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Year Index

  • 04 Oct 2022
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 154

Uzbekistan’s broad economic reforms were expanded to cover energy in 2019 when the government launched a multiphase transition from the state-owned and -operated and subsidised energy sector model to competitive gas, oil and electricity markets with significant private-sector participation and cost-covering energy prices.

The reform plans to diversify the country’s energy supply, which domestic natural gas continues to dominate in all sectors, including transport. Natural gas exports will be phased out by 2025 and the gas will be used increasingly to expand petrochemicals production, while Uzbekistan’s significant but unexploited solar and wind resources will be harnessed to help build a cleaner power sector to 2030. While energy use per capita is low, the country’s economy remains one of the most energy-intensive in the world, and massive potential remains to improve energy efficiency through incentives and mandates.

This report is intended to help guide Uzbekistan towards a more secure, sustainable and efficient energy future.It proposes several ways to support the government in its reform efforts. The gradual transition to competitive markets and withdrawal of subsidies should be accompanied by support measures for those most in need. For the reform to succeed, an independent and well-resourced energy regulator is also necessary. Furthermore, the financial imbalances in the state-owned energy companies must be addressed and their re emergence avoided.

For the long term, as Uzbekistan’s population, cities and economy are projected to grow strongly, a cross-sectoral approach is required to limit the increase in energy demand and energy-related greenhouse gas emissions.

Accelerator-driven systems (ADS) are being considered for their potential use in the transmutation of radioactive waste. The performance of such hybrid nuclear systems depends to a large extent on the specification and reliability of high power accelerators, as well as the integration of the accelerator with spallation targets and sub-critical systems. At present, much R&D work is still required in order to demonstrate the desired capability of the system as a whole.

Accelerator scientists and reactor physicists from around the world gathered at an NEA workshop to discuss issues of common interest and to present the most recent achievements in their research. Discussions focused on accelerator reliability; target, window and coolant technology; sub-critical system design and ADS simulations; safety and control of ADS; and ADS experiments and test facilities. These proceedings contain the technical papers presented at the workshop as well as summaries of the working group discussions held. They will be of particular interest to scientists working on ADS development as well as on radioactive waste management issues in general.

Accelerator-driven systems (ADS) are being considered for their potential use in the transmutation of radioactive waste. The performance of such hybrid nuclear systems depends to a large extent on the specification and reliability of high power accelerators, as well as the integration of the accelerator with spallation targets and sub-critical systems. At present, much R&D work is still required in order to demonstrate the desired capability of the system as a whole.

Accelerator scientists and reactor physicists from around the world gathered at an NEA workshop to discuss issues of common interest and to present the most recent achievements in their research. Discussions focused on accelerator reliability; target, window and coolant technology; sub-critical system design and ADS simulations; safety and control of ADS; and ADS experiments and test facilities. These proceedings contain the technical papers presented at the workshop as well as summaries of the working group discussions held. They will be of particular interest to scientists working on ADS development as well as on radioactive waste management issues in general.

R&D activities and construction plans related to high power proton accelerators are being considered in various countries to promote basic and applied sciences. Both accelerator scientists and reactor physicists gathered at an NEA workshop to discuss the reliability of the accelerator; spallation target design characteristics; safety and operational characteristics of a sub-critical system driven by a spallation source; and test facilities. These proceedings contain all the technical papers presented at the workshop, as well as summaries of the discussions held during each technical session.

High power proton accelerators are being studied for their potential use in the transmutation of nuclear waste. The Second Workshop on Utilisation and Reliability of High Power Proton Accelerators, organised by the NEA Nuclear Science Committee, placed special emphasis on accelerator-driven system (ADS) concepts comprising a sub-critical reactor coupled with a high power accelerator.

The information provided in these proceedings will primarily be of interest to scientists working on accelerator-driven systems, but also to those involved in the construction of high power accelerators.

The use of high power particle accelerators in various areas of applied nuclear science is presented with special emphasis on accelerator driven reactor systems (ADS) for transmutation of nuclear waste. National programmes for the development of spallation neutron sources are presented and the performance and reliability of existing or planned accelerators for use in ADS are discussed. Effects, such as thermal shocks and material resistance, on the reactor part of an ADS from loss of accelerator beam are discussed in greater detail.

A general consensus has been reached among technical experts that high-level radioactive waste can safely be disposed of in deep geological repositories. Safety studies are carried out to evaluate the overall capacity of a particular disposal site to confine waste and minimise radioactive releases. Since the principal way in which radioactive elements might eventually reach the biosphere is by transport of dissolved radionuclides in groundwater, the safety study calculations must be able to estimate their rate of transfer through each of the barriers surrounding the repository.

It is well known that, for many radioelements, sorption reactions can lead to a reduction of the amount of radionuclides present in the solution phase. How best to take radionuclide sorption reactions into account in repository performance assessment models is the subject of this book.

A Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) is a system to collect and disseminate information on environmental releases and transfers of pollutants from industrial and other facilities. Among the most important applications of PRTRs is their use to inform decisions, gain insight, identify opportunities, and assess progress related to sustainability. The OECD Framework on the Role of Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers (PRTRs) in Global Sustainability Analyses describes the role of PRTRs in sustainable development and illustrates how PRTR data and information can be used to assess progress towards global sustainability. Based on the Framework, this analysis developed approaches for using PRTR data from multiple countries to conduct a global-scale analysis focused on assessing progress towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically Goal 12, Target 12.4. This target focuses on sound chemical management, reducing releases of chemicals to the environment, and minimising the adverse impacts of chemical releases on human health and the environment.

  • 23 May 2003
  • OECD
  • Pages: 48

This study considers advantages of relying on micro-data to assess average tax rates on labour, capital and transfer income and presents some illustrative results. The analysis emphases the importance of matching taxpayer-level information to income flows, and notes difficulties in interpreting tax rates that average over all taxpayers. It also illustrates the importance of loss adjustments in measuring effective tax rates on capital income, and reports evidence of significant variation in corporate average tax rates by sector and firm asset size.


In demystifying the concept of market-like instruments, this study explains how to make better use of market-like instruments in fisheries management by identifying practical steps that can be taken to further their use. The findings of the study are based on a survey of the use of market-like instruments in OECD fisheries in which the key characteristics of these instruments in different countries are identified. It finds that market-like instruments have generally improved the economic efficiency of the sector, and have helped to ensure the sustainability of fish stocks.

  • 11 Oct 2001
  • OECD
  • Pages: 80

This book looks at Brazil’s recent experience in using knowledge for development. It examines the major barriers confronting the country in its transition towards a knowledge-based economy, and presents elements of a viable strategy which would allow it to step confidently into the future. However, while Brazil has tremendous strengths and the ability to take immense strides forward in the medium term, there are formidable challenges which need to be faced. The country continues to be plagued by a number of weaknesses, hampering its potential for economic, technological and social development.

The report argues that Brazil needs to put in place a more comprehensive policy framework for the broad diffusion of knowledge.The Brazilian innovation system and the productivity of research need to be strengthened, while the policy frameworks which are key for disseminating the outcomes of research throughout society as a whole need reinforcing. These reforms should be carried out in such a way that they help build effective links to industrial activity and lead to the creation of marketable products.

Transforming natural finite assets into human, social and physical capital is a key challenge for natural resource-rich countries. This report distils related lessons from the OECD Policy Dialogue on Natural Resource-based Development on natural resource revenue management and spending for sustainable development. This includes a guide on how natural resource-rich countries can ensure budget sustainability to support consistent spending over time. Further analysis focuses on the management of spending versus saving and the effectiveness of different spending mechanisms for sustainable development, making recommendations to address current challenges.

Digital technologies are increasingly present in young children’s lives. How can early education systems get the best out of digitalisation while minimising its risks? This is especially urgent as the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated our reliance on digital tools – tools that enabled young children to continue learning when early education centres and primary schools closed down.

It is in this context that the OECD conducted a policy survey covering 34 countries and jurisdictions. It investigates how digital technologies were used to provide distance education for young children in 2020, which challenges arose and what policy changes are in the pipeline for early education.

  • 05 May 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 23

A Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) is a publicly accessible database or inventory of chemicals or pollutants released to air, water and soil and transferred off-site for treatment. It brings together information about which chemicals are being released, where, how much and by whom. PRTRs provide a rich source of data for multiple uses and purposes. For facilitating better uses of PRTR data, this document compiles good practices of the data uses and tools for their presentation, which were gathered from member countries. It could illustrate the varied uses of PRTR data and encourage additional audiences to access PRTR data.

  • 26 Jul 2006
  • Charles P. Oman, Christiane Arndt
  • Pages: 122
Rapidly rising attention to the quality of governance in developing countries is driving explosive growth in the use of governance “indicators” by international investors, donors of official development assistance, development analysts and academics.  This study helps them find their way through the jungle of existing governance indicators, and shows how they tend to be widely misused both in international comparisons and in tracking changes in individual countries. It also explains recent developments in the supply of governance indicators, arguing that while there will never be one perfect governance indicator, the production and use of more transparent governance indicators will better serve the needs of users and developing countries alike.

"Highly informative and equally persuasive."
            -Adam Przeworski, Carroll and Milton Petrie Professor of Politics, New York University 

"Should be required reading by all who publish or use governance indicators, especially those who are making policy or offering policy advice."
            -John D. Sullivan, Executive Director, Center for International Private Enterprise 

“Given the proliferation of governance indicators, Arndt and Oman offer a welcome assessment of how existing studies are best interpreted and used by scholars, aid agencies, governments and businesses.  This careful appraisal of present knowledge will be the basis for launching the next round of inquires.” 
            -Hilton L. Root, Former U.S. Treasury Department Official, Author of Capital and Collusion, Princeton University Press.  

 “A seminal study. Extremely thorough. Should reach a very wide audience”
            -François Roubaud, Director of Research, Développement Institutions et Analyses de Long terme (DIAL)

  • 02 Dec 1998
  • European Conference of Ministers of Transport
  • Pages: 302

Now that railway infrastructure and train operations have been separated in Europe -- at least for accounting purposes -- user charges for infrastructure are progressively being introduced to cover the costs of running trains. However, because of the lack of experience in this field, it is difficult to set the amount and choose the most appropriate form for these charges. There are in fact major differences between countries, and the objectives are many and sometimes conflicting. Given this situation, the Round Table sought to highlight, through its introductory reports and discussions, some essential economic principles that can help to shed light on what a rational system of user charges for railway infrastructure might be and thereby make it possible to address a crucial aspect of railway reform in Europe.
Special attention is paid to the German, French, British and Swedish experience.

  • 18 Feb 2021
  • OECD
  • Pages: 93

This OECD Emission Scenario Document (ESD) is intended to provide information on the sources, use patterns, and potential release and exposure pathways of non-volatile chemicals used in Aqueous Film-Forming Foams (AFFFs) in firefighting applications. The document presents standard approaches for estimating the environmental releases of and occupational exposures to chemicals used in AFFF.

  • 01 Feb 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 86

This OECD Emission Scenario Document (ESD) provides information on the sources, use patterns, and potential release pathways of non-volatile chemicals used in textile dyes. The document focuses primarily on the application of dyes to fibers, yarns and fabrics by batch or continuous processes. The document presents standard approaches for estimating the environmental releases of and occupational exposures to non-volatile chemicals used in dye formulations.

  • 02 Apr 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 189

This OECD Emission Scenario Document (ESD) provides information on the sources, use patterns, and potential release pathways of chemicals used in adhesive products, specifically during the use of adhesives in various industries. The document presents standard approaches for estimating the environmental releases of and occupational exposures to additives and components used in adhesive formulations.

  • 21 Mar 2023
  • OECD, Sahel and West Africa Club
  • Pages: 120

North and West Africa are undergoing rapid urbanisation. While cities and urban areas have always been sites of conflict, given their political and economic importance, many insurgencies, rebellions and separatist movements are associated with rural areas. Has increased urbanisation led to increased conflict in cities or do conflicts stay predominantly rural? Combining a regional and local perspective, this report examines and maps the rural-urban geography of conflict in North and West Africa since the late 1990s. A qualitative analysis of ten cities helps to illuminate the local sources of conflict. At a time of increasing violence in West Africa, the report lays out a solid foundation for policy makers, experts and researchers to develop more security and development place-based policies.

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