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Title Index

Year Index

  • 06 May 2020
  • OECD
  • Pages: 96

One-stop shops have emerged as a way for governments to provide better services and improve regulatory delivery to citizens and business. The OECD Best Practice Principles for Regulatory Policy: One-Stop Shops for Citizens and Business offer a set of practical considerations for designing, operating, and reviewing one-stop shops. The Principles are based on a series of case studies and cover a wide range of tools and institutional arrangements to help governments improve their one-stop shops. This report is part of a series on “best practice principles” produced under the auspices of the OECD Regulatory Policy Committee. As with other reports in the series, it extends and elaborates on principles highlighted in the 2012 Recommendation of the Council on Regulatory Policy and Governance.

French, Spanish

Over the past few decades, economies and technologies have changed in ways that have made people’s economic prospects more insecure. While non-standard work and digital transformation have created opportunities for many, they have also exposed individuals to fluctuations in their incomes, known as "income instability", as have major recent shocks. Recognising that individuals’ jobs and circumstances can change multiple times in a year, this report uses novel techniques to identify who is most exposed to income instability in European OECD countries and examines the effects it has on their lives, social mobility, and inequality. Income instability can be difficult to manage for individuals who lack the financial resources to smooth their incomes. In this report, people facing the twin problems of exposure and vulnerability to income instability are considered to be economically insecure. Economic insecurity falls predominantly on people with weak attachments to the labour force and on those who are not well-placed to leverage the benefits of digitalisation. People at risk of economic insecurity are more likely to worry about losing their jobs in the future than economically secure individuals and, as shown in other research, experience poor health, food insecurity, and poor childhood development outcomes, which can impede social mobility. Finally, the report reviews a range of policies to improve the timeliness of social protection to better support people with highly unstable incomes and explores options to help those most at risk of economic insecurity build financial buffers.

  • 17 Jan 2001
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 528

This publication provides up-to-date, detailed quarterly statistics on oil, coal, natural gas and electricity for the OECD countries.
Oil statistics cover production, trade, refinery intake and output, stock changes and consumption for crude oil, NGL and nine selected oil product groups. Statistics for electricity, natural gas and hard coal and brown coal show supply and trade. Import and export data are reported by source and origin.
Moreover, oil and hard coal production are reported on a worldwide basis.

  • 05 Oct 2000
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 540

This publication provides up-to-date, detailed quarterly statistics on oil, coal, natural gas and electricity for the OECD countries.
Oil statistics cover production, trade, refinery intake and output, stock changes and consumption for crude oil, NGL and nine selected oil product groups. Statistics for electricity, natural gas and hard coal and brown coal show supply and trade. Import and export data are reported by source and origin.
Moreover, oil and hard coal production are reported on a worldwide basis.

  • 27 Jul 2000
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 527

This publication provides up-to-date, detailed quarterly statistics on oil, coal, natural gas and electricity for the OECD countries.
Oil statistics cover production, trade, refinery intake and output, stock changes and consumption for crude oil, NGL and nine selected oil product groups. Statistics for electricity, natural gas and hard coal and brown coal show supply and trade. Import and export data are reported by source and origin.
Moreover, oil and hard coal production are reported on a worldwide basis.

  • 26 Jul 2000
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 527

This publication provides up-to-date, detailed quarterly statistics on oil, coal, natural gas and electricity for the OECD countries.
Oil statistics cover production, trade, refinery intake and output, stock changes and consumption for crude oil, NGL and nine selected oil product groups. Statistics for electricity, natural gas and hard coal and brown coal show supply and trade. Import and export data are reported by source and origin.
Moreover, oil and hard coal production are reported on a worldwide basis.

  • 16 May 2000
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 524

This publication provides up-to-date, detailed quarterly statistics on oil, coal, natural gas and electricity for the OECD countries.
Oil statistics cover production, trade, refinery intake and output, stock changes and consumption for crude oil, NGL and nine selected oil product groups. Statistics for electricity, natural gas and hard coal and brown coal show supply and trade. Import and export data are reported by source and origin.
Moreover, oil and hard coal production are reported on a worldwide basis.

  • 11 Feb 2000
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 531

This publication provides up-to-date, detailed quarterly statistics on oil, coal, natural gas and electricity for the OECD countries.
Oil statistics cover production, trade, refinery intake and output, stock changes and consumption for crude oil, NGL and nine selected oil product groups. Statistics for electricity, natural gas and hard coal and brown coal show supply and trade. Import and export data are reported by source and origin.
Moreover, oil and hard coal production are reported on a worldwide basis.

  • 06 Jan 2000
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 540

This publication provides up-to-date, detailed quarterly statistics on oil, coal, natural gas and electricity for the OECD countries.
Oil statistics cover production, trade, refinery intake and output, stock changes and consumption for crude oil, NGL and nine selected oil product groups. Statistics for electricity, natural gas and hard coal and brown coal show supply and trade. Import and export data are reported by source and origin.
Moreover, oil and hard coal production are reported on a worldwide basis.

  • 06 Dec 1999
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 517

This publication provides up-to-date, detailed quarterly statistics on oil, coal, natural gas and electricity for the OECD countries.

Oil statistics cover production, trade, refinery intake and output, stock changes and consumption for crude oil, NGL and nine selected oil product groups. Statistics for electricity, natural gas and hard coal and brown coal show supply and trade. Import and export data are reported by source and origin. Moreover, oil and hard coal production are reported on a worldwide basis.

  • 06 May 1999
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 523

This publication provides up-to-date, detailed quarterly statistics on oil, coal, natural gas and electricity for the OECD countries.

Oil statistics cover production, trade, refinery intake and output, stock changes and consumption for crude oil, NGL and nine selected oil product groups. Statistics for electricity, natural gas and hard coal and brown coal show supply and trade. Import and export data are reported by source and origin. Moreover, oil and hard coal production are reported on a worldwide basis.

  • 04 Dec 2007
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 384

When Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf of Mexico in 2005, the region’s oil production and refining infrastructure was devastated and world energy markets were disrupted. The International Energy Agency decided in a matter of days to bring 60 million barrels of additional oil to the market. The  emergency response system worked – the collective action helped to stabilise global markets. This book describes the oil emergency response systems of IEA countries and assesses how well prepared the IEA is to deal with an oil supply disruption.

  • 22 Feb 2001
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 373

Every five years, the International Energy Agency publishes an exhaustive report on its Member countries’ preparations to respond to major oil supply disruptions. This review, the first since 1996, finds strong legislative frameworks and administrative structures in each IEA country. Most countries have oil stocks well above the 90 days of net oil imports to which they are committed. IEA countries also have viable demand restraint programmes. Weaknesses in national programmes have been identified and will be corrected. The review provides a complete overview of emergency response potential agency-wide. It also contains detailed country-by-country analyses for 28 countries, including the Czech Republic, the newest IEA member, and the candidate countries Poland, Korea and the Slovak Republic. In each case, an assessment is made of the main emergency response measures, including stockdraw, demand restraint, fuel switching, extra oil production and the sharing of oil supplies. A separate section presents the legislative and regulatory texts underlying each country programme. The IEA was founded in 1974 following the oil shock of 1973. Its main initial objective was to ensure an effective response to any further oil disruption. While much has changed in 26 years, safeguarding the energy security of its Members remains a core mission for the Agency.

  • 30 Aug 2019
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 775

Oil Information is a comprehensive reference book on current developments in oil supply and demand. This publication contains key data on world production, trade, prices and consumption of major oil product groups, with time series back to the early 1970s. Its core consists of a detailed and comprehensive picture of oil supply, demand, trade, production and consumption by end-user for each OECD country individually and for the OECD regions. Trade data are reported extensively by origin and destination.

Oil Information is one of a series of annual IEA statistical publications on major energy sources; other reports are Coal Information, Electricity Information, Natural Gas Information and Renewables Information.

  • 12 Sept 2018
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 758

Oil Information is a comprehensive reference book on current developments in oil supply and demand. This publ ication contains key data on world production, t rade, prices and consumption of major oil product groups, with time series back to the early 1970s.

Its core consists of a detailed and comprehensive picture of oil supply, demand, trade, production and consumption by end-user for each OECD country individually and for the OECD regions. Trade data are reported extensively by origin and destination.

Oil Information is one of a series of annual IEA statistical publications on major energy sources; other reports are Coal Information, Electricity Information, Natural Gas Information and Renewables Information.

  • 18 Aug 2017
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 756

Oil Information is a comprehensive reference book on current developments in oil supply and demand. This publication contains key data on world production, trade, prices and consumption of major oil product groups, with time series back to the early 1970s.

Its core consists of a detailed and comprehensive picture of oil supply, demand, trade, production and consumption by end-user for each OECD country individually and for the OECD regions. Trade data are reported extensively by origin and destination.

Oil Information is one of a series of annual IEA statistical publications on major energy sources; other reports are Coal Information, Electricity Information, Natural Gas Information and Renewables Information.

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