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La iniciativa Nuevos Enfoques ante los Retos Económicos de la OCDE invitó a los expertos internos y externos de la organización a analizar la teoría de la complejidad como un medio para comprender mejor la naturaleza interconectada de las tendencias y las influencias que conforman nuestro entorno socioeconómico. Sus aportaciones, aquí reunidas, examinan los supuestos, las fortalezas y las deficiencias de los modelos tradicionales, y proponen una manera de construir nuevos modelos que tomen en cuenta factores como la psicología, la historia y la cultura, descuidados por estos modelos. Los autores se centran en la disciplina de la economía como tal, el Sistema financiero y las aplicaciones de la teoría de la complejidad a la formulación de políticas y la gobernanza. Sostienen que se requiere una nueva narrativa que integre las esperanzas, los valores, las actitudes y las conductas de las personas en la

economía, junto con los hechos y los datos que los economistas están más acostumbrados a tratar.

French, English
  • 10 Nov 2020
  • OECD, International Labour Organization, Center of Arab Woman for Training and Research
  • Pages: 264

At a moment when many countries of the MENA region are looking to accelerate economic growth and build more stable, open societies, this report argues that greater women’s economic empowerment holds one of the keys. It asserts that despite challenges some countries are facing in guaranteeing women equal access to economic opportunity, progress is underway and can be further nurtured through targeted, inclusive and coordinated policy actions. Building on the conclusions of a first monitoring report released in 2017, the report analyses recent legislative, policy and institutional reforms in support of women’s economic empowerment in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia and seeks to identify success factors that have helped anchor reform. Moreover, it delivers actionable examples and practical tools for policy makers to help them transform policies into effective actions for women’s economic empowerment.

French, Arabic

The OECD Recommendation on Children in the Digital Environment provides guidance for governments and other stakeholders on putting in place policies and procedures to empower and protect children in the digital environment. The Recommendation was developed in recognition that the digital environment is a fundamental part of children’s daily lives, and that strong policy frameworks are needed to both protect children from any potential harm, and to help them realise the opportunities that it can bring.

This companion document aims to assist governments and other stakeholders in implementing the Recommendation. It expands upon the context in which the Recommendation was developed, and considers in detail specific aspects of the Recommendation, in particular different stakeholders and their roles (e.g. parents, governments, digital service providers) as well as key underlying concepts such as children’s privacy, digital literacy and child safety by design.

As data become an important resource for the global economy, it is important to strengthen trust to facilitate data sharing domestically and across borders. Significant momentum for related policies in the G7, and G20, has gone hand in hand with a wide range of – often complementary – national and international initiatives and the development of technological and organisational measures. Advancing a common understanding and dialogue among G7 countries and beyond is crucial to support coordinated and coherent progress in policy and regulatory approaches that leverage the full potential of data for global economic and social prosperity. This report takes stock of key policies and initiatives on cross-border data flows to inform and support G7 countries’ engagement on this policy agenda.

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