
Da sie sich sowohl der Komplexität der Kompetenzpolitik als auch der Möglichkeiten eines gegenseitigen Lernprozesses bewusst ist, hat die OECD eine globale Kompetenzstrategie ausgearbeitet, die den Ländern dabei helfen soll, die Stärken und Schwächen ihrer Qualifikationssysteme zu identifizieren, sie im internationalen Vergleich zu betrachten und Maßnahmen auszuarbeiten, mit denen erreicht werden kann, dass Kompetenzen zu besseren Arbeitsplätzen, einem höheren Wirtschaftswachstum und mehr sozialer Inklusion führen. Diese Publikation stellt eine Strategie vor, die den Ländern bei der Verwirklichung des Ziels der Heranbildung und optimalen Nutzung eines hervorragenden Pools an Kompetenzen helfen wird. Die Skills Strategy der OECD beinhaltet eine Umorientierung von traditionellen Messgrößen des Kompetenzniveaus, z.B. der Zahl der formalen Bildungsjahre oder den erworbenen Bildungsabschlüssen, hin zu einer wesentlich weiter gefassten Messgröße, die sich auf die Kompetenzen erstreckt, die Menschen im Verlauf ihres gesamten Lebens erwerben, nutzen, pflegen und u.U. auch wieder verlieren können. Wird nicht ausreichend in Kompetenzen investiert, müssen Menschen ein unbefriedigendes Leben am Rande der Gesellschaft fristen, kann sich technischer Fortschritt nicht in Wirtschaftswachstum niederschlagen und können Länder in einer weltweit zunehmend wissensbasierten Gesellschaft nicht mehr im Wettbewerb mithalten. Zudem müssen Kompetenzen, wie in der Publikation betont wird, während des ganzen Lebens kontinuierlich gepflegt und erweitert werden, damit sie ihren Wert nicht verlieren und es den Menschen ermöglichen, miteinander in einer Weise zusammenzuarbeiten, zu konkurrieren und zu kommunizieren, die Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft voranbringt.

Spanish, English, Portuguese, Korean, French
  • 13 Sept 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 464

Based on the latest information and indicators in science and innovation, the OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2012 reviews key trends in STI policies and performance in OECD countries and major emerging economies, and across a number of thematic areas. In this edition, individual policy profiles and country profiles trace the driving role that science, technology and innovation are expected to continue to play towards a sustainable and lasting recovery from the economic crisis.

  • 12 Sept 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 259

Mieux comprendre la relation entre action publique et innovation environnementale est indispensable pour concevoir des politiques environnementales écologiquement efficaces et économiquement efficientes. Or on ne dispose guère d’éléments concrets pour ce faire. Pour tenter de combler cette lacune, cette série de publications rassemble les résultats d’un certain nombre de projets entrepris par la Direction de l’environnement de l’OCDE et analyse le lien entre politique de l’environnement et innovation.

Le présent ouvrage est une compilation d’études empiriques consacrées aux effets des politiques d’environnement sur la création et la diffusion d’innovations visant à réduire l’impact environnemental des modes de production et de consommation.


This book examines regional innovation in central and southern Denmark, looking at its role in the economy, its governance and policy context and regional strategies for innovation driven growth.

  • 23 Jul 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 172

In all OECD countries, digital media and connectedness are integral to the lives of today’s learners. It is often claimed that these learners are "new millennium learners", or "digital natives", who have different expectations about education. This book contributes to the debate about the effects of technology attachment and connectedness on today’s learners, and their expectations about teaching.

The book sets out to answer the following questions: Can the claim that today’s students are "new millenium learners" or "digital natives be sustained empirically? Is there consistent research evidence demonstrating the effects of technology on cognitive development, social values, and learning expectations? What are the implications for educational policy and practice?

  • 11 Jul 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 188

This review of innovation policy in Slovenia offers a comprehensive assessment of Slovenia's innovation system, focusing on the role of government. It provides concrete recommendations and identifies good practices.

In recent years, the need to address social and environmental challenges has grown in urgency. Climate change, global health, food security and many other global challenges cross national borders and affect a wide range of actors. Yet, in most cases, single governments cannot provide effective solutions. Global challenges call for co-operation on a global scale to build capacity in science, technology and innovation (STI) at both national and international levels. How can international co-operation in STI be scaled up and its scope broadened? How do different modes of governance of international co-operation in STI function and which modes lead to effective and efficient collaboration?

Based on case studies, this book presents lessons and good practices on a range of governance mechanisms used for international co-operation in STI to address global challenges. The studies cover organisations that address global challenges including agriculture, food security, health, energy and climate change as well as organisations that bring together various types of actors. It takes a first step towards understanding the complexity of governance of international STI collaboration and provides the basis for future research.   

Recognising both the complexity of skills policies and the potential for peer learning, the OECD has developed a global Skills Strategy that helps countries to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their national skills systems, benchmark them internationally, and develop policies that can transform better skills into better jobs, economic growth and social inclusion. This book presents a strategy that will help countries reach the goal of having and making the best use of a high-quality pool of skills. The OECD Skills Strategy shifts the focus from traditional measures of skills, such as years of initial education and training or qualifications attained, to a much broader perspective that includes the skills people can acquire, use and maintain–and also lose–over a whole lifetime. Without sufficient investment in skills, people languish on the margins of society, technological progress does not translate into economic growth, and countries can no longer compete in an increasingly knowledge-based global society. In addition, the book points out that for skills to retain their value, they must be continuously maintained and upgraded throughout life so that people can collaborate, compete and connect in ways that drive economies and societies forward.

German, Spanish, Korean, French, Portuguese
  • 18 May 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 128

Around the OECD countries and beyond, there is a proliferation of initiatives in the life sciences to bring together disperse elements of global research and establish an effective virtual infrastructure for open innovation. Their common goal is to leverage innovative capacity by creating interconnected webs of knowledge and exploiting external expertise.
Some such initiatives have as their goal the monetisation and trading of knowledge in the form of intellectual assets. Others seek to create networks for pooling and exchange of knowledge. Together, these initiatives can be referred to as “knowledge networks and markets” (KNMs). This report considers the development of such KNMs and examines the impact of current initiatives and the possible options for governments, working with the private sector, to improve innovation efficiency and effectiveness.
Improving the interoperability of knowledge resources is fundamental to  the creation of a necessary shared infrastructure for efficient KNM to emerge, as is related sustainable funding and policy clarity. Governments can play a vital catalytic role in improving the productivity of KNMs through such infrastructure development and encouragement of associated social networking. the report makes suggestions for some priority actions based on existing case studies.    

This conference proceedings from the OECD Conference on Agricultural Knowledge Systems (AKS), held in Paris, on 15-17 June 2011, discusses a large range of experiences and approaches to AKS  explores how to foster development and adoption of innovation to meet global food security and climate change challenges. The conference considered developments in institutional frameworks, public and private roles and partnerships, regulatory frameworks conducive to innovation, the adoption of innovations and technology transfers, and the responsiveness of AKS to broader policy objectives.

This publication reviews the telecommunication market in Mexico, examines the current policy and regulatory framework of the sector and puts forward proposals for reform in order to develop competition in the market.


El presente estudio ha sido realizado por la Dirección de Ciencia, Tecnología e Industria de la ocde (dsti) bajo los auspicios del Comité de Políticas de la Información, Informática y Comunicación (Comité iccp) en respuesta a una solicitud del gobierno de México, a instancias de la Comisión Federal de Telecomunicaciones (Cofetel), y a través de la Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes (sct), por ser ambas instituciones las encargadas de representar a México en el Comité iccp.

La revisión de la ocde de la política y la regulación de las telecomunicaciones tomó como base las respuestas de las autoridades mexicanas a un cuestionario, así como los resultados de una extensa serie de entrevistas realizadas a los principales actores del sector de las telecomunicaciones durante una misión de investigación efectuada en México. El informe fue objeto de una revisión de pares en el Comité iccp el 27 de octubre de 2011, siendo la revisión encabezada por la doctora Mónica Ariño (Ofcom, Reino Unido) y el señor François Lions (arcep, Francia). Se terminó a principios de noviembre de 2011 y refleja los avances hasta ese momento.

  • 22 Dec 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 280
Since the 1960s the family in the OECD area has undergone significant transformation. In many countries, the extended family has all but disappeared, and the traditional two-parent family has become much less widespread as divorce rates, re-marriages, cohabitation, single parenthood and same-sex partnerships have all increased.  With rising migration, cultures and values have become more diverse, with some ethnic minorities evolving as parallel family cultures while others intermingle with mainstream cultures through mixed-race marriages. Families have seen more mothers take up work in the labour market, their adolescents spend longer and longer in education and training, and the elderly members of the family live longer and, increasingly, alone.  The repercussions of these changes on housing, pensions, health and long-term care, on labour markets, education and public finances, have been remarkable. Recent demographic projections perfromed by many OECD countries suggest that the next 20 years are likely to see a continuation and even acceleration of changes in household and family structures.  In particular, the numbers and shares of single-adult and single-parent households are expected to increase significantly, as is the number of couples without children.

This report explores likely future changes in family and household structures in OECD countries; identifies what appear to be the main forces shaping the family landscape between now and 2030; discusses the longer-term challenges for policy arising from those expected changes; and on the basis of the three subsequent thematic chapters, suggests policy options for managing the challenges on a sustainable basis.  

Cette dixième édition du Science, technologie et industrie : Tableau de bord de l’OCDE se fonde sur les cinquante années d’expérience de l’OCDE dans l’élaboration d’indicateurs pour présenter les tendances mondiales majeures en matière de savoir et d’innovation.  Elle analyse un large éventail d’indicateurs de la science, de la technologie, de l’innovation et de la performance industrielle dans les pays de l’OCDE et dans de grands pays non membres (notamment le Brésil, la Fédération de Russie, l’Inde, l’Indonésie, la Chine et l’Afrique du Sud) et contient des indicateurs expérimentaux qui renseignent sur de nouveaux domaines d’action des pouvoirs publics.

  • 05 Dec 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 176

Intellectual Property Rights can be instrumental for SMEs to protect and build on their innovations; position themselves competitively vis-à-vis larger enterprises in global markets; gain access to revenues; signal current and prospective value to investors, competitors and partners; access knowledge markets and networks; open up new commercial pathways; or segment existing markets.  However, while there is increasing recognition of their significance, as well as  the need for appropriate intellectual asset management for SMEs across OECD countries, there are few regulatory frameworks or specific instruments directed to SMEs. This is in part due the pace of technological innovation, which often exceeds the time it takes for policy makers to create appropriate responses to the changing landscape of intellectual property.   This study explores the relations between SME intellectual asset management, innovation and competitiveness in different national and sectoral contexts. It provides insights on the ability of SMEs to access and utilise the protection systems available to them and identifies key challenges for SMEs in appropriating full value from IPRs. It also investigates effectiveness of regulatory frameworks and policy measures to support SME access to IPRs, identifying best practices and proposing policy recommendations

  • 01 Dec 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 228

This book provides a comprehensive assessment of the innovation system of Peru, focusing on the role of government. It provides concrete recommendations and identifies good practices on how to improve policies that affect innovation performance, including R&D policies.

  • 10 Oct 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 156

This study is concerned with trends in and key features of policies and programmes used by governments to support innovation in the business sector. In addition to identifying good practices across a range of programme types, it compares business innovation policies across several countries, with a particular focus on Canada.

  • 20 Sept 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 208

This tenth edition of the OECD Science, Technology and Industry (STI) Scoreboard builds on the OECD’s 50 years of indicator development to present major world trends in knowledge and innovation. It analyses a wide set of indicators of science, technology, globalisation and industrial performance in OECD and major non-OECD countries (notably Brazil, the Russian Federation, India, Indonesia, China and South Africa) and includes some experimental indicators that provide insight into new areas of policy interest.

  • 16 Sept 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 140

The field of industrial biotechnology has moved rapidly in recent years as a combined result of international political desire, especially in the case of biofuels, and unprecedented progress in molecular biology research that has supplied the enabling technologies. Different geographical regions  have different priorities, but common drivers are climate change mitigation and the desire for energy independence. Now, industrial biotechnology has reached the centre of scientific and political attention. At no time in the past has there been a more pressing need for coherent, evidence-based, proportionate regulations and policy measures; they are at the heart of responsible development of industrial biotechnology.

This publication examines the international drivers, the enabling technologies that are fast-tracking Industrial Biotechnology, industry trends, some of the products that are appearing on the market, industry structure and finance, and finally policy measures and trends. It examines separately biofuels, biobased chemicals and bioplastics. It is quite clear that a supportive policy framework for the development of biofuels exists in many countries, but that no such framework is in place for biobased chemicals and bioplastics. This seems at odds with the apparent need for the integrated biorefinery, where chemicals and plastics production will significantly improve profitability when produced alongside transportation fuels. 

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