Quantifying the Socio-economic Benefits of Transport

image of Quantifying the Socio-economic Benefits of Transport

This report sets out several of the recent advances, and suggests the most promising approaches, to the quantification and valuation of some of the wider economic benefits that flow from transport-related development. Economic appraisal can offer decision-makers important insights into the expected socio-economic impacts of transport projects. The sophistication of modern supply chains and the growing prominence of the services sector have increased the interest of decision-makers in economic benefits beyond those traditionally captured in transport appraisal.

English Also available in: French

Forecasting travel-time reliability in road transport: A new model for the Netherlands

International Transport Forum

In this chapter we describe how we included travel-time variability in the national Dutch transport forecasting model and the policy impacts of this new forecasting tool. Until now, traveltime reliability improvements for road projects were included in Dutch cost-benefit analysis (CBA) by multiplying the travel-time benefits from reduced congestion by a factor 1.25. This proportionality is based on the linkage between congestion reduction and reliability improvements. However, this treatment of reliability is not useful to evaluate policies that especially affect traveltime variability. From the start, this method was provisional and meant to be replaced by a better method capturing travel-time variability. For this, we derived an empirical relation between the standard deviation of travel time, mean delay of travel time and length of route. This has been implemented in the national Dutch model as a post processing module. The new travel-time reliability forecasting model will be incorporated in the Dutch guidelines for CBA. 1

English Also available in: French

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