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Title Index

Year Index

  • 01 Jan 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 200

The OECD RBC Policy Review of Brazil seeks to foster the role of the Brazilian Government in promoting and enabling responsible business conduct. It examines Brazilian policies in the areas covered by the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, as well as in other areas through which the Government can leverage and incentivise responsible business practices.


This report was undertaken within the framework of the RBC LAC project, which promotes smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in the region by supporting responsible business practices in line with international instruments.


Este informe se ha llevado a cabo en el marco del proyecto CERALC, que promueve un crecimiento inteligente, sostenible e inclusivo en la región favoreciendo las prácticas empresariales responsables en consonancia con los instrumentos internacionales.


The development of this Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (M&E Framework) is premised on the OECD’s terms of reference on measuring the results of the implementation of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Mineral Supply Chains from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas, which had involved extensive prior stakeholder input over a period of 18 months.

Spanish, French

The Regulation 2019/452 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for the screening of foreign direct investments into the Union (the EU Regulation) became fully applicable on 11 October 2020. It contains legally binding rules that engage national authorities from EU Member States (Member States) and the European Commission (the EU Commission) in cooperation on screening of foreign direct investment into the Union. This report summarises the findings of analytical work undertaken by the OECD, which consisted of desk research and interviews with many actors involved in or concerned by investment screening, including Member States’ authorities, the EU Commission, and other stakeholders. The study was carried out between October 2021 and June 2022 and reflects information as of 30 June 2022

This resource note addresses some of the key challenges that NCPs have faced or are likely to face in their handling of specific instances that involve the rights of indigenous peoples. It examines what is understood by the term “indigenous peoples”, the relationship between the OECD Guidelines and indigenous peoples, explores relevant NCP cases and the key topics that arise from the cases. The note then puts forward practical considerations to help NCPs better manage cases involving the rights of indigenous peoples.


El desarrollo de este Marco de Seguimiento y Evaluación (M&E Framework) se basa en los términos de referencia de la OCDE sobre la medición de los resultados de la aplicación de la Guía de Debida Diligencia de la OCDE para Cadenas de Suministro Responsables de Minerales procedentes de Zonas de Conflicto y Alto Riesgo, que había implicado una amplia aportación previa de las partes interesadas durante un período de 18 meses.

English, French

The OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector helps enterprises implement the due diligence recommendations contained in the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises along the garment and footwear supply chain in order to avoid and address the potential negative impacts of their activities and supply chains. It supports the aims of the OECD Guidelines to ensure that the operations of enterprises in the garment and footwear sector are in harmony with government policies to strengthen the basis of mutual confidence between enterprises and the societies in which they operate. This Guidance will also support enterprises to implement the due diligence recommendations contained in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. The Guidance is aligned with the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, relevant ILO Conventions and Recommendations and the ILO Tripartite Declaration of Principles Concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy. Together with its modules on due diligence for specific risk areas, this Guidance provides enterprises with a complete package to operate and source responsibly in the garment and footwear sector.

German, Polish, Vietnamese, French, English, All

Les travaux d’élaboration du présent Cadre de suivi et évaluation (le Cadre de S&E) ont pris comme base de référence le cahier des charges de l’OCDE établi aux fins de la mesure des résultats de la mise en œuvre du Guide OCDE sur le devoir de diligence pour des chaînes d’approvisionnement responsables en minerais provenant de zones de conflit ou à haut risque, lequel a été arrêté au terme d’un vaste processus de dialogue avec les parties prenantes mené durant 18 mois.

English, Spanish

A Revisão da Política RBC do Brasil da OCDE busca fomentar o papel do governo brasileiro na promoção e viabilização de uma conduta empresarial responsável. Examina as políticas brasileiras nas áreas abrangidas pelas Diretrizes da OCDE para Empresas Multinacionais, bem como em outras áreas através das quais o governo pode alavancar e incentivar práticas empresariais responsáveis.

  • 08 Jan 2022
  • OECD, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
  • Pages: 24
  • 08 Jan 2022
  • OECD, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
  • Pages: 24
  • 08 Jan 2022
  • OECD, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
  • Pages: 24
  • 08 Jan 2022
  • OECD, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
  • Pages: 24
  • 08 Jan 2022
  • OECD, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
  • Pages: 23
  • 08 Jan 2022
  • OECD, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
  • Pages: 24
  • 08 Jan 2022
  • OECD, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
  • Pages: 24
  • 08 Jan 2022
  • OECD, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
  • Pages: 24
  • 08 Jan 2022
  • OECD, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
  • Pages: 24
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