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The success of skills development activities through both on- and off-the job training often depends on the participation of employers. This OECD report on Northern Ireland, United Kingdom identifies a number of innovative programmes that aim to better engage employers in the design and delivery of training. It also looks at the role of local district councils in working closer with employers to better understand and address their skills challenges.

A key part of the project was the implementation of a survey to gather information from Northern Irish employers about their skills needs and barriers to apprenticeship participation. The report offers a number of recommendations for improving business-education partnerships in emerging sectors of the Northern Ireland economy.

  • 08 Feb 2019
  • OECD, European Union
  • Pages: 300

Cette publication réalisée conjointement par l’OCDE et la Commission européenne présente une comparaison internationale exhaustive de l'intégration des immigrés et de leurs enfants entre tous les pays de l’UE, de l’OCDE ainsi que de certains pays du G20, au travers de 74 indicateurs d'intégration organisés autour de trois grands thèmes : marché du travail et compétences, conditions de vie, engagement civique et intégration sociale. Pour mettre la comparaison dans son contexte, un chapitre est aussi consacré aux caractéristiques des populations immigrées et des ménages immigrés. Trois chapitres spéciaux sont enfin consacrés aux différences par genre; aux jeunes d’origine immigrée et aux ressortissants de pays tiers dans l’Union européenne.

German, English

Depuis plus de vingt ans, l’OCDE développe et publie chaque année dans Regards sur l’Éducation une large gamme d’indicateurs comparatifs qui fournissent un aperçu du fonctionnement des systèmes éducatifs. Ces outils donnent accès à des informations essentielles sur la participation et le progrès par l’éducation, les ressources humaines et financières investies, et les retombées économiques et sociales liées au niveau de formation. Grâce à un ensemble harmonisé d’indicateurs et de définitions, ils donnent à chaque pays la possibilité de voir son système éducatif à la lumière des résultats, des pratiques et des ressources des autres pays. Les concepts, définitions, classifications et méthodologies, qui ont été élaborés pour guider les statistiques et les indicateurs, sont essentiels à la crédibilité et à la compréhension de ces comparaisons. Ce guide rassemble ces méthodologies en un seul volume de référence, fournissant un outil inestimable aux utilisateurs de Regards sur l’éducation. Ce faisant, le guide vise à faciliter une meilleure compréhension des statistiques et des indicateurs de l’OCDE et permet donc une plus grande efficacité d‘utilisation aux fins d’analyse politique. De la même manière, il constitue une référence facilement utilisable sur les conventions et les standards internationaux afin que d’autres acteurs puissent continuer la collecte et l’assimilation des données sur l’éducation.

Cette édition est une mise à jour du Guide de l'OCDE pour l'établissement de statistiques internationalement comparables dans le domaine de l'éducation, publié en 2017.

  • 26 Jan 2019
  • OECD
  • Pages: 127

在实践中,以创新的方式重新设计学校和学校教育意味着什么?可以怎样开展?这样的疑问启发我们对OECD“创新学习环境”(ILE)项目进行反思。这些反思已经形成了一些有关核心设计原则和框架、学习领导力的出版物。现在,这些反思已从优秀的案例拓展到了更大范围的举措和系统变革。本报告是分析25个国家、地区或网络提交的举措的核心材料。报告描述了这些举措的共同优点,即一系列的C:文化变革(Culture Change)、明晰焦点(Clarifying Focus)、能力建设(Capacity Creation)、合作与协作(Collaboration and Co-operation)、通信技术与平台(Communication Technologies and Platforms)、变革中介人(Change Agents)。报告建议,在大范围内发展创新学习需要植根于21世纪社会的复杂性和“学习生态系统”。报告指出,中观层面的变革围绕着网络和学习共同体蓬勃发展,为更大范围的变革提供了平台。

——Micheal Schratz(奥地利因斯布鲁克大学教育学院院长、教授,国际学校效能与改进大会主席)
创新和创造是学习的命脉。《重新设计学校教育:以创新学习系统为目标》一书很好地总结了OECD最具吸引力的项目之一,试图分析学校中创新的DNA。通过全球真实案例,本书陈述了如果要让儿童和家长、教师和共同体对未来自信与乐观,教育系统需要具备的一系列条件。对教师而言,这一消息是振奋人心的。教育系统必须关注提升教师的能力 和动力。标准化做不到这一点。这对教育行业和组织传达了非常有意义的信息。教师工会可以也应该是创新条件创立的中心。
——John Bangs(国际教育特别顾问,TUAC教育、培训和职业政策国际小组主席)

  • 21 Jan 2019
  • OECD
  • Pages: 108
  • 21 Jan 2019
  • OECD
  • Pages: 216

Better skills policies help build economic resilience, boost employment and reinforce social cohesion. The OECD Skills Strategy provides countries with a framework to analyse their skills strengths and challenges. Each OECD Skills Strategy diagnostic report reflects a set of skills challenges identified by broad stakeholder engagement and OECD comparative evidence while offering concrete examples of how other countries have tackled similar skills challenges. 

These reports tackle questions such as: How can countries maximise their skills potential? How can they improve their performance in developing relevant skills, activating skills supply and using skills effectively? What is the benefit of a whole-of-government approach to skills? How can governments build stronger partnerships with employers, trade unions, teachers and students to deliver better skills outcomes? OECD Skills Strategy diagnostic reports provide new insights into these questions and help identify the core components of successful skills strategies. 

This report is part of the OECD’s ongoing work on building effective national and local skills strategies.

This review of higher education policy in Mexico was requested by the Mexican Ministry of Education to take stock of progress since the last OECD review of the higher education system in Mexico, published in 2008, and to support development of the new government’s National Development Plan and Sectoral Education Programme. 
The report examines the state of the higher education sector in Mexico and analyses key policies implemented by the federal and state governments. It assesses national governance and co-operation structures that help to guide the higher education system, and the relevance of existing national strategies. It also looks at public funding of higher education institutions, how the quality of higher education programmes is assured; and the extent to which the higher education system contributes to equity. The report concludes by exploring two key sectors of higher education: teacher education colleges and professional and technical institutions.   
A companion volume focusing on the labour market relevance and outcomes of higher education is also available: Higher Education in Mexico: Labour Market Relevance and Outcomes.  


Half a million higher education graduates enter the labour market every year in Mexico. While their labour market outcomes are considerably better on average than those of upper secondary education graduates, some higher education graduates face periods of inactivity and unemployment. Many graduates who find work end up being over-qualified or working in the informal sector. This report finds that the Mexican higher education system needs to be better aligned with the labour market to help students develop the skills employers seek. Students need better support to succeed in their higher education studies and develop labour market relevant skills, which will help facilitate their achievement of good outcomes in the workforce. This calls for a comprehensive whole-of-government approach and the involvement of all higher education stakeholders. The report proposes a set of policy recommendations to address these issues and help Mexican higher education graduates achieve better outcomes in the labour market.

The report was developed as part of the OECD Enhancing Higher Education System Performance project and is a companion to the OECD report, The Future of Mexican Higher Education: Promoting Quality and Equity, which focuses on broader issues in higher education, including governance, funding, quality and equity, as well as two key sectors of higher education: teacher education colleges and professional and technical institutions.

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