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EU Funded Note

Nei Paesi OCSE, un adulto in età lavorativa su sette si identifica quale persona con disabilità. Molte di loro sono escluse dalla possibilità di avere un lavoro significativo e hanno bassi livelli di reddito e di impegno sociale. I governi possono contribuire a creare un ambiente che sostenga l'integrazione sociale e lavorativa delle persone con disabilità. Il presente rapporto esamina l'efficacia del sistema di protezione sociale per le persone con disabilità in Italia. Riassume inoltre i risultati di un progetto pilota condotto in quattro regioni per testare una valutazione alternativa della disabilità. L'attuale processo di valutazione può talvolta negare i servizi alle persone che hanno bisogno di sostegno, mentre è generoso con le persone con problemi di salute significativi ma che non presentano una disabilità grave. Una valutazione della disabilità che tenga conto degli aspetti medici e funzionali, aiuta a indirizzare i servizi e le risorse verso le persone più bisognose. Inoltre, aiuta ad armonizzare l'accesso alle prestazioni e ai servizi di disabilità in tutto il Paese. L'attuazione della riforma sulla disabilità si è rivelata difficile in Italia. Il presente rapporto offre evidenza del fatto che la riforma può migliorare le condizioni delle persone con disabilità.


EU Funded Note

One in seven working age adults identifies as having a disability in OECD countries. Many of them are excluded from meaningful work and have low levels of income and social engagement. Governments can help create an environment that supports social and labour market integration for people with disability. This report reviews the effectiveness of the social protection system for people with disability in Italy and summarises the results of a pilot carried out in four regions testing an alternative disability assessment. The current assessment process can sometimes deny services to people in need of support while being generous to people with significant health problems but who are not experiencing severe disability. A disability assessment that takes medical and functional aspects into account helps to direct services and resources to those most in need and to harmonise access to disability support across the country. Implementing disability reform has proved to be difficult in Italy in the past decade. This report provides evidence that reform can improve outcomes for people with disability.

  • 08 Nov 2023
  • African Union Commission, OECD
  • Pages: 270

Partindo de lições aprendidas na África Central, Oriental, Austral, Ocidental e Norte de África, o relatório Dinâmicas do desenvolvimento em África propõe recomendações políticas e partilha as boas práticas de todo o continente. Com base nas mais recentes estatísticas, a análise da dinâmica do desenvolvimento pretende apoiar os líderes africanos a alcançar os objetivos da Agenda 2063 da União Africana a todos os níveis: continental, regional, nacional e local.

Esta edição explora a forma como a África poderá atrair investimentos que ofereçam maior coerência entre objetivos económicos, sociais e ambientais. Os seus mais recentes dados e análises visam apoiar os decisores políticos a melhorar as avaliações de risco, reforçar as parcerias de base africana e a acelerar a integração regional de forma a aumentar os investimentos sustentáveis. Dois capítulos continentais analisam o cenário de investimento de África e as prioridades políticas associadas. Cinco capítulos regionais propõem recomendações específicas em domínios estratégicos, incluindo ecossistemas naturais, energias renováveis, financiamento climático e cadeias de valor agroalimentares.

O relatório Dinâmicas do desenvolvimento em África contribui para o debate político entre governos, cidadãos, empresários e investigadores da União Africana. Propõe uma nova colaboração entre países e regiões, centrada na aprendizagem mútua e na preservação de bens comuns. Este relatório resulta de uma parceria entre a Comissão da União Africana e o Centro de Desenvolvimento da OCDE.

Italian, French, English
  • 06 Nov 2023
  • OECD, Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development
  • Pages: 38

In the mining sector, government revenue is typically generated by levying royalties and income taxes on the value of the mineral extracted. However, due to the frequency and scale of related party transactions, the potential risk to tax revenues posed by transfer pricing non-compliance can be high, particularly around the value of the extracted minerals. This toolkit provides practical and meaningful guidance for developing countries to determine the price of minerals sold to related parties using the arm’s length principle. It offers a framework on how to use transfer pricing principles to apply the Comparable Uncontrolled Price method, including identifying the primary economic factors that influence the price of minerals (“mineral pricing framework”) to ensure that developing countries are able to tax mineral exports appropriately. It also includes simplified administrative approaches to pricing mineral sales that could reduce the administrative burden for developing countries.

Spanish, French
  • 06 Nov 2023
  • OECD, Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development
  • Pages: 26

In the mining sector, government revenue depends on mineral products being priced and measured accurately. This can be especially complex for semi-processed minerals such as bauxite, which is ultimately used in the aluminum value chain. The schedule presented in this report applies the mineral pricing framework – as documented in the joint OECD/IGF work Determining the Price of Minerals: A Transfer Pricing Framework – to identify the primary economic factors that influence the price of bauxite in applying the Comparable Uncontrolled Price method and ensure that developing countries are able to tax mineral exports appropriately. It also provides worked examples on how to accurately apply the mineral pricing framework to bauxite.

Spanish, French

As Diretrizes da OCDE para Empresas Multinacionais sobre Conduta Empresarial Responsável são recomendações dirigidas pelos governos às empresas multinacionais. Elas visam promover as contribuições positivas por parte das empresas para o progresso econômico, ambiental e social, e minimizar os impactos adversos nas questões abrangidas pelas Diretrizes que possam estar associados às operações, produtos e serviços de uma empresa. As Diretrizes abrangem as principais áreas de responsabilidade empresarial, incluindo direitos humanos, direitos trabalhistas, meio ambiente, suborno, interesses do consumidor, divulgação, ciência e tecnologia, concorrência e tributação. A edição de 2023 das Diretrizes contém recomendações atualizadas para a conduta empresarial responsável em áreas-chave, como alterações climáticas, biodiversidade, tecnologia, integridade empresarial e devida diligência na cadeia de fornecimento, bem como procedimentos de implementação atualizados para os Pontos de Contato Nacionais para a Conduta Empresarial Responsável.

Chinese, Turkish, Dutch, German, English, All
  • 23 Sept 2023
  • Nuclear Energy Agency
  • Pages: 72

The disposal of long-lived radioactive waste in a deep geological repository (DGR) is a scientifically and technically credible solution that meets the need for long-term safety without reliance on active monitoring and management. Nevertheless, it is important to assess the potential risks that may be associated with such a nuclear installation and to ensure that an appropriate regime is in place to adequately compensate third parties in case they suffer nuclear damage caused by a DGR. Therefore, countries developing or intending to develop DGRs must take into account nuclear third party liability regime(s) as long as they apply to the disposal facilities. Those regimes establish a specific legal system that deviates from general tort law principles, including strict and exclusive liability of the operator of a nuclear installation, which will have to maintain a compulsory financial security to cover its liability.

Given the unusually long life cycles of such installations, this report discusses issues that concern future generations against the background of the currently applicable legal frameworks for the operation of nuclear installations, and existing technical knowledge, conscious that both will evolve. Nevertheless, it is important to identify and address potential issues regarding nuclear liability with the currently applicable legal frameworks and to set a clear framework for the applicable nuclear liability regime(s) during the different phases of operation of the DGR.

  • 11 Sept 2023
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 36

Coastal shipping – maritime transport that takes place between ports on the same continent – represents around half of the global shipping market. It is also crucial to the connectivity of island regions and regional development. Decarbonising coastal shipping presents both challenges and opportunities, as does the growing concentration of ownership in the maritime transport sector. This report outlines the most pressing challenges the coastal shipping sector currently faces and provides governments and policy makers with concrete actions to help address them.

  • 08 Sept 2023
  • OECD, CAF Development Bank of Latin America
  • Pages: 233

This report explores how governments in Latin America and the Caribbean can use digital technology and data to foster responsiveness, resilience and proactiveness in the public sector. This report looks at governance frameworks, digital government capabilities, data-driven public sector, public service design and delivery, and digital innovation in the public sector. It identifies trends, challenges, strengths, and opportunities for cross-border collaboration and provides policy recommendations to achieve an efficient and sustainable digital transformation of governments across the region.


International standardised test guidelines (TGs) with sensitive endpoints form the basis for hazard identification and characterisation and risk assessment used in the regulation of chemicals. The OECD has developed the Conceptual Framework for the Testing and Assessment of Endocrine Disrupters. The Conceptual Framework ranks, into five levels of increasing biological organisation, the OECD TGs and standardised test methods available, under development or proposed that can be used to evaluate chemicals for endocrine disruption. The Conceptual Framework helps to evaluate the overall strength of the evidence that a chemical may be acting as an endocrine disrupter and to determine additional testing demands.

This report highlights countries’ practices in implementing the OECD Council Recommendation on Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development (PCSD). It illustrates how governments can use institutional mechanisms for PCSD to address complex international problems together – including implementing the 2030 Agenda – and explores how policy coherence principles can be applied to promote whole-of-government approaches to policymaking. The report also applies a PCSD lens to the ocean – one of Earth’s largest global public commons and an obvious cross-border policy challenge. A growing number of countries are developing ocean economy strategies to connect sectoral policy silos, manage ocean resources and regulate ocean activities in a way that supports sustainable development that leaves no one behind.

  • 23 Jun 2023
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 60

Policies to mitigate climate change require a fundamental change to taxation in the transport sector. The shift to electric vehicles and continuing improvements in the fuel efficiency of internal combustion engine vehicles will extinguish revenues from fuel taxes. This report assesses the options for reforming vehicle and road-use taxes. It identifies potential packages of taxes and charges that could generate revenue more efficiently and maintain and enhance incentives for the transition to a sustainable transport system.

This report describes levels of digital financial literacy in Portugal and maps the existing provision of initiatives aiming to improve Portuguese digital financial literacy. After providing background information on digital financial services in Portugal, the report analyses the results of two surveys: a stocktaking survey conducted among a range of Portuguese stakeholders involved in the provision of digital financial literacy initiatives, and a survey assessing the level of digital financial literacy among the Portuguese population. Building on the results of these surveys, the report provides a gap analysis and policy suggestions for developing a financial literacy strategy.

Since 2019, digital transformation has been a clear policy priority in Uzbekistan. While the country has made significant progress in terms of Internet access, quality and affordability, digital uptake among firms remains low. This lack of digital skills seems to be a limiting factor affecting the digital transformation of business.

Based on recent OECD work on digitalisation, this report examines what is holding back the digital upskilling of businesses in Uzbekistan. It suggests three sets of policy actions: (1) developing a supportive institutional framework for the digital uptake of firms; (2) raising firms’ awareness of the importance of acquiring digital and complementary skills; and (3) expanding existing support to digitalise while addressing the gender digital divide.


This Digital Government Review of Türkiye explores how the Government of Türkiye can use digital technology and data to help the public sector become more responsive, resilient and proactive. It evaluates the efforts made so far by Türkiye in achieving digital government maturity by looking at governance, institutional capacities, digital skills, public service design and delivery, enabling building blocks and the strategic management and use of data. The review provides policy recommendations intended to help the Government of Türkiye fully benefit from digital technologies and data to realise the potential of the digital age in transforming the public sector and the services provided to the public.

Many people with health problems or disabilities leave the labour market permanently even if they still can and want to work. This can lead to low income and reduced social engagement. Governments and employers can help create an environment that supports job retention and a return to work in such situations. This report looks at one critical policy lever: the role of paid sick leave and sickness benefits in protecting workers’ health, jobs and incomes. Korea is among the very few OECD countries without statutory social protection for sick workers and is currently considering closing this gap in its welfare system. This report provides an overview of key features of sickness insurance systems in OECD countries and draws policy lessons for Korea to introduce equitable and adequate social protection for sick workers with a robust return-to-work component and financially sustainable payments that encourage employer involvement.

EU Funded Note

This report provides an overview of green infrastructure planning and the use of nature-based solutions in Italy. It identifies key challenges and trade-offs and provides recommendations to promote their uptake across the different levels of government. The report also analyses four case studies that have been identified in agreement with the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport: the Green Node in Bari, the metro line M4 in Milan, the Ridracoli Dam in Emilia-Romagna, and the railway line Bicocca-Catenanuova.

  • 24 Apr 2023
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 46

The International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Institute of Energy Economic, Japan (IEEJ) have developed and published long-term decarbonisation pathways for Southeast Asia and Indonesia. This report provides a comparison of modelling approaches, quantitative drivers, and results from the IEA and IEEJ pathways, highlighting areas of agreement, as well as identifying and explaining differences, and thereby to derive implications.

This study evaluates the scope and dimension of large-scale philanthropy in the People’s Republic of China (hereafter “China”) over 2016-19. More specifically, it compares the financing provided by large cross-border philanthropic organisations with contributions from large philanthropic organisations operating domestically. The domestic philanthropic sector has experienced a significant expansion in recent years: rapid economic growth in China and the increasing concentration of private wealth allowed the Chinese private sector and high net-worth individuals to expand their support to social organisations.

  • 28 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 175

In New Zealand, the government’s response to the COVID-19 crisis is considered effective as it protected people’s lives with limited disruption to society and the economy. A key factor in achieving these results was a focus on collective goals, grounded in the high-trust relationship that exists between New Zealanders and their public institutions. Still, high levels of trust should not be taken for granted. As new challenges emerge and old ones reappear, people in New Zealand expect the government to build on the lessons from the pandemic to improve service delivery and the resilience of public institutions. This report provides recommendations for further strengthening trust, including making public services more responsive, integrating long-term thinking into policy making, countering the spread of mis- and disinformation and reinforcing New Zealand’s integrity system.

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