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The Public Management Occasional Papers are specialised reports prepared for the work of the OECD's Public Management Committee. Member countries are increasingly financing government services through user charging. The objective of user charging is not only to achieve cost recovery from users, but also to make government services more effective and efficient. This report presents the OECD Best Practice Guidelines for User Charging for Government Services and accompanying case studies.

Government consumption of products and services in OECD Member countries is estimated to be responsible for 9 to 25% of GDP. Given the importance of public purchasing, national and local authorities have been paying increasing attention to the opportunities to improve the environment by selecting environmentally sounder products. This publication describes the successes, the efforts and the difficulties encountered within Member countries by focusing on the role and concerns of the officials that operate purchasing. Also, it shows how greener public purchasing can support a number of other crucial policy objectives such as the reduction of government operating costs, the improvement of governance, and the reduction of greenhouse gases.

English, French

En la primera publicación conjunta de las Naciones Unidas, la OCDE, el Banco Mundial y el FMI, las 4 principales instituciones mundiales para el desarrollo evalúan el progreso hacia los objetivos de reducción de la pobreza y llegar a un convenio para adelantar en el futuro. Los objetivos de desarrollo internacional se refieren al más apremiante de los anhelos humanos: un mundo sin pobreza y libre de la aflicción que ésta genera. El presente informe se centra en siete objetivos que, de alcanzarse en los 15 próximos años, mejorarán la vida de millones de personas. En palabras e imágenes, con cifras y gráficos, describe cuánto se ha avanzado, qué se ha logrado y qué hay que hacer para alcanzar esos objetivos.

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