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EU Funded Note

The FDI Qualities Review of Croatia provides policy recommendations on the design and implementation of a new strategic framework for investment promotion and facilitation in Croatia. It provides an assessment of how foreign direct investment (FDI) contributes to sustainable development, including productivity and innovation, job quality and skills development, decarbonisation and regional development. It also examines the institutional and policy framework for investment promotion and facilitation at national and subnational levels. It gives an overview of Croatia’s investment incentives regime, focusing on the effective design and implementation of tax incentives. The report indicates potential areas for institutional and policy reform to improve Croatia’s investment climate and strengthen the economic, social and environmental benefits of FDI.

Successfully transitioning to net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions requires effective mitigation policy packages, which include carbon pricing measures: a cost-effective policy instrument that not only reduces emissions but also generates revenue to support the transition. This fourth edition of Effective Carbon Rates provides an overview of the carbon pricing landscape, examining fuel excise taxes, carbon taxes, and emissions trading systems (ETSs) through 2021, with updates on developments until 2023. The policy mechanisms examined directly impact the cost of emitting GHGs, influencing shifts in production, consumption, and investment towards low- or zero-carbon options. The analysis covers 72 countries which together account for approximately 80% of global GHG emissions. The report focuses on developments in ETSs and transport fuel taxes amidst the energy crisis and provides comprehensive and comparable data on the current status of GHG emissions pricing that can assist policymakers in identifying priorities and refining carbon mitigation strategies.

  • 28 nov. 2023
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 110

The re-opening of Samoa’s borders in late-2022 kickstarted the country’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. This offers an opportunity to rebuild sustainably its tourism, maritime transport, and fisheries sectors. Samoa’s ocean resources can also augment its resilience to future shocks such as climate change. Through an analysis of Samoa’s economic trends and environmental pressures, institutional set-up and policy tools, as well as financing landscape, this report identifies opportunities and challenges for Samoa’s ocean economy to drive sustainable and resilient development. The Samoa Ocean Strategy offers a blueprint for such a pursuit, but there remain gaps and impediments. To address them, the report provides several cross-cutting and sector-specific policy recommendations to accelerate Samoa’s transition to a sustainable ocean economy.

EU Funded Note

Nei Paesi OCSE, un adulto in età lavorativa su sette si identifica quale persona con disabilità. Molte di loro sono escluse dalla possibilità di avere un lavoro significativo e hanno bassi livelli di reddito e di impegno sociale. I governi possono contribuire a creare un ambiente che sostenga l'integrazione sociale e lavorativa delle persone con disabilità. Il presente rapporto esamina l'efficacia del sistema di protezione sociale per le persone con disabilità in Italia. Riassume inoltre i risultati di un progetto pilota condotto in quattro regioni per testare una valutazione alternativa della disabilità. L'attuale processo di valutazione può talvolta negare i servizi alle persone che hanno bisogno di sostegno, mentre è generoso con le persone con problemi di salute significativi ma che non presentano una disabilità grave. Una valutazione della disabilità che tenga conto degli aspetti medici e funzionali, aiuta a indirizzare i servizi e le risorse verso le persone più bisognose. Inoltre, aiuta ad armonizzare l'accesso alle prestazioni e ai servizi di disabilità in tutto il Paese. L'attuazione della riforma sulla disabilità si è rivelata difficile in Italia. Il presente rapporto offre evidenza del fatto che la riforma può migliorare le condizioni delle persone con disabilità.


The Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes (Global Forum) is a multilateral framework for tax transparency and information sharing, within which over 160 jurisdictions participate on an equal footing. The Global Forum monitors and peer reviews the implementation of the international standards of Exchange of Information on Request (EOIR) and Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI).

AEOI provides for the automatic exchange of a predefined set of financial account information between tax authorities on an annual basis to assist them in ensuring the correct amount of tax is paid. To ensure the AEOI standard is fully effective, the Global Forum carries out a review of each jurisdiction’s domestic and international legal frameworks to ensure they are complete, as well as a review of the effectiveness of their implementation of the standard in practice.

This report presents the latest conclusions of the peer reviews of the legal frameworks put in place by jurisdictions to implement the AEOI standard. It supplements the assessments of the legal frameworks and the initial reviews of the effectiveness of their implementation in practice published in 2022, for around 100 jurisdictions that were the first to commit to commence AEOI. This report also contains the results of the Global Forum’s initial peer reviews in relation to the effectiveness in practice of the implementation of the standard by jurisdictions commencing exchanges in 2019.

  • 29 nov. 2023
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 221

The global economy continues to confront the challenges of persistent inflation and subdued growth prospects. GDP growth has been stronger than expected so far in 2023, but is now moderating as the impact of tighter financial conditions, weak trade growth and lower business and consumer confidence is increasingly felt. The slowdown is projected to be mild, with continued disinflation, but a growing divergence across economies is expected to persist in the near term. The Outlook underlines a range of risks, including the potential for disruptions to commodity markets and trade from heightened geopolitical tensions, uncertainty about the persistence of inflation, and the extent to which excess household savings will be run down. Key policy priorities are to ensure that inflation returns durably to target, address mounting fiscal pressures, revive global trade and improve the prospects for sustainable and inclusive growth in the medium term.

This issue includes an assessment of the global economic situation, and a chapter summarising developments and providing projections for each individual country. Coverage is provided for all OECD members as well as for selected partner economies.

  • 29 nov. 2023
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 253

L’économie mondiale reste confrontée aux difficultés liées à une inflation persistante et à des perspectives de croissance faible. En 2023, la croissance du PIB a été jusqu’à présent plus forte que prévu, mais elle est en train de faiblir à mesure que les effets du resserrement des conditions financières, de la croissance modeste des échanges et de la dégradation de la confiance des entreprises et des consommateurs se font de plus en plus sentir. Le ralentissement devrait être modéré et s’accompagner d’une poursuite de la désinflation, mais les disparités grandissantes entre les économies devraient persister à court terme. Différents risques sont mis en exergue dans les Perspectives, notamment la possibilité que l’exacerbation des tensions géopolitiques provoque des perturbations des marchés de matières premières et des échanges, l’incertitude qui entoure la persistance de l’inflation, et la mesure dans laquelle les ménages utiliseront l’excès d’épargne qu’ils ont accumulé. Les principales priorités de l’action publique consistent à faire en sorte que l’inflation revienne durablement vers l’objectif visé, à remédier à l’accentuation des tensions budgétaires, à redynamiser les échanges mondiaux et à améliorer les perspectives de croissance durable et inclusive à moyen terme.

Cette édition comporte une évaluation générale de la situation économique mondiale et un chapitre résumant les évolutions et fournissant des projections par pays. Tous les pays membres de l’OCDE sont examinés, ainsi que certaines économies partenaires.


EU Funded Note

One in seven working age adults identifies as having a disability in OECD countries. Many of them are excluded from meaningful work and have low levels of income and social engagement. Governments can help create an environment that supports social and labour market integration for people with disability. This report reviews the effectiveness of the social protection system for people with disability in Italy and summarises the results of a pilot carried out in four regions testing an alternative disability assessment. The current assessment process can sometimes deny services to people in need of support while being generous to people with significant health problems but who are not experiencing severe disability. A disability assessment that takes medical and functional aspects into account helps to direct services and resources to those most in need and to harmonise access to disability support across the country. Implementing disability reform has proved to be difficult in Italy in the past decade. This report provides evidence that reform can improve outcomes for people with disability.

  • 30 nov. 2023
  • Agence internationale de l'énergie
  • Pages : 53

As the global energy transition accelerates, all energy sectors will experience significant transformations, affecting how energy is produced and consumed. This implies a changing role of hydrocarbon fuels such as oil and natural gas. While these fuels will continue to play a role in energy systems, notably in large energy demand centres, all scenarios point to a gradual decline in demand for both oil and gas. As a result, producer economies such as Oman, whose economic development has been to a significant part enabled by a thriving oil and gas industry, have been exploring opportunities to adapt their economic model to the emerging energy economy we are observing.

Nevertheless, it remains important to appreciate the role producer economies play in the global energy transition. While this transformation involves a wide range of challenges to secure future revenues and employment opportunities for citizens, the energy transition also holds with it a range of opportunities. Oman's assets, infrastructure, and skills were once developed in the service of an omnipresent oil and gas industry. Today, the objective of this study is to lay out the opportunities of repurposing these advantages in the services in developing clean energy supply chains in Oman, led by solar PV, wind and low-emission hydrogen where significant economic value is expected to lie as the global economy decarbonises.

  • 30 nov. 2023
  • OCDE, Commission européenne
  • Pages : 312

The Missing Entrepreneurs 2023 is the seventh edition in a series of biennial reports examining how government policies can release untapped entrepreneurial potential from under-represented parts of the population of impactful entrepreneurs, including women, youth, seniors, the unemployed, immigrants and people with disabilities. It offers comparative data on the entrepreneurship activities and the barriers faced by each group across OECD and European Union countries. It takes a deep dive into the effectiveness of youth entrepreneurship schemes and the design of welfare bridge schemes for business creation by job seekers. It also contains country profiles for each of the 27 EU Member States showing the major recent trends in diversity in entrepreneurship and the current state and evolution of policy for each country.

  • 30 nov. 2023
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 133

The bioeconomy brings opportunities for economic growth while tackling climate change. Fossil carbon resources can be replaced by bio-based carbon resources, especially biomass. To allow these solutions to be scaled up without threats to biodiversity and the environment, it is necessary to develop the bioeconomy as a circular economy. With this carbon management approach, other sources of carbon complement biomass: industrial waste, including gases such as CO and CO2, as well as physically and chemically recycled carbon. In the future, direct air capture (DAC) may become competitive and form part of the solution. These approaches can be considered ‘circular’ because they close material loops and keep carbon recycling in the economy rather than emitting carbon to the atmosphere. This report reviews a number of hybrid technologies that can be deployed to ‘defossilise’ economic sectors and sets out policy options to bring these technologies to commercial scale.

  • 01 déc. 2023
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 13

Despite commitments to scale up and speed up climate action, the fiscal cost of government support for fossil fuels almost doubled in 2022 to reach more than USD 1.4 trillion as governments across the OECD and partner countries introduced substantial initiatives to mitigate high energy costs on households and firms, caused in part by Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine. This rising trend is a real threat to our collective net zero goals and highlights the challenges of staying on track with net zero commitments in the face of geopolitical and economic disruption. Going forward, it will be critical that support measures are reformed to better target those most in need. Support for fossil fuels should also be phased out as soon as possible. This will help free up much needed resources for the transition towards net zero emissions and accelerate innovation to improve energy efficiency.


Malgré les engagements visant à intensifier et à accélérer l’action climatique, le coût budgétaire du soutien public aux combustibles fossiles a presque doublé en 2022 pour atteindre plus de 1 400 milliards de dollars, alors que les gouvernements des pays de l’OCDE et des pays partenaires ont lancé des initiatives substantielles pour atténuer les coûts énergétiques élevés pour les ménages et les entreprises, causés en partie par la guerre d'agression de la Russie contre l'Ukraine. Cette tendance croissante constitue une menace réelle pour nos objectifs collectifs de zéro émission nette et met en évidence les défis que représentent le respect des engagements de zéro émission nette face aux perturbations géopolitiques et économiques. À l’avenir, il sera essentiel de réformer les mesures de soutien afin de mieux cibler ceux qui en ont le plus besoin. Le soutien aux combustibles fossiles devrait aussi être progressivement supprimé dès que possible. Cela contribuera à libérer des ressources indispensables à la transition vers zéro émission nette et à accélérer l’innovation pour améliorer l’efficacité énergétique.


This report assesses how the United States Commonwealth of Virginia is preparing young people for their working lives through career development. It builds on OECD longitudinal analyses which identify forms of career development that can be most confidently associated with better employment outcomes for young people. Collecting data from current secondary school students and young adults in the labour market, the report provides an oversight of career development in Virginia. It then explores the extent to which students are being effectively, efficiently and equitably prepared for their working lives through career guidance programmes. Career readiness is a policy of high importance and the report identifies many strengths within the Virginia system. In order to enhance provision however, there is need to update career readiness standards, frameworks and instruments, and to engage employers and people in work more systematically within guidance activities. Opportunity exists to better amplify labour market signalling, particularly with regard to the skilled trades. The report highlights international practice that can be expected to reduce inequalities in provision, linked especially to the socio-economic backgrounds of students and their geographic location. Here, scope exists notably to draw on digital technologies to enhance provision.

  • 01 déc. 2023
  • OCDE
  • Pages : 124

La Feuille de route pour un gouvernement ouvert au Cameroun propose une analyse approfondie des cadres juridiques et de politiques publiques, des institutions et des pratiques favorisant les réformes du gouvernement ouvert au Cameroun. Le rapport évalue trois domaines clés : 1) l'environnement favorable au gouvernement ouvert ; 2) le cadre institutionnel et les processus et capacités de pilotage du gouvernement ouvert ; et 3) les succès et les défis du gouvernement ouvert dans la pratique. Le dernier chapitre du rapport consolide toutes les recommandations et fournit une feuille de route concrète et opérationnelle pour aider le gouvernement du Cameroun à se rapprocher des critères d'adhésion au Partenariat pour un gouvernement ouvert et à renforcer son programme de gouvernement ouvert à travers l’adoption d’une approche stratégique.

Çok Uluslu Şirketler için Sorumlu İş Yönetimine ilişkin OECD Rehberi, hükümetler tarafından çok uluslu şirketlere yönelik olarak yapılan tavsiyeleri içerir. Söz konusu tavsiyeler; şirketlerin ekonomik, çevresel ve sosyal alanlarda ilerlemeye katkılarını teşvik etmeyi, bunun yanı sıra bir işletmenin faaliyetleri, ürünleri ve hizmetleri vasıtasıyla, Rehber kapsamında ele alınan konular üzerindeki olası olumsuz etkilerini asgari düzeye indirmeyi hedefler. Rehber; insan hakları, işçi hakları, çevre, rüşvet, tüketici çıkarları, kamuoyunun aydınlatılması, bilim ve teknoloji, rekabet ve vergilendirme de dâhil olmak üzere ticari sorumluluklarla ilgili tüm temel alanları kapsamaktadır. Rehberin 2023 yılında yapılan baskısına iklim değişikliği, biyoçeşitlilik, teknoloji, iş ahlakı ve tedarik zincirinde teknik değerlendirme çalışmaları gibi alanlarda sorumlu iş yönetimine ilişkin güncel tavsiyeler eklenmiştir. Bunların yanı sıra, Rehberde Sorumlu İş Yönetimi için Ulusal Temas Noktalarına ilişkin güncel uygulama yöntemleri de sunulmaktadır.

Portugais, Néerlandais, Allemand, Français, Italien, All
  • 05 déc. 2023
  • Agence internationale de l'énergie
  • Pages : 108

Uganda’s Energy Transition Plan (ETP) is a strategic roadmap for the development and modernisation of Uganda’s energy sector. It charts an ambitious, yet feasible pathway to achieve universal access to modern energy and power the country’s economic transformation in a sustainable and secure way. The plan was developed by Uganda’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, with support from the International Energy Agency, and provides the groundwork for the government’s upcoming Integrated Energy Resource Master Plan.

The analysis does not just look at Uganda in isolation but considers how global trends are influencing and opening up new opportunities, notably driven by rapidly evolving clean technology costs and shifts in energy and climate finance. Particular focus is paid to making use of the country’s considerable energy and mineral resources, and parlaying this into economic development for Uganda, a core pillar to ensure the pathway in the ETP is a just and inclusive one. The report provides detailed sector-by-sector analysis, including key targets and milestones, estimates of investment needs, and includes high-level recommendations for its implementation. While the focus of the report is from now to 2050, the ETP also highlights key steps to further the energy sector’s decarbonisation beyond 2050 and estimates at what point the energy sector is poised to reach net zero.

  • 05 déc. 2023
  • Agence internationale de l'énergie
  • Pages : 157

Government action plays a pivotal role in ensuring secure and sustainable energy transitions and combatting the climate crisis. Energy policy is critical not just for the energy sector but also for meeting environmental, economic and social goals. Governments need to respond to their country’s specific needs, adapt to regional contexts and help address global challenges. In this context, the International Energy Agency (IEA) conducts Energy Policy Reviews to support governments in developing more impactful energy and climate policies.

This Energy Policy Review was prepared in partnership between the Government of Denmark and the IEA. It draws on the IEA's extensive knowledge and the inputs of expert peers from IEA member countries to assess Denmark’s most pressing energy sector challenges and provide recommendations on how to address them, backed by international best practices. The report also highlights areas where Denmark’s leadership can serve as an example in promoting secure clean energy transitions. It also promotes the exchange of best practices among countries to foster learning, build consensus and strengthen political will for a sustainable and affordable clean energy future.

PISA – die Internationale Schulleistungsstudie der OECD – untersucht, was Schüler*innen in den Bereichen Lesekompetenz, Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften wissen und wie gut sie dieses Wissen anwenden können. Die PISA-Studie ist die bisher umfassendste und genaueste internationale Erhebung der Lernstände von Schüler*innen. Ihre Ergebnisse geben Aufschluss über Bildungsqualität und Bildungsgerechtigkeit weltweit und gestatten es Pädagog*innen und politisch Verantwortlichen, aus der Bildungspolitik und -praxis anderer Länder zu lernen. Dies ist der erste von fünf Bänden, in denen die Ergebnisse von PISA 2022, der achten Erhebungsrunde, vorgestellt werden. Band I, Lernstände und Bildungsgerechtigkeit, befasst sich mit den Schülerleistungen in Mathematik, Lesekompetenz und Naturwissenschaften. Zudem richtet er das Augenmerk auf geschlechtsspezifische Leistungsunterschiede und untersucht, welche Zusammenhänge zwischen Leistungen und sozioökonomischem Status sowie Migrationshintergrund bestehen können. Außerdem wird beschrieben, wie sich Bildungsqualität und Bildungsgerechtigkeit im Vergleich zu früheren PISA-Erhebungen entwickelt haben.


The OECD Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) examines what students know in mathematics, reading and science, and what they can do with what they know. It provides the most comprehensive and rigorous international assessment of student learning outcomes to date. Results from PISA indicate the quality and equity of learning outcomes attained around the world, and allow educators and policy makers to learn from the policies and practices applied in other countries. This is one of five volumes that present the results of the eighth round of assessment, PISA 2022 – which was conducted during the COVID-19 global pandemic. Volume II, Learning During – and From – Disruption, focuses on resilience in education and analyses its relevance for education systems, schools and students. The volume covers: learning during and from school closures; life at school and support from home; students’ pathways through school; investments in education; and school governance. Trends in these indicators are examined when comparable data are available.

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