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  • 10 oct. 2023
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 167

Located in the state of Western Australia, the Pilbara is a large region and one of the least densely populated within the OECD. The Pilbara's mining sector is a top supplier of iron ore in the world, which has fuelled the economic growth of both the state and the country. While Pilbara’s industrialisation is relatively recent, dating back to the 1960s, First Nations peoples have inhabited the region for approximately 50 000 years.

Despite the wealth generated by mining and extractive industries, the Pilbara faces important challenges to improve its attractiveness and well-being standards, especially for First Nations and non-mining workers. Well-being challenges also stifle growth opportunities and responsible mining investments in the region.

The green transition presents the Pilbara with an opportunity to diversify its economy and improve well-being conditions of its communities, while becoming a strategic player in the global shift towards more sustainable mining. This study offers guidance on how the Pilbara can shape a more inclusive and sustainable development model that supports economic diversification and prioritises improving the living conditions of its communities, particularly First Nations.

The assessment report explores the innovative capacity of the Latvian public sector to understand how innovation can be better supported and leveraged to improve the public sector's effectiveness and impact. It provides an evidence base for the development of a public sector innovation strategy and action plan.

Las Líneas Directrices de la OCDE para Empresas Multinacionales sobre Conducta Empresarial Responsable son recomendaciones dirigidas por los gobiernos a las empresas multinacionales. Su objetivo es fomentar las contribuciones positivas que las empresas pueden hacer al progreso económico, ambiental y social, y minimizar los impactos negativos en los ámbitos cubiertos por las Líneas Directrices que puedan estar asociados a las operaciones, productos y servicios de una empresa. Las Líneas Directrices cubren todas las áreas clave de la responsabilidad empresarial, incluidos los derechos humanos, los derechos laborales, el medio ambiente, el cohecho, los intereses de los consumidores, la divulgación de información, la ciencia y la tecnología, la competencia y las cuestiones tributarias. La edición de 2023 de las Líneas Directrices proporciona recomendaciones actualizadas para la conducta empresarial responsable en áreas clave, como el cambio climático, la biodiversidad, la tecnología, la integridad empresarial y la debida diligencia en las cadenas de suministro, así como procedimientos de implementación actualizados para los Puntos Nacionales de Contacto para la Conducta Empresarial Responsable.

Italien, Français, Portugais, Néerlandais, Polonais, All

This report provides an overview of the current sustainability disclosure policies and practices, the responsibilities of company boards and shareholder rights in Asia. The report also presents current trends in corporate sustainability globally and in Asia based on the OECD Corporate Sustainability dataset. Importantly, climate change is one of the most critical sustainability matters currently facing companies in most Asian jurisdictions where companies that account for two-thirds of total market capitalisation are experiencing climate change related financial risks.

As Diretrizes da OCDE para Empresas Multinacionais sobre Conduta Empresarial Responsável são recomendações dirigidas pelos governos às empresas multinacionais. Elas visam promover as contribuições positivas por parte das empresas para o progresso econômico, ambiental e social, e minimizar os impactos adversos nas questões abrangidas pelas Diretrizes que possam estar associados às operações, produtos e serviços de uma empresa. As Diretrizes abrangem as principais áreas de responsabilidade empresarial, incluindo direitos humanos, direitos trabalhistas, meio ambiente, suborno, interesses do consumidor, divulgação, ciência e tecnologia, concorrência e tributação. A edição de 2023 das Diretrizes contém recomendações atualizadas para a conduta empresarial responsável em áreas-chave, como alterações climáticas, biodiversidade, tecnologia, integridade empresarial e devida diligência na cadeia de fornecimento, bem como procedimentos de implementação atualizados para os Pontos de Contato Nacionais para a Conduta Empresarial Responsável.

Chinois, Turc, Néerlandais, Allemand, Anglais, All

Ce rapport reflète la coopération de l’OCDE avec l’Afrique en matière fiscale et l’importance de l’agenda fiscal international pour les économies africaines. Il aborde les efforts relatifs à la mobilisation des ressources intérieures (MRI) dans le cadre des objectifs et des priorités de la politique africaine, notamment l’Agenda 2063 de l’union africaine, et les actions à entreprendre pour permettre de poursuivre la MRI en Afrique. Ce rapport analyse l’implication africaine dans les débats concernant l’impôt sur les sociétés et la manière dont la participation africaine pourrait être davantage améliorée au niveau de la définition des politiques et des discussions techniques. Plus particulièrement, il montre comment les voix africaines ont façonné la conception de la solution reposant sur deux piliers pour résoudre les défis fiscaux soulevés par la numérisation de l'économie et aborde les bénéfices que les pays africains peuvent en retirer ainsi que les défis liés à sa mise en œuvre. De plus, le rapport présente un aperçu des initiatives de l’OCDE visant à soutenir le renforcement des capacités en matière fiscale en Afrique, dont beaucoup ont été menées en partenariat avec d’autres organisations internationales et régionales. Enfin, ce rapport aborde l’agenda de politique fiscale d’une manière plus générale, y compris la TVA, la transparence fiscale, la délinquance fiscale, la numérisation des administrations fiscales, ainsi que la fiscalité et l’informalité. Ce rapport a été préparé par l’OCDE pour alimenter les débats ayant lieu lors de la Table ronde pour l’Afrique en octobre 2023 à Marrakech, organisée par les ministres des Finances et les gouverneurs de banque centrale du G7.


This report reflects on the OECD’s co-operation with Africa on tax matters and the importance of the international tax agenda for African economies. It discusses Domestic Resource Mobilisation (DRM) efforts within African policy objectives and priorities, including the African Union’s Agenda 2063, and which actions should be taken to further increase DRM in Africa. The report analyses African involvement in discussions on corporate tax and how African participation in policy-setting and technical discussions could be further improved. In particular, it shows how African voices have shaped the design of the Two-Pillar Solution to Address the Tax Challenges Arising from the Digitalisation of the Economy, and discusses its benefits for African countries and challenges for implementation. In addition, the report provides an overview of OECD’s initiatives to support capacity building on tax in Africa, many of which are undertaken in partnership with other international and regional organisations. Finally, the report reflects on the broader tax policy agenda including VAT, tax transparency, tax and crime, digitalisation of tax administrations, and tax and informality. This report was prepared by the OECD to inform the discussions at the October 2023 Africa Roundtable in Marrakech hosted by G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors.

  • 12 oct. 2023
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 84

The world is marked by multiple crises and challenges that transcend borders and require not only local but global solutions. Only by working together and bridging divides and differences can countries address these challenges and drive a sustainable development future for all. This report by the OECD and the Islamic Development Bank demonstrates triangular co-operation’s relevance for delivering progress on sustainable development. In particular, it stresses its innovative approach to diplomacy, and its ability to bring together different stakeholders from across the global south and north in trusting partnerships that leverage the expertise, knowledge and resources of all partners. The report also examines the current global trends in the use of triangular co-operation, explores how to strengthen national ecosystems to support its effective delivery, and highlights how triangular co-operation can contribute to addressing climate change and biodiversity loss, with a specific focus on small island developing states.

  • 12 oct. 2023
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 158

The Brussels-Capital Region has witnessed significant improvements in its labour market over the past decade. Local job creation has been driven by ample opportunities for highly-skilled workers whom the Brussels-Capital Region attracts from its surrounding regions, the European Union, and beyond. However, not all of the region’s population has seen their labour market prospects improve equally. Many workers with lower levels of education continue to compete for a small number of vacancies, despite the increasingly tightening labour market.

A future vision for the Brussels-Capital Region, therefore, needs to be built on recognising and addressing the multiple and often distinct challenges faced by its young and diverse population. In a labour market that offers high rewards for skills formation, tailoring continuous education and training offerings to different groups while removing barriers to participation in such programmes will need to take priority. Simplifying processes for accessing employment services, streamlining labour market policies, supporting the geographic mobility of less-educated jobseekers, and removing barriers to employment for its migrant population could serve as building blocks to increase labour force participation and improve the employment quality of all local talent.


Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are contaminants of emerging environmental and health concern that have been detected in freshwater, wastewater and drinking water. They interfere with the endocrine system in humans and wildlife, and produce adverse effects such as developmental, reproductive, neurological and immune effects. Their presence in water raises concerns for the integrity of ecosystems and biodiversity. Addressing the challenges of EDCs in water is particularly complex due to their ability to trigger adverse effects at very low concentrations, their potency in mixtures with other chemicals, and the vast range of sources and entryways of this group of chemicals into the environment. This report presents new water quality monitoring methods, such as bioassays and non-targeted analysis, that are well equipped to capture the impacts of EDCs in water. These new methods supplement the traditional substance-by-substance chemical analysis of water quality. The report also outlines policy instruments to manage the chemicals’ lifecycle from source to end-of-pipe. It proposes tools and regulations that respond to the negative effects of endocrine disruption, even if the culprit chemical is still unknown. The analysis draws on case studies from OECD countries to provide practical examples and concrete policy actions.

This manual has been developed to help compliance officers in Croatian and Serbian State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) to introduce or strengthen their company’s anti-corruption programmes. It is designed as a practical, easy-to-reference tool offering a variety of practices that an SOE could consider implementing.

  • 12 oct. 2023
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 173

Au cours de la dernière décennie, le marché du travail de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale s’est amélioré. De nombreuses offres de travail ouvrent des possibilités pour des travailleurs hautement qualifiés, faisant de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale une destination importante pour les talents belges, européens et internationaux. Or, malgré les perspectives de carrière offertes par la région, un nombre important de résidents est exclu du monde du travail. Les travailleurs moins diplômés se font concurrence pour un nombre de postes limités, en dépit des pénuries observées sur le marché du travail.

Les facteurs qui mènent à l’exclusion de certains bruxellois et les solutions pour y remédier, doivent être un pilier de toute vision d’avenir de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale. Le marché du travail bruxellois récompense la formation. Faciliter l’accès aux formations disponibles en Région est donc une priorité, notamment pour qu’elles soient adaptées aux différents besoins de la population. Réduire les entraves à la formation est un autre levier d’action. Pour le service public de l'emploi, la simplification des parcours, la mobilité géographique des chercheurs d’emplois moins diplômés et une meilleure prise en compte de la dimension migratoire de l'exclusion peuvent, chacune à leur manière, aider un plus grand nombre de bruxellois à trouver un emploi de qualité.


This report presents the OECD methodological guidelines for compiling Environmentally Related Tax Revenue accounts. The guidelines are in line with the System of Environmental Economic Accounting and ensure consistency with national and international data sources and manuals. The OECD guidelines are based on those of Eurostat with refinements and additional memo items. First, revenue from greenhouse gas taxes is split into two sub-categories: an energy-related part (recorded as an energy tax) and a non-energy-related part (recorded as a pollution tax). Second, four "memo items" are introduced to enhance the relevance of the accounts for policy work: (i) certain land taxes, (ii) taxes on oil and natural gas extraction, (iii) taxes on the resource rent and (iv) elevated VAT levied on environmentally related tax bases. The practical application of these guidelines was successfully pilot-tested in 2018-19, and the guidelines were implemented in the 2019 and 2021 rounds of data collection from OECD member and partner countries. The results show that it is feasible to compile the accounts, including the refinements and the additions outlined in this document, across OECD and beyond.

  • 13 oct. 2023
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 130

This report explores the current state of Internet of Things (IoT) adoption and usage in OECD countries among businesses, households, and individuals. It analyzes IoT trends based on semiconductors, patents, venture capital investments, and firms. Additionally, it includes two case studies that examine the implementation of IoT in manufacturing and healthcare.

  • 13 oct. 2023
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 185

Smart cities leverage technologies, in particular digital, to generate a vast amount of real-time data to inform policy- and decision-making for an efficient and effective public service delivery. Their success largely depends on the availability and effective use of data. However, the amount of data generated is growing more rapidly than governments’ capacity to store and process them, and the growing number of stakeholders involved in data production, analysis and storage pushes cities data management capacity to the limit. Despite the wide range of local and national initiatives to enhance smart city data governance, urban data is still a challenge for national and city governments due to: insufficient financial resources; lack of business models for financing and refinancing of data collection; limited access to skilled experts; the lack of full compliance with the national legislation on data sharing and protection; and data and security risks. Facing these challenges is essential to managing and sharing data sensibly if cities are to boost citizens’ well-being and promote sustainable environments.

  • 16 oct. 2023
  • OCDE, Organisation mondiale de la Santé
  • Pages : 98

Countries are seeking ways to strengthen their financing systems to promote access to quality health services under their commitments to Universal Health Coverage. Chronic conditions account for a large burden of premature mortality, and gaps exist in patient receipt of recommended quality care. The objective of this publication is to describe experiences in purchasing arrangements and payment methods and how they have been used to attain quality of care and health outcomes for chronic conditions.

The publication builds on the existing body of empirical evidence and newly commissioned case studies from Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Germany, Indonesia, South Africa, and Spain to better understand the design of different purchasing arrangements that aim to promote quality for chronic disease care. We identify lessons learned in alignment of payment methods with service delivery models, key design issues in quality and payment, supporting purchasing policies, and monitoring and evaluation. Recognising that no single model is applicable to all settings, the publication aimed to share lessons learned and best practices and identify areas for future research, particularly in low- and middle-income settings.

As in most OECD countries, obtaining good-quality housing in a location facilitating access to jobs, public services and amenities can be very challenging for Italian households with low or unstable income. This book sheds light on access to housing in Italy from two different, complementary vantage points. First, it puts the Italian housing market in international perspective using OECD statistics and analysis to compare housing policies and outcomes in Italy to other OECD countries. Second, it zooms in on selected Italian innovative housing projects, where it asks residents and other stakeholders about their experiences with these initiatives: what were their difficulties, how have the projects been designed and developed, what did the projects bring to them?


Come nella maggior parte dei Paesi dell'OCSE, ottenere un alloggio di buona qualità in una posizione che faciliti l'accesso al lavoro, ai servizi pubblici e alle comodità può essere molto impegnativo per le famiglie italiane con un reddito basso o instabile. Questo libro fa luce sull'accesso alla casa in Italia da due punti di vista diversi e complementari. In primo luogo, pone il mercato abitativo italiano in una prospettiva internazionale, utilizzando le statistiche e le analisi dell'OCSE per confrontare le politiche abitative e i risultati in Italia con gli altri Paesi dell'OCSE. In secondo luogo, si concentra su alcuni progetti innovativi di edilizia abitativa in Italia, chiedendo ai residenti e agli altri stakeholder quali sono state le loro esperienze con queste iniziative: quali sono state le loro difficoltà, come sono stati concepiti e sviluppati i progetti, che cosa hanno portato loro i progetti?


Good mental health is a vital part of people’s well-being. This report uses the OECD Well-being Framework to systematically review how people’s economic, social, relational, civic and environmental experiences shape and are, in turn, shaped by their mental health. Based on this evidence, examples of co-benefits, or policy interventions that can jointly improve both mental health and other well-being outcomes, are identified for a range of government departments. Implementing and sustaining such co-benefits requires resources, incentives and working arrangements that enable all relevant stakeholders to contribute to tackling the upstream determinants of mental health. Selected mental health initiatives across OECD countries are reviewed to illustrate how policy makers have been realigning action across government agencies; redesigning policy formulation to address the joint factors influencing mental health; refocusing efforts towards the promotion of positive mental health; and reconnecting with societal stakeholders beyond government, including those with lived experience, youth, civil society and research institutions. How to Make Societies Thrive? Coordinating Approaches to Promote Well-being and Mental Health is the second of two reports as part of a broader OECD project on mental health and well-being.

  • 18 oct. 2023
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 537

Ces dernières années, l'économie mondiale a subi de profonds chocs qui ont eu un impact considérable sur les petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) et les entrepreneurs. Alors qu'un soutien gouvernemental rapide et massif a permis à ces entreprises de faire face aux conséquences économiques directes de la pandémie de COVID-19, de nouvelles menaces surgissent. La montée des tensions géopolitiques et des risques financiers mondiaux, une inflation élevée, le resserrement des politiques monétaires et fiscales, les pénuries de main-d'œuvre, les barrières commerciales et le ralentissement de l'intégration aux chaînes de valeur mondiales sont autant de facteurs qui contribuent à rendre l'environnement commercial des PME hostile. De plus, il est urgent d’accélérer leur contribution aux transitions verte et numérique, et de les aider à mieux s’orienter sur la scène internationale où les échanges et les investissements sont aujourd’hui en pleine mutation. Dans ce contexte, les Perspectives de l'OCDE sur les PME et l'entrepreneuriat 2023 abordent les tendances récentes en termes de performance des PME, l'évolution de leurs conditions d'activité ainsi que les implications pour l'action publique qui en découlent. Cette publication se penche également sur le thème général de l'intégration des PME à toute une série de réseaux, notamment les réseaux mondiaux de production et de chaînes d'approvisionnement, le rôle des entreprises dirigées par des femmes dans les échanges internationaux, les réseaux de connaissances et d'innovation, et les écosystèmes de compétences. De plus, l'accent est placé sur les politiques mises en place pour faciliter l'accès des PME à ces réseaux afin de leur permettre de tirer pleinement parti des transformations qu’elles subissent actuellement. Dans sa seconde partie, le rapport propose des profils statistiques nationaux qui comparent chacun des 38 pays de l'OCDE à travers toute une série d'indicateurs-clés.

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