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Year Index

  • 19 Nov 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 332

The National Accounts of OECD Countries, Financial Accounts includes financial transactions (both net acquisition of financial assets and net incurrence of liabilities), by institutional sector (non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households and non-profit institutions serving households, total economy and rest of the world) and by financial operation.

  • 04 Mar 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 316

The National Accounts of OECD Countries, Financial Accounts includes financial transactions (both net acquisition of financial assets and net incurrence of liabilities), by institutional sector (non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households and non-profit institutions serving households, total economy and rest of the world) and by financial operation.

The National Accounts of OECD Countries 2010, Volume I, Main Aggregates covers expenditure-based GDP, output-based GDP, income-based GDP, disposable income, saving and net lending, population and employment. It includes also comparative tables based on purchasing power parities and exchange rates. Data are shown for 32 OECD countries and the Euro area back to 2002. Country tables are expressed in national currency. Data are based on the System of National Accounts 1993 (1993 SNA) for all countries except Australia which is presented on the basis of the 2008 SNA.

Volume IIIb of National Accounts covers financial balance sheets of OECD countries and includes financial stocks (both financial assets and liabilities), by institutional sector (non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households and non-profit institutions serving households, total economy and rest of the world) and by financial instrument. Data are shown for 30 OECD countries for the period from 1997 to 2008 when available.

Volume IIIa of National Accounts  covers financial accounts of OECD countries and includes financial transactions (both net acquisition of financial assets and net incurrence of liabilities), by institutional sector (non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households and non-profit institutions serving households, total economy and rest of the world) and by financial operation. Data are shown for 30 OECD countries for the period from 1997 to 2008, when available.

This 2009 edition of the National Accounts of OECD Countries Volume I - Main Aggregates covers expenditure-based GDP, output-based GDP, income-based GDP, disposable income, saving and net lending, population and employment. It includes also comparative tables based on exchange rates and comparative tables based on purchasing power parities. Data are shown for 30 OECD countries and the euro area back to 1996 in most cases, expressed in national currency (in euros for euro area countries), but also in US dollars for gross domestic product and actual individual consumption expenditure back to 1985. These data are based on the System of National Accounts 1993 (1993 SNA) for all countries.

National Accounts of OECD Countries: General Government Accounts is an annual publication, dedicated to government finance which is based on the System of National Accounts 1993 (SNA 1993). It includes tables showing government aggregates and balances for the production, income and financial accounts as well as detailed tax and social contribution receipts and a breakdown of expenditure of general government by function, according to the harmonized international classification, COFOG. These detailed accounts are available for the general government sector. Data also cover the following sub-sectors, according to availability: central government, state government, local government and social security funds.This edition covers 29 of the 30 OECD countries. Data are expressed in national currencies and cover the period from 1996 to 2007.

Volume IIIb of National Accounts of OECD Countries covers financial balance sheets of OECD countries and includes financial stocks (both financial assets and liabilities), by institutional sector (non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households and non-profit institutions serving households, total economy and rest of the world) and by financial instrument. Data are shown for 29 OECD countries for the period from 1996 to 2007 when available. Data are provided in national currency values.

Volume IIIa of National Accounts of OECD Countries covers financial flows of OECD countries and includes financial transactions (both net acquisition of financial assets and net incurrence of liabilities), by institutional sector (non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households and non-profit institutions serving households, total economy and rest of the world) and by financial operation. Data are shown for 29 OECD countries for the period from 1996 to 2007, when available. Data are shown in national currency values.

This 2008 edition of the National Accounts of OECD Countries, Volume II: Detailed Tables, covers, in addition to main aggregates, detailed national accounts data for most OECD countries for the period 1995 to 2006, with provisional data for 2007 when available.  It includes detailed breakdowns by kind of activity for gross value added (current and constant prices, 2000 reference year), components of value added, gross fixed capital formation and employment.  It also includes final consumption expenditure of households by purpose and  simplified accounts for three main sectors (general government, corporations and households).  Detailed accounts by institutional sectors (non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government and its sub-sectors, households and non-profit institutions serving households) are only available on the database version.  Data are shown for 30 OECD countries and the euro area back to 1995 and are expressed in national currency (in euros for euro area countries).  These data are based on the System of National Accounts 1993 (1993 SNA) for all countries. The print edition is presented in two volumes.

The 2007 edition of the National Accounts of OECD Countries: Main Aggregates, covers expenditure based GDP, output based GDP, income based GDP ,disposable income, saving and net lending, population and employment.  It includes also comparative tables based on exchange rates and comparative tables based on purchasing power parities. Data are shown for 30 OECD countries and the euro area back to 1993 in most cases, expressed in national currency (in euros for euro area countries), but also in US dollars for gross domestic product and actual individual consumption expenditure back to 1982. These data are based on the System of National Accounts 1993 (1993 SNA) for all countries, except Turkey which is still presented on the basis of the 1968 SNA.

National Accounts of OECD Countries: General Government Accounts is an annual publication, dedicated to government finance which is based on the System of National Accounts 1993 (SNA 1993). It includes tables showing government aggregates and balances for the production, income and financial accounts as well as detailed tax and social contribution receipts and a breakdown of expenditure of general government by function, according to the harmonized international classification, COFOG. These detailed accounts are available for the general government sector. Data also cover the following sub-sectors, according to availability: central government, state government, local government and social security funds.This edition covers 29 of the 30 OECD countries. Data are expressed in national currencies and cover the period from 1995 to 2006.

Volume III of National Accounts of OECD Countries comprises Volume IIIa - Financial Accounts – Flows and Volume IIIb - Financial Balance Sheets – Stocks. In both volumes, data, based on the System of National Accounts (SNA 1993), are expressed in national currency (in euros for euro area countries).

Volume IIIb covers financial balance sheets of OECD countries and includes financial stocks (both financial assets and liabilities), by institutional sector (non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households and non-profit institutions serving households, total economy and rest of the world) and by financial instrument. Data are shown for 28 OECD countries for the period from 1995 to 2006 when possible.

Provides financial accounts data for OECD countries and includes financial transactions (both net acquisition of financial assets and net incurrence of liabilities), by institutional sector (non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households and non-profit institutions serving households, total economy and rest of the world) and by financial operation. Data are shown for 28 OECD countries for the period from 1995 to 2006, when possible.

The 2006 edition of the National Accounts of OECD Countries, Volume II: Detailed Tables, covers, in addition to main aggregates, detailed national accounts data for most OECD countries for the period 1993 to 2004, with provisional data for 2005 when available.  It includes detailed breakdowns by kind of activity for gross value added (current and constant prices, 2000 reference year), components of value added, gross fixed capital formation and employment.  It also includes final consumption expenditure of households by purpose and  simplified accounts for three main sectors (general government, corporations and households).  Detailed accounts by institutional sectors (non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government and its sub-sectors, households and non-profit institutions serving households) are only available on CD-ROM.  Data are shown for 30 OECD countries and the euro area back to 1993 in most cases, expressed in national currency (in euros for euro area countries).  These data are based on the System of National Accounts 1993 (1993 SNA) for all countries, except Turkey still presented on the basis of the 1968 SNA.

The 2006 edition of the National Accounts of OECD Countries: Main Aggregates, Volume I covers expenditure based GDP, output based GDP, income based GDP, disposable income, saving and net lending, population and employment.  It includes also comparative tables based on exchange rates and comparative tables based on purchasing power parities. Data are shown for 30 OECD countries and the euro area back to 1993 in most cases, expressed in national currency (in euros for euro area countries), but also in US dollars for gross domestic product and actual individual consumption expenditure back to 1982. These data are based on the System of National Accounts 1993 (1993 SNA) for all countries, except Turkey still presented on the basis of the 1968 SNA.

National Accounts of OECD Countries: General Government Accounts is an annual publication, dedicated to government finance which is based on the System of National Accounts 1993 (SNA 1993). It includes tables showing government aggregates and balances for the production, income and financial accounts as well as detailed tax and social contribution receipts and a breakdown of expenditure of general government by function, according to the harmonized international classification, COFOG. These detailed accounts are available for the general government sector. Data also cover the following sub-sectors, according to availability: central government, state government, local government and social security funds. The publication covers 29 of the 30 OECD countries. Data are expressed in national currencies and cover the period from 1994 to 2005.

The 2006 edition of the National Accounts of OECD Countries, Volume II: Detailed Tables, covers, in addition to main aggregates, detailed national accounts data for most OECD countries for the period 1993 to 2004, with provisional data for 2005 when available.  It includes detailed breakdowns by kind of activity for gross value added (current and constant prices, 2000 reference year), components of value added, gross fixed capital formation and employment.  It also includes final consumption expenditure of households by purpose and  simplified accounts for three main sectors (general government, corporations and households).  Detailed accounts by institutional sectors (non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government and its sub-sectors, households and non-profit institutions serving households) are only available on the database.  Data are shown for 30 OECD countries and the euro area back to 1993 in most cases, expressed in national currency (in euros for euro area countries).  These data are based on the System of National Accounts 1993 (1993 SNA) for all countries, except Turkey still presented on the basis of the 1968 SNA.

The 2006 edition of the National Accounts of OECD Countries: Main Aggregates, Volume I covers expenditure based GDP, output based GDP, income based GDP, disposable income, saving and net lending, population and employment.  It includes also comparative tables based on exchange rates and comparative tables based on purchasing power parities. Data are shown for 30 OECD countries and the euro area back to 1993 in most cases, expressed in national currency (in euros for euro area countries), but also in US dollars for gross domestic product and actual individual consumption expenditure back to 1982. These data are based on the System of National Accounts 1993 (1993 SNA) for all countries, except Turkey still presented on the basis of the 1968 SNA.

National Accounts of OECD Countries: General Government Accounts is an annual publication, dedicated to government finance which is based on the System of National Accounts 1993 (SNA 1993). It includes tables showing government aggregates and balances for the production, income and financial accounts as well as detailed tax and social contribution receipts and a breakdown of expenditure of general government by function, according to the harmonised international classification, COFOG. These detailed accounts are available for the general government sector. Data also cover the following sub-sectors, according to availability: central government, state government, local government and social security funds. The publication covers 29 of the 30 OECD countries (all except Mexico). Data are expressed in national currencies and cover the period from 1993 to 2004.

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