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How can we rapidly transform the global building sector to combat climate change? This report, based on the OECD Global Survey on Buildings and Climate, presents a comprehensive analysis of the endeavours undertaken by 28 countries across continents to decarbonise and bolster the resilience of their buildings. By examining policy objectives, measures, and trends, the report offers valuable insights into how countries are developing effective strategies for decarbonising buildings. These strategies often involve a step-by-step approach, for example, beginning with targeted measures in buildings that are more feasible or have a greater impact. Successful measures are then scaled up to achieve broader decarbonisation goals. Furthermore, the report emphasises the importance of a multi-level approach, including breaking down silos between government departments. With 93% of responding countries reporting that at least three ministries are involved in decarbonising building measures. The report also underscores the importance of international cooperation and knowledge sharing to fast-forward progress towards a more sustainable built environment.

This document contains a Guidance Document (GD) on Integrated Approaches to Testing and Assessment (IATA) for Phototoxicity Testing, originally developed by Japan, reviewed, consolidated and finally approved by the Working Party of the National Coordinators of the Test Guidelines Programme. This document provides an overview and key characteristics of each individual information source available for phototoxicity testing, and their use within the IATA. The project was on the Test Guidelines Programme work plan until 2024.

This OECD Report to G20 Digital Economy Ministers presents practical examples from G20 members on data access and sharing, both across the public sector and between the public and private sectors in the public interest. The report supports G20 discussions on common opportunities, enablers and challenges to strengthen data access and sharing in the public sector, as well countries’ efforts and priorities in this policy area. It has been prepared by the OECD for the Brazilian G20 Presidency in co-ordination with the Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services, to inform the G20 Digital Economy Working Group at its September 2024 meeting.

Infrastructure damages caused by increasingly severe extreme weather and slow onset events demonstrate how climate change affects infrastructure. Enhancing the climate resilience of infrastructure will be critical for achieving sustainable development, especially for developing countries. This report was prepared to inform G20 policy makers about approaches that can be taken to advance financing for climate-resilient infrastructure and was welcomed at the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting in July 2024.

This peer review report analyses the practical implementation of the standard of transparency and exchange of information on request (EOIR) in Sint Maarten, as part of the second round of reviews conducted by the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes since 2016.

This peer review report analyses the practical implementation of the standard of transparency and exchange of information on request (EOIR) in Ecuador, as part of the second round of reviews conducted by the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes since 2016.

This peer review report analyses the practical implementation of the standard of transparency and exchange of information on request (EOIR) in Lithuania, as part of the second round of reviews conducted by the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes since 2016.

This peer review report analyses the practical implementation of the standard of transparency and exchange of information on request (EOIR) in Israel, as part of the second round of reviews conducted by the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes since 2016.

This peer review report analyses the practical implementation of the standard of transparency and exchange of information on request (EOIR) in Moldova, as part of the second round of reviews conducted by the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes since 2016.

This peer review report analyses the practical implementation of the standard of transparency and exchange of information on request (EOIR) in Sweden, as part of the second round of reviews conducted by the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes since 2016.

The OECD review of Gender Equality in Costa Rica: Towards a Better Sharing of Paid and Unpaid Work is the fourth in a collection of reports focusing on Latin American and the Caribbean countries, and part of the series Gender Equality at Work. The report compares gender gaps in labour and educational outcomes in Costa Rica with other countries. Particular attention is put on the uneven distribution of unpaid work, and the extra burden placed on women. It investigates how policies and programmes in Costa Rica can make this distribution more equitable. The first part of the report reviews the evidence on gender gaps and their causes, including the role played by social norms. The second part develops a comprehensive framework to address these challenges, presenting a broad range of options to reduce the unpaid work burden falling on women, and to increase women’s labour income. Earlier reviews in the same collection have looked at gender equality policies in Chile (2021), Peru (2022) and Colombia (2023).

  • 06 Jul 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 64

Die G20/OECD-Grundsätze der Corporate Governance helfen Politikverantwortlichen bei der Evaluierung und Verbesserung des rechtlichen, regulatorischen und institutionellen Rahmens der Corporate Governance. Sie benennen die entscheidenden Bausteine eines soliden Corporate-Governance-Rahmens und liefern praktische Hinweise für die Umsetzung auf nationaler Ebene. Zudem dienen die Grundsätze als Orientierungshilfe für Börsen, Investoren, Verbände und sonstige Akteure, die an der Entwicklung einer guten Corporate Governance beteiligt sind.

Vietnamese, English, Armenian, Japanese, French, All

Across the world, people’s daily activities centre around clusters of population and economic activity. Settlements – cities, towns and villages – provide jobs and access to services for their own residents and others nearby. The quality of access to those services is key to promoting vibrant, inclusive and happier communities.

However, access is not always uniformly distributed within countries, with metropolitan areas typically outperforming rural areas. This report looks at the interaction between geography and access to services. It considers three main factors: (1) The size of settlements; (2) Accessibility – the travel time associated with accessing settlements via car and public transport modes; and (3) Services – public and private services that are available and accessible across a variety of domains including health, finance and education.

Numerous policy interventions hinge on improving service accessibility. Understanding the complex interactions between geography, transportation infrastructure, and service provision is essential for regional development policies and in particular for those regions facing population decline.

EU Funded Note

Italy’s Universal Civil Service (UCS) engages young people in volunteering activities that enhance practical skill development for employability, active citizenship, and personal growth. Through a joint project between the OECD, the European Commission, and the Department for Youth Policies, Italy aims to improve the design and implementation of the UCS. As part of the project, this report analyses the current monitoring and evaluation framework of the UCS and provides guidance for the development of a robust results-based Monitoring and Evaluation system to improve the system’s ability to track progress and demonstrate impact.

This report takes stock of current ICT procurement practices in Chile, Colombia, and Mexico, focusing on vendor neutrality and market engagement in the purchase of personal computers and laptops. It also provides recommendations for improving access, competition, and market knowledge for procurement agencies in Latin America, based on OECD good practices and relevant principles, such as the 2015 OECD Recommendation on Public Procurement.


This Glossary defines concepts and terms commonly used in evaluation and results-based management. It provides a shared understanding to support the design, management, monitoring and evaluation of interventions for sustainable development. As a reference document, it is helpful for those commissioning, managing, or conducting evaluations, as well as people involved in strategy or programme development, management and implementation. While originally developed for international development co-operation, the Glossary can be applied in any field of public policy and is also useful for civil society, academia, and other non-state actors.

This second edition includes updated content, including new definitions for the widely used evaluation criteria – relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability – endorsed by the OECD Development Assistance Committee in 2019. It also provides minor updates to the original text to reflect current good practice. As concepts and language are constantly evolving, the document will be revisited and updated in due course.

This Glossary defines concepts and terms commonly used in evaluation and results-based management. It provides a shared understanding to support the design, management, monitoring and evaluation of interventions for sustainable development. As a reference document, it is helpful for those commissioning, managing, or conducting evaluations, as well as people involved in strategy or programme development, management and implementation. While originally developed for international development co-operation, the Glossary can be applied in any field of public policy and is also useful for civil society, academia, and other non-state actors.

This second edition includes updated content, including new definitions for the widely used evaluation criteria – relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability – endorsed by the OECD Development Assistance Committee in 2019. It also provides minor updates to the original text to reflect current good practice. As concepts and language are constantly evolving, the document will be revisited and updated in due course.

This Glossary defines concepts and terms commonly used in evaluation and results-based management. It provides a shared understanding to support the design, management, monitoring and evaluation of interventions for sustainable development. As a reference document, it is helpful for those commissioning, managing, or conducting evaluations, as well as people involved in strategy or programme development, management and implementation. While originally developed for international development co-operation, the Glossary can be applied in any field of public policy and is also useful for civil society, academia, and other non-state actors.

This second edition includes updated content, including new definitions for the widely used evaluation criteria – relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability – endorsed by the OECD Development Assistance Committee in 2019. It also provides minor updates to the original text to reflect current good practice. As concepts and language are constantly evolving, the document will be revisited and updated in due course.

  • 04 Apr 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 44

This report provides an overview of green budgeting practices across OECD countries based on the 2022 OECD Green Budgeting Survey, as well as the index methodology for the Survey. It takes stock of OECD countries’ progress in bringing climate and environmental considerations into budgeting frameworks and processes. Green budgeting involves a systematic approach across all stages of the budget process, including financial reporting and budget oversight. The growth in green budgeting in OECD countries, as shown in the report, demonstrates the key role of budget offices in ensuring that policy priorities relating to climate change and the environment are taken into account when allocating resources through the budget process.

This supplementary peer review report analyses the practical implementation of the standard of transparency and exchange of information on request in Malta, as part of the second round of reviews conducted by the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes since 2016.

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