GVCs and puts them in the context of recent and considered policy reforms. The thematic breakdown proposed aims at providing a holistic diagnostic of Chile’s position in international production networks by investigating its trade, investment and innovation dimensions.

В этом межстрановом отчете о предупреждении коррупции в государственном секторе анализируются превентивные меры, доказавшие свою эффективность и успешность в странах Восточной Европы и Центральной Азии. Обзор посвящен 21 стране Восточной Европы и Центральной Азии и включает примеры из стран ОЭСР. Отчет основан на анкетах, которые были заполнены правительствами, НПО и международными партнерами в странах-участницах. Кроме того, в отчет включены примеры передовой практики, представленные на экспертных семинарах в 2013 и 2014 годах, материалы Консультативной группы и дополнительные исследования. Большая часть отчета была подготовлена в 2014 году.


The peer review process can lead to changes in the interpretation of the slides and the reported results, and potentially the outcome and conclusions of the study. The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to pathologists, test facility management, study directors and quality assurance personnel on how the peer review of histopathology should be planned, managed, documented and reported in order to meet GLP expectations and requirements. This document is a complement to the guidance provided in section of OECD Guidance Document 116 (series on testing and assessment), whose focus is on how histopathology peer review should be conducted.

In parallel to a sweeping structural reform agenda, Mexico announced in 2013 a new approach to housing and urban policy. Calling for a more explicit qualitative focus on housing and the urban environment, the policy shift is a welcome development. Mexico urbanised more rapidly than most OECD countries in the past half-century, in part as a result of the expansion of housing finance led by INFONAVIT and facilitated by policies aiming to expand access to formal housing. Yet the quantitative push for formal housing came with quantitative costs: inefficient development patterns resulting in a hollowing out of city centres and the third-highest rate of urban sprawl in the OECD; increasing motorisation rates; a significant share of vacant housing, with one-seventh of the housing stock uninhabited in 2010; housing developments with inadequate access to public transport and basic urban services; and social segregation. How can the Mexican authorities “get cities right” and develop more competitive, sustainable and inclusive cities? How can they improve the capacity of the relevant institutions and foster greater collaboration among them? How can INFONAVIT ensure that its lending activities generate more sustainable urban outcomes as it also fulfils its pension mandate and help Mexicans save more for retirement?

  • 08 Jan 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 136

OECD's 2015 Economic Survey of Mexico examines recent economic developments, prospects and policies. Special chapters boosting growth and reducing informality as well as sharing the fruits of growth.

  • 08 Jan 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 150

El 2015 Estudio Económico de la OCDE de México examina los últimos económicos desarrollos, perspectivas y políticas. Capítulos especiales impulsar el crecimiento y la productividad y compartiendo los frutos del crecimiento.


Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of the economy in the Republic of Moldova and have significantly contributed to job creation and economic prosperity over the last decade. SMEs accounted for 98% of all businesses and provided around 60% of the country’s employment in 2011. SMEs were particularly affected by the global financial crisis which diminished international capital flows, bank lending, foreign direct investment, and consumer demand. With the crisis fading into the background, the Moldovan economic recovery will depend on the government’s ability to promote the growth of SMEs. On the one hand, policy makers must focus on encouraging the growth of micro-companies, as they make up 72% of SMEs in the Republic of Moldova and play an important social role. On the other hand, they should continue supporting the competitiveness of those SMEs which are relatively larger.

Building on an initial assessment of constraints to development in Myanmar (Volume 1), this second volume provides analysis and policy recommendations in three key areas: structural transformation, education and skills, and financing development. It finds that Myanmar faces a crucial few years to shape growth towards a higher, more sustainable and equitable trajectory. To succeed, it will require a transformation of the economy from an agrarian base reliant on small-scale agriculture at present towards a broad range of modern activities. Building up the right skills in the workforce will be essential to support this structural transformation. Myanmar’s transformation will also depend upon how effectively the country can mobilise and allocate the financial resources needed to support its development, which could amount to as much as an additional 5-10% of GDP on average over the next two decades.

This report reviews the quality of health care in Italy, seeks to highlight best practices, and provides a series of targeted assessments and recommendations for further improvements to quality of care. Italy’s indicators of health system outcomes, quality and efficiency are uniformly impressive. Life expectancy is the fifth highest in the OECD. Avoidable admission rates are amongst the very best in the OECD, and case-fatality after stroke or heart attack are also well below OECD averages. These figures, however, mask profound regional differences. Five times as many children in Sicily are admitted to hospital with an asthma attack than in Tuscany, for example. Despite this, quality improvement and service redesign have taken a back-seat as the fiscal crisis has hit. Fiscal consolidation has become an over-riding priority, even as health needs rapidly evolve. Italy must urgently prioritise quality of its health care services alongside fiscal sustainability. Regional differences must be lessened, in part by giving central authorities a greater role in supporting regional monitoring of local performance. Proactive, coordinated care for people with complex needs must be delivered by a strengthened primary care sector. Fundamental to each of these steps will be ensuring that the knowledge and skills of the health care workforce are best matched to needs.

  • 15 Jan 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 112

This periodic review (roughly every five years) of the individual development co-operation efforts of Austria assesses the performance of Austria's programme, not just that of its development co-operation agency, and examines both policy and implementation. It takes an integrated, system-wide perspective.

  • 15 Jan 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 224

Institutional investors (investment funds, insurance companies and pension funds) are major collectors of savings and suppliers of funds to financial markets. Their role as financial intermediaries and their impact on investment strategies have grown significantly over recent years along with deregulation and globalisation of financial markets.

This publication provides a unique set of statistics that reflect the level and structure of the financial assets of institutional investors in the OECD countries, and in the Russian Federation. Concepts and definitions are predominantly based on the System of National Accounts. Data are derived from national sources.

Data include outstanding amounts of financial assets such as currency and deposits, securities, loans, and shares. When relevant, they are further broken down according to maturity and residency. The publication covers investment funds, of which open-end companies and closed-end companies, as well as insurance corporations and autonomous pension funds. Indicators are presented as percentages of GDP allowing for international comparisons, and at country level, both in national currency and as percentages of total financial assets of the investor. Time series display available data for the last eight years.

  • 15 Jan 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 152

This report presents the findings and recommendations from analysis conducted by the OECD as part of the OECD-Hungary Strategic Partnership for Public Administration Reform. Through this initiative, the OECD has supported the government of Hungary in putting in place some of the key building blocks of a “strategic state”. The report’s recommendations can be expected to contribute to strengthening the efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and integrity of the public administration and contribute to supporting sustainable and inclusive growth and development in Hungary.

Les investisseurs institutionnels (sociétés d’assurance, sociétés d’investissement et fonds de pension) sont les principaux collecteurs de l’épargne et émetteurs de fonds sur les marchés financiers. Leur rôle en tant qu’intermédiaires financiers et leur impact sur les stratégies d’investissement se sont accrus de façon significative au cours des dernières années avec la déréglementation et la mondialisation des marchés financiers.

Cette publication constitue un ensemble unique d'indicateurs reflétant le niveau et la structure des actifs financiers des investisseurs institutionnels dans les pays de l'OCDE et dans la Fédération de Russie. Les concepts et les définitions reposent essentiellement sur le système de comptabilité nationale. Les données proviennent des sources nationales.

Les données se rapportent aux encours d’actifs financiers tels que numéraire et dépôts, titres, crédits, et actions. Lorsque c’est pertinent, les données sont ventilées selon leur maturité et résidence. La publication couvre les fonds d'investissement, dont les fonds à capital variable et ceux à capital fixe, ainsi que les sociétés d'assurance et les fonds de pension autonomes. Les indicateurs sont présentés en pourcentage du PIB pour les comparaisons internationales, et au niveau de chaque pays, à la fois en monnaie nationale et en pourcentage du total des actifs financiers de l’investisseur. Les séries temporelles présentent les données disponibles pour les 8 dernières années.

  • 16 Jan 2015
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 140

Ce rapport aborde l’état des connaissances sur les effets économiques des grands projets d’infrastructures de transport. Les limites de l’analyse socio-économique coûts-bénéfices sont présentées et les approches complémentaires et alternatives pour évaluer les bénéfices d’investissements dans de grands projets, porteurs de transformations, sont examinées. Dans cette perspective, ce rapport se penche sur les instruments d’évaluation développés pour l’évaluation des projets de super-métro du Grand Paris et de Crossrail à Londres.


Job displacement (involuntary job loss due to firm closure or downsizing) affects many workers over the course of their working lives. Displaced workers may face long periods of unemployment and, even when they find new jobs, tend to be paid less and have fewer benefits than in the jobs they held prior to displacement. Helping displaced workers get back into good jobs quickly should be a key goal of labour market policy. This report is the second in a series of reports looking at how this challenge is being tackled in a number of OECD countries. It shows that Japanese employers and the government go to considerable lengths to avoid the displacement of regular workers while also providing considerable income and re-employment support to many of the workers whose jobs cannot be preserved. Challenges for labour market programmes include expanding labour market mobility between regular jobs, improving co-ordination between private and public re-employment assistance for displaced workers, and avoiding that job displacement pushes older workers to the margins of the labour market.

Les Perspectives des politiques de l’éducation ont pour objectif d’aider les décideurs dans leurs choix de réformes dans le domaine de l’éducation. Ce rapport examine le besoin d’amélioration du secteur éducatif selon une approche comparative, en tenant compte de l’importance du contexte national. À travers l’étude de l’expérience de mise en œuvre des réformes éducatives dans différents pays, l’ouvrage propose des orientations et des stratégies visant à faciliter le changement.

Chaque pays ayant un contexte particulier, les défis que posent les réformes ne peuvent être simplement transposés d’un pays ou d’un système à un autre. Néanmoins, les pays font face à de nombreux défis similaires et mettent en œuvre des réformes dans des domaines analogues. L’édition 2015 des Perspectives des politiques de l’éducation présente un examen comparatif des tendances en matière d’action publique et étudie des réformes spécifiques adoptées dans l’ensemble des pays de l’OCDE au cours des sept dernières années, afin d’aider les pays à apprendre les uns des autres et à choisir les réformes les mieux adaptées à leurs besoins et à leur situation.

Les Perspectives des politiques de l’éducation s’adressent autant aux décideurs qu’aux analystes et aux professionnels de l’éducation.

  • 19 Jan 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 316

The Education Policy Outlook is designed to help education policy makers with reform choices. It addresses the need for improvement in education in a comparative manner, while taking into account the importance of national context. Through a review of different countries’ experiences in implementing education reform, the publication offers directions and strategies to facilitate future changes.

Given different national contexts, individual countries’ reform challenges cannot be simply transposed into a different country or system. Nevertheless, countries face many similar challenges and implement reforms in similar areas. The 2015 edition of the Education Policy Outlook provides a comparative review of policy trends. It explores specific reforms adopted across the OECD over the past seven years to help countries learn from one another and choose the reforms best adapted to their needs and context.

The Education Policy Outlook will be of interest to policy makers, analysts and education practitioners alike.

  • 19 Jan 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 116

OECD's 2015 Economic Survey of Colombia examines recent economic developments, policies and prospects. Special chapters cover taxes and transfers and pensions.

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