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Title Index

Year Index

  • 14 Mar 2000
  • OECD
  • Pages: 168

The phenomenon of social exclusion has become one of the outstanding problems on the eve of the 21st century. Even with the long-term trend towards rising general levels of affluence across OECD countries, large sections of our societies are missing out and for some prospects are getting worse. Learning -- in formal education and in a wide range of other community and enterprise settings -- represents one of the most important means of overcoming exclusion. While much is known about the impact of schooling for young people, the relationships between exclusion and adult learning are less well examined.

This study seeks to address this gap, focusing on 19 innovative learning initiatives that are making the difference in six countries: Belgium (Flemish Community), Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom (England). How well do these initiatives meet the learning needs of adults at risk of exclusion? How are they organised and what are their innovative features? These are the key questions answered, taking into account not only the point of view of the analysts, organisers and administrators, but also that of the adult learners themselves.

  • 20 Nov 1998
  • OECD
  • Pages: 92

Failure at school: an old problem in a new context? In most OECD countries, there is some reluctance to acknowledge the problem of failure at school. And when the problem is acknowledged, it is not always easy to find effective means for combating it or, even, to agree on indicators of failure that would demonstrate its scale. What are the different manifestations of educational failure today? And what are the policies needed to address them?

This book aims to develop a deeper understanding of the nature of failure at school in OECD countries. It restates the problem as it confronts policy-makers today and presents new findings. It proposes a set of national and international indicators of failure and compares various forms of intervention aimed at improving student achievement in Australia, Belgium, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Spain and the United Kingdom.

  • 15 Dec 2017
  • Paulo Santiago, Ariel Fiszbein, Sandra García Jaramillo, Thomas Radinger
  • Pages: 292

Este informe de revisión sobre Chile proporciona, desde una perspectiva internacional, un análisis independiente de los principales problemas que enfrenta el uso de los recursos escolares en Chile, las iniciativas de políticas actuales y los posibles enfoques futuros. El informe tiene tres propósitos: i) aportar ideas y recomendaciones a las autoridades educativas chilenas; ii) ayudar a otros países a entender el enfoque chileno sobre el uso de los recursos escolares; y iii) proporcionar aportes para el análisis comparativo de la Revisión de Recursos Escolares de la OCDE. El análisis en el informe se centra en las siguientes áreas: i) el financiamiento de la educación escolar (incluida la planificación, distribución, incentivos y monitoreo); ii) políticas de equidad para la asignación de recursos dirigidas a grupos específicos de estudiantes; iii) organización escolar y funcionamiento de los establecimientos; y iv) la profesión docente.


L’istruzione e la formazione sono ormai universalmente considerate, anche tra

i sostenitori di diverse visioni globali e di differenti antropologie, leve di sviluppo

individuale e collettivo. Negli ultimi anni da una visione dell’insegnamento e della

formazione centrate su che cosa si insegna si è, gradualmente, giunti a una visione

in cui al centro stanno i soggetti che imparano e i loro obiettivi di apprendimento.

Gli obiettivi di apprendimento sono declinati, sempre più spesso, come competenze.

L’Italia sconta, da questo punto di vista, un ritardo che viene da lontano e che ha

portato a misconoscere, per troppo tempo, i risultati della ricerca educativa






e della prospettiva student’s voice per orientare riforme, cambiamenti, visioni.

Il contributo che offre la traduzione di questo volume consiste nel mettere a

disposizione di tutti gli addetti ai lavori (insegnanti, formatori, studiosi, ricercatori,

decisori politici) e di tutte le persone interessate una grande ricchezza di dati come

quelli del Rapporto OCSE, introdotti e commentati con particolare attenzione alla

situazione italiana.

L’intenzione che guida questo lavoro è quella di fornire una fonte attendibile con la

quale ribadire, ancora una volta, che spendere in ricerca e istruzione significa investire

e che gli investimenti ben condotti, in questo campo, hanno ritorni significativi

non soltanto dal punto di vista economico. L’equità delle opportunità in un tempo

come quello presente appare l’unico vero antidoto alla crisi economica, di senso,

di prospettive che attraversiamo. L’istruzione, la formazione e la ricerca possono

costituire un “faro” che ci guidi verso un nuovo “noi”.

French, English
  • 12 Jan 2016
  • OECD, The World Bank
  • Pages: 238

Эффективное использование школьных ресурсов является приоритетной политикой в странах ОЭСР. В

Страновом обзоре ОЭСР: Эффективность использования ресурсов в школах



раскрываются возможности

управления, распределения, использования и менеджмента ресурсов для повышения качества, равенства и

эффективности школьного образования.

Данный выпуск Обзора учитывает в анализе четыре типа ресурсов: финансовые ресурсы: например,

государственное финансирование школ; человеческие ресурсы: учителя, школьные директора, работники

отделов и управлений образования; материально-технические ресурсы: месторасположение, здания школ и их

оснащение, а также другие ресурсы такие как количество учебных часов.

Этот Обзор предоставляет своевременные рекомендации органам управления и образовательному сообществу.

Серия публикаций по данному проекту включает страновые отчеты и тематические сборники.


Глава 1. Школьное образование в Казахстане

Глава 2. Управление использованием школьных ресурсов в Казахстане

Глава 3. Распределение школьных ресурсов в Казахстане

Глава 4. Использование школьных ресурсов в Казахстане

Глава 5. Менеджмент школьных ресурсов в Казахстане

  • 02 Apr 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 303

Kaj vemo o tem, kako se ljudje učijo? Kako motivacija in čustva pri mladih ljudeh vplivajo na njihovo učenje? Kaj kažejo raziskave o prednostih skupinskega dela, formativnega vrednotenja, uporabe tehnologije ali projektnega učenja in kdaj so ti pristopi najbolj učinkoviti? Kako na učenje vpliva družinsko ozadje? To je nekaj vprašanj, s katerimi se v pričujoči publikaciji OECD-ja ukvarjajo vodilni znanstveniki iz Severne Amerike in Evrope. V tej knjigi so spoznanja raziskav o naravi učenja združena z različnimi možnostmi za aplikacijo teh spoznanj v izobraževalno polje in povzeta v obliki sedmih ključnih načel. Med avtorji prispevkov so Brigid Barron, Monique Boekaerts, Erik de Corte, Linda Darling-Hammond, Kurt Fischer, Andrew Furco, Richard Mayer, Lauren Resnick, Barbara Schneider, Robert Slavin, James Spillane, Elsbeth Stern in Dylan Wiliam.

Knjiga O naravi učenja: uporaba raziskav za navdih prakse predstavlja pomembno branje za vse tiste, ki jih zanima, kaj pravijo raziskave o možnostih optimiziranja učenja v razredu, šoli in drugih okoljih. Njen namen je predvsem informirati zaposlene v vzgoji in izobraževanju ter zagotoviti ustrezno strokovno podlago za reforme v izobraževanju. Še posebej zanimiva bo za učitelje, vodstvene kadre na področju izobraževanja, izobraževalce učiteljev, svetovalce in za tiste, ki sprejemajo odločitve, pa tudi za raziskovalce.

French, Polish, English
  • 26 Feb 2013
  • Deborah Nusche, Lorna Earl, William Maxwell, Claire Shewbridge
  • Pages: 153

Hvordan kan elevvurdering, lærervurdering, skolevurdering og vurdering av skolesystemet bidra til reelle forbedringer av prestasjoner på tvers av et lands skolesystem? Landrapportene i denne serien gir en uavhengig analyse av viktige spørsmål knyttet til kvalitetsvurderingssystemet, gjeldende policy initiativer og mulige fremtidige forbedringer. Denne serien er en del av OECDs Review on Evaluation and Assessment Frameworks for Improving School Outcomes.


Este informe  PISA para las Políticas Educativas en las Islas Canarias describe el sistema educativo canario, arroja luz sobre los resultados de PISA y analiza y los efectos de las políticas referente a  la gestión del sistema y la distribución de los recursos, los alumnos y el aprendizaje, los profesores y la enseñanza, y el liderazgo en los centros  y las inspecciones. El informe contiene recomendaciones para mejorar la calidad y equidad en los resultados del aprendizaje.

  • 13 Apr 2012
  • Kathrin Hoeckel, Robert Schwartz
  • Pages: 62

Lernen für die Arbeitswelt ist eine OECD-Studie zur Berufsbildung, die den Ländern dabei helfen soll, die Anpassungsfähigkeit ihrer Berufsbildungssysteme im Blick auf die Arbeitsmarkterfordernisse zu verbessern. Sie wird die Faktengrundlage erweitern, einen Katalog von Politikoptionen ermitteln und Instrumente für die Bewertung der Politikinitiativen im Bereich der Berufsbildung entwickeln.

  • 14 Sept 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 218

Ein hohes Niveau arbeitsplatzrelevanter Kompetenzen wird für die OECD-Länder als entscheidendes Mittel zur Stützung des Wirtschaftswachstums betrachtet. Die Berufsbildungssysteme sind nunmehr Gegenstand eingehender Analysen, um herauszufinden, ob sie in der Lage sind, die erforderlichen Kompetenzen zu vermitteln. Lernen für die Arbeitswelt ist eine OECD-Studie zur Berufsbildung, die den Ländern dabei helfen soll, die Anpassungsfähigkeit ihrer Berufsbildungssysteme im Blick auf die Arbeitsmarkterfordernisse zu verbessern. Sie wird die Faktengrundlage erweitern, einen Katalog von Politikoptionen ermitteln und Instrumente für die Bewertung der Politikinitiativen im Bereich der Berufsbildung entwickeln.

Die OECD führt in folgenden Ländern Prüfungen der Berufsbildungspolitik durch: Australien, Belgien (Flandern), Deutschland, Irland, Korea, Mexiko, Norwegen, Österreich, Schweden, Schweiz, Tschechische Republik, Ungarn, Vereinigtes Königreich (England und Wales), Vereinigte Staaten (South Carolina und Texas). Ein erster Bericht über Chile und ein Kurzbericht über die Volksrepublik China wurden ebenfalls erstellt.

French, Spanish, English, Korean

Learning for Jobs is an OECD study of vocational education and training (VET) designed to help countries make their VET systems more responsive to labour market needs.

This special report looks at the system in China. China’s education system has made dramatic advances: almost all children in China now complete lower secondary education. Around three quarters continue into upper secondary schools, with fast increasing numbers in tertiary education. At upper secondary level about half the cohort enter vocational schools – more than 20 million students.

At the same time the system faces significant challenges. The government is seeking to make the system accessible to all students – by removing the fees barrier, ensuring minimum quality standards in all vocational schools, and in providing adequate high quality workplace training opportunities.

The OECD review assesses the main challenges faced by the VET system and presents an interconnected package of policy recommendations. For each recommendation, the report describes the challenge, the recommendation itself, supporting arguments, and issues of implementation.

  • 29 Apr 2008
  • Oliver Fulton, Paulo Santiago, Charles Edquist, Elaine El-Khawas, Elsa Hackl
  • Pages: 156

OECD countries are attaching rising importance to lifelong learning and active employment policies as tools of economic growth and social equity. Effective information and guidance systems are essential to support the implementation of these policies, and all citizens need to develop the skills to self-manage their careers. Yet there are large gaps between these policy goals and the capacity of national career guidance systems. Based upon a review conducted in 14 OECD countries, this publication explores how these gaps might be narrowed. It advocates improved national co-ordination arrangements and greater attention to research and data collection to inform policy makers. It also promotes the development of improved and more specialised training programmes for practitioners and the creation of more specialised career guidance organisations for the delivery of services.

French, English, German
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