Browse by: "2018"


Title Index

Year Index

  • 27 Feb 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 220

Kazakhstan has made significant economic progress over recent decades. Health has risen on the policy agenda with a number of sector reforms introduced to modernise the system and improve the health of the population. This review uses globally recognised frameworks and indicators to evaluate Kazakhstan’s overall health system as well as its primary care and hospital sectors. Data provided by Kazakhstan is used to benchmark the various dimensions of performance with that of OECD countries. While the review points to notable successes, Kazakhstan continues to face challenges to improve the accessibility, equity, and efficiency of health services. To strengthen health system performance, the report points to key actions that Kazakhstan should consider prioritising in the coming years.

  • 28 Feb 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 172

O forte crescimento e o considerável progresso social das últimas duas décadas fez do Brasil umas das principais economias do mundo, apesar da profunda recessão da qual a economia está agora se recuperando. No entanto, o Brasil continua sendo um dos países mais desiguais do mundo e as contas públicas deterioraram-se significativamente. Reformas abrangentes são necessárias para sustentar o progresso em matéria de crescimento inclusivo. Um melhor direcionamento do gasto social nas famílias pobres reduziria a desigualdade e ao mesmo tempo asseguraria a sustentabilidade da dívida pública. Isso exigirá escolhas políticas difíceis, principalmente em relação à previdência social e às transferências sociais. A redução das transferências econômicas para o setor corporativo, juntamente com avaliações mais sistemáticas dos programas de gastos públicos, reforçará o crescimento, aperfeiçoará a governança econômica e limitará o escopo futuro do rentismo e dos subornos políticos. Para manter o potencial de crescimento da economia, é preciso mais investimento, o que pode elevar a produtividade e, ao mesmo tempo, o escopo de futuros aumentos de salário. Simplificar os impostos, reduzir os custos administrativos e agilizar a emissão de licenças aumentaria o retorno do investimento. Uma concorrência mais forte permitiria aos empreendimentos de alto desempenho prosperarem e aumentaria as oportunidades de investimento. Ao mesmo tempo, as barreiras comerciais isolam as empresas das oportunidades globais e da competição internacional. Maior integração na economia mundial levará ao aumento da competitividade das empresas brasileiras e abrirá novas oportunidades de exportação.


French, English
  • 28 Feb 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 164

Strong growth and remarkable social progress over the past two decades have made Brazil one of the world’s leading economies, despite the deep recession that the economy is now emerging from. However, inequality remains high and fiscal accounts have deteriorated substantially, calling for wide-ranging reforms to sustain progress on inclusive growth. A better focus of social expenditures towards the poor would reduce inequality and ensure sustainability of public debt at the same time. This will require difficult political choices, particularly in pensions and social transfers. Reducing economic transfers to the corporate sector, in conjunction with more systematic evaluations of public expenditure programmes, will strengthen growth, improve economic governance and limit the future scope for rent seeking and political kick-backs. Maintaining the growth potential of the economy requires stronger investment, which could also raise productivity and concomitantly, the scope for future wage increases. Simplifying taxes, reducing administrative burdens and streamlining licensing would raise investment returns, while stronger competition could generate new investment opportunities in thriving, high-performing enterprises. At the same time, trade barriers shield enterprises from global opportunities and foreign competition. Fostering a stronger integration into global trade would allow firms to become more competitive and generate new export opportunities.

French, Portuguese
  • 28 Feb 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 124

The Finnish economy is rebounding strongly after almost a decade of lacklustre economic performance. The revival in global growth and investment, coupled with competitiveness gains, is boosting exports. Consumption remains healthy despite slow income growth and both business and residential investment are buoyant. Nevertheless, a rapidly ageing population limits the long-term growth potential and weighs on public finances. Increased mobility of tax bases related to globalisation creates further challenges in raising revenue, while the tax system should also support growth, competitiveness and employment, and maintain its ability to contain income inequality. To ensure steady and inclusive growth, Finland’s employment rate, which is markedly lower than in the other Nordic countries, needs to be lifted. The welfare system has to generate strong work incentives, protect the vulnerable and adapt to a changing world of work. This Survey assesses the respective merits of introducing a universal basic income and streamlining the social benefit system in moving towards these objectives.


  • 01 Mar 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 200

Lithuania has undergone major economic and social change since the early 1990s. Despite an exceptionally deep recession following the global financial crisis, impressive economic growth over the past two decades has narrowed income and productivity gaps relative to comparable countries in the OECD. But Lithuania faces a massive demographic challenge, mostly as a result of large and persistent emigration driven primarily by low wages and poor working conditions. Income inequality is also very high, and households at the bottom of the income distribution have recently benefited very little from the recovery. Major reforms of the labour code, the unemployment insurance system, employment policies and pensions were recently undertaken within the New Social Model to improve labour maket adaptibility and income security. This report provides comprehensive analysis of Lithuania’s policies and practices compared with best practice in the field of labour, social and migration from the OECD countries. It contains several recommendations to tackle key challenges facing Lithuania. This report will be of interest in Lithuania as well as other countries looking to promote a more inclusive economy.

  • 01 Mar 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 244

This report examines governance frameworks to counter illicit trade. It looks at the adequacy and effectiveness of sanctions and penalties applicable, the steps parties engaged in illicit trade take to lower the risk of detection - for example through small shipments - and the use of free trade zones as hubs for managing trade in illicit products. It also identifies gaps in enforcement that may need to be addressed. The report provides an overview of selected enforcement issues in BRICS economies (Brazil, China, India, the Russian Federation and South Africa).

Als international anerkanntes Standardwerk zur Methodik der Erhebung und Verwendung von FuE-Statistiken ist das Frascati-Handbuch der OECD ein wesentliches Instrument für Statistiker und wissenschafts- und innovationspolitische Entscheidungsträger weltweit. Es umfasst Definitionen der grundlegenden Konzepte, Leitlinien für die Datenerhebung und Klassifikationen für die Erfassung von FuE-Statistiken. Diese aktualisierte Ausgabe des Handbuchs enthält überarbeitete Leitlinien, die den jüngsten Veränderungen bei der Durchführung und Finanzierung von FuE sowie der verstärkten Nutzung von FuE-Statistiken und -Definitionen Rechnung tragen. Darüber hinaus bietet die vorliegende Ausgabe neue Kapitel zu den praktischen Aspekten der Erhebung von FuE-Daten in verschiedenen Sektoren ebenso wie neue Leitlinien für die Erfassung verschiedener Aspekte der staatlichen FuE-Förderung, wie z.B. Steueranreize.

French, English, Korean, Spanish, Lithuanian, All

This annual publication provides comprehensive data on the volume, origin and types of aid and other resource flows to around 150 developing countries. The data show each country's receipts of official development assistance as well as other official and private funds from members of the Development Assistance Committee of the OECD, multilateral agencies and other key donors.  Key development indicators are given for reference.

Ce guide résume les travaux sur les études de marché menés par le Comité de la concurrence et le Secrétariat de l’OCDE. Il vise à éclairer les choix des autorités de la concurrence et plus généralement des décideurs intervenant dans ce domaine lorsqu’ils élaborent un cadre applicable aux études de marché ou réalisent une étude de marché. Les détails des approches et des cadres appliqués varient sensiblement d’une juridiction à l’autre, mais il est possible de tirer de précieux enseignements des expériences des autorités de la concurrence.

Spanish, English, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, All

В этом документе подводятся итоги работы по вопросам исследования рынков, проделанной Комитетом по конкуренции и Секретариатом ОЭСР. Данное руководство могут использовать органы, занимающиеся вопросами конкуренции, а также органы, определяющие политику в области конкуренции в более широком смысле, при определии объемов рыночных исследований и при их проведении. Хотя в настоящее время конкретное содержание и спектр рыночных исследований в разных юрисдикциях значительно различаются, их результаты , с учетом опыта антимонопольных органов, представляются существенными и заслуживают опубликования.

French, Arabic, English, Chinese, Portuguese, All
  • 03 Mar 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 38

يلخّص هذا الدليل العمل الذي أجرته لجنة المنافسة التابعة لمنظمة التعاون والتنمية الاقتصادية وأمانتها العامة بشأن دراسات السوق. ويُمكن أن تستخدمه هيئات المنافسة، وواضعو سياسات المنافسة عموما، في تصميم إطار عمل لدراسات السوق، وعند تنفيذ هذه الأخيرة. وفيما تختلف حاليا وإلى حدّ كبير النهج وأطر العمل الخاصة بهذه الدراسات بين الدول، تبرز أفكار هامة يمكن تشاركها من خبرات هيئات المنافسة.

Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, Chinese, All
  • 03 Mar 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 34

This document summarises the work conducted by the OECD Competition Committee on market studies. It can be used to inform the design of market studies frameworks, and to help guide the execution of market studies.

Arabic, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, All
  • 03 Mar 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 34

本文件概述了经合组织竞争委员会及其秘书处就市场研究主题开展的工作。在设计市场研究框架 和执行市场研究时,竞争主管部门和更广泛的竞争政策制定者可以用它作为指导。虽然目前不同法域 在市场研究的具体方法和框架上差异很大,但各竞争主管部门的经验中有大量见解可供分享。

English, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, French, All
  • 03 Mar 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 40

Este guia resume o trabalho realizado pelo Comité da Concorrência da OCDE e pelo seu Secretariado sobre o tema dos estudos de mercado. Pode ser utilizado pelas autoridades da concorrência e, de um modo mais geral, pelos decisores políticos em matéria de concorrência, na conceção de um quadro para estudos de mercado e na condução dos mesmos. Embora atualmente a abordagem e o quadro específicos para os estudos de mercado variem de forma significativa entre países, existem perspetivas substanciais que podem ser partilhadas com base nas experiências das autoridades da concorrência.

Chinese, English, Arabic, Spanish, French, All
  • 03 Mar 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 40

Este guía resume el trabajo realizado por el Comité de Competencia de la OCDE y su Secretaría sobre el tema de los estudios de mercado. Puede utilizarse por las autoridades de competencia y por los responsables de la política en materia de competencia en general, al diseñar un marco para los estudios de mercado y al ejecutar los estudios de mercado. Si bien el enfoque y el marco específico de los estudios de mercado varían actualmente de forma significativa entre las jurisdicciones, existe información sustancial que puede compartirse a partir de las experiencias de las autoridades de competencia.

French, Russian, Chinese, English, Arabic, All
  • 05 Mar 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 304

This report provides a synthetic view of national risk assessments (NRAs) in twenty OECD Member countries. NRA are used to support risk management decisions in a rapidly changing global risk landscape characterized by increasingly complex, interconnected societies and highly mobile people, information and goods. The report highlights good governance practices in establishing NRAs and how the results are used to inform public policy. It identifies challenges that OECD Member countries continue to confront in their efforts to implement NRA, and makes concrete recommendations where improvements could still be made.

  • 05 Mar 2018
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 137

Oil 2018 is the IEA’s annual five-year forecast of global oil demand, supply refining, and trade.

Global oil demand growth remains healthy driven by developing countries in Asia, even as oil consumption growth slows down in China thanks to new environmental policies designed to curb air pollution. Strong growth in petrochemicals demand globally is another key area of growth.

Upstream investments have not rebounded from the historic two-year decline seen in 2015-2016 except in the United States which dominates the supply growth story. Meanwhile, there is uncertainty over the longer-term prospects of the successful OPEC and non-OPEC market management policy.

These strands set the scene for Oil 2018’s analysis of the market, which examines a wide range of other important issues and uncertainties, including:

  • The implications for oil demand of the 2020 IMO marine fuel regulations.
  • The growth of the global petrochemicals sector.
  • The rise of electrification in China’s transport fleet.
  • Decline rates in key oil producing countries.
  • Crude quality issues arising from the rapid increase in US production.
  • Investment needs in North American takeaway capacity.
  • Implications for global refining of the looming capacity surplus.
  • Trends in global oil trade.

Las empresas pueden contribuir a un mayor desarrollo social y económico haciendo que las partes interesadas —como, por ejemplo, las poblaciones locales— formen parte de sus procesos de planificación y toma de decisiones. Ello resulta especialmente importante en el sector extractivo, cuyas actividades tienen un enorme impacto social, económico y ambiental.

En este sentido, la OCDE ha elaborado la Guía de Diligencia Debida para la Participación Significativa de las Partes Interesadas del Sector Extractivo. El objetivo de esta Guía es proporcionar a las empresas de los sectores del petróleo, el gas y la minería unas directrices prácticas que les permitan abordar los retos que conlleva la participación de las partes interesadas.

Esta Guía forma parte de la labor que lleva a cabo la OCDE para promover aplicaciones sectoriales prácticas de las recomendaciones incluidas en las Líneas Directrices de la OCDE para Empresas Multinacionales.

German, English, French, Portuguese
  • 06 Mar 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 143

Viet Nam's competition law and policy underwent a peer review during the OECD Global Forum on Competition on 8 December 2017. This report is the result of this exercise and provides Viet Nam with a roadmap to help align its competition law and policy with international standards and best practices.

Vietnamese, French
  • 07 Mar 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 168

This report assesses the performance of all components of Latvia's pension system. Latvia was the first country to fully implement a non-financial (notional) defined contribution (NDC) scheme in 1996. A funded mandatory earnings-related scheme complemented NDC since 2001. Voluntary private pensions cover only limited number of people. Over the last 20 years, the severe economic crisis, population ageing and strong emigration have revealed both strengths and weaknesses of the Latvian pension system. The review assesses also the minimum and basic pension schemes which provide the first-layer of protection against the old age poverty especially for those with short or patchy careers. Separate analysis focuses on the disability and early retirement schemes, including the schemes for workers in arduous and hazardous occupations. The detailed analysis leads to tailored recommendations on how to improve the performance of each element as well as the pension system as a whole.

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