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Title Index

Year Index

  • 08 Mar 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 376

The 2018 edition analyses tourism performance and policy trends across 49 OECD countries and partner economies. It highlights the need for coherent and comprehensive approaches to tourism policy making, and the significance of the tourism economy, with data covering domestic, inbound and outbound tourism, enterprises and employment, and internal tourism consumption. Thematic chapters explore how understanding the potential impacts of megatrends can better shape the future of tourism, and the need for a shift towards investment and financing for sustainable tourism growth.

  • 07 Feb 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 192

This report provides a comprehensive assessment of Viet Nam’s urban policies and analyses how national spatial planning for urban areas, along with specific sectoral policies, directly and indirectly affect Viet Nam’s urban development. It points to a number of policy areas which Viet Nam can tap into, in order to fully capitalise on the unique opportunities that its urbanisation process may bring about, including urban transport, housing, land, the quality of urban environment, and urban green growth. The review also assesses the efficiency and effectiveness of current urban governance arrangements, and makes recommendations for Viet Nam to develop an attractive and well-managed system of large and medium-sized cities, thereby contributing to achieving its sustainable development objectives.

Globalisation, digitalisation, demographics and climate change are transforming our economies and our societies. They provide new opportunities for growth but at the same time increase the risk of deeper inequalities, in a context where these are already high. Reducing inequalities by making growth beneficial for all is the best way to build strong foundations for future prosperity and to give everyone the opportunity to contribute and succeed. To make this happen, equality needs to be considered from the start when governments design growth policies, rather than tackled afterwards through redistribution. Such an ex ante approach can help people, firms and regions fulfil their potential and drive growth, both locally and globally. By better aligning domestic and international policies, opportunities for growth can be used more effectively to provide higher standards for protection of social, environmental and human rights around the world. The OECD has developed a Framework for Policy Action on Inclusive Growth to help governments to improve the prospects of those currently being left behind. Using a dashboard of indicators, the framework presents key policy recommendations to sustain and more equitably share the gains of economic growth by investing in people and places that have been left behind, supporting business dynamism and inclusive labour markets, and building efficient and responsive governments.

  • 14 Jun 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 168

This report provides a new perspective to the nature of urban sprawl and its causes and environmental, social and economic consequences. This perspective, which is based on the multi-dimensionality of urban sprawl, sets the foundations for the construction of new indicators to measure the various facets of urban sprawl. The report uses new datasets to compute these indicators for more than 1100 urban areas in 29 OECD countries over the period 1990-2014. It then relies on cross-city, country-level and cross-country analyses of these indicators to provide insights into the current situation and evolution of urban sprawl in OECD cities. In addition, the report offers a critical assessment of the causes and consequences of urban sprawl and discusses policy options to steer urban development to more environmentally sustainable forms.

  • 05 Dec 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 192

Data on government sector receipts, and on taxes in particular, are basic inputs to most structural economic descriptions and economic analyses and are increasingly used in economic comparisons. This annual publication gives a conceptual framework to define which government receipts should be regarded as taxes. It presents a unique set of detailed an internationally comparable tax data in a common format for all OECD countries from 1965 onwards.

  • 29 Nov 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 136

The Revenue Statistics in Asian and Pacific Economies publication is jointly undertaken by the OECD Centre for Tax Policy and Administration and the OECD Development Centre with the co-operation of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Pacific Island Tax Administrators Association (PITAA), and the Pacific Community (SPC) with the financial support of the European Union and the Government of Japan. It compiles comparable tax revenue statistics for Australia, the Cook Islands, Fiji, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Samoa, Singapore, the Solomon Islands, Thailand and Tokelau and comparable non-tax revenue statistics for the Cook Islands, Papua New Guinea, Samoa and Tokelau. The model is the OECD Revenue Statistics database which is a fundamental reference, backed by a well-established methodology, for OECD member countries. Extending the OECD methodology to Asian and Pacific economies enables comparisons of tax levels and tax structures on a consistent basis, both among Asian and Pacific economies and with OECD, Latin American and Caribbean and African averages.


  • 06 Oct 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 148

Road and Rail Infrastructure in Asia: Investing in Quality discusses the challenges facing the region and possible policy options, including those previously or currently used in Emerging Asian countries, with reference to the experiences of OECD member countries. It provides analysis and recommendations for the region’s policy makers to consider in their efforts to improve the quality of infrastructure. In particular, it highlights the importance of considering the spill-over effects of infrastructure in investment decisions. A comprehensive infrastructure impact evaluation does not simply consider the financial feasibility of an individual project, but attempts to judge the full extent of the externalities of planned investments, looking at the positive and negative economic, social and environmental effects over different time periods. The report first presents project case studies, illustrating how policy makers have incorporated the principles of quality infrastructure. It then examines the local economic impact of infrastructure, the role of local governments in infrastructure development and the benefits and challenges of their involvement. It then goes on to discuss different infrastructure financing options including funding from public and private sectors, as well as public-private partnerships, and concludes with a focus on fostering improved alignment between national development strategies and infrastructure planning.

  • 30 May 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 132

The OECD Secretary-General's annual report to ministers covers the OECD’s 2017 activities and some 2018 highlights. It includes the Secretary-General's activities and those of his office, the OECD’s horizontal programmes and directorate activities, as well as the activities of its agencies, special entities and advisory committees.

For more than 50 years, the OECD has sought to promote better policies for better lives in almost all areas of policy making and implementation through co-operation, dialogue, consensus and peer review. The OECD is one of the world’s largest and most trusted sources of comparable statistical data on economics, trade, employment, education, health, social issues, migration, the environment, and many other fields.


Raising skills is critical to Portugal’s economic success and social well-being. As globalisation and digitalisation are transforming how people work, how societies function and how individuals interact, Portugal needs to equip its entire population with strong skills so that they can benefit from new opportunities.

Portugal has put education and skills at the forefront of the political agenda for many years, but more than half of adults have not completed upper secondary education. With the population ageing rapidly and a growing skills divide between generations, Portugal needs to further strengthen its adult-learning system. To make change happen, Portugal will need a clear vision for the adult-learning system and a strong partnership between all stakeholders – all levels of government, education and training providers, employers, trade unions, the non-profit sector and learners.

This report outlines areas where the accessibility, flexibility and quality of the adult-learning system can be improved, where governance and financing mechanisms can be strengthened, and provides examples of international and national good practice to help achieve these objectives. The report provides a series of concrete actions to help Portugal improve the adult-learning system and in turn enhance economic growth and social cohesion.

  • 04 Sept 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 124

This third edition covers the latest tax policy reforms in all OECD countries, as well as in Argentina, Indonesia and South Africa. Monitoring tax policy reforms and understanding the context in which they were undertaken is crucial to informing tax policy discussions and to supporting governments in the assessment and design of tax reforms.

This report examines how public stockholding policies related to rice in Asia can influence domestic and international markets. Following a review of the working of rice public stockholding programmes in eight Asian countries (Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, the Philippines and Thailand), the report examines the impacts of these programmes over the medium term (2018-2030) and analyses how these impacts would change should the selected countries collectively set their public stocks to either a low or high level. Results show that the strongest impacts would occur during the three-year transition period when countries adjust their public stocks to the new levels, but that there would also be structural impacts over the medium term, although at a lower intensity, on procurement, domestic and international prices, availability, private stock levels, and public expenditure. In the event of a global production shock, the model projects that the immediate impact on prices and availability would be less severe under the high public stock scenario, but that recovery would be faster and public expenditure lower when countries hold smaller public stocks.

  • 21 Sept 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 168

Historically low productivity gains and record high inequality are major challenges for policy makers around the world. Both concerns have been exacerbated by the global financial crisis but took roots well before and reflect fundamental challenges with the way our economies function.

This report proposes a new comprehensive approach to promote better productivity performance and reduce inequalities. It not only gathers the most recent empirical evidence on the main factors behind slowing productivity gains and rising or persisting inequalities but also suggests possible common foundations and linkages between these two trends. It stresses the risk of a vicious cycle setting in, where individuals with fewer skills and poorer access to opportunities are confined to unproductive and often precarious jobs. This reduces aggregate productivity and widens inequality. The report focuses on how to expand the productive assets of an economy by investing in the skills of its people and providing an environment where all firms have a fair chance to succeed, including in lagging regions. It draws preliminary conclusions on the type of policy packages that are needed and on their implications for policy making. It also sets an agenda for future research to deepen empirical evidence and make concrete country-specific policy recommendations.


Les Comptes nationaux des pays de l’OCDE, Comptes financiers incluent les transactions financières (à la fois acquisition nette d’actifs financiers et accroissement net des passifs), par secteur institutionnel (sociétés non financières, sociétés financières, administrations publiques, ménages et institutions sans but lucratif au service des ménages, économie totale et reste du monde) et par opération financière. Les données sont exprimées en monnaie nationale. Les données sont basées sur le Système de Comptabilité Nationale de 2008 (SCN 2008) pour tous les pays.


Les Comptes nationaux des pays de l’OCDE, Comptes de patrimoine financier incluent les stocks financiers (à la fois actifs financiers et passifs), par secteur institutionnel (sociétés non financières, sociétés financières, administrations publiques, ménages et institutions sans but lucratif au service des ménages, économie totale et reste du monde) et par instrument financier. Les données sont exprimées en monnaie nationale. Les données sont basées sur le Système de Comptabilité Nationale de 2008 (SCN 2008) pour tous les pays.

  • 07 Dec 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 472

좋은 삶을 이루는 것은 무엇일까? 풍부한 인간 경험을 수치만으로 나타낼 수는 없지만 공공 정책을 수립하는 통계는 사람들의 물질적 삶의 조건과 삶의 질을 모두 반영해야 한다. 여기에는 시간이 지나면서 삶이 어떻게 변하는지, 다양한 인구 집단에서 삶이 어떻게 달라지는지, 미래를 위한 자원을 고갈시키면서 오늘날의 웰빙이 달성되는지 여부 등이 포함된다. 올해로 네 번째 발간되는 ‘How’s Life?’는 OECD 국가와 파트너 국가 국민들의 웰빙 현황을 제공하면서 이러한 필요성을 충족시키고자 한다.

Spanish, English, French

Niniejszy cykl publikacji przedstawia wyniki kompleksowych przeglądów polityk rozwoju obszarów wiejskich w poszczególnych państwach oraz ustalenia zawarte w sprawozdaniach analitycznych poświęconych różnym aspektom polityk wobec obszarów wiejskich. Na przestrzeni ostatnich lat w Polsce nastąpił imponujący rozwój; mimo to, różnice między poszczególnymi regionami pod kątem osiąganych przez nie wyników gospodarczych i społecznych pozostają duże w świetle standardów OECD. Ogólne warunki życia w społecznościach wiejskich są zasadniczo niższe niż warunki życia w społecznościach miejskich a wiejskie gospodarstwa domowe są bardziej narażone na ubóstwo. W niniejszym badaniu przeprowadzono analizę szeregu polityk wywierających wpływ na rozwój obszarów wiejskich w Polsce. Zawarto w nim zalecenia dotyczące sposobu zwiększania wydajności rolnictwa, wspierania dywersyfikacji gospodarczej, zacieśniania współpracy między gminami oraz pogłębiania decentralizacji i usprawniania wielopoziomowego zarządzania.

  • 05 Dec 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 200

Les données sur les recettes des administrations publiques, et sur le produit de la fiscalité en particulier, constituent la base de la plupart des travaux de description des structures économiques et d’analyse économique, et sont de plus en plus utilisées pour comparaisons internationales. Cette publication annuelle présente un cadre conceptuel dont le but est de définir les recettes publiques devant être assimilées à des impôts et de classifier les différentes catégories d’impôts. Elle constitue également un ensemble unique de statistiques fiscales détaillées et comparables au niveau international, utilisant une présentation identique pour tous les pays de l’OCDE depuis 1965.


Les Comptes nationaux des pays de l'OCDE, Tableaux Détaillés fournissent, en plus des principaux agrégats, des comptes nationaux détaillés pour les dépenses de consommation finale des ménages par fonction, les comptes simplifiés des trois principaux secteurs : administrations publiques, sociétés et ménages. Les données sont montrées pour tous les pays de l'OCDE et la Zone euro depuis 2007. Les données sont exprimées en monnaie nationale. Les données sont basées sur le Système de Comptabilité Nationale de 2008 (SCN 2008) pour tous les pays.

  • 21 Nov 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 296

Im OECD-Wirtschaftsausblick analysiert die OECD zweimal jährlich die wichtigsten wirtschaftlichen Trends und die Aussichten für die kommenden zwei Jahre. Der Wirtschaftsausblick liefert einen in sich stimmigen Satz von Projektionen zu gesamtwirtschaftlicher Produktion, Beschäftigung, Preisentwicklung, Haushaltssalden und Leistungsbilanzen.

Die vorliegende Ausgabe enthält eine allgemeine Beurteilung der Wirtschaftslage und ein Sonderkapitel über die Konsequenzen der Entkopplung von Lohn- und Produktivitätsentwicklung auf die Politikgestaltung. Ein Kapitel, in dem die Entwicklungen und Projektionen für die einzelnen Länder zusammengefasst sind, und ein Statistischer Anhang schließen den Ausblick ab.

French, English
  • 21 Nov 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 304

Les Perspectives économiques de l’OCDE, publication semestrielle, présentent une analyse des grandes tendances économiques qui marqueront les deux années à venir. Les Perspectives économiques proposent un ensemble cohérent de projections concernant la production, l’emploi, les prix et balances des opérations courantes et budgétaires.
Tous les pays membres de l’OCDE sont examinés ainsi que certains pays non membres. Cette édition comporte une évaluation générale, un chapitre spécial sur les implications du découplage salaires-productivité sur les politiques publiques et un chapitre résumant les tendances économiques et fournissant des projections par pays.
L'Annexe statistique est disponible uniquement en ligne, à l'adresse https://dx.doi.org/10.1787/eco_outlook-v22018-2-fr.

German, English
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