Browse by: "2016"


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Year Index

  • 01 Jun 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 140

The OECD Secretary-General's annual report to ministers covers not only the activities of the SG and his office, horizontal programs and activities of the directorates but also the activities of its agencies and special entities.

  • 01 Jun 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 32

After a period of relatively robust growth that has allowed tens of millions of poorer households to join the global middle class, growth in Latin America has slowed recently, partly as a result of external factors. To close the still large gaps in living standards in relation to advanced economies, the region needs to significantly raise productivity growth while making sure that everybody has the opportunity to benefit from it. This will require comprehensive structural reforms, supported by a pro-productivity policy framework that incorporates social inclusion considerations from the outset.

Spanish, Portuguese
  • 01 Jun 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 312

The OECD Economic Outlook  is the OECD's twice-yearly analysis of the major economic trends and prospects for the next two years. The Outlook puts forward a consistent set of projections for output, employment, prices, fiscal and current account balances.
Coverage is provided for all OECD member countries as well as for selected non-member countries. This issue includes a general assessment, a special chapter on promoting productivity and equality, a chapter summarising developments and providing projections for each individual country and a statistical annex.

French, German

This review analyses public governance in the Slovak Republic and provides recommendations to support ongoing comprehensive public administration reform. The analysis is structured around five key areas: the centre of government’s capacity to steer and lead policy development and implementation; analytical and evaluation capacities; human resources management and civil service; e-government; transparency and integrity in the public administration. The review identifies two main themes running through these five areas: The first is the need for more effective whole-of-government co-ordination of strategy-setting and implementation, led by the centre of government. The second is the need to generate and use evidence more effectively when making decisions.

  • 16 May 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 168

This 2016 OECD Economic Survey of the Korea examines recent economic developments, policies and prospects. The special chapters cover: Raising productivity and Labour market reform.

  • 10 May 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 124

This 2016 OECD Economic Survey of the Denmark examines recent economic developments, policies and prospects. The special chapters cover: Macroeconomic and financial risk; Ageing and wellbeing.


El presente informe incluye las modificaciones al texto del Modelo de Convenio Tributario sobre la Renta y sobre el Patrimonio de la OCDE (MC OCDE) dirigidas a impedir la utilización abusiva de convenios fiscales. En primer lugar, comienza por abordar el tema relacionado con la adopción de soluciones de conveniencia o la aplicación del convenio más favorable (treaty shopping) a través de cláusulas y disposiciones alternativas que forman parte de un estándar básico que todos los países participantes en el Proyecto BEPS han decidido implementar. Adicionalmente, el informe alude a la inclusión de normas específicas que han de incorporarse a los convenios fiscales a fin de atajar otras formas de uso abusivo de las disposiciones de aquéllos y de asegurarse de que dichos convenios no impidan involuntariamente la aplicación de cláusulas antiabuso internas. Finalmente, el informe incluye modificaciones al texto del MC OCDE a modo de aclaración de que los convenios fiscales no se han concebido para generar situaciones de no imposición o de reducción de impuestos mediante la evasión fiscal o el abuso del Derecho (incluyendo prácticas constitutivas de treaty shopping), al tiempo que describen las consideraciones de índole fiscal que los países han de tener en cuenta antes de decidirse a suscribir un convenio con otro país.

German, English, French
  • 06 May 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 128

This 2016 OECD Economic Survey of the Hungary examines recent economic developments, policies and prospects. The special chapters cover: Bolstering business investment and Enhancing skills for the labour market.

  • 27 Apr 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 252

This report explores the growth prospects for the ocean economy, its capacity for future employment creation and innovation, and its role in addressing global challenges. Special attention is devoted to the emerging ocean-based industries in light of their high growth and innovation potential, and contribution to addressing challenges such as energy security, environment, climate change and food security.
The report examines the risks and uncertainties surrounding the future development of ocean industries, the innovations required in science and technology to support their progress, their potential contribution to green growth and some of the implications for ocean management.  Finally, and looking across the future ocean economy as a whole, it explores possible avenues for action that could boost its long-term development prospects while managing the use of the ocean itself in responsible, sustainable ways.


  • 14 Apr 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 148

L'Étude économique de l'OCDE pour l'Afrique du Sud 2015 examine les récents développements économiques, politiques, et les perspectives et jette un regard plus détaillé sur l'infrastructures et la réglementation des entreprises ; la politique fiscale et la croissance inclusive.

  • 11 Apr 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 44

With 25 years of sluggish economic growth, Japan’s per capita income has fallen from a level matching the average of the top half of OECD countries in the early 1990s to 14% below that today. Weak growth, together with rapid population ageing, has driven public debt into uncharted territory. Revitalising growth is thus the top priority for the Japanese government. With the labour force shrinking more rapidly than the population, per capita output can only grow through improvements in labour productivity and labour force participation. Japan’s highly-skilled labour force and its technological leadership can help close the gap with leading OECD countries in per capita income. But broad-based structural reforms, as envisaged in the third arrow of Abenomics, are needed to allow these strengths to fully achieve their potential. The initial impact of Abenomics in 2013 was impressive, and the reform process needs to continue.


OECD Factbook 2015-2016 is a comprehensive and dynamic statistical publication from the OECD. Close to 100 indicators cover a wide range of areas: economy, education, energy, transportation, environment, development, health, industry, information and communications, population, employment and labour, trade and investment, taxation, public expenditure and R&D. This year, the OECD Factbook includes new indicators on a number of regional indicators including GDP by metropolitan area.

Data are provided for all OECD countries, including the OECD aggregate, euro area, European Union, and where data are available, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russia, and South Africa.

For each indicator, there is a two-page spread. A text page includes a short introduction followed by a detailed definition of the indicator, comments on comparability of the data, an assessment of long-term trends related to the indicator, and a list of references for further information on the indicator. The second page contains a table and a graph providing – at a glance – the key message conveyed by the data. Each indicator includes StatLinks which allow readers to download the corresponding data.

OECD Factbook 2015-2016 is a key reference tool for users working on economic and policy issues.

German, Spanish
  • 05 Apr 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 144

Der OECD-Wirtschaftsbericht Deutschland 2016 untersucht die jüngsten wirtschaftlichen Entwicklungen, Maßnahmen und Aussichten.

English, French
  • 05 Apr 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 128

This 2016 OECD Economic Survey of the Germany examines recent economic developments, policies and prospects. The special chapters cover: Boosting investment performance and Raising well-being in Germany’s aging society.

French, German

The 2015 edition of National Accounts of OECD Countries, General Government Accounts is an annual publication, dedicated to government finance which is based on the System of National Accounts 2008 (SNA 2008) for all countries except Chile, Japan, Korea and Turkey (SNA 1993). It includes tables showing government aggregates and balances for the production, income and financial accounts as well as detailed tax and social contribution receipts and a breakdown of expenditure of general government by function, according to the harmonised international classification, COFOG. These detailed accounts are available for the general government sector. Data also cover the following sub-sectors, according to availability: central government, state government, local government and social security funds.


L’édition 2015 des Comptes nationaux des pays de l’OCDE : Comptes des administrations publiques est une publication annuelle de l’OCDE, consacrée aux finances publiques et basée sur le Système de Comptabilité Nationale 2008 (SCN 2008) pour tous les pays sauf le Chili, le Japon, et la Turquie (SCN 1993). La publication comprend des tableaux avec les agrégats et les soldes des administrations publiques pour les comptes de production, de revenu et les comptes financiers. Elle comprend également les recettes détaillées d’impôts et de cotisations sociales ainsi que la ventilation des dépenses des administrations publiques par fonction, selon la classification harmonisée au niveau international CFAP. Ces comptes détaillés sont disponibles pour le secteur des administrations publiques avec, dans la mesure du possible, le détail par sous-secteur : administration centrale,

  • 22 Mar 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 140

This 2016 OECD Economic Survey of the Poland examines recent economic developments, policies and prospects. The special chapters cover: Skills and migration; Transport and energy infrastructure.

  • 19 Mar 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 42

Since the start of the economic reform process in the 70s China has been able to generate a large volume of investment, both from domestic and foreign sources. This high volume of investment was instrumental in sustaining strong economic growth and related improvements in living standards. However, this growth model is not longer sustainable. Returns on investment have fallen, excessive capacity is plaguing several sectors and the negative externalities have been very onerous, notably in terms of environmental degradation and rising income inequality. A key objective of the Chinese government is therefore to move the economy towards a more balanced, sustainable and inclusive growth path as envisaged by the 13th Five-Year Plan. In this adjustment process, the country is seeking new approaches for smarter, greener and more productive investment. This will require mutually reinforcing reforms to improve investment planning, rebalance the role of government and market forces, mainstream responsible business conduct and encourage greater private investment, especially in green infrastructure. China’s growing role as an outward investor may act as catalyser for the required reforms at home, as Chinese private and state-owned enterprises have to adopt internationally recognised practices and standards .

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