Browse by: "2022"


Title Index

Year Index

  • 23 Dec 2022
  • OECD, European Commission, CAF Development Bank of Latin America, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Pages: 374

¿Qué retos y oportunidades presenta la transición verde para América Latina y el Caribe? Esta 15ª edición de Perspectivas económicas de América Latina explora las opciones de política que la región tiene para repensar sus modelos productivos, transformar su matriz energética y crear empleos de calidad en el proceso. El informe señala que para que esta transición sea justa, se necesitan mejores sistemas de protección social y un diálogo abierto que ayude a construir nuevos contratos sociales sostenibles. Para impulsar esta ambiciosa agenda, el informe presenta distintas herramientas de financiación, incluidas las finanzas verdes, y aboga por la renovación de las alianzas internacionales.

  • 14 Dec 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 70

The ubiquitous collection, use, and sharing of data that power today’s economies challenge existing governance frameworks and policy approaches. Drawing on the extensive research and analysis conducted at the OECD on data governance, on countries’ policies and practices, and the OECD legal instruments in this area, the Going Digital Guide to Data Governance Policy Making supports policy makers in navigating three fundamental policy tensions that characterise efforts to develop, revise, and implement policies for data governance across policy domains in the digital age: balancing data openness and control while maximising trust; managing overlapping and potentially conflicting interests and regulations related to data; incentivising investments in data and their effective re-use. The operative part of the guide consists of a checklist of questions to orient policy makers as they develop and revise effective policies for data governance, based on possible policy approaches and real-life examples.

Data are generated wherever digital technologies are deployed namely, in almost every part of modern life. Using these data can empower individuals, drive innovation, enable new digital products and improve policy making and public service delivery. But as data become more widely used across sectors and applications, the potential for misuse and harm also grows. To advance data governance for growth and well-being, this report advocates a holistic and coherent approach to data governance, domestically and across borders. It examines how data have emerged as a strategic asset, with the ability to transform lives and confer economic advantage. It explains how the unique characteristics of data can pose complex trade-offs and challenge policies that pre-date the data-driven era. This report provides new insights, evidence and analysis and outlines considerations for better data governance policies in the digital age.

  • 09 Dec 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 199

This report assesses the linkages between foreign direct investment (FDI) and domestic small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Slovak Republic. It provides policy recommendations to national and subnational governments on how to foster productivity and innovation spillovers from FDI to the local economy. The report looks at the quality of investment the country attracts, the absorptive capacity of Slovak SMEs, and a broad range of economic, business and policy conditions that can strengthen knowledge and technology diffusion from FDI to domestic SMEs. It also provides a diagnostic assessment of the core FDI-SME spillover diffusion channels, namely value chain linkages, strategic partnerships, labour mobility, and competition and imitation effects. The report provides an overview of the Slovak policy arrangements for promoting international investment, SME performance and innovation, and regional development. It does so by taking a close look at multi-level coordination, stakeholder consultation and impact evaluation. It then reviews the policy mix in support FDI-SME linkages and spillovers and proposes concrete areas for further policy reforms. The last chapter introduces a regional lens, focusing on the regions of Banská Bystrica and Košice. This report is part of a multi-year European Commission-OECD project on strengthening FDI-SME ecosystems and is the second pilot review for future country assessments.

  • 30 Nov 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 364

Tourism has been hit hard by the depth and duration of the crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Just as the sector was starting to rebound, the economic fallout from Russia’s aggression against Ukraine has dealt a fresh blow to recovery prospects. The 2022 edition of OECD Tourism Trends and Policies analyses tourism performance and policy trends to support recovery across 50 OECD countries and partner economies. It examines the key tourism recovery challenges and outlook ahead, and highlights the need for co-ordinated, forward-looking policy approaches to set tourism on a path to a more resilient, sustainable and inclusive future. Evidence on the significance of the tourism economy is presented, with data covering domestic, inbound and outbound tourism, enterprises and employment, and internal tourism consumption. Tourism policy priorities, reforms and developments are analysed and examples of country practices highlighted. Thematic chapters provide insights on building resilience in the tourism ecosystem and promoting a green tourism recovery.

  • 07 Nov 2022
  • OECD, European Commission, CAF Development Bank of Latin America, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Pages: 340

What challenges and opportunities does the green transition entail for Latin America and the Caribbean? This 15th edition of the Latin American Economic Outlook explores options for the region to recast its production models, transform its energy matrix and create better jobs in the process. It argues that, for this transition to be just, stronger social-protection systems and open dialogue must help build new, sustainable social contracts. In support of this ambitious agenda, the report presents an array of financing options, including green finance, and advocates for renewed international partnerships.


Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that scale up have long raised policy interest for their extraordinary potential in terms of job creation, innovation, competitiveness and economic growth. Yet, little is known about which firms could effectively become scalers, and what policies could effectively promote SME growth. This report is part of a series aiming to help policy makers unleash scalers’ potential. Building on new evidence from microdata work, it rethinks the nature and scope of scale up policies, suggesting the need for a broader and more cross cutting approach. The report then explores two thematic areas that are relevant for SME scaling up, i.e. SME data governance and their access to ‘scale up’ finance. Based on an international mapping of 369 institutions and 1174 policy initiatives across OECD countries, the analysis shows that SME and entrepreneurship policy is not among the core mandates of many implementing institutions, calling for sound coordination across the board and further mainstreaming of SME growth considerations in both policy areas. Moreover, national policy mixes vary significantly across countries, reflecting different approaches to promoting SME growth and to SME targeting, but also revealing possible policy blind spots.

The COVID-19 pandemic and the Ukraine war have revealed vulnerabilities in Germany’s economic model: undiversified energy supply, an over-reliance on fossil fuels, delayed digitalisation and disruptable supply chains. Digital technologies may significantly disrupt manufacturing industries Germany has dominated for decades, threatening future competitiveness. The green transition also requires significant industrial transformations. Germany can call upon one of the world’s most advanced innovation systems in dealing with these challenges, but a new more agile and experimental approach to STI policy is needed. This Review outlines how to develop such an approach and what STI policies need to focus on: create markets for future innovations, more significant and more risk-tolerant finance for innovation, inter-disciplinary knowledge exchange, improved data infrastructure and capabilities. Given the internationally shared challenges of dealing with transitions, the insights presented in the review will be of interest to policymakers, stakeholders and analysts from Germany and across the OECD.

  • 04 Oct 2022
  • OECD, Inter-American Development Bank
  • Pages: 131

The review examines how higher education institutions are supporting innovation and entrepreneurship in their surrounding communities. The study focuses on eleven universities located in six countries in Latin America: Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay.

The study finds that selected institutions are actively supporting entrepreneurs (university students, but also local entrepreneurs) through courses, incubation and acceleration activities. It also shows that universities are actively engaging with external stakeholders in their surrounding communities, to spur innovation through joint-research, organisation of events (such as festivals, competition). It finds that that while COVID-19 pandemic brought about some challenges, universities managed to stay afloat and keep a steady stream of support to entrepreneurs and partners. The review also illustrates the challenges that universities face when developing these activities (lack of funding, unclear regulation for intellectual property development, etc.) and highlights some opportunities that universities should leverage, particularly in the current context.

Die Coronapandemie und der Krieg in der Ukraine haben Schwachstellen in Deutschlands Wirtschaftsmodell aufgezeigt: zu wenig diversifizierte Energieversorgung, zu starke Abhängigkeit von fossilen Energieträgern, zu langsame Digitalisierung und störanfällige Lieferketten. Die digitalen Technologien können im Verarbeitenden Gewerbe, in dem Deutschland seit Jahrzehnten eine führende Stellung einnimmt, zu erheblichen disruptiven Veränderungen führen und die künftige Wettbewerbsfähigkeit gefährden. Darüber hinaus verlangt die ökologische Transformation der Industrie große Anpassungsmaßnahmen ab. Deutschland kann auf eines der fortschrittlichsten Innovationssysteme der Welt zurückgreifen, um diese Herausforderungen zu bewältigen, im Bereich der WTI-Politik ist jedoch ein agilerer Ansatz mit mehr Experimentierfreude erforderlich. Der OECD-Bericht zur Innovationspolitik: Deutschland 2022 beschreibt, wie ein solcher Ansatz entwickelt werden kann und worauf sich die WTI-Politik konzentrierten sollte: die Schaffung von Märkten für künftige Innovationen, umfangreichere und risikotolerantere Finanzierung für Innovationen, interdisziplinärer Wissensaustausch sowie bessere Dateninfrastruktur und -kapazitäten. Da die mit den Transformationen verbundenen Herausforderungen auch andere Länder betreffen, dürften die in diesem Bericht dargelegten Erkenntnisse nicht nur für politische Entscheidungsträger*innen, beteiligte Akteure und Politikberater*innen in Deutschland, sondern auch für andere OECD-Länder von großem Interesse sein.


Society’s dependence on space infrastructure is at a critical juncture. Public and private actors worldwide are planning to launch tens of thousands of satellites into Earth’s orbit in the next five years. This will greatly expand and enrich the use of space resources, but it will also result in more crowded orbits and greater risk of damage from satellite collision and space debris. As satellite launches continue to multiply and concerns grow, the long-term sustainability of space-based infrastructure on orbit and beyond is set to emerge as an increasingly important space policy issue of the 21st century. This publication takes stock of the growing socio-economic dependence of our modern societies on space assets, and the general threats to space-based infrastructure from debris in particular. Notably, it provides fresh insights into the value of space-based infrastructure and the potential costs generated by space debris, drawing on new academic research developed especially for the OECD project on the economics of space sustainability.

In 2017, Colombia launched a novel public policy to stimulate the creative economy, building on the success of previous policy initiatives to support the cultural and creative sectors. The Orange Economy policy is unique for its transversal approach to supporting the creative economy and mainstreaming culture across diverse policy portfolios, beyond cultural policy. The report provides a comparative overview of Colombia’s culture and creative sectors relative to OECD peers and reviews progress in policy implementation. It provides a specific focus on Colombia’s push to foster creative districts as tool for local development across the country, including policy examples based on nine districts across the globe. The report maps the financial ecosystem for the creative economy in Colombia. Recommendations draw on international good practice to suggest ways Colombia can best leverage creative economy opportunities.

  • 12 Jul 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 150

Much has changed in the space economy over the past decade, with an ever-growing number of countries and business enterprises involved in space activities. Despite progress made in the quality and availability of data, the international comparability of space economy statistics remains limited. A decade after its first publication, it is therefore time to provide an up-to-date revision of the OECD Handbook on Measuring the Space Economy to reflect the changing landscape of space activities, space technologies and subsequent evolving user needs. This new edition aims to encourage and facilitate data collection among both incumbents and new actors involved in space activities, respond to the needs of the public agencies that still fund the bulk of space programmes, and support industry and private decision-takers who will also benefit from improved statistics on the space economy.

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are essential drivers of sustainable economic growth in the Western Balkans and Turkey, where they make up 99% of all firms, generate 65% value added and account for 75% of employment. Nevertheless, SMEs across the region continue to face obstacles such as difficulties accessing financing, low levels of digital uptake, regulatory barriers and relatively low participation in international trade. The situation has been further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic: SMEs found themselves fighting for survival amidst reduced demand, lockdowns and travel restrictions, and supply chain disruptions. 

This report provides an overview of the implementation of the Small Business Act for Europe during the period 2019-22. It is designed to help policy makers design, implement and monitor policies to support the recovery of SMEs from the pandemic, boost their competitiveness based on OECD and EU good practices, and further enhance the region’s economic growth and resilience.  

  • 06 Jul 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 92

Esta edição de 2011 das Diretrizes da OCDE para Empresas Multinacionais compromete 42 países a novos e mais rigorosos padrões de comportamento empresarial. As Diretrizes atualizadas incluem novas recomendações sobre o abuso dos direitos humanos e a responsabilidade das empresas em suas cadeias de fornecimento, tornando-as o primeiro acordo intergovernamental nesta área. As Diretrizes estabelecem que as empresas devem respeitar os direitos humanos em todos os países em que operam. As empresas devem também respeitar as normas ambientais e laborais, por exemplo, e ter em vigor processos adequados de devida diligência para garantir que tal aconteça. Estes incluem questões como o pagamento de salários dignos, o combate à solicitação e extorsão de subornos, e a promoção do consumo sustentável. As Diretrizes são um código de conduta abrangente e não vinculativo que os países membros da OCDE e outros concordaram em promover entre o sector empresarial. Foi também posto em prática um novo e mais duro processo de queixas e mediação.

English, Spanish, French, Russian, Italian, All
  • 06 Jul 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 121

Nach einer langen Phase des Beschäftigungswachstums, die zur niedrigsten Arbeitslosenquote seit der deutschen Wiedervereinigung führte, wird der Berliner Arbeitsmarkt nun zunehmend angespannter. Beschleunigt durch die COVID-19-Pandemie stellen globale Megatrends wie die Automatisierung von Produktionsprozessen und die immer weiter fortgeschrittenen digitalen Kompetenzen, die für viele Jobs erforderlich sind, die Berliner Politik vor neue Herausforderungen. Das lokale Weiterbildungssystem nimmt dabei eine zentrale Rolle ein: Es soll die Berliner Bevölkerung auf den sich wandelnden Arbeitsmarkt vorbereiten. Der Bericht „Zukunftssichere Weiterbildung in Berlin, Deutschland“ analysiert die Weiterbildung in Berlin im Detail und arbeitet Stärken und Engpässe des lokalen Weiterbildungssystems heraus. Der Bericht betont die Notwendigkeit einer langfristigen Vision für die Weiterbildung in Berlin, welche die verschiedenen Akteure der Weiterbildungslandschaft zusammenbringt um Angebote dynamisch an die Bedürfnisse der Berliner Bevölkerung anzupassen.


La crise du COVID-19 a eu de profondes répercussions sur l'économie mondiale, les PME et les entrepreneurs ayant été particulièrement touchés. Les mesures rapidement mises en place par les gouvernements et les institutions financières publiques ont fourni une bouée de sauvetage cruciale pour les PME en manque de liquidités.

La 10eme édition du Tableau de bord de l’OCDE sur le financement des PME et des entrepreneurs illustre les impacts de la crise sur le financement des PME, en suivant les faits récents en matière de dette, d’apport de fonds propres, de financement adossé à des actifs et les conditions de financement des PME, ainsi que l’évolution récente des politiques dans 48 pays. Il en ressort que l’accès des PME aux prêts est resté fluide pendant la pandémie, avec une croissance sans précédent de l'encours des prêts aux PME sur la période. Qui plus est, les conditions de crédit se sont considérablement assouplies : les taux d'intérêt ont atteint des niveaux historiquement bas, les écarts de taux d'intérêt se sont sensiblement resserrés et les exigences de garantie ont diminué dans la plupart des pays du Tableau de bord. En revanche, les sources alternatives de financement telles que le crédit-bail et l'affacturage ont fortement diminué, ce qui est en partie attribuable au recours massif au crédit. Les données sur le financement par apport de fonds propres font état d’un secteur du capital-risque résilient, non sans une certaine fragilité dans le financement de démarrage.

Le chapitre thématique de ce rapport étudie l'évolution des mesures de soutien au financement des PME pendant la crise, de la phase de sauvetage à la phase de reprise. Il révèle un recul du soutien aux PME prévu dans les plans de relance nationaux par rapport aux mesures de sauvetage antérieures.

Cette version abrégée contient les traductions complètes des chapitres thématiques ainsi que les profils des 5 pays francophones de l’OCDE : Belgique, Canada, France, Luxembourg et Suisse. La version intégrale du rapport comprend tous les profils complets et est disponible en anglais sur le site de l’OCDE.


Combatting climate change is among the most critical issues on the global policy agenda. The transition towards a greener economy will require a pivot towards more sustainable production processes and consumption patterns. Entrepreneurs have the potential to be a major driving force behind this effort through their capacity to develop and propagate innovative green solutions. To unlock this potential, it is crucial for policy makers to implement appropriate policies and measures that enable green entrepreneurs to thrive. This report identifies lessons from international policy practices in stimulating and supporting green entrepreneurship from three case study countries – Canada, Germany and Israel – to inform Denmark about effective policy practices and pitfalls to avoid as it implements initiatives to strengthen its green transition. Recommendations are offered across a number of areas such as promoting greater co-ordination between relevant policy actors, strengthening specialised support for green entrepreneurs and building green markets.

  • 03 Jun 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 274

Cultural and creative sectors and industries are a significant source of jobs and income. They are a driver of innovation and creative skills, within cultural sectors and beyond. They also have significant social impacts, from supporting health and well-being, to promoting social inclusion and local social capital. As national and local governments reconsider growth models in the wake of COVID-19, cultural and creative sectors can be a tool for a resilient recovery if certain longer-term challenges in the sector are addressed. The report outlines international trends with new data, including at subnational scale. It addresses issues in cultural and creative sectors in terms of employment, business development, cultural participation and funding, both public and private. It provides analysis of how these sectors contribute to economic growth and inclusion, taking into account the impact of COVID-19 related crisis on jobs and firms. Finally, it offers recommendations on how to capitalise on the role of cultural and creative sectors in national and local recovery strategies.

Dinâmicas do desenvolvimento em África usa as lições da África Central, África Oriental, Norte de África, África Austral e África Ocidental para desenvolver recomendações em matéria de políticas públicas e partilhar boas práticas. Com base nas estatísticas mais recentes, esta análise das dinâmicas de desenvolvimento visa ajudar os líderes africanos a cumprirem as metas da Agenda 2063 da União Africana a todos os níveis: continental, regional, nacional e local.

A edição de 2022 explora como o desenvolvimento de cadeias de valor regionais pode ajudar os países africanos a recuperarem dos choques socioeconómicos de pandemia de COVID-19 e acelerar a transformação produtiva. Destina-se a áreas políticas em que os atores privados e públicos podem apoiar cadeias de valor regionais ao operacionalizar a Zona de Comércio Livre Continental Africana (ZCLCA). As empresas africanas podem aproveitar as inovações digitais para reduzir os custos de produção, e os governos podem projetar políticas para o desenvolvimento de competências, contratos públicos e investimentos estrangeiros para fortalecer as ligações industriais. Dois capítulos continentais examinam iniciativas africanas relacionadas e tendências globais. Cinco capítulos adaptam as recomendações políticas a cadeias de valor específicas em cada região.

Dinâmicas do desenvolvimento em África procura alimentar um debate político entre governos, cidadãos, empresários e investigadores. Propõe um novo modelo de colaboração entre países e entre regiões, centrado na aprendizagem mútua e na preservação dos bens comuns. Este relatório resulta de uma parceria entre a Comissão da União Africana e o Centro de Desenvolvimento da OCDE.

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