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This third PEB Compendium features educational institutions from 20 countries selected by an international jury for their exemplary facilities. This work shows how the design, use and management of physical infrastructure can contribute to the quality of education. With full-colour photographs, plans and descriptions, the Compendium focuses on the functionality of 65 recently completed or refurbished buildings or grounds, chosen for their innovation in the areas of safety, sustainability, alternative financing, community and flexibility. In addition to schools and universities, this third edition of the PEB Compendium covers pre-schools and gives special attention to how effectively the facilities meet the needs of their users: students, teachers, parents and the community at large.

  • 14 Jun 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 404

This publication provides all the information required to understand the PISA 2003 educational performance database and perform analyses in accordance with the complex methodologies used to collect and process the data. It enables researchers to both reproduce the initial results and to undertake further analyses. The publication includes introductory chapters explaining the statistical theories and concepts required to analyse the PISA data, including full chapters on how to apply replicate weights and undertake analyses using plausible values; worked examples providing full syntax in SAS®; and a comprehensive description of the OECD PISA 2003 international database.  

The PISA 2003 database includes micro-level data on student educational performance for 41 countries collected in 2003, together with students’ responses to the PISA 2003 questionnaires and the test questions. A similar manual is available for SPSS users.

  • 14 Jun 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 412

This publication provides all the information required to understand the PISA 2003 educational performance database and perform analyses in accordance with the complex methodologies used to collect and process the data. It enables researchers to both reproduce the initial results and to undertake further analyses. The publication includes introductory chapters explaining the statistical theories and concepts required to analyse the PISA data, including full chapters on how to apply replicate weights and undertake analyses using plausible values; worked examples providing full syntax in SPSS®; and a comprehensive description of the OECD PISA 2003 international database.  

The PISA 2003 database includes micro-level data on student educational performance for 41 countries collected in 2003, together with students’ responses to the PISA 2003 questionnaires and the test questions.  A similar manual is available for SAS users.

  • 26 Jul 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 432

The PISA 2003 Technical Report describes the complex methodology underlying PISA 2003, along with additional features related to the implementation of the project at a level of detail that allows researchers to understand and replicate its analyses. It presents information on the test and sample design, methodologies used to analyse the data, technical features of the project and quality control mechanisms.

  • 15 Sept 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 316

Presents the full data set underlying PISA 2006 Volume 1: Analysis.  Includes data on student performance in science, student engagement in science, quality and equity in schools, school and system characteristics, and student performance in reading and mathematics.

Spanish, Portuguese
PISA 2006: Science Competencies for Tomorrow’s World presents the results from the most recent Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) survey, which focused on science and also assessed mathematics and reading. It is divided into two volumes: the first offers an analysis of the results, the second contains the underlying data. Volume 1: Analysis gives the most comprehensive international picture of science learning today, exploring not only how well students perform, but also their interests in science and their awareness of the opportunities that scientific competencies bring as well as the environment that schools offer for science learning. It places the performance of students, schools and countries in the context of their social background and identifies important educational policies and practices that are associated with educational success. By showing that some countries succeed in providing both high quality education and equitable learning outcomes, PISA sets ambitious goals for others.
Portuguese, Spanish, German, French
  • 19 Jan 2009
  • OECD
  • Pages: 420
The PISA 2006 Technical Report describes the methodology underlying the PISA 2006 survey. It examines additional features related to the implementation of the project at a level of detail that allows researchers to understand and replicate its analyses. The reader will find a wealth of information on the test and sample design, methodologies used to analyse the data, technical features of the project and quality control mechanisms.

This book presents the theory behind the development of the 2009 PISA survey. The re-worked and expanded framework for reading literacy includes not only the assessment of reading and understanding printed texts, but also an innovative component to assess how well students read, navigate and understand electronic texts. Additionally, this publication provides the basis for measuring mathematical and scientific competencies. Finally, it presents the theory behind the questionnaires used to gather information from students, schools and parents on students’ home backgrounds, students’ approaches to learning and school learning environments.

This volume of PISA 2009 results looks at the progress countries have made in raising student performance and improving equity in the distribution of learning opportunities. Following an Introduction to PISA and a Reader's Guide helping users interpret the data, Chapter 1 summarises overall performance over time.   Chapter 2 looks at trends in reading.  Chapter 3 looks at trends in mathematics and science.  Chapter 4 examines trends in equity. Chapter 5 explores trends in attitudes and student-school relations.  The final chapter analyzes implications for policy. Annexes provide techical background and tables of results.
German, French, Spanish

Volume III of PISA 2009 results examines 15-year-olds’ motivation, their engagement with reading and their use of effective learning strategies. The book opens with an introduction to PISA and a reader's guide to help user's understand the findings.  Chapter 1 examines how engaging in reading activities and approaching  learning positively relates to reading proficiency. Chapter 2 examines how much students read for enjoyment, what they read, and how much they enjoy reading. Chapter 3 examines the extent to which reading and learning habits relate to performance differences between boys and girls. The final chapter discusses the policy implications of the findings. Annexes provide detailed statistical data and technical information.

Spanish, French
Volume II of PISA's 2009 results looks at how successful education systems moderate the impact of social background and immigrant status on student and school performance. The volume opens with an introduction to PISA and a Reader's Guide providing information that will help readers understand the data. Chapter 1 focuses on the magnitude of differences in student performance across countries and the extent to which these differences relate to socio-economic background. Chapter 2 examines the extent to which students and schools with different socio-economic backgrounds have access to similar educational resources, and the impact of background and school on learning outcomes. Chapter 3 examines the relationship between student performance and different aspects of socio-economic background. Chapter 4 compares the performance of students with an immigrant background with the performance of other students. Chapter 5 analyses the impact of socio-economic background of schools on reading performance. The final chapter examines policy implications of the findings.  Annexes provide detailed statistical data and technical information.
German, Spanish, French
This sixth volume of PISA 2009 results explores students’ use of information technologies to learn. For PISA 2009, the framework for reading literacy has been developed to encompass reading electronic texts. This has led to an expansion of the description of text types to take account of the electronic environment, as well as a redefinition of the aspects of reading, to embrace, for example, the requirement for integration of information from multiple unrelated texts, as well as other features. The PISA 2009 reading framework and the assessment instrument together provide an operational definition and description of the distinctive structures and types of both text and task that constitute electronic reading, allowing an exploration of factors that contribute to difficulty. PISA 2009 therefore provides an opportunity to investigate electronic reading on a large scale. This book presents some initial findings.
Spanish, French
This volume of PISA 2009 results examines how human, financial and material resources, and education policies and practices shape learning outcomes. Following an introduction to PISA and a Reader's Guide explaining how to interpret the data, Chapter 1 presents a summary of features shared by "successful" school systems. Chapter 2 details how resources, policies and practices relate to student performance. Chapter 3 provides detailed descriptions and in-depth analyses of selected organisational features (how students are sorted into grades, schools, and programmes, school autonomy, etc.) of schools and systems and how those aspects affect performance. Chapter 4 describes and analyzes key aspects of the learning environment (behaviours, discipline, parental involvement, school leadership, etc.) and how they affect performance.  The final chapter discusses the policy implications of the findings.  Annexes provides detailed statistical data and technical background.
French, German, Spanish

This first volume of PISA 2009 survey results provides comparable data on 15-year-olds' performance on reading, mathematics and science across 65 countries. The volume opens with an introduction explaining what PISA is and how PISA 2009 is different from previous PISA surveys.  The introduction also explains what PISA 2009 measures and how.  A reader's guide provides information needed to interpret the data. Chapter 2 provides a summary of the findings related to performance in reading, the focus of the 2009 survey. Chapter 3 provides a summary of the findings related to performance in mathematics and science. A final chapter explores policy implications in five areas: low performance, pursuing excellence, strengths and weaknesses in different kinds of reading, student performance in math and science, and the potential to improve performance across the world. Annexes provide detailed statistical data and technical information.

Spanish, German, French, Arabic
  • 27 Mar 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 390

The PISA 2009 Technical Report describes the methodology underlying the PISA 2009 survey. It examines additional features related to the implementation of the project at a level of detail that allows researchers to understand and replicate its analyses. The reader will find a wealth of information on the test and sample design, methodologies used to analyse the data, technical features of the project and quality control mechanisms.

  • 07 Dec 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 102

PISA 2009 at a Glance is a companion publication to PISA 2009 Results, the six-volume report on the 2009 survey conducted by the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). PISA assesses the extent to which students near the end of compulsory education have acquired some of the knowledge and skills that are essential for full participation in modern societies. Its triennial assessments of 15-year-olds focus on reading, mathematics and science.

PISA 2009 at a Glance provides easily accessible data on the some of the main issues analysed in the full report:

  • What students know and can do: How do students compare in the knowledge and skills they show at school? Which countries are the best performers? Which perform poorly?
  • Overcoming social background: Does a student’s socio-economic background affect his or her performance in school?
  • Learning to learn: Are there some types of reading, and some ways of learning, that are better for students than others?
  • What makes a school successful?: What traits do high-performing schools have in common?

Each issue is presented on a two-page spread. The left-hand page explains what the issue means both for students and for participating countries and economies, discusses the main findings and provides readers with a roadmap for finding out more in other OECD publications and databases. The right-hand page contains clearly presented charts and tables, accompanied by dynamic hyperlinks (StatLinks) that direct readers to the corresponding data in Excel™ format.

PISA 2009 at a Glance is an ideal introduction to PISA and to the OECD’s rich trove of internationally comparable data on education and learning.


Are students well prepared to meet the challenges of the future? Can they analyse, reason and communicate their ideas effectively? Have they found the kinds of interests they can pursue throughout their lives as productive members of the economy and society?

The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) seeks to answer these questions through the most comprehensive and rigorous international assessment of student knowledge and skills. PISA 2012 Assessment and Analytical Framework presents the conceptual framework underlying the fifth cycle of PISA. Similar to the previous cycles, the 2012 assessment covers reading, mathematics and science, with the major focus on mathematical literacy. Two other domains are evaluated: problem solving and financial literacy. Students respond to a background questionnaire and, as an option, to an educational career questionnaire as well as another questionnaire about Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Additional supporting information is gathered from the school authorities through the school questionnaire and from the parents through a third optional questionnaire. Sixty-six countries and economies, including all 34 OECD member countries, are taking part in the PISA 2012 assessment.


This fifth volume of PISA 2012 results presents an assessment of student performance in problem solving, which measures students’ capacity to respond to non-routine situations in order to achieve their potential as constructive and reflective citizens. It provides the rationale for assessing problem-solving skills and describes  performance within and across countries and economies. In addition, the volume highlights the relative strengths and weaknesses of each school system and examines how they are related to individual student characteristics, such as gender, immigrant background and socio-economic status. The volume also explores the role of education in fostering problem-solving skills.



This second volume of PISA 2012 results defines and measures equity in education and analyses how equity in education has evolved across countries between PISA 2003 and 2012. The volume examines the relationship between student performance and socio-economic status, and describes how other individual student characteristics, such as immigrant background and family structure, and school characteristics, such as school location, are associated with socio-economic status and performance. The volume also reveals differences in how equitably countries allocate resources and opportunities to learn to schools with different socio-economic profiles. Case studies,examining the policy reforms adopted by countries that have improved in PISA, are highlighted throughout the volume.

French, German

This third volume of PISA 2012 results explores students’ engagement with and at school, their drive and motivation to succeed, and the beliefs they hold about themselves as mathematics learners. The volume identifies the students who are at particular risk of having low levels of engagement in, and holding negative dispositions towards, school in general and mathematics in particular, and how engagement, drive, motivation and self-beliefs are related to mathematics performance. The volume identifies the roles schools can play in shaping the well-being of students and the role parents can play in promoting their children’s engagement with and dispositions towards learning. Changes in students’ engagement, drive, motivation and self-beliefs between 2003 and 2012, and how those dispositions have changed during the period among particular subgroups of students, notably socio-economically advantaged and disadvantaged students, boys and girls, and students at different levels of mathematics proficiency, are examined when comparable data are available. Throughout the volume, case studies examine in greater detail the policy reforms adopted by countries that have improved in PISA.

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