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Year Index

  • 17 Nov 2021
  • OECD
  • Pages: 128

Few small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) scale up, but these few fast growing firms are the major driver of new jobs added to OECD economies. This report helps policy makers get a grip on growth of those few SMEs by considering the transformation they undergo before, during and after their high-growth phase. Based on analysis of detailed firm-level data in a pilot project implemented for Finland, Italy, Portugal, the Slovak Republic and Spain, the report shows that SMEs in all types of places, of all ages and in all sectors have the potential to scale up. The strength of the potential does, however, vary. Getting a grip on growth of SMEs can pay important dividends as scalers contribute the majority of new jobs created by SMEs during their high-growth phase, but also continue to contribute positively to aggregate job creation and aggregate growth in turnover in the following years. A closer look at the characteristics of SMEs that scale up compared to similar “peers” that do not, shows that scaling is likely a strategic choice and includes investments and other preparatory transformation in the years preceding scaling up.

  • 06 Nov 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 424

Understanding Financial Accounts seeks to show how a range of questions on financial developments can be answered with the framework of financial accounts and balance sheets, by providing non-technical explanations illustrated with practical examples: What are the basic principles, concepts and definitions used for this framework which is part of the system of national accounts? What sources and which methodologies are used for their compilation? How are these used to monitor and analyse economic and financial developments? What can we learn about the 2007-2009 economic and financial crisis when looking at the numbers provided in this framework? What can we learn about financial risks and vulnerabilities? This publication is intended for young statisticians, students, journalists, economists, policy makers and citizens, who want to know more about the statistics that are at the heart of the analysis of financial developments in OECD economies.

  • 11 Dec 2015
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 116

A combination of rapidly increasing energy demand and fuel imports plus growing concern about economic and environmental consequences is generating growing calls for effective and thorough energy governance in India. Numerous policy reforms over the past 20 years have shifted the country’s energy sector from a state-dominated system towards one that is based on market principles. However, with the reform process left unfinished, India now finds itself trapped halfway along the transition to an open and well-performing energy sector.

India suffered from the largest power outage ever in late July 2012, affecting nearly half of the population. While this incident highlights the importance of modern and smart energy systems, it indicates that the country is increasingly unable to deliver a secure supply of energy to its population, a quarter of which still lacks access to electricity.
Understanding Energy Challenges in India aims to provide an informative and holistic understanding of India’s energy sector to stakeholders in India as well as the broad public.

The publication explores in detail the policies, players and issues of the country’s power, coal, oil and gas, renewables and nuclear sectors. It also highlights the key challenges India faces, challenges that must be resolved for the evolution of the fast-growing country’s energy sector towards a sustainable energy future and eventually critical for the prospects of the Indian and global economies.

  • 08 Oct 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 196

Drawing on OECD statistics in particular, ‘Understanding Economic Statistics: an OECD perspective' shows readers how to use statistics to understand the world economy. It gives an overview of the history, key concepts and the main providers of economic statistics. A detailed chapter provides a comprehensive picture of the main statistical activities of the OECD.  Finally, the book explores the crucial issue of quality assurance and the implications for public trust.


This book is a unique tool providing facts, figures and analysis of economic growth in OECD countries. The analysis focuses on the growth patterns of OECD countries during the last decade and identifies the fundamental drivers of growth. It also looks at how and why countries react differently to these drivers. It examines growth at the macro-economic level, industry level and firm level and also analyses the contribution of information technology (IT) at each of these levels. Packed with over 50 tables and figures, the book provides unique data to better understand the reality of economic growth.

German, Portuguese, French
  • 01 May 2019
  • OECD
  • Pages: 173

Middle-class households feel left behind and have questioned the benefits of economic globalisation. In many OECD countries, middle incomes have grown less than the average and in some they have not grown at all. Technology has automated several middle-skilled jobs that used to be carried out by middle-class workers a few decades ago. The costs of some goods and services such as housing, which are essential for a middle-class lifestyle, have risen faster than earnings and overall inflation. Faced with this, middle classes have reduced their ability to save and in some cases have fallen into debt. This report sheds light on the multiple pressures on the middle class. It analyses the trends of middle-income households through dimensions such as labour occupation, consumption, wealth and debt, as well as perceptions and social attitudes. It also discusses policy initiatives to address the concerns raised by the middle class, by protecting middle-class living standards and financial security in the face of economic challenges.


Recent years have seen a number of initiatives which seek to provide a range of community services on school sites, including adult education and other social and welfare services. These developments aim at co-ordinating more effectively services which are usually provided separately while optimizing the use of increasingly sophisticated and expensive educational buildings and equipment. However, providing integrated services "under one roof" poses a number of practical problems. What is the rationale for integrated service provision? What are the implications for the local authorities, planners and architects in charge of designing school sites that meet new requirements? This report presents the main lessons learned from a conference held in Stockholm, drawing on case studies from Finland, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Quebec, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The case studies provide a wealth of examples of solutions to the challenge of optimizing the use of existing schools by better integrating them into local communities and by promoting new synergies with other services.

  • 13 Oct 2006
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 384

Ukraine has one of the most energy-intensive economies in the industrialised world. While energy consumption has dropped since the country’s independence, reliance on imports, particularly on gas from Russia, has not declined. This report examines how the Ukraine can meet these challenges.  It identifies three key priority areas for action: energy efficiency, cost-reflective pricing and transparency. Efficiency represents not only Ukraine’s single best opportunity to improve energy security but is also vital for the country’s growth and development. The report covers all aspects of the energy sector, such as energy demand, the policy framework and subsectors including energy efficiency, oil, gas, coal, electricity, district heating and renewable energy.

  • 05 Dec 2023
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 108

Uganda’s Energy Transition Plan (ETP) is a strategic roadmap for the development and modernisation of Uganda’s energy sector. It charts an ambitious, yet feasible pathway to achieve universal access to modern energy and power the country’s economic transformation in a sustainable and secure way. The plan was developed by Uganda’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, with support from the International Energy Agency, and provides the groundwork for the government’s upcoming Integrated Energy Resource Master Plan.

The analysis does not just look at Uganda in isolation but considers how global trends are influencing and opening up new opportunities, notably driven by rapidly evolving clean technology costs and shifts in energy and climate finance. Particular focus is paid to making use of the country’s considerable energy and mineral resources, and parlaying this into economic development for Uganda, a core pillar to ensure the pathway in the ETP is a just and inclusive one. The report provides detailed sector-by-sector analysis, including key targets and milestones, estimates of investment needs, and includes high-level recommendations for its implementation. While the focus of the report is from now to 2050, the ETP also highlights key steps to further the energy sector’s decarbonisation beyond 2050 and estimates at what point the energy sector is poised to reach net zero.

  • 10 Nov 2023
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 184

This in-depth review of the energy policies of Uganda follows the format used by the International Energy Agency (IEA) for its peer reviews for member countries. This process supports energy policy development and encourages the exchange of international best practices and experiences.

Uganda has set an ambitious agenda to develop its substantial energy and mineral resources, promote economic development, end energy poverty, and lead the country to a just energy transition. Uganda’s stated objective in Vision 2040 is to transform into “a modern and prosperous country”, ensuring a better future for its citizens. The energy sector will play an important role in helping Uganda achieve this.

The newly launched Energy Policy for Uganda 2023 will serve as a crucial tool and major contribution to the country’s ambitious agenda. Uganda already has in place much of the technical expertise, government institutions and policy frameworks to reach its energy goals. It has also made significant progress over the past two decades in providing access to electricity and expanding generation capacity, and further ambition is encouraged to achieve universal energy access by 2040.

This report assesses the energy sector and the related challenges facing Uganda and serves as a situational analysis that feeds into the development of the country’s Energy Transition Plan to provide policy recommendations and support the development of the energy sector and the path towards universal access for all.

  • 28 Jun 2024
  • OECD, United Nations
  • Pages: 110

Mientras que antes las iniciativas anticorrupción eran dominio de los Estados y gobiernos, ahora el sector privado se ha convertido en un actor esencial, lo que supone un cambio de paradigma significativo respecto a los primeros tiempos del desarrollo de políticas anticorrupción. Esta Guía de recursos proporciona a los Estados un marco para identificar y aplicar una combinación adecuada de sanciones e incentivos para fomentar la integridad empresarial. Refleja los últimos avances en el panorama mundial de la lucha contra la corrupción y contiene estudios de casos que sirven para compartir información y prácticas y proporcionar inspiración a los Estados y al sector privado.

French, English
  • 12 Jul 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 144

EU Funded Note

Questo rapporto offre una panoramica sul sistema di pianificazione delle infrastrutture verdi e sull’uso di soluzioni basate sulla natura in Italia. Identifica le sfide e le criticita’ principali per la loro realizzazione e delinea una serie di raccomandazioni volte a promuovere l’utilizzo di questi due strumenti a diversi livelli di governo. Il rapporto analizza anche quattro casi di studio individuati in accordo con il Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti: il Nodo Verde di Bari, la linea M4 della rete metropolitana di Milano, la diga di Ridracoli in Emilia-Romagna e la linea ferroviaria Bicocca-Catenanuova.

  • 14 Sept 2022
  • OECD, CAF Development Bank of Latin America
  • Pages: 209

Los gobiernos pueden utilizar la inteligencia artificial (IA) para diseñar mejores políticas, tomar decisiones más acertadas y específicas y mejorar la comunicación con los ciudadanos y la calidad de los servicios públicos. La región de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) está tratando de aprovechar el potencial de la IA para promover la transformación digital del sector público. La OCDE, en colaboración con CAF, Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina, preparó este informe para entender la línea base de acciones estratégicas y capacidades para la IA en el sector público; identificar los enfoques y acciones específicas para usar esta tecnología en la construcción de gobiernos eficientes, eficaces y receptivos; e impulsar la colaboración en la búsqueda de una visión regional para la IA en el sector público. Este informe incorpora un balance de las estrategias y compromisos de cada país en torno a la IA en el sector público, incluyendo su alineación con los Principios de IA de la OCDE. También incluye un análisis de los esfuerzos realizados para crear capacidades clave de gobernanza y poner en marcha los facilitadores críticos de la IA en el sector público. Concluye con una serie de recomendaciones para los gobiernos de ALC.


PEMEX, una de las compañías petroleras más grandes del mundo con 150.000 empleados y un presupuesto anual en 2015 de alrededor de MXN 570 mil millones, es también el mayor comprador de bienes y servicios en el sector público mexicano. En 2013, una reforma abrió el sector energético a la competencia y al mismo tiempo mantuvo la propiedad de los hidrocarburos de México bajo control estatal. Luego de esta reforma, PEMEX está sujeto a nuevas reglas de adquisiciones que apuntan a hacer que los procesos de adquisiciones sean más eficientes y efectivos. La OCDE analizó el nuevo régimen y procedimientos de adquisiciones de PEMEX. El informe resultante presenta las principales conclusiones y ofrece recomendaciones para promover la competencia y luchar contra la manipulación de licitaciones de acuerdo con las mejores prácticas internacionales.


Dieser Bericht beschreibt die Funktionen von POS-Systemen sowie die speziellen Risikobereiche, die dabei für Steuerverwaltungen bestehen. Er erläutert im Einzelnen die aufgedeckten Techniken der Umsatzverkürzung mittels elektronischer Kassensysteme, namentlich „Phantomware“ und „Zapper“, und zeigt auf, wie die Anwendung solcher Methoden von Betriebsprüfern und Steuerfahndern entdeckt werden kann. Der Bericht befasst sich zudem mit einer Reihe von Strategien, die in verschiedenen Ländern zur Bekämpfung solcher Methoden der Umsatzverkürzung eingesetzt werden, und stellt Beispiele bester Praxis vor. Dazu liefert er eine Reihe von Empfehlungen, die den Ländern bei der Bewältigung dieses wichtigen Risikofaktors helfen können.

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