Browse by: "2023"


Title Index

Year Index


La moitié du temps imparti pour atteindre les objectifs de développement durable se sera bientôt écoulée, et les plus pauvres et les plus vulnérables risquent de se retrouver laissés pour compte en raison d’un manque cruel de données. Le Rapport de PARIS21 sur le soutien des partenaires à la statistique 2022 attire l’attention sur l’insuffisance du financement des données et de la statistique, une insuffisance qui s’est aggravée en 2020 en partie seulement à cause de la pandémie de COVID-19. Dans un contexte mondial de détérioration de la situation en matière de développement et d’augmentation du nombre de menaces complexes, les dirigeants doivent réaffirmer leur engagement à faire des données et de la statistique des éléments centraux de politiques efficaces.

Rapport phare de PARIS21, le Rapport sur le soutien des partenaires à la statistique est l’analyse annuelle la plus complète du financement des données et de la statistique par les bailleurs de fonds. Révélant pour la première fois les répercussions de la crise de la COVID-19 sur le soutien à la statistique, cette édition 2022 plaide en faveur d’un regain d’intérêt pour les données et la statistique afin que le monde puisse surmonter les crises à venir.

Spanish, English

State-owned enterprises (SOEs) remain vulnerable to being used as conduits for political finance, patronage, and personal or related-party enrichment. Lingering weaknesses in corporate governance and ownership arrangements can expose SOEs to such exploitation and undermine SOE efforts to uphold integrity. This report highlights these weaknesses and provides state owners with a better understanding of which activities are effective in insulating SOEs from undue influence. It also takes stock of how OECD member and participating countries are implementing relevant provisions of the OECD Guidelines on Anti-Corruption and Integrity in SOEs, serving as the first report on the implementation of the Guidelines since their adoption in 2019.

The Romanian government has undertaken important legal and institutional changes over the past decade to improve the governance and performance of its state-owned enterprises (SOEs), yet significant implementation shortcomings persist. This review describes and assesses the corporate governance framework of the Romanian SOE sector against the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises. It also makes recommendations to help the Romanian authorities design adequate mechanisms to ensure the implementation of applicable rules for the exercise of state ownership and the governance of SOEs.

До широкомасштабного вторгнення Росії 24 лютого 2022 року Україна досягла значного поступу в реалізації амбітних реформ регіонального розвитку та децентралізації. Результатом цих реформ стало створення 1 469 об’єднаних муніципалітетів, введення детальної багаторівневої структури планування регіонального розвитку, а також значне підвищення рівня надання місцевих державних послуг і державного фінансування регіонального та місцевого розвитку. Однак на шляху реформ виникли деякі проблеми, багато з яких були значно загострені війною Росії проти України. Ці проблеми включають збільшення регіональних економічних та демографічних розбіжностей і відмінностей у рівні добробуту, фрагментарну структуру фінансування регіонального розвитку, а також помітні розбіжності в адміністративних, кадрових і фіскальних можливостях муніципалітетів. У цьому звіті представлено глибокий аналіз поступу України у впровадженні реформ багаторівневого управління та досліджено роль місцевих органів влади в управлінні катастрофою. Виходячи з цього, у звіті рекомендуються можливі шляхи використання Україною разом з міжнародними партнерами багаторівневого управління, регіонального розвитку і децентралізації для підтримки процесів місцевої відбудови та відновлення з метою вирішення нагальних гуманітарних потреб, відновлення місцевої економіки та громад, а також посилення їхньої стійкості.


The OECD Public Governance Review of Honduras offers recommendations to strengthen the effectiveness, coherence and openness of the country’s public sector, and in particular its centre of government. It first provides an overview of Honduras’s public sector and assesses its performance across interrelated dimensions. It then examines important public governance areas such as the role of the centre of government in policy co-ordination, results-based management in government, efforts to build a sound monitoring and evaluation system, and the design and implementation of open government in Honduras. The recommendations of this report seek to support Honduras in the adoption of an inclusive and outcome-oriented approach to public governance capable of delivering better results for its citizens.

  • 31 Jan 2023
  • OECD, European Union Intellectual Property Office
  • Pages: 76

Illicit trade in counterfeit goods causes economic damage by reducing sales and profits as well as innovation incentives in legitimate industries. This study looks at damages caused by illicit trade in counterfeits to small and medium-sized enterprises. The robust evidence on the magnitude, scope and trends of this risk informs policy makers about the need to include anti-counterfeiting elements in policy packages designed to support SMEs.

Governments and education policy makers are increasingly concerned with equity and inclusion in education due to several major global trends such as demographic shifts, migration and refugee crises, rising inequalities, and climate change. These developments have contributed to increasing diversity within national populations and flagged some concerns around the ability of education systems to be equitable and inclusive of all students.

This report by the Strength through Diversity project examines how education systems can respond to increasing diversity and foster greater equity and inclusion in education. Based on a holistic framework for studying diversity, equity and inclusion in education, the report examines five key policy areas (i.e., governance; resourcing; capacity building; school-level interventions, and monitoring and evaluation), provides examples of policies and practices, and offers policy advice on promoting more equitable and inclusive education systems.


This report examines how to promote sustainable infrastructure investment. It discusses data needs for infrastructure investment and the current environment, social and governance (ESG) approaches before offering policy recommendations to help ensure that investors are better equipped to make investment decisions related to infrastructure assets. The report explores legal and regulatory barriers to quality infrastructure investment, and considers how governments can help infrastructure actors promote quality infrastructure projects, ensure project objectives and reporting correspond with investor expectations, and how to mobilise funding and financing for inclusive and quality infrastructure investment in both regions and cities.

Multilateral Mutual Agreement Procedures (MAPs) and Advance Pricing Arrangements (APAs) offer greater tax certainty to both taxpayers and tax administrations where different parts of the same transaction or arrangement involving a multinational enterprise are covered by multiple bilateral tax treaties. However, most jurisdictions have limited experience in coordinating bilateral MAP and APA cases to offer multilateral certainty. In accordance with its commitment to advancing the tax certainty agenda, the FTA MAP Forum, in conjunction with the FTA Large Business International Programme, has developed the Manual on the handling of Multilateral MAPs and APAs (MoMA) which is intended as a guide to multilateral MAP and APA processes from both a legal and procedural perspective. The MoMA provides tax administrations and taxpayers with basic information on the operation of such procedures and suggests different approaches based on the existing practices of jurisdictions, without imposing a set of binding rules. The MoMA allows tax administrations to explore whether implementation of these procedures is appropriate considering the circumstances of their own MAP and APA programmes and to consider whether the guidance therein may be incorporated in their domestic guidance on MAP or APA processes to provide additional clarity.

  • 01 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 20

Les profils sur le cancer par pays : Belgique 2023 sur le cancer par pays identifient les forces, les faiblesses et les domaines d’action spécifiques de chacun des 27 États membres de l’UE, de l’Islande et de la Norvège, afin d’orienter les investissements et les interventions aux niveaux européen, national et régional dans le cadre du plan “Vaincre le cancer en Europe”. Le profil sur le cancer fournit une synthèse des points suivants : la charge nationale du cancer, les facteurs de risque du cancer (en mettant l’accent sur les facteurs de risque liés au comportement et à l’environnement), les programmes de détection précoce, (les performances en matière de soins oncologiques (en mettant l’accent sur l’accessibilité, la qualité des soins, les coûts et l’impact de COVID-19 sur les soins oncologiques).

  • 01 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 20

In de Landenprofielen Kanker worden voor elk van de 27 EU-lidstaten, IJsland en Noorwegen de sterke punten, uitdagingen en specifieke actiegebieden vastgesteld, om de investeringen en maatregelen op EU, nationaal en regionaal niveau in het kader van het Europees kankerbestrijdingsplan te sturen. Elk nationaal kankerprofiel geeft een korte samenvatting van: de nationale kankerlast; risicofactoren voor kanker (met de nadruk op gedrags- en omgevingsrisicofactoren); programma’s voor vroegtijdige opsporing; prestaties van de kankerzorg (met de nadruk op toegankelijkheid, kwaliteit van de zorg, kosten en het effect van COVID-19 op de kankerzorg).

French, English
  • 01 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 20

This profile identifies strengths, challenges and specific areas of action on cancer prevention and care in Luxembourg as part of the European Cancer Inequalities Registry, a flagship initiative of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. It provides a short synthesis of: the national cancer burden; risk factors for cancer (focusing on behavioural and environmental risk factors); early detection programmes; and cancer care performance (focusing on accessibility, care quality, costs and the impact of COVID-19 on cancer care).

  • 01 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 20

This profile identifies strengths, challenges and specific areas of action on cancer prevention and care in France as part of the European Cancer Inequalities Registry, a flagship initiative of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. It provides a short synthesis of: the national cancer burden; risk factors for cancer (focusing on behavioural and environmental risk factors); early detection programmes; and cancer care performance (focusing on accessibility, care quality, costs and the impact of COVID-19 on cancer care).

  • 01 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 20

This profile identifies strengths, challenges and specific areas of action on cancer prevention and care in Belgium as part of the European Cancer Inequalities Registry, a flagship initiative of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. It provides a short synthesis of: the national cancer burden; risk factors for cancer (focusing on behavioural and environmental risk factors); early detection programmes; and cancer care performance (focusing on accessibility, care quality, costs and the impact of COVID-19 on cancer care).

French, Dutch

Na temelju pregleda trendova i stanja zdravstvene skrbi u području raka po zemljama utvrđuju se prednosti, nedostaci i konkretna područja djelovanja za svaku od 27 država članica EU-a te Island i Norvešku kako bi se usmjerila ulaganja i intervencije na razini EU-a, država i regija u okviru europskog plana za borbu protiv raka. Svaki profil raka u zemlji pruža kratku sintezu: nacionalnog opterećenja rakom ; čimbenika rizika za rak (s fokusom na čimbenike rizika u ponašanju i okolišu) ;programa ranog otkrivanja ; učinkovitosti skrbi za rak (s fokusom na dostupnost, kvalitetu skrbi, troškove i utjecaj COVID-19 na liječenje raka).

  • 01 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 20

Profily krajín v oblasti onkologických ochorení identifikujú silné stránky, výzvy a konkrétne oblasti činnosti vo všetkých 27 členských štátoch EÚ, na Islande a v Nórsku s cieľom usmerňovať investície a intervencie na úrovni EÚ, na vnútroštátnej a regionálnej úrovni v rámci Európskeho plánu na boj proti rakovine. Každý onkologický profil krajiny obsahuje krátku syntézu: národné zaťaže onkologickým ochorením; rizikové faktory rakoviny (so zameraním na rizikové faktory správania a životného prostredia); programy včasné detekcie rakoviny; výkonnosť onkologickej starostlivosti (so zameraním na dostupnosť, kvalitu starostlivosti, náklady a na vplyv ochorenie COVID-19 na onkologickú starostlivosť).

  • 01 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 20

This profile identifies strengths, challenges and specific areas of action on cancer prevention and care in Lithuania as part of the European Cancer Inequalities Registry, a flagship initiative of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. It provides a short synthesis of: the national cancer burden; risk factors for cancer (focusing on behavioural and environmental risk factors); early detection programmes; and cancer care performance (focusing on accessibility, care quality, costs and the impact of COVID-19 on cancer care).

  • 01 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 20

This profile identifies strengths, challenges and specific areas of action on cancer prevention and care in Denmark as part of the European Cancer Inequalities Registry, a flagship initiative of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. It provides a short synthesis of: the national cancer burden; risk factors for cancer (focusing on behavioural and environmental risk factors); early detection programmes; and cancer care performance (focusing on accessibility, care quality, costs and the impact of COVID-19 on cancer care).

  • 01 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 20

Valstu vēža profili identificē stiprās puses, izaicinājumus un konkrētas rīcības jomas katrai no 27 ES dalībvalstīm, Islandei un Norvēģijai, lai virzītu ieguldījumus un intervences ES, valstu un reģionālā līmenī saskaņā ar Eiropas Vēža uzveikšanas plānu. Katras valsts vēža profilā ir sniegts īss kopsavilkums par: valsts vēža slogu; vēža riska faktori (īpašu uzmanību pievēršot uzvedības un vides riska faktoriem); agrīnas atklāšanas programmas ; vēža aprūpes sniegumu (koncentrējoties uz pieejamību, aprūpes kvalitāti, izmaksām un COVID-19 ietekmi uz vēža aprūpi).

  • 01 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 19

This profile identifies strengths, challenges and specific areas of action on cancer prevention and care in Greece as part of the European Cancer Inequalities Registry, a flagship initiative of Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. It provides a short synthesis of: the national cancer burden; risk factors for cancer (focusing on behavioural and environmental risk factors); early detection programmes; and cancer care performance (focusing on accessibility, care quality, costs and the impact of COVID-19 on cancer care).

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