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This Policy Insight assesses progress in the implementation of reforms since the 2017 OECD peer review of SME export promotion. It also takes stock of the disruptions brought by the COVID-19 pandemic to identify new challenges and priorities. The note suggests three sets of policy actions for the Uzbek government to boost the internationalisation of firms: (1) further development of consulting activities to improve firms’ knowledge of foreign markets; (2) expansion of the exportpromotion network abroad and the definition of a clear value proposition in target export markets; and (3) putting in place more systematic arrangements for monitoring and evaluation of export-promotion institutions’ activities. Diversification of export markets and commodities is a critical priority as Uzbekistan looks to recover from the COVID-19 crisis. The country has recently resumed WTO accession and strengthened trade ties with its regional partners and the EU, but its firms continue to face significant barriers to internationalisation. Export promotion policies for firms can support their internationalisation, contributing timely to the diversification and recovery of Uzbekistan’s economy.

  • 19 févr. 2022
  • OCDE, Club du Sahel et de l'Afrique de l'Ouest
  • Pages : 132

This publication examines the role of border regions in shaping patterns of violence since the end of the 1990s in North and West Africa. Using the innovative OECD Spatial Conflict Dynamics indicator (SCDi), the report looks at the growing relationship between political violence and borderlands at the regional level, by analysing more than 170 000 violent events between January 1997 and June 2021 and through the exploration of case studies in the Central and Eastern Sahel. Violence in border regions is both more intense in terms of the number of victims and more diffuse geographically than ever before. This report combines quantitative data on the location of violent events and victims, their mapping over time and space, and an analysis of the actors in conflict to answer three crucial questions i) Are borderlands more violent than other spaces? ii) Has the intensity of violence in border regions increased over time? iii) Are some borderlands more violent than others? The growing importance and complexity of transnational conflicts and transnational violent groups in North and West Africa calls for a more place-based analysis in order to create better tailored and more flexible policy options.

  • 01 sept. 2022
  • Forum International des Transports
  • Pages : 60

This report examines what ongoing shifts in the objectives of transport policy mean for transport project appraisal and planning processes. Many countries are rethinking their transport policy and planning objectives. Their focus is increasingly shifting from providing mobility to ensuring accessibility; giving greater priority to equitable access for all; recognising the urgency of decarbonising transport; and making urban environments healthier, safer and more liveable. The report summarises the findings of a discussion among 44 experts from 21 countries at an ITF Roundtable held from 29 September to 31 October 2021.

Governments are facing significant climate-related risks from the expected increase in frequency and intensity of cyclones, floods, fires, and other climate-related extreme events. The report Building Financial Resilience to Climate Impacts: A Framework for Governments to Manage the Risks of Losses and Damages provides a strategic framework to help governments, particularly those in emerging market and developing economies, strengthen their capacity to manage the financial implications of climate-related risks. The goal of the framework is to support sound public financial management strategies that take into account budgetary and financing constraints, and to foster broader actions at the national and international levels.

The report examines the role of governments in identifying and assessing climate-related physical risks and their impacts on public finances, and reporting climate-related fiscal risks to promote transparency in public financial management. It discusses how to mitigate those risks through protecting households and businesses, and developing integrated multipronged financial strategies to fund government expenditure needs. Finally, it calls for promoting integrated strategies to strengthen financial resilience at the country and regional levels, and for mobilising development co-operation to strengthen global climate financial resilience.

Democracies are at a critical juncture, under growing internal and external pressures. This publication sheds light on the important public governance challenges countries face today in preserving and strengthening their democracies, including fighting mis- and disinformation; improving government openness, citizen participation and inclusiveness; and embracing global responsibilities and building resilience to foreign influence. It also looks at two cross-cutting themes that will be crucial for robust, effective democracies: transforming public governance for digital democracy and gearing up government to deliver on climate and other environmental challenges. These areas lay out the foundations of the new OECD Reinforcing Democracy Initiative, which has also involved the development of action plans to support governments in responding to these challenges.


What drives trust in government? This report presents the main findings of the first OECD cross-national survey on trust in government and public institutions, representing over 50 000 responses across 22 OECD countries. The survey measures government performance across five drivers of trust – reliability, responsiveness, integrity, openness, and fairness – and provides insights for future policy reforms. This investigation marks an important initiative by OECD countries to measure and better understand what drives people’s trust in public institutions – a crucial part of reinforcing democracy.

  • 11 mai 2022
  • OCDE, Agence pour l'énergie nucléaire
  • Pages : 92

Ten years after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, many lessons have been learnt that have helped improve preparedness for nuclear emergencies and awareness of the global risks that such accidents can entail. This includes a number of long-lasting, multidimensional impacts on health(including mental health and psychosocial support), the economy, and the environment. Recovery from a nuclear or radiological accident is a long, complex and resource-intensive process. To facilitate efficient recovery, it is important to establish processes and procedures during the preparedness phase to activate the resources required and to involve the relevant stakeholders at all levels. This report addresses the need for a harmonised approach towards efficient recovery management from nuclear or radiological accidents, which aims to assist countries to develop their own national plans and procedures for post-accident recovery preparedness in a harmonised manner, through the introduction of a cyclical approach.

  • 12 mai 2022
  • Andreas Schleicher
  • Pages : 65

Education systems can build on school-led micro-innovations during the pandemic to develop more equitable learning. Empowering teachers to be autonomous, actively engaged in designing learning environments, and knowledgeable and dynamic in using multi-modal technology can encourage more peer-to-peer collaboration in schools and enrich pedagogy. This will be crucial in addressing the learning needs of disadvantaged students and boosting science proficiency with the goal of societal equity.

  • 07 déc. 2022
  • Agence internationale de l'énergie
  • Pages : 127

Carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) technologies are an important solution for the decarbonisation of the global energy system as it proceeds down the path to net zero emissions. CCUS can contribute to the decarbonisation of the industrial and power generation sectors, and can also unlock technology-based carbon dioxide (CO2) removal. However, its successful deployment hinges on the availability of CO2 storage. For widespread CCUS deployment to occur, CO2 storage infrastructure needs to develop at the same speed or faster than CO2 capture facilities.

CO2 has been injected into the Earth’s subsurface since the 1970s and dedicated CO2 storage (where CO2 is injected for the purpose of its storage and not for CO2-based enhanced oil recovery) has been occurring since 1996. There are seven commercial-scale dedicated CO2 storage sites today, with more than 100 others in development. Lessons learned from these sites, along with research, pilot and demonstration projects, contribute to our understanding of CO2 storage resources, their assessment and their development into CO2 storage sites.This IEA CCUS Handbook is an aid for energy sector stakeholders on CO2 storage resources and their development. It provides an overview of geological storage, its benefits, risks and socio economic considerations. The handbook is supported by an extensive glossary of CO2 storage-related terminology found at the end of this report .

  • 01 févr. 2022
  • Agence internationale de l'énergie
  • Pages : 261

The International Energy Agency (IEA) regularly conducts in-depth peer reviews of the energy policies of its member countries. This process supports energy policy development and encourages the exchange of international best practices and experiences.

Since the last IEA review in 2015, Canada has made a series of enterprising international and domestic commitments to put the country on a path towards transforming its energy system, including a target to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 40‑45% by 2030 from 2005 levels and to reach net zero emissions by 2050.

Canada’s energy transformation presents both challenges and opportunities given its profile as a major producer, consumer and exporter of energy, and its highly decentralised government system. The sizeable weight of fossil fuel production in employment and economic output means strong attention should be placed on ensuring a people-centred approach to Canada’s clean energy transition.

Canada has a number of policy measures in place, including an ambitious carbon pricing scheme, clean fuel regulations, a commitment to phase out unabated coal use by 2030, nuclear plant extensions, upstream methane regulations, energy efficiency programmes, and measures to decarbonise the transport sector.

In this report, the IEA provides energy policy recommendations to help Canada effectively manage the transformation of its energy sector in line with its goals.

  • 28 févr. 2022
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 92

In the context of considerable labour market change, many adults in Canada are being challenged to consider alternative career paths, and to upskill or retrain. Career guidance has the potential to facilitate employment transitions: not only from the education system to the labour market, but also from unemployment to employment, and from declining to growing sectors. This study assesses the career guidance services that are available for adults in Canada, and puts them into an international perspective. New survey data show that Canada performs well in an OECD comparison with respect to the quality of career guidance, but there is room to strengthen the provision and accessibility of services. The report provides concrete recommendations to encourage greater and more inclusive use of adult career guidance, and to promote high-quality service provision.

  • 10 mars 2022
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 77

In Germany, the three ‘Ds’ – Digitalisation, Decarbonisation and Demographic change – are dominating the headlines. Countless studies analyse the impact of these megatrends on the world of work and document how job profiles are changing. The growing demand for high-level cognitive skills and complex social interaction skills is challenging particularly low-qualified workers. In response to these trends, many countries have developed career guidance programmes to support individuals and companies in navigating career options and sustainable job transitions. However, low-qualified workers are less likely to receive career guidance than those with higher qualifications and even those who are unemployed due to a range of multi-layered and interconnected barriers. The report first gives an overview of career guidance provision at the federal level in Germany and then describes career guidance needs and provision in the states of Berlin and North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW). It reviews the support that low-qualified workers have access to, where learnings could serve in other regions and at the national level and provides recommendations on how provision for this group can be strengthened.

The OECD Centre of Government Review of Brazil offers key recommendations on consolidating the strategic role of the country’s centre of government (CoG) in managing policy priorities and improving outcomes. The review examines the CoG’s roles, mandates, and its co-ordination capacities. It provides an assessment of Brazil’s ability to translate political commitments into measurable objectives and delves into its capacity to link strategic plans to outcomes. Focusing on the capacities of the CoG to contribute to the budget strategy and the federal budget, it considers medium- and long-term plans and how these align with the budgetary framework and how the budget can support policies in a coherent manner. The review also examines the CoG’s role in monitoring and evaluating high-priority policy performance and how this information can be used to improve outcomes. Finally, the review assesses how Brazil can consolidate and reinforce public communication, both to pursue policy objectives and to promote a more open government. 


This document presents the outcome from a project that aimed to investigate safety issues related to the prevention of, preparedness for, and response to accidents involving manufactured nanomaterials. This report aims to address potential risks for humans and the environment resulting from accidents involving manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs), for example, accidental releases of larger quantities of nanomaterials into the area surrounding an establishment and review measures for prevention of, preparedness for and response to accidents involving nanomaterials.

  • 09 mars 2022
  • OCDE, Agence pour l'énergie nucléaire
  • Pages : 248

The NEA Clay Club has been gathering the key geoscientific characteristics of the various argillaceous formations that are – or have been – studied in NEA member countries in the context of radioactive waste disposal, resulting in the publication of the Clay Club Catalogue of Characteristics of Argillaceous Rocks in 2005.

This publication builds upon the 2005 NEA report by providing updated datasets for a select number of argillaceous formations presented in the previous report, as well as an expanded discussion of: the formations and their properties; the nuclear waste management organisations responsible for the implementation of the deep geological repository concept; the design concept proposed for a deep geological repository in the respective countries and rock formations; and some of the favourable properties of said argillaceous formations.

A key goal of this report is to present the data in a manner that allows reasonable comparability (in both scale and methods) of the included parameters, in order to support the formal assessment and demonstration of the capacity of clay-rich formations to securely contain and isolate nuclear waste from the natural environment.

India has achieved major progress in its energy sector over the last two decades. Still, investment needs to scale up considerably to meet the government’s ambitions to achieve 500 GW of renewable energy capacity and energy-intensity reductions of 45% by 2030. Targeted application of public funds, alongside international climate and development finance, can crowd in investors and channel private capital to meet India’s clean energy goals. The Clean Energy Finance and Investment Roadmap of India highlights key actions needed to accelerate the development of energy efficiency measures in micro, small and medium enterprises, offshore wind and green hydrogen production. The report provides a comprehensive overview of the initiatives to date and challenges to scale up investments. It also provides a number of tailored recommendations for the Government of India, development partners and the private sector.

  • 07 oct. 2022
  • Agence internationale de l'énergie
  • Pages : 145

The future of Africa’s energy sector is important globally. The International Energy Agency (IEA) is actively supporting evidence-based energy policy making in African countries with the aim of achieving affordable and clean energy, in line with United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 7. This includes ensuring universal access for all, promoting increased energy security and affordability, and accelerating the development of clean energy systems across Africa, through a sustainable and accelerated regional energy system transformation.

The IEA is committed to developing clean, reliable and affordable energy systems, which are essential for achieving sustainable development objectives. It is also committed to helping African countries use energy sector transformation to cope with and recover from crises such as the Covid 19 pandemic and the Russian Federation’s (“Russia” hereafter) invasion of Ukraine, which have destabilised economies and energy systems. This can be done by improving data, informing decision making and guiding policy implementation, in collaboration with local, regional and international institutions.

This report focuses on the eight countries in the greater Horn of Africa region, here defined as Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda. It recommends pathways to accelerate clean energy transitions and analyses energy trends across the region. It also highlights policy-relevant best practices for accelerating energy access, energy sector development and transition to cleaner energy sources. The report includes key policy recommendations and identifies opportunities that can help policy makers design clean, cost-effective and efficient energy systems for the future.

This report is part of an IEA initiative to promote clean energy transitions in Africa through enhanced regional energy collaboration. The initiative focuses on three regions (North Africa, the Sahel and the greater Horn of Africa), and includes technical workshops and reports that assess energy sector conditions and propose pathways for accelerated transformation. A financial contribution by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs made this study by the IEA Clean Energy Transitions Programme possible.

  • 08 juin 2022
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 65

This report provides an overview of the main trends and issues related to the implications of climate change for corporate governance. It focuses on economic, legal and accounting issues related to shareholder rights, corporate disclosure and the responsibilities of company boards. Importantly, this report informs the ongoing review of the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance which help policy makers evaluate and improve the legal, regulatory and institutional framework for corporate governance.

This report provides disaggregated data analysis of climate finance provided and mobilised in 2016-2020 across climate finance components, themes, sectors, and financial instruments. It also explores key trends and provides insight relating to the distribution and concentration of climate finance provided and mobilised across different developing country characteristics and groupings. The concluding chapter of the report provides further insights on the impacts and effectiveness of climate finance, as well as meaningful mitigation action and transparency on implementation. The findings complement the OECD report Aggregate Trends of Climate Finance Provided and Mobilised by Developed Countries in 2013-2020.

  • 01 févr. 2022
  • Agence internationale de l'énergie
  • Pages : 65

Hydropower accounts for 14.5% of total electricity generation in South and Southeast Asia, with a total hydropower installed capacity of 117 GW. The installed hydropower capacity is expected to grow further in order to meet the region’s growing electricity demand and electricity export opportunities, and to maximise the merits of a cost-effective and flexible low-carbon power source. However, climate change poses an increasing challenge to South and Southeast Asian hydropower with rising temperatures, extreme rainfall patterns, melting glaciers, and increasing occurrence of extreme weather events. This report aims to support South and Southeast Asian hydropower in coping with the adverse impacts of climate change and in developing a tailored set of climate resilience measures based on a comprehensive assessment of climate risks and impacts. This report qualitatively assesses climate risks to South and Southeast Asian hydropower and quantitatively examines potential climate impacts, comparing three climate scenarios. Based on the assessment, it identifies measures to enhance climate resilience and provides policy recommendations.

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