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This volume compiles the consensus documents developed by the OECD Working Group for the Safety of Novel Foods and Feeds from 2015 to 2019. It deals with the composition of common bean, rice, cowpea and apple, four important crops for agriculture and food consumption worldwide. The science-based information collated here is intended for use during the regulatory assessment of food/feed products derived from modern biotechnology, i.e. issued from transgenic plants. Compositional considerations are provided for each species, including tables detailing the key nutrients, anti-nutrients, possible toxicants, allergens and other metabolites contained in the products. This essential information and solid data can be used in the comparative approach as part of the novel food/feed safety assessment. It should be of value to crop breeders and applicants for commercial uses of novel foods and feeds, to regulators and risk assessors in national authorities, as well as the wider scientific community. More information can be found at BioTrack Online.

Volume 10 of the Series contains the consensus document on the “Environmental Considerations for Risk/Safety Assessment for the Release of Transgenic Plants” developed by the OECD Working Party on the Harmonisation of Regulatory Oversight in Biotechnology. Transgenic plant varieties are subject to official risk/safety assessment, science-based and case-by-case, before their potential release into the environment. The document contains general information on environmental risk/safety assessment, its key concepts, structure and planning. Annexes describe seven examples of environmental considerations routinely examined by assessors and taken from experience gained during such assessment: Invasiveness and weediness; Vertical gene flow; Organisms (animals); Soil functions; Plant health; Crop management practices; and Biodiversity (protected species and habitats/ecosystems). The purpose of this document is not to elaborate new terminology or to describe how to undertake an actual risk/safety assessment, but rather to outline an approach and provide illustrative examples for helping assessors in planning and structuring an environmental risk/safety assessment. This document should be of interest to regulators and safety assessors, as well as to plant breeders and the wider scientific community. More information, including other tools for environmental risk/safety assessment such as OECD consensus documents on the biology of crop species, are found at BioTrack Online.

This series represents a compilation of the biosafety consensus documents developed by the OECD Working Group on Harmonisation of Regulatory Oversight in Biotechnology over the periods 2011-12 (Volume 5) and 2013-15 (Volume 6). Volumes 5 and 6 describe the biology, centres of origin, genetics, hybridisation, production and use, and ecology elements of several crops (sugarcane, cassava, sorghum, common bean, cucurbits) and trees (eucalyptus species). They also provide considerations on pathogenicity factors in assessing the potential adverse health effects of bacteria, and the low level presence of transgenic plants in seed and grain commodities.
The consensus documents contain information for use during the regulatory assessment of products of modern biotechnology, i.e. transgenic organisms (plants, animals, micro-organisms), when intended for release in the environment. As such, it should be of value to applicants for use of genetically-engineered organisms in agriculture mainly, to regulators and risk assessors in national authorities for their biosafety assessments, as well as the wider scientific community. More information on this OECD programme is found at BioTrack online (www.oecd.org/biotrack).


This series represents a compilation of the biosafety consensus documents developed by the OECD Working Group on Harmonisation of Regulatory Oversight in Biotechnology over the periods 2011-12 (Volume 5) and 2013-15 (Volume 6). Volumes 5 and 6 describe the biology, centres of origin, genetics, hybridisation, production and use, and ecology elements of several crops (sugarcane, cassava, sorghum, common bean, cucurbits) and trees (eucalyptus species). They also provide considerations on pathogenicity factors in assessing the potential adverse health effects of bacteria, and the low level presence of transgenic plants in seed and grain commodities.
The consensus documents contain information for use during the regulatory assessment of products of modern biotechnology, i.e. transgenic organisms (plants, animals, micro-organisms), when intended for release in the environment. As such, it should be of value to applicants for use of genetically-engineered organisms in agriculture mainly, to regulators and risk assessors in national authorities for their biosafety assessments, as well as the wider scientific community. More information on this OECD programme is found at BioTrack online (www.oecd.org/biotrack).

Volume 7 of the Series compiles the OECD consensus documents for use in environmental risk assessment of transgenic organisms (biosafety) issued in 2016 and 2017.

The first two chapters cover the biology of plant species (sorghum and tomato) and include elements of taxonomy, centres of origin, reproductive biology, genetics, outcrossing, crop production and cultivation practices, interactions with other organisms, main pests and pathogens, and biotechnological developments.

The third chapter relates to Atlantic salmon, the first OECD biosafety publication to address an animal species. It describes the biology and ecology of wild salmon (including classification, life stages, reproduction, centres of origin, geographical distribution, population dynamics, interaction with other organisms) and of the farmed form (domestication, aquaculture rearing practices, biocontainment, interactions with the external environment). It also provides elements of genetics, research on genetically engineered salmon and resources for its risk assessment.

Volume 8 of the Series contains the first biosafety ‘consensus document’ to deal with the biology of an insect, the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Issued by the OECD Working Group on the Harmonisation of Regulatory Oversight in Biotechnology, the science-based consensus documents collate information for use during the regulatory risk assessment of biotechnology products, i.e. transgenic organisms (plants, animals, micro-organisms) when intended for release in the environment. Ae. aegypti mosquito is vectoring yellow fever, dengue, Zika and Chikungunya diseases in tropical and sub-tropical regions worldwide. Biotechnological applications are developed to control the mosquito population and reduce virus transmission. The book provides information on Ae. aegypti taxonomy, morphology, life cycle, reproductive biology, genetics, ecology, interactions with other species and the environment. The mosquito effects on human and animal health, and the control strategies/specific programmes to limit its development are also summarised.

Volume 9 of the Series compiles the biosafety consensus documents developed by the OECD Working Party on the Harmonisation of Regulatory Oversight in Biotechnology from 2019 to 2021. It deals with the biology of APPLE, SAFFLOWER and RICE, three important crops for agriculture and consumption worldwide. For each plant species, the book includes elements of taxonomy, morphology, centres of origin, life cycle, reproductive biology, genetics, outcrossing, crop production and cultivation practices, interaction with other organisms, main pests and pathogens, and biotechnological developments. The science-based information collated here is available for use during the risk assessment of transgenic varieties intended for release in the environment. Prepared by authorities from OECD Members and other economies associated with the work, this publication should be of value to crop breeders, applicants for agricultural production of new varieties of apple, safflower and rice, national regulators and risk assessors when conducting biosafety assessments on these varieties obtained from modern biotechnology, as well as the wider scientific community. More information is found at BioTrack Online.

These OECD Biosafety Consensus Documents identify elements of scientific information used in the environmental safety and risk assessment of transgenic organisms which are common to OECD member countries.  This is intended to encourage information sharing and prevent duplication of effort among countries. This book offers ready access to those consensus documents which have been published thus far. As such, it should be of value to applicants for commercial uses of transgenic crops, regulators in national authorities as well as the wider scientific community. More information on the OECD's work related to the biosafety of transgenic organisms is found at BioTrack Online (http://www.oecd.org/biotrack).

These OECD Biosafety Consensus Documents identify elements of scientific information used in the environmental safety and risk assessment of transgenic organisms which are common to OECD member countries.  This is intended to encourage information sharing and prevent duplication of effort among countries. This book offers ready access to those consensus documents which have been published thus far. As such, it should be of value to applicants for commercial uses of transgenic crops, regulators in national authorities as well as the wider scientific community. More information on the OECD's work related to the biosafety of transgenic organisms is found at BioTrack Online (http://www.oecd.org/biotrack).

The books on “Safety Assessment of Transgenic Organisms” constitute a compilation of the OECD Biosafety Consensus Documents. When published, Volume 1 and 2 contained the documents issued before 2006; Volume 3 and 4 are a continuation of the compilation up to 2010.

The OECD Biosafety Consensus Documents identify elements of scientific information used in the environmental safety and risk assessment of transgenic organisms which are common to OECD member countries and some non members associated with the work. This is intended to encourage information sharing, promote harmonised practices, and prevent duplication of effort among countries.

These books offer ready access to those consensus documents which have been issued on the website thus far. As such, it should be of value to applicants for commercial uses of transgenic organisms (crops, trees, microorganisms), to regulators and risk assessors in national authorities, as well as the wider scientific community.

More information on the OECD's work related to the biosafety of transgenic organisms is found at BioTrack Online (http://www.oecd.org/biotrack).

The books on “Safety Assessment of Transgenic Organisms” constitute a compilation of the OECD Biosafety Consensus Documents. When published, Volume 1 and 2 contained the documents issued before 2006; Volume 3 and 4 are a continuation of the compilation up to 2010.

The OECD Biosafety Consensus Documents identify elements of scientific information used in the environmental safety and risk assessment of transgenic organisms which are common to OECD member countries and some non members associated with the work. This is intended to encourage information sharing, promote harmonised practices, and prevent duplication of effort among countries.

These books offer ready access to those consensus documents which have been issued on the website thus far. As such, it should be of value to applicants for commercial uses of transgenic organisms (crops, trees, microorganisms), to regulators and risk assessors in national authorities, as well as the wider scientific community.

More information on the OECD's work related to the biosafety of transgenic organisms is found at BioTrack Online (http://www.oecd.org/biotrack).

  • 21 Dec 2018
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 63

Safety Management Systems (SMS) helps managers better monitor and understand the safety performance of their organisation. Increasingly prevalent in the past two decades, SMS provide a rigorous framework for analysing hazards and controlling risks.

This report reviews the history and the workings of SMS and addresses the role of the regulator in an SMS environment. It discusses how to overcome obstacles to SMS implementation, introduces resilience engineering as a way to measure the effectiveness of SMS and finally examines how accident investigations can help address deficiencies in the SMS. Many of the concepts and notions brought forward in this report apply equally to all modes of transport as well as any industry that operates with inherent hazards that can lead to safety risks.

  • 09 Mar 1998
  • OECD, Nuclear Energy Agency
  • Pages: 68

The OECD Nuclear Energy Agency co-operates with both the central and eastern European countries and the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union in planning and executing safety research programmes. The purpose is to build up know-how and capabilities in safety technology pertaining to their nuclear power plants. In this report, senior safety experts from Russia and Western countries review the nuclear-safety research needed to improve the safety of Russian-designed nuclear power reactors. They have selected a number of important research topics to which priority should be given. They have also identified nuclear-safety research topics that would benefit from a collaborative effort between eastern and western nuclear-safety researchers.

  • 04 May 1999
  • OECD
  • Pages: 142

More than 75 000 people are killed each year on rural roads in OECD countries; this represents about 60% of fatal road crashes. This loss of lives has an economic cost of around US$135 billion per year. The relative share of rural road fatalities in total road fatalities has risen from less than 55% in 1980 to more than 60% in 1996. While there has been a reduction in the total number of road fatalities in OECD countries during the past 20 years, it is clear that safety improvements on motorways and urban roads have been more successful than those on rural roads.

Following an in-depth review of the characteristics of road crashes in rural areas, the book proposes a series of safety measures, focusing on infrastructure management, enforcement, innovative tools, such as intelligent transport systems, and trauma management. The book strives to raise the awareness of road users, decision makers and politicians of the importance of road safety in rural areas. It is a very useful handbook for local, regional or national authorities seeking to improve -- sometimes at very low cost -- safety on rural roads.

  • 04 Oct 2010
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 55

Does deregulation reduce rail safety? Many countries have envisaged or implemented pro-competitive regulatory reforms of their rail sectors. Concerns have been voiced regarding the impact of these reforms on rail safety performance, especially in cases of reforms that have privatised or deregulated state ownership and control of railways. This report addresses these concerns with a detailed investigation of pre- and post-reform rail safety data in countries where complete and comparable data exists.

  • 25 Apr 2000
  • European Conference of Ministers of Transport
  • Pages: 112

Between 1997 and 1999 the ECMT issued three reports and three resolutions on safety in road traffic for vulnerable users, namely cyclists, pedestrians and users of two-wheeled motorised vehicles (mopeds and motorcycles). These studies form part of a wider area of review which, in addition to road safety itself, takes into account the demographic trend in ECMT countries - population ageing - and the highly topical issues of mobility, land use planning, the environment and public health. The measures recommended (whether general or specific to each user category) show that much remains to be done to ensure the safety of vulnerable users. The aim is not to promote a single model, but to develop strategies tailored to the specific features of each country. This publication should enable all concerned to take stock of the different approaches developed in ECMT countries and to find guidance in examples of "good practice".

  • 05 Oct 2001
  • OECD, World Road Association
  • Pages: 92

A serious incident involving dangerous goods in a tunnel can be extremely costly in terms of loss of human lives, environmental degradation, tunnel damage and transport disruption. On the other hand, needlessly banning dangerous goods from tunnels may create unjustified economic costs. Moreover, such a ban might force operators to use more dangerous routes, such as densely populated areas, and thus increase the overall risk. This report proposes regulations and procedures to increase the safety and efficiency of transporting dangerous goods through road tunnels. It introduces two models, developed as part of the study: the first quantifies the risks involved in transporting dangerous goods through tunnels and by road; the second, a decision-support model, assists in the determination of the restrictions which need to be applied to the transport of dangerous goods through tunnels. Finally, measures to reduce both the risks and the consequences of incidents in tunnels are examined in detail.

  • 12 Jan 2002
  • OECD
  • Pages: 124

Approximately 125 000 people die every year on the roads of OECD countries. In other words, one road crash victim dies every four minutes. The real tragedy is that, to a large extent, these crashes and the resultant deaths and injuries could be prevented.

This report identifies and assesses "best practices" among road safety programmes in OECD countries. Emphasis is placed on those programmes that have been evaluated. In addition, the underlying criteria that influence the success or failure of these "best practices" are identified to facilitate the development of effective road safety policies in Member countries.


This book describes the instruments underlying the PISA 2000 assessment. It introduces the PISA approach to assessing reading, mathematical and scientific literacy with its three dimensions of process, content and context. Further, it presents a sample of PISA 2000 tasks, and explains how these tasks were scored and how they relate to the conceptual framework underlying PISA.

Croatian, German, Spanish

The chemical industry is one of the largest industrial sectors in the world and is expected to grow fourfold by 2060. Indeed modern life without chemicals would be inconceivable. Given the potential environmental and human health risks from exposure to chemicals, governments and industry have a major responsibility to ensure that chemicals are produced and used safely.

The OECD assists countries in developing and implementing policies and instruments that protect human health and the environment, and in making their systems for managing chemicals as efficient as possible. To eliminate duplication of work and avoid non-tariff barriers to trade, emphasis has been on developing shared frameworks for gathering and assessing information on potential chemical risks. The time-tested OECD Mutual Acceptance of Data (MAD) system provides a major basis for generating savings to governments and industry. This report provides an overview of the benefits and estimates the total savings from OECD work to be more than EUR 309 million per year.

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