This volume compiles the consensus documents developed by the OECD Working Group for the Safety of Novel Foods and Feeds from 2015 to 2019. It deals with the composition of common bean, rice, cowpea and apple, four important crops for agriculture and food consumption worldwide. The science-based information collated here is intended for use during the regulatory assessment of food/feed products derived from modern biotechnology, i.e. issued from transgenic plants. Compositional considerations are provided for each species, including tables detailing the key nutrients, anti-nutrients, possible toxicants, allergens and other metabolites contained in the products. This essential information and solid data can be used in the comparative approach as part of the novel food/feed safety assessment. It should be of value to crop breeders and applicants for commercial uses of novel foods and feeds, to regulators and risk assessors in national authorities, as well as the wider scientific community. More information can be found at BioTrack Online.
Ce rapport aide les décideurs politiques à optimiser les bénéfices de la transformation numérique pour tous, à favoriser la croissance et améliorer le bien-être. Il reflète les travaux réalisés dans le cadre du projet de l’OCDE sur la transformation numérique durant la période 2017-18 et d’autres travaux de l’OCDE dans ce domaine. Le rapport identifie les vecteurs de la transformation numérique, ainsi que des questions à mieux cerner. Il offre une vision économique et sociale holistique de ses implications sur les tendances clés, leurs effets, et les questions politiques qui en découlent, lesquelles doivent être coordonnées à travers des domaines différents. En outre, le rapport établit un agenda numérique ambitieux pour l’OCDE et au-delà.
This report presents the governance framework in Kazakhstan for managing disaster risks. A wide range of disaster risks are present throughout the national territory, primarily floods, landslides, avalanches, but also extreme cold and heatwaves. The report reviews how the central government sets up a national strategy to manage these disaster risks, and how a national risk governance framework is formulated and executed. It examines the role of the private sector and other non-governmental actors in contributing to resilience at a national and subnational level.
Le paysage technique de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) s’est métamorphosé depuis 1950, lorsqu’Alan Turing s’interrogeait pour la première fois sur la capacité des machines à penser. Aujourd’hui, l’IA transforme les économies et les sociétés. Elle promet de générer des gains de productivité, d’améliorer le bien-être et de contribuer à apporter des solutions aux défis mondiaux que sont, par exemple, le changement climatique, l’épuisement des ressources et les crises sanitaires. Cependant, à l’heure où ces applications sont adoptées à travers le monde, leur utilisation soulève un certain nombre d’interrogations et de difficultés ayant trait, entre autres, aux valeurs humaines, à l’équité, à la détermination humaine, à la protection de la vie privée, à la sécurité et à la responsabilité. Le présent rapport contribue à faire émerger une compréhension commune de l’IA, sous sa forme actuelle et dans son évolution à court terme, à travers des relevés du paysage technique, économique, pratique et réglementaire de l’IA et la mise en évidence de grandes considérations de politique publique. Il contribue également à un débat coordonné et cohérent entre les diverses enceintes nationales et internationales.
Esta publicación fue preparada para apoyar las discusiones de la Tercera Cumbre Ministerial del Programa Regional sobre Productividad "Aprovechando la transformación digital para impulsar la productividad en América Latina y el Caribe". Se basa en el trabajo de la OCDE sobre transformación digital en el marco del proyecto Going Digital y trabajos específicos, como el informe OCDE-BID Políticas de banda ancha para América Latina y el Caribe “Un manual para la economía digital”, Estudios OCDE sobre políticas y regulación de las telecomunicaciones en México y Colombia y Estudios OCDE sobre temas digitales de Colombia y Brasil.
El informe busca informar a los formuladores de políticas de la región sobre las políticas y los enfoques que pueden ayudar a aprovechar los beneficios de la transformación digital. Proporciona recomendaciones en siete áreas para que la transformación digital funcione para el crecimiento y el bienestar: mejorar el acceso a las tecnologías digitales; fortalecer su uso efectivo; permitir la innovación digital; asegurar trabajos de calidad para todos; promoviendo una sociedad digital inclusiva; fortalecer la confianza; y fomentar la apertura del mercado. El informe también tiene como objetivo contribuir con la preparación de un plan de acción que apoyará los esfuerzos de la región para cosechar plenamente los beneficios de la transformación digital.
This report discusses policies and approaches to spur sustainable and inclusive digital transformation in the LAC region across seven action areas: enhancing access to digital technologies; strengthening their effective use; enabling digital innovation; ensuring quality jobs for all; promoting an inclusive digital society; strengthening trust; and fostering market openness. The report also aims to contribute to the preparation of an action plan that will support the region’s efforts to reap the benefits of the digital transformation.
This publication was prepared to support the discussions of the OECD Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Programme’s Third Ministerial Summit on Productivity “Harnessing the Digital Transformation to Boost Productivity in in Latin America and the Caribbean”. It draws on OECD work on carried out in the context of the Going Digital project, as well as a range of work specific to the LAC region, such as the OECD-IDB report Broadband Policies for Latin America and the Caribbean, the OECD Reviews of Telecommunication Policies in Mexico and Colombia, and the OECD Going Digital Reviews of Colombia and Brazil.
OECD Reviews of Digital Transformation: Going Digital in Colombia analyses recent developments of the digital economy in the country, reviews policies related to digitalisation and makes recommendations to increase policy coherence in this area. The report examines recent developments in infrastructures for the digital economy, telecom markets and related regulations and policies in Colombia. It reviews trends in the use of digital technologies by individuals, businesses and the government, and examines policies to foster diffusion. The report also examines opportunities and challenges raised by digitalisation for production, innovation, jobs and skills.
The report reconsiders these policies in relation to their coherence among different domains and in order to foster synergies across government ministries, levels and institutions, based on the integrated policy framework of the OECD's Going Digital: Making the Transformation Work for Growth and Well-being project.
Creativity and critical thinking are key skills for complex, globalised and increasingly digitalised economies and societies. While teachers and education policy makers consider creativity and critical thinking as important learning goals, it is still unclear to many what it means to develop these skills in a school setting. To make it more visible and tangible to practitioners, the OECD worked with networks of schools and teachers in 11 countries to develop and trial a set of pedagogical resources that exemplify what it means to teach, learn and make progress in creativity and critical thinking in primary and secondary education. Through a portfolio of rubrics and examples of lesson plans, teachers in the field gave feedback, implemented the proposed teaching strategies and documented their work. Instruments to monitor the effectiveness of the intervention in a validation study were also developed and tested, supplementing the insights on the effects of the intervention in the field provided by the team co-ordinators.
What are the key elements of creativity and critical thinking? What pedagogical strategies and approaches can teachers adopt to foster them? How can school leaders support teachers' professional learning? To what extent did teachers participating in the project change their teaching methods? How can we know whether it works and for whom? These are some of the questions addressed in this book, which reports on the outputs and lessons of this international project.
Cómo medir la transformación digital. Hoja de ruta para el futuro ofrece nuevas perspectivas sobre el estado de la transformación digital al delinear indicadores de una amplia gama de áreas (desde educación e innovación hasta comercio y efectos sociales y económicos) comparadas con asuntos vigentes de política digital, según se presentó en Going Digital: Shaping Policies, Improving Lives. Al hacerlo así, se identifican vacíos en el actual marco de medición, se evalúa el progreso logrado para llenar estas brechas y se establece una hoja de ruta de cara al futuro. El propósito es ampliar las evidencias disponibles como un medio de definir políticas públicas más robustas de crecimiento y bienestar en la era digital.
What is the nature of childhood today? On a number of measures, modern children’s lives have clearly improved thanks to better public safety and support for their physical and mental health. New technologies help children to learn, socialise and unwind, and older, better-educated parents are increasingly playing an active role in their children's education.
At the same time, we are more connected than ever before, and many children have access to tablets and smartphones before they learn to walk and talk. Twenty-first century children are more likely to be only children, increasingly pushed to do more by “helicopter parents” who hover over their children to protect them from potential harm. In addition to limitless online opportunities, the omnipresent nature of the digital world brings new risks, like cyber-bullying, that follow children from the schoolyard into their homes.
This report examines modern childhood, looking specifically at the intersection between emotional well-being and new technologies. It explores how parenting and friendships have changed in the digital age. It examines children as digital citizens, and how best to take advantage of online opportunities while minimising the risks. The volume ends with a look at how to foster digital literacy and resilience, highlighting the role of partnerships, policy and protection.
Recent digital innovations provide opportunities to deliver better policies for the agriculture sector by helping to overcome information gaps and asymmetries, lower policy-related transaction costs, and enable people with different preferences and incentives to work better together. Drawing on ten illustrative case studies and unique new data gathered via an OECD questionnaire on agri-environmental policy organisations' experiences with digital tools, this report explores opportunities to improve current agricultural and agri-environmental policies, and to deliver new, digitally enabled and information-rich policy approaches. It also considers challenges that organisations may face to make greater use of digital tools for policy, as well as new risks which increased use of digital tools may bring. The report provides practical advice on how policy makers can address challenges and mitigate risks to ensure digital opportunities for policy are realised in practice. Finally, the report briefly considers the broader regulatory and policy environment underpinning digitalisation of the agriculture sector, with the view to ensuring that use of digital tools for agricultural and agri-environmental policy remains coherent with the digitalisation of agriculture more generally.
This report assesses well-being in the four largest urban agglomerations of the province of Córdoba and provides policy recommendations to strengthen regional development practices, and ultimately improve people’s well-being. Using around 30 statistical indicators, the report analyses the performance of Córdoba’s agglomerations in 12 well-being dimensions in comparison with 391 regions of 36 OECD countries and 98 regions of Brazil, Peru, Colombia and Costa Rica. The report also documents the well-being inequalities between Córdoba’s four agglomerations and suggests three priorities areas which the province should focus on to tackle well-being challenges: i) Ensure that well-being indicators guide future decision-making; ii) Continue strengthening and modernising the provincial statistical system to expand the evidence-base; and, iii) Strengthen governance arrangements for more effective, efficient and inclusive regional development policy outcomes.
Este informe evalúa el bienestar en los cuatro aglomerados urbanos más grandes de la provincia de Córdoba (Argentina) y proporciona recomendaciones de políticas para fortalecer las prácticas de desarrollo regional y, en última instancia, mejorar el bienestar de las personas. Utilizando alrededor de 30 indicadores, el informe analiza el desempeño de los aglomerados de Córdoba en 12 dimensiones de bienestar en comparación con 391 regiones de 36 países de la OCDE y 98 regiones de Brasil, Perú, Colombia y Costa Rica. El informe también documenta las desigualdades de bienestar entre los cuatro aglomerados de Córdoba y sugiere tres áreas prioritarias en las que la provincia debería enfocarse para abordar los desafíos de bienestar: i) asegurar que los indicadores de bienestar sirven para guiar la toma de decisiones en el futuro; ii) continuar fortaleciendo y modernizando el sistema estadístico provincial para expandir la base y uso de evidencia; y iii) fortalecer los mecanismos e instituciones de gobernanza para promover un desarrollo regional efectivo, eficiente e inclusivo.
Ce rapport offre un aperçu détaillé de l’état des politiques de données ouvertes dans les pays membres de l’OCDE et de ses partenaires, se basant principalement sur les données récoltées par les enquêtes de l’OCDE sur les données publiques ouvertes en 2013, 2014 et 2016, sur celles des revues de pays et des analyses comparatives faîtes par l’OCDE. Le rapport analyse les politiques de données ouvertes en utilisant un cadre analytique conforme à l’indice OURdata sur les données publiques ouvertes, utiles et réutilisables et à la Charte internationale des données ouvertes (International Open Data Charter). Il évalue les efforts déployés par les gouvernements pour renforcer la disponibilité, l'accessibilité et la réutilisation des données publiques ouvertes. Le rapport soutient qu’au-delà de l'engagement des pays à ouvrir des données gouvernementales de qualité, la création de valeur publique nécessite la mobilisation des différentes communautés d'utilisateurs de l'ensemble de l'écosystème, tel que les journalistes, les organisations de la société civile, les entrepreneurs, les grandes entreprises technologiques privées et les universités. Le rapport souligne également le fait que les politiques de données ouvertes sont des éléments de transformations numériques plus larges et que les politiques de données du secteur public nécessitent une interaction avec d'autres programmes publics, tels que celles du gouvernement ouvert, de l'innovation, l'emploi, l'intégrité, la budgétisation publique, le développement durable, la mobilité urbaine et les transports. Il met aussi l’accent sur la pertinence de mesurer les impacts des données ouvertes afin de soutenir l'analyse de rentabilisation (i.e. le business case) des données publiques ouvertes.
Pour améliorer l'éducation, il est capital de comprendre et de mesurer l'innovation. La base de connaissances internationales en matière d'éducation serait sensiblement élargie en assurant un suivi systématique de l'évolution des pratiques au sein des classes et dans les établissements d'éducation, du développement professionnel des enseignants, de l'utilisation des ressources pédagogiques, et des pratiques de communication des établissements d'enseignement avec leur communauté. On pourrait aussi comprendre comment sont associées les évolutions et l'innovation d'un côté et de meilleurs résultats en matière d'éducation de l'autre. Les décideurs politiques seraient ainsi à même de mieux cibler les interventions et les ressources, et d'obtenir rapidement un retour d'informations permettant de déterminer si les réformes ont modifié les pratiques éducatives conformément aux attentes. Par ailleurs, cela permettrait de mieux comprendre les conditions propices à l'innovation dans l'éducation ainsi que ses répercussions.
Cette nouvelle édition de Mesurer l'innovation dans l'éducation examine ce qui a changé (ou pas) pour les étudiants pendant la dernière decénnie dans les systèmes éducatifs de l'OCDE et couvre environ 150 pratiques éducatives dans sa version originale (et un peu moins dans cette version française abrégée). Elle met en lumière l'innovation systémique dans l'enseignement primaire et secondaire, en mettant l'accent sur l'innovation pédagogique. L'utilisation de la technologie s'est-elle propagée? Les évaluations sont-elles devenues plus fréquentes? Les élèves ont-ils plus d'autonomie dans leur apprentissage? Est-ce qu'on leur demande de plus en plus de mémoriser des faits et des procédures? Est-ce que plus d’élèves ont des enseignants qui participent eux-même à des activités d’apprentissage? Voici quelques-unes des questions auxquelles répond ce livre. Des premiers pas vers l’établissement d’un lien entre l’innovation et les performances éducatives sont également réalisés. Ce livre intéressera toutes les parties prenantes désireuses de comprendre l'évolution des pratiques éducatives.
Cette version abrégée ne contient, outre le résumé, que les chapitres où la majorité des indicateurs comprennent les systèmes éducatifs francophones. La version intégrale du rapport est disponible en anglais sur le site de l’OCDE.
The space economy is expanding and becoming increasingly global, driven by the development of ever-more governmental space programmes around the world, the multiplication of commercial actors in value chains, durable digitalisation trends, and new space systems coming of age. This report describes these emerging trends using new and internationally comparable data and indicators. It highlights the growing importance of space activities for the economy, for developing country strategies (based on original official development assistance statistics), for the pursuit of knowledge and scientific discoveries, and for society in general. To get the most out of space investments and promote sustained socio-economic growth, this report provides some recommendations to countries in building up their statistical evidence on space actors and activities.
This digital government study explores the state of the digitalisation of the public sector in Peru. It addresses recent efforts to build an institutional and legal framework to support the digital transformation of the public sector. It also discusses the design and delivery of, and access to, public services, and the role that digital technologies can play in improving them. Finally, this report assesses the state of data governance and open data in Peru’s public sector.
The artificial intelligence (AI) landscape has evolved significantly from 1950 when Alan Turing first posed the question of whether machines can think. Today, AI is transforming societies and economies. It promises to generate productivity gains, improve well-being and help address global challenges, such as climate change, resource scarcity and health crises. Yet, as AI applications are adopted around the world, their use can raise questions and challenges related to human values, fairness, human determination, privacy, safety and accountability, among others. This report helps build a shared understanding of AI in the present and near-term by mapping the AI technical, economic, use case and policy landscape and identifying major public policy considerations. It is also intended to help co-ordination and consistency with discussions in other national and international fora.
As digital transformation has accelerated, the e-commerce landscape has become increasingly dynamic. New players have emerged at the same time that established actors have taken on new roles; some barriers to e-commerce at the firm, individual and country levels have been overcome, while other barriers have emerged. Innovative business models have transformed buyer-seller relationships and pushed out the frontier of what is possible to buy and sell online. This report analyses new and emerging e-commerce business models, examines e-commerce trends along a range of dimensions, and offers new insights on the policies needed to exploit the opportunities and mitigate the challenges of unlocking the potential of e-commerce for all.
Online platforms support so many of our daily activities that we have become dependent on them in our personal and professional lives. We rely on them to buy and sell goods and services, to find information online and to keep in touch with each other. We use them for entertainment, news, transportation, accommodation, finding jobs and employees, finding apps and for many other purposes. Online platforms have also raised new and important policy questions, but the businesses themselves can be more complex than they appear so they are not always well understood. This report contains detailed profiles of twelve of the world’s leading platform companies and derives insights from those profiles about what platforms actually do, how they do it, and why they succeed financially. For example, the report finds that although platforms tend to have a number of economic characteristics in common, they also vary so greatly that they cannot be compartmentalised into just a few categories, let alone a single sector. Moreover, they do not all succeed for the same reasons. In addition, although the major Chinese platforms still have a low profile within the OECD, they are in the process of expanding globally and deserve more attention.