  • 15 Oct 2024
  • OECD, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
  • Pages: 92

This Toolkit is a comprehensive guide designed to help policymakers and public sector leaders translate principles for safe, secure, and trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (AI) into actionable policies. AI can help improve the efficiency of internal operations, the effectiveness of policymaking, the responsiveness of public services, and overall transparency and accountability. Recognising both the opportunities and risks posed by AI, this toolkit provides practical insights, shares good practices for the use of AI in and by the public sector, integrates ethical considerations, and provides an overview of G7 trends. It further showcases public sector AI use cases, detailing their benefits, as well as the implementation challenges faced by G7 members, together with the emerging policy responses to guide and coordinate the development, deployment, and use of AI in the public sector. The toolkit finally highlights key stages and factors characterising the journey of public sector AI solutions.

  • 15 Oct 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 29

This report presents a mapping exercise to identify commonalities in digital identity approaches among G7 members that can support future interoperability efforts. These commonalities include shared concepts and definitions, the use of international technical standards and approaches to levels of assurance. The report was prepared at the request of the 2024 Italian G7 Presidency and G7 members, to inform discussions within the G7 Digital and Technology Working Group. It was launched during the G7 Digital and Technology Ministerial Meeting in Como, Italy, on 15 October 2024.

  • 14 Oct 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 64

The OECD’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) conducts peer reviews of individual members once every five to six years. Reviews seek to improve the quality and effectiveness of members’ development co-operation, highlighting good practices and recommending improvements.

Slovenia's official development assistance to Gross National Income ratio increased from 0.16% in 2017 to 0.19% in 2021, with a temporary uptick to 0.29% in 2022. This increase was mainly due to in-donor refugee costs related to Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine. Slovenia punches above its weight as it influences decision-making in multilateral organisations in line with its priorities, notably on water and gender. Partners value its strong support to the Western Balkans, anchored in its European Union accession experience, as well as its support to demining efforts around the world. This peer review provides a set of recommendations to focus its approach, ensure cross-government co-ordination, match financial and human resources to ambitions, and build stronger relationships with partners.


Le Comité d’aide au développement (CAD) de l’OCDE mène tous les cinq à six ans un examen par les pairs qui passe en revue les efforts de coopération pour le développement de chacun de ses membres. Ces examens visent à améliorer la qualité et l’efficacité de leur coopération, en mettant en évidence les bonnes pratiques et en recommandant des améliorations.

Le ratio d’aide publique au développement par rapport au revenu national brut de la Slovénie est passé de 0,16 % en 2017 à 0,19 % en 2021, avec une hausse temporaire à 0,29 % en 2022. Cette augmentation est principalement due aux coûts d’accueil des réfugiés liés à la guerre d'agression de la Russie contre l'Ukraine. La Slovénie exerce une influence significative au niveau multilatéral, conformément à ses priorités, notamment en matière d'eau et d’égalité des genres. Ses partenaires apprécient son soutien aux Balkans occidentaux, ancré dans son expérience d’adhésion à l’Union Européenne, tout comme son soutien aux efforts de déminage à travers le monde. Cet examen par les pairs recommande de cibler davantage son approche, d’améliorer la coordination intergouvernementale, d’adapter les ressources financières et humaines à ses ambitions et de construire des relations plus solides avec les partenaires.


This report analyses competition in public procurement in Hungary and the rationale behind the high prevalence of single bidding. It provides an empirical analysis of competition, using procurement data and several variables. It also provides recommendations on potential improvements to institutional and regulatory frameworks to foster competition and improve the Hungarian Government’s action plan to increase competition in public procurement from 2023 to 2026. Finally, it provides recommendations to improve the capacity of both contracting authorities and bidders regarding public procurement.

Tourism is a cornerstone of Spain's economy and a key driver of regional development. This report presents indicators to monitor tourism sustainability in Andalusia, Catalonia, Navarra, and the Region of Valencia, building on existing frameworks and good practices at international, national and regional level. A set of 30 indicators and 57 metrics is informed by key policy issues and priorities identified in existing tourism strategies and measurement frameworks in the four regions. They cover economic benefits, seasonality, local resident perceptions, accessibility, climate change mitigation and water management. A sub-set of ten ‘priority’ metrics has also been identified to monitor key policy issues and help prioritise action towards sustainable development. The report highlights avenues for future development to refine indicator methodologies and close existing data gaps on central policy issues such as cultural heritage, greenhouse gas emissions, waste and digitalisation.


El turismo es una pieza clave de la economía española y un factor esencial de desarrollo regional. En este informe se presentan indicadores que han de servir para controlar la sostenibilidad del turismo en Andalucía, Cataluña, Navarra y la Comunidad Valenciana, partiendo de los sistemas y buenas prácticas ya existentes a escala internacional, nacional y regional. Se ha elegido un conjunto de 30 indicadores y 57 parámetros orientados a los principales problemas políticos y prioridades identificados en las actuales estrategias turísticas y sistemas de medición de las cuatro regiones. Se centran en los beneficios económicos, la estacionalidad, la percepción por los residentes, la accesibilidad, la mitigación del cambio climático y la gestión del agua. También se ha definido un subconjunto de 10 parámetros «prioritarios» para controlar aspectos políticos esenciales y ayudar a priorizar la actuación hacia un desarrollo sostenible. El informe destaca posibilidades de desarrollo futuro con el fin de depurar los métodos de los indicadores y subsanar las deficiencias que existan en los datos en relación con aspectos políticos esenciales, como el patrimonio cultural, las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, los residuos y la digitalización.

  • 11 Oct 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 153

The New Professionalism and the Future of Teaching project has devised a theoretical framework that allows stakeholders in education to construct a shared vision on what the teaching profession could look like in the future. This study in Flanders seeks to anticipate and increase deeper, structured thinking about medium- and long-term scenarios for teacher professionalism and empowerment. Potential benefits for the system include long-term strategic thinking regarding the Flemish teacher workforce and finding solutions to issues that transcend the short-term. The results of the study point to a focus on community, families, empowering students, an explicit definition for teaching and learning, links with higher education and teacher collective learning, teacher autonomy, well-being, and (more) diversity of roles within the teacher workforce as elements of specific importance in thinking about the possible future of the teaching profession in Flanders.

  • 10 Oct 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 62


Portuguese, English, German, Spanish, Greek, All

This Glossary defines concepts and terms commonly used in evaluation and results-based management. It provides a shared understanding to support the design, management, monitoring and evaluation of interventions for sustainable development. As a reference document, it is helpful for those commissioning, managing, or conducting evaluations, as well as people involved in strategy or programme development, management and implementation. While originally developed for international development co-operation, the Glossary can be applied in any field of public policy and is also useful for civil society, academia, and other non-state actors.

This second edition includes updated content, including new definitions for the widely used evaluation criteria – relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability – endorsed by the OECD Development Assistance Committee in 2019. It also provides minor updates to the original text to reflect current good practice. As concepts and language are constantly evolving, the document will be revisited and updated in due course.

Alors qu’ils doivent gérer de multiples priorités, notamment la nécessité impérieuse d’accélérer la transition écologique à l’échelle mondiale, les fournisseurs de coopération pour le développement risquent de perdre de vue une crise silencieuse, mais dévastatrice, à l'œuvre même avant la pandémie de COVID-19 : l’augmentation alarmante de la pauvreté et des inégalités dans les pays à faible revenu et à revenu intermédiaire. Or, non seulement l’élimination de la pauvreté et la réduction des inégalités sont au cœur de la mission des donateurs, mais elles sont également essentielles à la réalisation de leurs ambitions plus larges en matière de développement durable dans le monde. Quelles possibilités la priorité climatique offre-t-elle – et quels risques pose-t-elle – pour la lutte contre la pauvreté et les inégalités ? Des transitions écologiques justes peuvent-elles redynamiser les programmes d’action en faveur du développement ? Quelles contributions les politiques de coopération internationale pour le développement et les financements qui les accompagnent peuvent-ils apporter ? Rassemblant les derniers éléments factuels, données et éclairages des pouvoirs publics, du monde universitaire, des organisations internationales et de la société civile, le rapport Coopération pour le développement 2024 de l’OCDE propose aux décideurs des moyens concrets de tenir leurs engagements visant à améliorer la vie de milliards de personnes tout en favorisant des transitions écologiques justes dans le monde.


How can we rapidly transform the global building sector to combat climate change? This report, based on the OECD Global Survey on Buildings and Climate, presents a comprehensive analysis of the endeavours undertaken by 28 countries across continents to decarbonise and bolster the resilience of their buildings. By examining policy objectives, measures, and trends, the report offers valuable insights into how countries are developing effective strategies for decarbonising buildings. These strategies often involve a step-by-step approach, for example, beginning with targeted measures in buildings that are more feasible or have a greater impact. Successful measures are then scaled up to achieve broader decarbonisation goals. Furthermore, the report emphasises the importance of a multi-level approach, including breaking down silos between government departments. With 93% of responding countries reporting that at least three ministries are involved in decarbonising building measures. The report also underscores the importance of international cooperation and knowledge sharing to fast-forward progress towards a more sustainable built environment.

This note considers the combined effect of ex ante and ex post instruments, to provide a picture of how G7 jurisdictions are addressing large platforms’ use (and misuse) of market power. It focuses on key competition concerns at the heart of multi-jurisdictional efforts in digital markets, and on the patterns that can be identified in terms of both platforms’ conduct and enforcement activities in G7 countries. With this aim, the note analyses a number of recent antitrust cases, to understand what conducts have been deemed most problematic by competition authorities thus far, and what remedies were implemented to address the concerns. These patterns are then observed in light of the provisions contained in recent ex ante reforms, in order to appraise the complementarities and overlaps between the two types of instruments. Further, the note gathers preliminary evidence around large platforms’ compliance strategies and whether extra-territorial effects are arising, to shed some light on the global implications of national enforcement activity in digital markets.

  • 03 Oct 2024
  • OECD, Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development
  • Pages: 49

Dans le secteur minier, les recettes publiques dépendent de la précision du prix et de la mesure des produits minéraux. Cela peut s'avérer particulièrement complexe pour les minéraux semi-transformés tels que le lithium, qui est principalement utilisé pour la production de batteries. L’annexe présentée dans ce rapport propose un cadre pour la détermination des prix des minéraux - ainsi qu’indiqué dans le document conjoint de l’OCDE et de l’IGF, Cadre de détermination des prix de transfert appliqué aux prix des minéraux - qui vise à répertorier les principaux facteurs économiques pouvant influer sur la fixation des prix du lithium en appliquant la méthode du prix comparable sur le marché libre (CUP) et à veiller à ce que les pays en développement soient en mesure d’imposer les exportations de lithium de manière adéquate.

English, Spanish
  • 03 Oct 2024
  • OECD, Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development
  • Pages: 48

En el sector minero, los ingresos públicos dependen de que los productos minerales tengan un precio y una medición precisos. Esto puede ser especialmente complejo en el caso de minerales semiprocesados como el litio, que se utiliza principalmente para la producción de baterías. El anexo presentado en este reporte aplica el marco de precios de los minerales -tal como se documenta en la obra conjunta de la OCDE y el IGF Determinación del precio de los minerales: Un marco en materia de precios de transferencia para identificar los principales factores económicos que influyen en el precio del litio a la hora de aplicar el método del Precio Comparable No Controlado para garantizar que los países en desarrollo puedan gravar adecuadamente las exportaciones de litio.

English, French

This document contains the user guide for the XML schema that supports the automatic exchange of information pursuant to the Common Reporting Standard (CRS), as updated by the OECD in 2023. While the XML schema has been primarily designed to facilitate the exchanges of CRS information between tax administrations, the XML schema can also be used for domestic reporting of CRS information by Reporting Financial Institutions, to the extent permitted under domestic law of the relevant jurisdiction.

This document contains the user guide for the XML schema that supports the automatic exchange of information pursuant to the Crypto-Asset Reporting Framework (CARF), as approved by the OECD in 2023. While the XML schema has been primarily designed to facilitate the exchanges of CARF information between tax administrations, the XML schema can also be used for domestic reporting of CARF information by Reporting Crypto-Asset Service Providers, to the extent permitted under domestic law of the relevant jurisdiction.

The Goodwill Committee is an Egyptian governance body established within the Ministry of Justice to facilitate the amicable resolution of international parental child abduction cases. Its primary mission is to protect individual rights and promote global co-operation. This report evaluates the Committee's mandate and composition to help Egypt promote child-friendly justice and ensure that the best interests of children are embedded in Committee processes. To support comprehensive reform, the OECD assessment and recommendations focus on three areas: improving existing governance, considering multilateral ratification, and developing mechanisms to address systemic barriers and deter the occurrence of cases.

Ce rapport présente des projections jusqu'en 2040 de l'utilisation des plastiques, de la production de déchets et de leurs impacts environnementaux. Il donne un aperçu des avantages environnementaux potentiels et des conséquences économiques de différents niveaux d'ambition politique internationale visant à mettre fin à la pollution plastique. Les scénarios stylisés élaborés dans ce rapport diffèrent par le degré de rigueur des politiques, leur portée sur l'ensemble du cycle de vie et leur couverture géographique. L'analyse s'appuie sur une modélisation détaillée pour montrer que le statu quo n'est pas viable, mais qu'un ensemble de mesures ambitieuses mises en œuvre à l'échelle mondiale et fondées sur une approche de l'ensemble du cycle de vie pourrait pratiquement mettre fin aux rejets de matières plastiques dans l'environnement d'ici à 2040. Cet objectif pourrait être atteint à des coûts globaux modestes, à condition que les obstacles techniques, économiques et de gouvernance puissent être surmontés. Une approche politique ciblant toutes les étapes du cycle de vie des plastiques est plus efficace et plus rentable que les approches axées uniquement sur l'amélioration de la gestion et du recyclage des déchets. Pour mettre fin à la pollution plastique, la mobilisation d'importantes ressources financières et une coopération internationale solide seront nécessaires pour remédier aux différences de coûts et de capacités entre les pays. Les conclusions de ce rapport peuvent informer les décideurs politiques et les négociateurs sur les implications environnementales et économiques des différentes visions d'un traité sur les plastiques, ainsi que sur les aspects liés à sa mise en œuvre.

  • 02 Oct 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 132

Plastics provide multiple benefits to society, but their lifecycle − from feedstock extraction and polymer production to use and disposal − contributes to pollution, climate change and biodiversity loss. Current policies are inadequate to meaningfully alter trends in plastic flows and related pollution.

This report provides insights into the potential environmental benefits and economic consequences of different levels of international policy ambition towards ending plastic pollution by 2040. Based on the quantification of the main drivers of plastics production and use, waste and pollution, the report provides projections of the plastics lifecycle, waste generation and treatment, as well as related leakage to the environment. The report presents and contrasts a range of policy scenarios with varying levels of ambition in terms of the stringency, lifecycle scope and geographical coverage of policies implemented. Its findings can inform a critical stage of international negotiations to develop a legally binding agreement to end plastic pollution.

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