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Die OECD hat praktische Maßnahmen für Unternehmen entwickelt, um die schlimmsten Formen der Kinderarbeit in den Lieferketten für mineralische Rohstoffe zu erkennen und zu bekämpfen, um ihnen zu helfen, die Risiken der Kinderarbeit in ihren Lieferketten für mineralische Rohstoffe zu erkennen, zu mindern und zu berücksichtigen. Sie wurden entwickelt, um auf dem Sorgfaltspflichtrahmen der OECD-Leitlinien zur Sorgfaltspflicht aufzubauen.

English, Portuguese, French

El presente documento ayuda a los inversionistas institucionales a implementar las recomendaciones en materia de debida diligencia de las Líneas Directrices de la OCDE para Empresas Multinacionales, a fin de prevenir o abordar los impactos negativos en sus carteras de inversión, relacionados con los derechos humanos y laborales, el medio ambiente y la corrupción.

German, Polish, Thai, English

The paper presents the findings of an international stock-taking of the regulatory frameworks that apply to institutional investment in different jurisdictions and how these frameworks are interpreted by institutional investors in terms of their ability or responsibility to integrate ESG factors in their governance processes. It builds on OECD work on the regulation of insurance company and pension fund investment and is linked to OECD instruments, in particular the OECD Principles of Private Pension Regulation and the G20/OECD High-Level Principles of Long-term Investment Financing by Institutional Investors. It also supports the OECD's work on responsible business conduct which aims to assist multinational enterprises in the financial sector in applying the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

The objectives of this report are: to raise awareness about corruption types and risks in the three sectors, and the importance of eliminating those risks through targeted polices and measures; share the experience of ACN countries in tackling corruption in these sectors through specific tools; identify good practices implemented to prevent corruption in these sectors, at the level of government, NGOs, the private sector as well as multi-stakeholder initiatives.


This paper helps institutional investors implement the due diligence recommendations of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises in order to prevent or address adverse impacts related to human and labour rights, the environment, and corruption in their investment portfolios.

Spanish, Thai, German, Polish
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