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In demystifying the concept of market-like instruments, this study explains how to make better use of market-like instruments in fisheries management by identifying practical steps that can be taken to further their use. The findings of the study are based on a survey of the use of market-like instruments in OECD fisheries in which the key characteristics of these instruments in different countries are identified. It finds that market-like instruments have generally improved the economic efficiency of the sector, and have helped to ensure the sustainability of fish stocks.
This study considers advantages of relying on micro-data to assess average tax rates on labour, capital and transfer income and presents some illustrative results. The analysis emphases the importance of matching taxpayer-level information to income flows, and notes difficulties in interpreting tax rates that average over all taxpayers. It also illustrates the importance of loss adjustments in measuring effective tax rates on capital income, and reports evidence of significant variation in corporate average tax rates by sector and firm asset size.
A Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) is a system to collect and disseminate information on environmental releases and transfers of pollutants from industrial and other facilities. Among the most important applications of PRTRs is their use to inform decisions, gain insight, identify opportunities, and assess progress related to sustainability. The OECD Framework on the Role of Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers (PRTRs) in Global Sustainability Analyses describes the role of PRTRs in sustainable development and illustrates how PRTR data and information can be used to assess progress towards global sustainability. Based on the Framework, this analysis developed approaches for using PRTR data from multiple countries to conduct a global-scale analysis focused on assessing progress towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically Goal 12, Target 12.4. This target focuses on sound chemical management, reducing releases of chemicals to the environment, and minimising the adverse impacts of chemical releases on human health and the environment.
A general consensus has been reached among technical experts that high-level radioactive waste can safely be disposed of in deep geological repositories. Safety studies are carried out to evaluate the overall capacity of a particular disposal site to confine waste and minimise radioactive releases. Since the principal way in which radioactive elements might eventually reach the biosphere is by transport of dissolved radionuclides in groundwater, the safety study calculations must be able to estimate their rate of transfer through each of the barriers surrounding the repository.
It is well known that, for many radioelements, sorption reactions can lead to a reduction of the amount of radionuclides present in the solution phase. How best to take radionuclide sorption reactions into account in repository performance assessment models is the subject of this book.
Accelerator-driven systems (ADS) are being considered for their potential use in the transmutation of radioactive waste. The performance of such hybrid nuclear systems depends to a large extent on the specification and reliability of high power accelerators, as well as the integration of the accelerator with spallation targets and sub-critical systems. At present, much R&D work is still required in order to demonstrate the desired capability of the system as a whole.
Accelerator scientists and reactor physicists from around the world gathered at an NEA workshop to discuss issues of common interest and to present the most recent achievements in their research. Discussions focused on accelerator reliability; target, window and coolant technology; sub-critical system design and ADS simulations; safety and control of ADS; and ADS experiments and test facilities. These proceedings contain the technical papers presented at the workshop as well as summaries of the working group discussions held. They will be of particular interest to scientists working on ADS development as well as on radioactive waste management issues in general.
Accelerator-driven systems (ADS) are being considered for their potential use in the transmutation of radioactive waste. The performance of such hybrid nuclear systems depends to a large extent on the specification and reliability of high power accelerators, as well as the integration of the accelerator with spallation targets and sub-critical systems. At present, much R&D work is still required in order to demonstrate the desired capability of the system as a whole.
Accelerator scientists and reactor physicists from around the world gathered at an NEA workshop to discuss issues of common interest and to present the most recent achievements in their research. Discussions focused on accelerator reliability; target, window and coolant technology; sub-critical system design and ADS simulations; safety and control of ADS; and ADS experiments and test facilities. These proceedings contain the technical papers presented at the workshop as well as summaries of the working group discussions held. They will be of particular interest to scientists working on ADS development as well as on radioactive waste management issues in general.
R&D activities and construction plans related to high power proton accelerators are being considered in various countries to promote basic and applied sciences. Both accelerator scientists and reactor physicists gathered at an NEA workshop to discuss the reliability of the accelerator; spallation target design characteristics; safety and operational characteristics of a sub-critical system driven by a spallation source; and test facilities. These proceedings contain all the technical papers presented at the workshop, as well as summaries of the discussions held during each technical session.
High power proton accelerators are being studied for their potential use in the transmutation of nuclear waste. The Second Workshop on Utilisation and Reliability of High Power Proton Accelerators, organised by the NEA Nuclear Science Committee, placed special emphasis on accelerator-driven system (ADS) concepts comprising a sub-critical reactor coupled with a high power accelerator.
The information provided in these proceedings will primarily be of interest to scientists working on accelerator-driven systems, but also to those involved in the construction of high power accelerators.
The use of high power particle accelerators in various areas of applied nuclear science is presented with special emphasis on accelerator driven reactor systems (ADS) for transmutation of nuclear waste. National programmes for the development of spallation neutron sources are presented and the performance and reliability of existing or planned accelerators for use in ADS are discussed. Effects, such as thermal shocks and material resistance, on the reactor part of an ADS from loss of accelerator beam are discussed in greater detail.
Uzbekistan’s broad economic reforms were expanded to cover energy in 2019 when the government launched a multiphase transition from the state-owned and -operated and subsidised energy sector model to competitive gas, oil and electricity markets with significant private-sector participation and cost-covering energy prices.
The reform plans to diversify the country’s energy supply, which domestic natural gas continues to dominate in all sectors, including transport. Natural gas exports will be phased out by 2025 and the gas will be used increasingly to expand petrochemicals production, while Uzbekistan’s significant but unexploited solar and wind resources will be harnessed to help build a cleaner power sector to 2030. While energy use per capita is low, the country’s economy remains one of the most energy-intensive in the world, and massive potential remains to improve energy efficiency through incentives and mandates.
This report is intended to help guide Uzbekistan towards a more secure, sustainable and efficient energy future.It proposes several ways to support the government in its reform efforts. The gradual transition to competitive markets and withdrawal of subsidies should be accompanied by support measures for those most in need. For the reform to succeed, an independent and well-resourced energy regulator is also necessary. Furthermore, the financial imbalances in the state-owned energy companies must be addressed and their re emergence avoided.
For the long term, as Uzbekistan’s population, cities and economy are projected to grow strongly, a cross-sectoral approach is required to limit the increase in energy demand and energy-related greenhouse gas emissions.
Mientras que antes las iniciativas anticorrupción eran dominio de los Estados y gobiernos, ahora el sector privado se ha convertido en un actor esencial, lo que supone un cambio de paradigma significativo respecto a los primeros tiempos del desarrollo de políticas anticorrupción. Esta Guía de recursos proporciona a los Estados un marco para identificar y aplicar una combinación adecuada de sanciones e incentivos para fomentar la integridad empresarial. Refleja los últimos avances en el panorama mundial de la lucha contra la corrupción y contiene estudios de casos que sirven para compartir información y prácticas y proporcionar inspiración a los Estados y al sector privado.
Questo rapporto offre una panoramica sul sistema di pianificazione delle infrastrutture verdi e sull’uso di soluzioni basate sulla natura in Italia. Identifica le sfide e le criticita’ principali per la loro realizzazione e delinea una serie di raccomandazioni volte a promuovere l’utilizzo di questi due strumenti a diversi livelli di governo. Il rapporto analizza anche quattro casi di studio individuati in accordo con il Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti: il Nodo Verde di Bari, la linea M4 della rete metropolitana di Milano, la diga di Ridracoli in Emilia-Romagna e la linea ferroviaria Bicocca-Catenanuova.
Los gobiernos pueden utilizar la inteligencia artificial (IA) para diseñar mejores políticas, tomar decisiones más acertadas y específicas y mejorar la comunicación con los ciudadanos y la calidad de los servicios públicos. La región de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) está tratando de aprovechar el potencial de la IA para promover la transformación digital del sector público. La OCDE, en colaboración con CAF, Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina, preparó este informe para entender la línea base de acciones estratégicas y capacidades para la IA en el sector público; identificar los enfoques y acciones específicas para usar esta tecnología en la construcción de gobiernos eficientes, eficaces y receptivos; e impulsar la colaboración en la búsqueda de una visión regional para la IA en el sector público. Este informe incorpora un balance de las estrategias y compromisos de cada país en torno a la IA en el sector público, incluyendo su alineación con los Principios de IA de la OCDE. También incluye un análisis de los esfuerzos realizados para crear capacidades clave de gobernanza y poner en marcha los facilitadores críticos de la IA en el sector público. Concluye con una serie de recomendaciones para los gobiernos de ALC.
PEMEX, una de las compañías petroleras más grandes del mundo con 150.000 empleados y un presupuesto anual en 2015 de alrededor de MXN 570 mil millones, es también el mayor comprador de bienes y servicios en el sector público mexicano. En 2013, una reforma abrió el sector energético a la competencia y al mismo tiempo mantuvo la propiedad de los hidrocarburos de México bajo control estatal. Luego de esta reforma, PEMEX está sujeto a nuevas reglas de adquisiciones que apuntan a hacer que los procesos de adquisiciones sean más eficientes y efectivos. La OCDE analizó el nuevo régimen y procedimientos de adquisiciones de PEMEX. El informe resultante presenta las principales conclusiones y ofrece recomendaciones para promover la competencia y luchar contra la manipulación de licitaciones de acuerdo con las mejores prácticas internacionales.
Dieser Bericht beschreibt die Funktionen von POS-Systemen sowie die speziellen Risikobereiche, die dabei für Steuerverwaltungen bestehen. Er erläutert im Einzelnen die aufgedeckten Techniken der Umsatzverkürzung mittels elektronischer Kassensysteme, namentlich „Phantomware“ und „Zapper“, und zeigt auf, wie die Anwendung solcher Methoden von Betriebsprüfern und Steuerfahndern entdeckt werden kann. Der Bericht befasst sich zudem mit einer Reihe von Strategien, die in verschiedenen Ländern zur Bekämpfung solcher Methoden der Umsatzverkürzung eingesetzt werden, und stellt Beispiele bester Praxis vor. Dazu liefert er eine Reihe von Empfehlungen, die den Ländern bei der Bewältigung dieses wichtigen Risikofaktors helfen können.