Browse by: "2016"


Title Index

Year Index

  • 21 Dec 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 208

Diez años después de la introducción del Seguro Popular y del primer Estudio del Sistema de Salud de la OCDE, el Sistema de Salud mexicano, sin duda, ha progresado. Con la introducción del Seguro Popular en 2004, cerca de 50 millones de mexicanos que antes están afiliados a un esquema de aseguramiento público en salud que les brinda protección financiera. Evidencia reciente muestra que el gasto empobrecedor en salud ha disminuido de 3.3% a 0.8% de la población, y han mejorado los parámetros clave como la mortalidad infantil y las muertes por infartos cardíacos o accidentes cerebrovasculares. Sin embargo, se han intensificado retos graves y urgentes. Entre 2000 y 2012, las tasas de sobrepeso u obesidad aumentaron de 62% a 71% en la población adulta; uno de cada tres niños ya tiene sobrepeso u obesidad. Más del 15% de los adultos padece diabetes, más del doble del promedio de la OCDE de 6.9%

La inversión pública en el Sistema de Salud mexicano ha aumentado de 2.4% a 3.2% del producto interno bruto (PIB) entre 2003 y 2013. Sin embargo, está en duda si estos recursos se están traduciendo en beneficios para la salud tangibles -indicadores clave sugieren que el Sistema de Salud mexicano no está trabajando de la forma más eficaz o eficiente como podría hacerlo. Por ejemplo, el gasto administrativo representa casi 10% del presupuesto nacional de salud, el más alto de la OCDE. El alto gasto de bolsillo en salud también indica una falla del sistema de salud en lograr una cobertura efectiva, servicios de alta calidad, o ambos. Tal vez como resultado de éste y otros factores, la brecha en la esperanza de vida entre México y otros países de la OCDE, se ha ampliado de alrededor de cuatro años de edad a casi seis en la última década.


In un’epoca in cui l’informazione sulla qualità delle cure sanitarie è sempre disponibile, i responsabili delle politiche sanitarie fanno fronte alla sfida di comprendere meglio
le politiche e le strategie che sono all’origine delle cifre riportate. Il presente rapporto sull’Italia è l’ultimo di questa collana dell’OCSE che valuta la qualità delle cure sanitarie
nei diversi Paesi -- se le cure sono sicure, efficaci e se soddisfano le esigenze dei pazienti. Gli Studi dell’OCSE sulla qualità dell’assistenza sanitaria esaminano le iniziative
efficaci e quelle che non lo sono, per comparare al tempo stesso gli sforzi dei Paesi e fornire consigli sulle riforme destinate a migliorare la qualità delle cure sanitarie.
La collana di studi che esamina la qualità dell’assistenza sanitaria per ogni Paese sarà seguita da un rapporto di sintesi finale sulle lezioni tratte dalle buone pratiche in materia di azione pubblica.


Perspectives on Global Development 2017 presents an overview of the shifting of economic activity to developing countries and examines whether this shift has led to an increase in international migration towards developing countries. The report focuses on the latest data on migration between 1995 and 2015, and uses a new three-way categorisation of countries. It describes the recent evolution of migration overall as well as by groups of countries according to their growth performance.It analyses what drives these trends and also studies the special case of refugees. It examines the impact on migration of migration policies as well as various sectoral policies in developing countries of origin as well as of destination, and studies the impact of migration on these countries. The report also develops four illustrative future scenarios of migration in 2030 and recommends policies that can help improve the benefits of migration for origin and destination countries, as well as for migrants. Better data, more research and evidence-based policy action are needed to prepare for expected increases in the number of migrants from developing countries. More needs to be done to avoid situations that lead to refugee spikes as well as to foster sustainable development.


Le basculement de l’activité économique vers les pays en développement a-t-il conduit à un accroissement des migrations internationales vers ces pays ? C’est une des questions auxquelles répond cette édition des Perspectives du développement mondial. Le rapport s’appuie sur les données les plus récentes concernant les migrations internationales entre 1995 et 2015. Il offre une nouvelle perspective sur les migrations en groupant les pays en fonction de leur croissance économique. Il décrit ainsi l’évolution globale récente des migrations internationales ainsi que les mouvements observés par groupe de pays. Le rapport explore les moteurs des migrations internationales et analyse le cas particulier des réfugiés. Les effets des politiques publiques (migratoires et sectorielles) sur les mouvements migratoires sont analysés aussi bien dans les pays d’origine que dans les pays de destination. Le rapport présente quatre scénarios illustrant l’évolution possible des migrations à l’horizon 2030. Il formule des recommandations en matière de politiques publiques afin de maximiser les bénéfices liés aux migrations non seulement dans les pays d’origine et de destination mais également pour les migrants eux-mêmes. De meilleures données, de nouveaux travaux de recherche et des politiques fondées sur les faits sont indispensables pour mieux se préparer à l’afflux croissant de migrants issus de pays en développement qui s’annonce. Il faut faire plus pour éviter les situations qui débouchent sur l’afflux massif de réfugiés ainsi que pour stimuler un développement mondial durable.

Cette version française est une version abrégée de la version originale de la publication, Perspectives on Global Development 2017: International Migration in a Shifting World. Elle inclut notamment l'éditorial, le résumé et le chapitre qui donne une vue d'ensemble du rapport.

  • 07 Dec 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 204

This report is part of the series on "Investing in Youth" which builds on the expertise of the OECD on youth employment, social support and skills. This series covers both OECD countries and countries in the process of accession to the OECD, as well as some emerging economies. The report provides a detailed diagnosis of youth policies in the area of education, training, social and employment policies. Its main focus is on disadvantaged youth including those at risk of disengaging.

  • 05 Dec 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 184

The OECD Pensions Outlook 2016 assesses policy issues regarding strengthening pension systems and, in particular, funded pension plans.  It covers defined benefits and defined contribution pension plans; fiscal incentives to save for retirement; policy measures to improve the financial advice for retirement; annuity products and their guarantees; pension design and financial education; and the pension arrangements for public-sector workers, including a comparison with those for private sector workers.

  • 23 Nov 2016
  • OECD, European Union
  • Pages: 200

This fourth edition of Health at a Glance: Europe presents key indicators of health and health systems in the 28 EU countries, 5 candidate countries to the EU and 3 EFTA countries. This 2016 edition contains two main new features: two thematic chapters analyse the links between population health and labour market outcomes, and the important challenge of strengthening primary care systems in European countries; and a new chapter on the resilience, efficiency and sustainability of health systems in Europe, in order to align the content of this publication more closely with the 2014 European Commission Communication on effective, accessible and resilient health systems. This publication is the result of a renewed collaboration between the OECD and the European Commission under the broader "State of Health in the EU" initiative, designed to support EU member states in their evidence-based policy making.


  • 23 Nov 2016
  • OECD, World Health Organization
  • Pages: 112

This fourth edition of Health at a Glance Asia/Pacific presents a set of key indicators of health status, the determinants of health, health care resources and utilisation, health care expenditure and financing and health care quality across 27 Asia-Pacific countries and economies. Drawing on a wide range of data sources, it builds on the format used in previous editions of Health at a Glance, and gives readers a better understanding of the factors that affect the health of populations and the performance of health systems in these countries and economies.

Each of the indicators is presented in a user-friendly format, consisting of charts illustrating variations across countries and over time, brief descriptive analyses highlighting the major findings conveyed by the data, and a methodological box on the definition of the indicator and any limitations in data comparability. An annex provides additional information on the demographic context in which health systems operate.

This edition is a joint OECD, WHO/WPRO and WHO/SEARO publication.



Cette seconde édition de la publication phare du Programme LEED, Création d’emplois et développement économique local,  explore les moyens par lesquels les acteurs nationaux et locaux peuvent mieux travailler ensemble pour soutenir le développement économique et la création d’emplois au niveau local. Elle apporte un éclairage sur toute une série d’enjeux, allant de l’adaptation du développement des compétences aux besoins des territoires, à l’implication des employeurs dans les systèmes d’apprentissage et à la mise en œuvre efficace des politiques en faveur des PME et de l’entrepreneuriat. Cette publication présente des comparaisons internationales permettant aux territoires de mieux appréhender leur positionnement face aux défis liés à l’emploi et aux compétences. Dans cette version française abrégée, les profils de pays de la Belgique, du Canada, de la France, et de la Suisse sont présentés. Ces derniers comprennent, entre autre, des nouvelles données sur l'offre et la demande des compétences au niveau régional ou infrarégional.

  • 21 Nov 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 288

This second edition of Job Creation and Local Economic Development examines how national and local actors can better work together to support economic development and job creation at the local level. It sheds light on a continuum of issues – from how skills policy can better meet the needs of local communities to how local actors can better engage employers in apprenticeships and improve the implementation of SME and entrepreneurship policy. It includes international comparisons that allow local areas to take stock of how they are performing in the marketplace for skills and jobs. It also includes a set of country profiles featuring, among other things, new data on skills supply and demand at the level of OECD sub-regions (TL3).

  • 05 Oct 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 136

This is the eighth edition of Society at a Glance, the biennial OECD overview of social indicators. This report addresses the growing demand for quantitative evidence on social well-being and its trends. It updates some indicators included in the previous editions published since 2001 and introduces several new ones, with 25 indicators in total. It includes data for the 35 OECD member countries and where available data for key partners (Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russia and South Africa); other G20 countries (Argentina and Saudi Arabia) are also included. The report features a special chapter on the NEET challenge and what can be done for jobless and disengaged youth. It also provides a guide to help readers in understanding the structure of OECD social indicators. All indicators are available as a web book and an e-book on OECD iLibrary.

French, Korean
  • 03 Oct 2016
  • International Transport Forum
  • Pages: 164

This report describes a paradigm shift in road safety policy, being led by a handful of countries, according to the principles of a Safe System. A Safe System is based on the premise that road crashes are both predictable and preventable, and that it is possible to move towards zero road deaths and serious injuries. This, however, requires a fundamental rethink of the governance and implementation of road safety policy.
To stem the road death epidemic, the United Nations have set the target of halving traffic fatalities by 2020. Every year, 1.25 million people are killed in road crashes and up to 50 million are seriously injured. Road crashes kill more people than malaria or tuberculosis and are among the ten leading causes of death. Their economic cost is estimated at 2-5% of GDP in many countries. Written by a group of international road safety experts, this report provides leaders in government, administrations, business and academia with emerging best practices and the starting point to chart their own journeys towards a Safe System.


Final report for the G7 Health Ministerial meeting, Kobe, Japan, 11-12 September 2016. This report addresses, among other issues, to what extent has the achievement of UHC in OECD countries contributed to improved population health outcomes; and is UHC affordable for low- and middle-income countries.

  • 21 Sept 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 136

Latvia’s health system broadly delivers effective and efficient care to the population within a context of significantly fewer resources – and higher health care needs – than most OECD countries. Latvia has successfully consolidated its hospital sector and strengthened primary care. Average length of stay in hospital fell by almost 15% between 2005 and 2013, and GPs are now required to follow up on patients who called for emergency medical assistance but were not hospitalised. OECD health systems could learn much from these reforms as well as longer-standing institutions, such as Latvia’s feldshers (physician assistants). Latvia nevertheless faces important challenges to improve the performance of its health system. Up to one in five Latvians report forgoing health care because of the cost; waiting times for key diagnostic and treatment services can be long; and inclusion of key treatments in the publicly-funded benefits basket does not always reflect latest best practice. Critically, the health system lags behind many OECD countries in the extent to which data are used to systematically measure, compare and improve the performance of services, especially at more granular provider or local levels. This review aims to support Latvia in continuing reform of its health system, informed by international best practice.

  • 19 Sept 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 428

The 2016 edition of the International Migration Outlook analyses recent developments in migration movements and policies in OECD countries and selected non-OECD countries, and looks at the evolution of the labour market outcomes of recent immigrants in OECD countries. The report includes two special chapters: “The economic impact of migration: Why the local level matters” and "International migration following environmental and geopolitical shocks: How can OECD countries respond?", as well as country notes and a statistical annex.

  • 19 Sept 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 456

L’édition 2016 des Perspectives des migrations internationales analyse les évolutions récentes des mouvements et politiques migratoires dans les pays de l’OCDE et dans quelques pays non-OCDE et observe l’évolution de la situation des immigrés récents sur le marché du travail dans les pays de l’OCDE. Le rapport comprend deux chapitres spéciaux : « L’incidence économique des migrations : de l’importance de l’échelon local » et « Les migrations internationales dans le sillage des chocs environnementaux et géopolitiques : quelles mesures les pays de l’OCDE peuvent-ils prendre ? » ainsi que des notes par pays et une annexe statistique.

  • 12 Sept 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 292

The present report on Australia is part of the series on "Investing in Youth", which builds on the expertise of the OECD on youth employment, social support and skills. This series covers both OECD countries and countries in the process of accession to the OECD, as well as some emerging economies. The report provides a detailed diagnosis of youth policies in the area of education, training, social and employment policies. Its main focus is on disengaged or at-risk of disengaged youth.

Ce rapport fournit une évaluation approfondie des conséquences économiques de la pollution de l'air extérieur pour les décennies à venir. Il met l’accent sur l'impact en termes de mortalité et de morbidité ainsi que sur les changements dans les rendements des cultures qui ont été causés par des concentrations trop élevées de polluants. L'analyse s’appuie sur des simulations d’un modèle d’équilibre général multisectoriel, multirégional, et dynamique, pour évaluer les coûts marchands de la pollution atmosphérique. L'analyse aborde également les impacts sanitaires non marchands en utilisant des techniques d’évaluation de types « disposition à payer ».
Le rapport constate que l'augmentation de l'activité économique entraînera une augmentation significative des émissions et des concentrations de polluants atmosphériques au niveau mondial, à moins que des politiques plus strictes ne soient adoptées. En conséquence, de graves répercussions sur la santé humaine et l'environnement sont à prévoir. Le rapport montre des projections de décès prématurés causés par la pollution de l'air extérieur au niveau mondial et régional pour 2015-2060, ainsi que les conséquences sur l'augmentation des maladies et la diminution des rendements agricoles. Les impacts marchands de la pollution de l'air extérieur devraient conduire à d'importants coûts économiques illustrés au niveau régional et sectoriel. Enfin, le rapport prévoit d'énormes coûts sociaux par an au niveau mondial si les gouvernements ne mettent pas en œuvre des politiques plus strictes.

  • 06 Sept 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 232

The Dutch labour migration system has undergone substantive changes in recent years. To induce a transition to more high-skilled migration, a programme based on salary thresholds has grown in volume while a programme based on work permits after a labour market test has shrunk. New programmes target international graduates either of Dutch educational institutions or of selected institutions abroad. Changes to immigration procedures have shifted responsibility to migrants' employers and have greatly reduced processing times. This review first examines the composition of labour migration to the Netherlands, in the context of present and expected demand in the Dutch labour market. Following a discussion of various programmes and procedures, the review assesses how labour migration contributes to the strategic development of sectors and to employment in regions. It then explores the determinants for the retention of high-skilled migrants and for the integration of international graduates into the Dutch labour market.

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