Browse by: "2017"


Title Index

Year Index

  • 23 Dec 2017
  • OECD, European Union
  • Pages: 284

Sozialunternehmen sind langfristige Förderer von integrativem Wachstum und der Demokratisierung von wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Bereichen. Zudem haben sie sich unter schwierigen wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen als robust erwiesen. Zur gleichen Zeit gehen Sozialunternehmen sozioökonomische Herausforderungen bewusst auf innovative Art und Weise an, während sie Menschen die Wiedereingliederung in den Arbeitsmarkt ermöglichen und auch zum sozialen Zusammenhalt beitragen. In diesem Kompendium werden politische Erkenntnisse anhand einer Analyse von 20 Initiativen aus verschiedenen Ländern der Europäischen Union hergeleitet. Dabei werden mehrere Politikbereiche behandelt, wie zum Beispiel rechtliche Rahmen, Finanzierung, Marktzugang und Unterstützungsstrukturen, sowie Bildung und Kompetenzen.

French, English

O relatório tem como principal foco a cobrança pelo uso de recursos hídricos no Brasil. Avalia o seu estado atual e os desafios de implementação. Proporciona orientações para o avanço da implementação da cobrança no País como instrumento econômico e financeiro de gestão, visando prevenir e responder a situações de conflito pelo uso da água e de poluição, contribuindo para a segurança hídrica, e, consequentemente, favorecendo o crescimento econômico e o bem-estar social. O relatório evidencia a necessidade de informações, a aproximação da cobrança ao planejamento da bacia e a aplicação eficiente dos recursos arrecadados. O relatório inclui uma avaliação de três estudos de caso: o Estado do Rio de Janeiro, a Bacia do rio Paraíba do Sul e a Bacia do rio Piancó-Piranhas-Açu. Conclui com um plano de ação com etapas de implementação prática e delimitação de funções: quem pode fazer o quê para implementar as recomendações a curto, médio e longo prazo.

  • 23 Dec 2017
  • OECD, European Union
  • Pages: 268

Les entreprises sociales sont depuis longtemps des agents de croissance inclusive et de démocratisation de la sphère économique et sociale et elles ont toujours prouvé leur résilience face aux difficultés économiques en relevant les défis socio-économiques de manière innovante, en réintégrant les individus dans le marché du travail et en contribuant à la cohésion sociale en général. Le présent recueil tire les leçons des politiques d’aide au développement des entreprises sociales à partir de l’analyse de 20 initiatives menées dans plusieurs pays membres de l’UE, couvrant tout un éventail de domaines d’action politique allant des cadres juridiques au financement, en passant par l’accès au marché, et de structures de soutien, jusqu’aux questions de formation et de compétences.

English, German
  • 22 Dec 2017
  • OECD, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Pages: 312

The Environmental Performance Review programme of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) provides independent assessments of countries’ progress in achieving their domestic and international environmental policy commitments, together with policy-relevant recommendations. The reviews are conducted to promote peer learning, enhance governments’ accountability to each other and to the public, and to improve countries’ environmental performance, individually and collectively. The OECD has been conducting these reviews since 1992, supported by a broad range of economic and environmental data. Each cycle of the Environmental Performance Reviews covers all OECD member countries and selected partner countries. The most recent reviews include: Colombia (2014), Spain (2015), Brazil (2015) and Chile (2016). The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) has promoted environmental reviews in Latin America and the Caribbean, in cooperation with the OECD, and has undertaken similar assessments in the states of Amazonas and Acre in Brazil.

Part I. Progress toward sustainable development
Chapter 1. Background and key environmental trends
Chapter 2. Policy-making environment
Chapter 3. Economy and the environment
Chapter 4. Society and environment
Chapter 5. International co-operation and commitments

Part II. Environmental quality of life
Chapter 6. Air quality management
Chapter 7. Management of waste and chemicals
Chapter 8. Water resources
Chapter 9. Biodiversity

Part III. Use of natural resources base
Chapter 10. Farming and forestry
Chapter 11. Fisheries
Chapter 12. Mining sector

Annex I: Selected Data

  • 15 Dec 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 188

El Estudio de la Política Turística de México constituye una evaluación de las políticas, programas y planes relacionados con el turismo para apoyar el desarrollo sustentable del turismo en México. Las recomendaciones de política se enfocan en áreas prioritarias para ayudar a fortalecer el sector turístico de México y aprovechar oportunidades con sólido potencial de crecimiento económico, inversión y desarrollo, notablemente en las siguientes áreas: ambiente de elaboración de políticas y convenios de gobernanza; transporte, movilidad y conectividad para los viajes de los visitantes; crecimiento regional inclusivo, desarrollo de destinos, diversificación de productos; e inversión y financiamiento de PYMEs.

  • 05 Dec 2017
  • OECD, European Union
  • Pages: 240

The Missing Entrepreneurs 2017 is the fourth edition in a series of publications that examine how public policies at national, regional and local levels can support job creation, economic growth and social inclusion by overcoming obstacles to business start-ups and self-employment by people from disadvantaged or under-represented groups in entrepreneurship. It shows that there is substantial potential to combat unemployment and increase labour market participation by facilitating business creation in populations such as women, youth, the unemployed, and migrants. However, the specific problems they face need to be recognised and addressed with effective and efficient policy measures.
This edition contains in-depth policy discussion chapters on the quality of self-employment, including new forms of self-employment such as dependent and false self-employment, and the potential of self-employment as an adjustment mechanism in major firm restructuring and job shedding. Each thematic chapter discusses current policy issues and challenges, and makes recommendations for policy makers. A data section provides a range of information on self-employment and business creation rates, barriers and key characteristics of businesses operated by social group. Finally, country profiles highlight recent trends in inclusive entrepreneurship, key policy challenges and recent policy actions in each of the 28 EU Member States.

French, German

The Geography of Firm Dynamics provides methods and data to measure and analyse business demography across OECD regions. It first discusses the methodological challenges of measuring consistently the creation and destruction of businesses at the subnational scale and from an international perspective. Second, it presents a novel database that not only makes such comparison possible but also provides the basis for an analysis of the major trends in business dynamics across regions. The report identifies regional factors that are associated with entrepreneurship and also examines the impact of business creation on regional employment. The Geography of Firm Dynamics provides a tool for national and local policy makers to design strategies for healthier business environments that are tailored to the specific characteristics of each region, thereby boosting prosperity.

La Svizzera ha fatto dei passi avanti verso il miglioramento delle performance ambientali dei settori agricolo, energetico e dei trasporti. Il Paese si è affermato tra i migliori Paesi dell’OCSE in termini d’intensità delle emissioni di gas serra e può essere lodato per il suo approccio innovativo nella rivitalizzazione della rete idrografica. Tuttavia, si possono constatare anche ambiti problematici, quali le abitudini di consumo non sostenibili, la produzione di un elevato volume di rifiuti urbani e le alte percentuali di specie minacciate. Quale importante piazza finanziaria, la Svizzera gioca un ruolo fondamentale nella promozione della finanza verde.

Questo è il terzo rapporto sulle performance ambientali della Svizzera. Valuta i progressi compiuti verso uno sviluppo sostenibile e una crescita verde, con particolare riferimento alla gestione delle acque come pure alla conservazione e all’uso sostenibile della biodiversità.

English, German, French
  • 02 Dec 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 58

Die Schweiz hat Schritte unternommen, um ihre Umweltleistungen im Landwirtschafts-, Energieund Verkehrsbereich zu verbessern. In Bezug auf die Treibhausgasemissionen zählt sie zu den Spitzenreitern unter den OECD-Ländern und sie verdient Anerkennung für ihren innovativen Ansatz zur Revitalisierung ihrer Fliessgewässer. Problematisch sind hingegen nicht nachhaltige Konsummuster und das hohe Siedlungsabfallaufkommen ebenso wie die hohen Anteile von gefährdeten Arten. Als wichtiges Finanzzentrum kommt der Schweiz zudem eine Schlüsselrolle in der Förderung von grünen Investitionen zu. Bei diesem Bericht handelt es sich um den dritten OECD-Prüfbericht für die Schweiz.

Darin werden die Fortschritte in Bezug auf nachhaltige Entwicklung und umweltverträgliches Wachstum bewertet, wobei die Schwerpunkte auf der Wasserbewirtschaftung, der Erhaltung der Artenvielfalt und der nachhaltigen Nutzung von Ökosystemen liegen.

English, Italian, French

Cette édition 2017 de la publication Statistiques de l'OCDE sur les dépenses en recherche et développement dans l'industrie présente les dépenses de R-D ventilés par secteur secondaire et tertiaire. Les statistiques sont libellées en dollars des É-U courants et constants et portent sur 31 pays de l’OCDE et quatre économies non membres. La couverture d'ANBERD inclut plusieurs secteurs, couvrant notamment de nombreux secteurs de services. Les données sont déclarées selon la classification CITI révision 4. Cette publication est une source unique de données détaillées sur la R-D industrielle comparables au niveau international, ce qui en fait un outil irremplaçable pour l'analyse et la recherche économiques.


This 2017 edition of OECD Research and Development Expenditure in Industry provides statistical data on R&D expenditure broken down by industrial and service sectors. Data are presented in current and constant USD PPP values. Coverage is provided for 31 OECD countries and four non-member economies. The coverage of ANBERD includes multiple sectors, with extended coverage of service sectors according to ISIC Revision 4 classification. This publication is a unique source of detailed internationally-comparable business R&D data, making it an invaluable tool for economic research and analysis.

  • 01 Dec 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 260

The Netherlands today is prosperous, but its future success is not assured.  The Netherlands owes its success in no small part to actions it has taken in the past to develop a highly skilled population. Given the profound economic and social transformation that the Netherlands is currently undergoing, skills will be even more important for success in the future.  The Dutch education system and the skills of the Dutch population are strong overall. Therefore many of the opportunities for further improving the skills outcomes of the Netherlands are to be found in areas of society where the government has more limited influence, such as the workplace and community. As a consequence, achieving the Netherlands’ skills ambitions will require a whole-of-society approach.

The OECD Skills Strategy Diagnostic Report: Netherlands identifies the following three skills priorities for the Netherlands - fostering more equitable skills outcomes, creating skills-intensive workplaces, and promoting a learning culture. These priorities were identified through the analysis of common themes that emerged from stakeholder perspectives on the most important skills challenges facing the Netherlands, and through the OECD’s analysis of the nine skills challenges identified and examined in the report.

  • 29 Nov 2017
  • OECD, European Union
  • Pages: 144

This report presents evidence-based analysis of current strategies and practices in higher education institutions (HEIs) in Hungary towards a value-creating use of knowledge resources for innovation and entrepreneurship. The analysis and recommendations are highly relevant for policy makers and HEI leaders in other countries. Increased attention to innovation and entrepreneurship both from public policy actors and HEI leadership has triggered an incremental change process in the organisational culture of HEIs and a new approach to education and research for students and staff. HEInnovate is a joint initiative of the European Commission and the OECD to promote the innovative and entrepreneurial higher education institution across Europe and beyond (www.heinnovate.eu).

  • 27 Nov 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 208

This report examines the current system of water abstraction and pollution charges in operation in Brazil. It assesses the current system’s implementation challenges and provides possible solutions. The report explores how water charges can be both an effective means for dealing with water security issues, and a tool for enhancing economic growth and social welfare. Specific analysis is put forward for three case studies in the State of Rio de Janiero, the Paraiba do Sul River Basin and the Piancó-Piranhas-Açu River Basin. The report highlights that water charges need to operate in conjunction with an effective water regulatory regime and concludes with an Action Plan based on practical steps and recommendations for its implementation in the short, medium and long-term.

  • 27 Nov 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 216

O relatório tem como principal foco a cobrança pelo uso de recursos hídricos no Brasil. Avalia o seu estado atual e os desafios de implementação. Proporciona orientações para o avanço da implementação da cobrança no País como instrumento econômico e financeiro de gestão, visando prevenir e responder a situações de conflito pelo uso da água e de poluição, contribuindo para a segurança hídrica, e, consequentemente, favorecendo o crescimento econômico e o bem-estar social. O relatório evidencia a necessidade de informações, a aproximação da cobrança ao planejamento da bacia e a aplicação eficiente dos recursos arrecadados. O relatório inclui uma avaliação de três estudos de caso: o Estado do Rio de Janeiro, a Bacia do rio Paraíba do Sul e a Bacia do rio Piancó-Piranhas-Açu. Conclui com um plano de ação com etapas de implementação prática e delimitação de funções: quem pode fazer o quê para implementar as recomendações a curto, médio e longo prazo.

  • 27 Nov 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 244

La Suisse a travaillé à l'amélioration de la performance environnementale de l'agriculture, de l'énergie et des transports. Le pays a l'une des plus basses intensités en gaz à effet de serre de l'OCDE, et s'est montré très innovant dans la réhabilitation de ses rivières. Cependant, les pratiques de consommation peu durables de la population et les quantités de déchets urbains qui en découlent, ainsi que le nombre d'espèces menacées , sont préoccupants. En tant que pôle financier, la Suisse a un rôle clé à jouer dans la promotion de la finance verte.

Ce rapport est le troisième examen environnemental de la Suisse. Il évalue ses progrès en matière de développement durable et de croissance verte, avec des chapitres détaillés sur le traitement des eaux  et sur la conservation et l'utilisation durable de la biodiversité.

German, English, Italian
  • 27 Nov 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 216

Switzerland has taken steps to improve the environmental performance of its agricultural, energy and transport sectors. The country is a top OECD performer in terms of greenhouse gas emissions intensity and it should be commended for its innovative approach towards rehabilitation of its river system. Yet unsustainable consumption patterns and high levels of municipal waste generation, as well as high percentages of threatened species, are areas of concern. As a major financial centre, Switzerland has a key role to play in promoting green finance.

This is the third Environmental Performance Review of Switzerland. It evaluates progress towards sustainable development and green growth, with special features on: water management and biodiversity conservation and sustainable use.

Italian, German, French

With some 200 indicators, the 2017 edition of the OECD Science, Technology and Industry (STI) Scoreboard shows how the digital transformation affects science, innovation, the economy, and the way people work and live. It aims to help governments design more effective science, innovation and industry policies in the fast-changing digital era.

The charts and underlying data in this publication are available for download and over half the indicators contain additional data expanding the time and/or country coverage of the print edition.

  • 21 Nov 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 96

As coastal area on the Baltic Sea in north-central Poland, Pomorskie faces unique challenges and opportunities associated with the transition to a green economy, a diversified economy, growing population and significant natural resources. This report focuses on the sustainable development of the oceans and coastlines surrounding the region, known as the blue economy.
Based on an OECD survey designed to capture the needs and perceptions of local employers (mostly of small- and medium-sized enterprises [SME]), this report analyses the specific skills needed to support green growth in Pomorskie, and how related labour market and training programmes can be made more effective in supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy.


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