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Year Index


Agriculture in Korea is under increasing pressure to meet changing domestic demand, improve its productivity to keep up with the country's competitive manufacturing sector, and become more competitive at the international level. To date, the government has offered extensive support to farm income via price support, direct payments, preferential tax treatment, and reduced input prices. However, a more comprehensive policy approach is required to address the low-income problem in agriculture, and a more comprehensive rural development policy is also required to create employment opportunities for the younger generation.

Korea should explore its potential to export niche agricultural products and processed food that reflect its rich and unique food culture. To unleash the sector’s potential, agricultural policy should focus on improving the productivity and sustainability of commercial enterprises and develop the food processing sector. The country's agricultural innovation system should become more integrated and collaborative, benefiting from its strong competitive advantage in Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

  • 05 Dec 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 200

Les données sur les recettes des administrations publiques, et sur le produit de la fiscalité en particulier, constituent la base de la plupart des travaux de description des structures économiques et d’analyse économique, et sont de plus en plus utilisées pour comparaisons internationales. Cette publication annuelle présente un cadre conceptuel dont le but est de définir les recettes publiques devant être assimilées à des impôts et de classifier les différentes catégories d’impôts. Elle constitue également un ensemble unique de statistiques fiscales détaillées et comparables au niveau international, utilisant une présentation identique pour tous les pays de l’OCDE depuis 1965.


The digital revolution, globalisation and demographic changes are transforming labour markets at a time when policy makers are also struggling with persistently slow productivity and wage growth and high levels of income inequality. The new OECD Jobs Strategy provides a comprehensive framework and detailed policy analysis and recommendations to help countries promote not only strong job creation but also foster job quality and inclusiveness as central policy priorities, while emphasising the importance of resilience and adaptability for good economic and labour market performance in a rapidly changing world of work. The key message is that flexibility-enhancing policies in product and labour markets are necessary but not sufficient. Policies and institutions that protect workers, foster inclusiveness and allow workers and firms to make the most of ongoing changes are also needed to promote good and sustainable outcomes.

The OECD’s latest Jobs Strategy is a smart and sensible updating and rethinking of how countries should advance the goal of shared prosperity. I hope policymakers around the world not only read it but take its important advice.”

Jason Furman, Professor Harvard Kennedy School and former Chairman of President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers
Inequality, economic insecurity, economic exclusion, are making the headlines.  Anger is high, populist rhetoric is on the rise.   What can be done?  What strategies to adopt?  These are the challenging questions taken up by the new OECD Jobs Strategy report.  I hope the report triggers the very serious discussions these issues deserve.”
 Olivier Blanchard, Senior Fellow at the Peterson Institute, Emeritus Professor at MIT and former Chief Economist of the IMF


Recent mergers in the seed industry have led to concerns about market concentration and its potential effects on prices, product choice, and innovation. This study provides new and detailed empirical evidence on the degree of market concentration in seed and GM technology across a broad range of crops and countries, and analyses the causes and potential effects of concentration. It also explains how competition authorities have responded to mergers, and suggests policy options to help safeguard and stimulate competition and innovation in plant breeding by avoiding unnecessary regulatory barriers, by facilitating access to genetic resources and intellectual property, as well as by stimulating public and private R&D. As this study shows, policy makers have several levers besides competition policy to ensure an innovative and competitive seed industry.

  • 03 Dec 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 248

This first OECD Investment Policy Review of Cambodia uses the OECD Policy Framework for Investment to present an assessment of the investment climate in Cambodia and to discuss the challenges and opportunities faced by the Royal Government of Cambodia in its reform efforts. It includes chapters on investment trends and industrial structure, competitiveness and diversification, improving business regulation, investor protection, investment promotion, good regulatory practices, infrastructure, the investment framework for green growth, corporate governance, competition policy and how ODA is being used to improve the investment climate.

  • 03 Dec 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 296

Are tax incentives the best way to encourage people to save for retirement? This publication assesses whether countries can improve the design of financial incentives to promote savings for retirement. After describing how different countries design financial incentives to promote savings for retirement in funded pensions, the study calculates the overall tax advantage that individuals may benefit from as a result of those incentives when saving for retirement. It then examines the fiscal cost of those incentives and their effectiveness in increasing retirement savings, and looks into alternative approaches to designing financial incentives. The study ends with policy guidelines on how to improve the design of financial incentives to promote savings for retirement, highlighting that depending on the policy objective certain designs of tax incentives or non-tax incentives may be more appropriate.

  • 03 Dec 2018
  • OECD, World Health Organization
  • Pages: 132

This fifth edition of Health at a Glance Asia/Pacific presents a set of key indicators of health status, the determinants of health, health care resources and utilisation, health care expenditure and financing and quality of care across 27 Asia-Pacific countries and territories. It also provides a series of dashboards to compare performance across countries, and a thematic analysis on health inequalities. Drawing on a wide range of data sources, it builds on the format used in previous editions of Health at a Glance, and gives readers a better understanding of the factors that affect the health of populations and the performance of health systems in these countries and territories. Each of the indicators is presented in a user-friendly format, consisting of charts illustrating variations across countries and over time, brief descriptive analyses highlighting the major findings conveyed by the data, and a methodological box on the definition of the indicator and any limitations in data comparability. An annex provides additional information on the demographic context in which health systems operate.


Les lois et réglementations régissent la vie quotidienne des entreprises et des particuliers, et sont des outils importants de la politique de la réglementation. « Légiférer » n’a jamais été une tâche facile, mais la rapidité des transformations technologiques et l’interconnection croissante des économies la rendent plus ardue encore. Les perspectives de l’OCDE sur la politique de la réglementation 2018, les secondes de la série, identifient les efforts des pays pour améliorer leurs lois et régulations, conformément à la Recommandation de 2012 concernant la politique et la gouvernance réglementaires, et partagent les bonnes pratiques. Cette publication apporte un éclairage unique sur l’organisation et les dispositifs institutionnels dont les pays se sont dotés pour concevoir, faire respecter et faire évoluer leur réglementation. Elle lève aussi le voile sur les aspects du cycle réglementaire qui mériteraient plus d’attention de la part des décideurs publics. Enfin, elle identifie les domaines dans lesquels les pays peuvent concentrer leurs efforts pour améliorer la qualité des lois et des réglementations et les approches innovantes susceptibles de leur faciliter la tâche.

German, English, Italian
  • 03 Dec 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 256

The 2018 edition of the OECD Pensions Outlook examines how pension systems are adapting to improve retirement outcomes. It focuses on designing funded pensions and assesses how different pension arrangements can be combined taking into account various policy objectives and risks involved in saving for retirement. It looks at how countries can improve the design of financial incentives, and presents policy guidelines on aligning charges and costs of providing funded pensions.

This edition also draws lessons from nationally significant investment institutions on strengthening the governance, investment policies and investment risk management of pension funds. It provides guidelines on improving retirement incomes considering behavioural biases and limited levels of financial knowledge, and discusses the implications of mortality differences on retirement incomes across different socioeconomic groups. Lastly, it examines whether survivor pensions are still needed.

  • 03 Dec 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 80

Many of Asia’s retirement-income systems are ill prepared for the rapid population ageing that will occur over the next two decades. The demographic transition – to fewer babies and longer lives – took a century in Europe and North America. In Asia, this transition will often occur in a single generation. Asia’s pension systems need modernising urgently to ensure that they are financially sustainable and provide adequate retirement incomes. This report examines the retirement-income systems of 18 countries in the region. The report provides new data for comparing pension systems of different countries. It combines the OECD’s expertise in modelling pension entitlements with a network of national pension experts who provided detailed information at the country level, verified key results and provided feedback and input to improve the analysis.

Pedoman OECD untuk Perusahaan Multinasional mengakui dan mendorong kontribusi positif bisnis bagi kemajuan ekonomi, lingkungan hidup dan sosial, dan juga mengakui bahwa kegiatan bisnis dapat memberikan dampak yang merugikan terhadap pekerja, HAM, lingkungan hidup, penyuapan, konsumen dan tata kelola perusahaan.

Portuguese, English, Polish, Vietnamese, French, All
  • 01 Dec 2018
  • OECD, International Labour Organization, International Organization for Migration, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
  • Pages: 32

The 2018 edition of the joint OECD, ILO, IOM & UNHCR, G20 International Migration Trends Report aims to respond to the need to monitor global displacement and migration, as well as its economic consequences, with a special focus on the skills of migrants and refugees.

  • 01 Dec 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 100

《经合组织跨国企业准则》承认并鼓励工商企业 为经济、环境与社会进步做出积极的贡献, 还意识到商业活动可能导致与 工人、人权、环境、贿赂、 消费者及公司治理相关的 不利影响。 本《指南》帮助工商企业理解并实施 负责任商业行为尽责管理。《指南》还力求推动 政府与利益相关方就负责任商业行为尽责管理 达成共识

Indonesian, English, German, Dutch, Spanish, All

แนวทางของ OECD สำหรับ MNE ยอมรับและสนับสนุนการมีส่วนร่วมในเชิงบวก ซึ่งภาคธุรกิจสามารถสร้างความก้าวหน้าทางเศรษฐกิจ สิ่งแวดล้อม และสังคมได้ และยังยอมรับว่ากิจกรรมทางธุรกิจต่างๆ สามารถส่งผลกระทบเชิงลบที่เกี่ยวข้องกับคนงาน สิทธิมนุษยชน สิ่งแวดล้อม การติดสินบน ผู้บริโภค และการกำกับดูแลกิจการ แนวปฏิบัตินี้ช่วยให้ภาคธุรกิจเข้าใจ และดำ เนินการตรวจสอบธุรกิจอย่างรอบด้าน สำหรับการดำ เนินธุรกิจที่มีความรับผิดชอบ นอกจากนี้ยังพยายามส่งเสริมความเข้าใจร่วมกันเกี่ยวกับการดำ เนินธุรกิจที่มีความรับผิดชอบ ระหว่างรัฐบาลและผู้มีส่วนได้ส่วนเสียอีกด้วย

Ukrainian, Swedish, Vietnamese, Japanese, English, All

Керівні принципи ОЕСР для міжнаціональних підприємств віддають належне і подалі заохочують позитивний вплив бізнесу на економічний, екологічний і соціальній розвиток, але в той же час визнають той несприятливий вплив, який може спричинити підприємницька діяльність на права людини, в тому числі, права найманих працівників у їх стосунках з адміністрацією, а також на стан довкілля, інтереси споживачів, корпоративне управління, протидію хабарництву і корупції. Настанова має допомогти бізнес-структурам зрозуміти і впровадити процедури належної перевірки в практиці відповідального ведення бізнесу. Також, ця Настанова сприятиме спільному розумінню владою і зацікавленими сторонами сутності застосування належної перевірки у практиці відповідального ведення бізнесу.

Spanish, Swedish, Portuguese, German, Japanese, All

Wytyczne OECD dla przedsiębiorstw wielonarodowych zachęcają przedsiębiorstwa do podejmowania działań na rzecz rozwoju gospodarczego, ochrony środowiska naturalnego oraz rozwoju społecznego, a także stwierdzają, że działalność prowadzona przez przedsiębiorstwa może wywoływać negatywne skutki w odniesieniu do pracowników, poszanowania praw człowieka, ochrony środowiska, zachowań korupcyjnych, ochrony interesów konsumentów oraz ładu korporacyjnego.

Portuguese, French, Chinese, Japanese, Ukrainian, All

In de OESO-richtlijnen voor Multinationale Ondernemingen wordt de positieve bijdrage van ondernemingen aan de vooruitgang op economisch, milieu en sociaal gebied onderkend en aangemoedigd. Ook wordt erkend dat zakelijke activiteiten negatieve gevolgen kunnen hebben voor werknemers, mensenrechten, milieu, corruptie, consumenten en goed ondernemingsbestuur. Deze Handreiking biedt ondernemingen inzicht in en ondersteuning bij de praktische toepassing van due diligence voor maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen. Doel van deze Handreiking is ook een gemeenschappelijk referentiekader te creëren voor overheden en stakeholders op het gebied van due diligence voor maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen.

Polish, Swedish, Vietnamese, Ukrainian, English, All

OECD多国籍企業行動指針は,経済,環境および社会の進歩に対して, 事業者が果たし得る積極的な貢献を認め,奨励する一方で,事業者の活動が, 労働者,人権,環境,贈賄,消費者およびコーポレート・ガバナンスに関して 負の影響をもたらす可能性があることも認識している。 本ガイダンスは,責任ある企業行動に関するデュー・ディリジェンスを 事業者が理解し,実施するうえで役立つ。また,ガイダンスは, 責任ある企業行動について,政府およびステークホルダー間における 共通理解の促進も意図している。

Dutch, Thai, Portuguese, Italian, Swedish, All

Bộ Hướng dẫn của OECD dành cho các Doanh nghiệp Đa quốc gia (MNE) ghi nhận và khuyến khích doanh nghiệp đóng góp tích cực vào các tiến bộ kinh tế, môi trường, xã hội, đồng thờicũng thừa nhận rằng các hoạt động kinh doanh có thể tạo ra những tác động bất lợi liên quan tới người lao động, quyền con người, môi trường, hối lộ, người tiêu dùng và quản trị doanh nghiệp.

Japanese, Swedish, Italian, Thai, Portuguese, All

Το παρόν Εγχειρίδιο Εσωτερικού Ελέγχου σχεδιάστηκε για να υποστηρίξει τον εκσυγχρονισμό και την τυποποίηση των διαδικασιών της λειτουργίας εσωτερικού ελέγχου στους ελληνικούς δημόσιους οργανισμούς. Το εγχειρίδιο περιλαμβάνει μια σειρά πρακτικών προτύπων και διεργασιών παρέχοντας σαφή καθοδήγηση ως προς τα παρακάτω ζητήματα: 1) εγκαθίδρυση μίας σύγχρονης και αποτελεσματικής λειτουργίας εσωτερικού ελέγχου στους δημόσιους οργανισμούς, 2) δημιουργία προγράμματος ελεγκτικής δράσης βάσει αξιολόγησης κινδύνων, 3) διενέργεια αξιολόγησης κινδύνων απάτης, 4) υποστήριξη των οργανισμών και των προγραμμάτων κατά την προετοιμασία του ελέγχου, και 5) ολοκλήρωση ενός επιτυχημένου ελέγχου από το στάδιο του σχεδιασμού μέχρι και τα στάδια της διενέργειας και υποβολής της έκθεσης ελέγχου.

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