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Year Index

  • 26 Oct 2001
  • European Conference of Ministers of Transport
  • Pages: 176

In economic appraisals of road safety measures, determining which method to use for the valuation of those measures is a problem. There are two methods open to us. Remarkably, one accurately measures a non-relevant concept (the human capital method), while the other measures the correct parameter, but not very accurately (the willingness-to-pay method). The Round Table examined the many complementary aspects of the two and found that what was needed, above all, were practical guides for each method. The Round Table noted that values for human life are highly comparable from one mode of transport to another, concluding that this should encourage governments to take charge of safety with the same forcefulness whatever the mode of transport. It also found that spending on road safety was already adequate, but that the money was not 'wisely' spent. Arguably the proposals put forward by this Round Table were unconventional. For instance, it held that difficulties in producing major changes in driver behaviour signalled that more attention should be paid to educational measures and infrastructure investment. This publication reviews the road safety policies and their economic evaluation. At a time when the authorities in many countries are beginning to set still more ambitious targets for those policies, the Round Table highlights the need for measures that are effective over the long term and economically efficient.

  • 27 May 2002
  • OECD Development Centre
  • Pages: 168

When setting spending priorities in education and health, countries all too often target expensive schemes which can be shown only to benefit specific sections of the population, often the non-poor. The building of certain urban hospitals and universities may fall into this category. Wherever expenditure is directed to universal schemes, such as establishing rural and urban clinics, kindergartens and primary schools, however, the poor can be shown to benefit more. This book pleads for a series of policy orientations leading towards pro-poor health and education spending.


This book demonstrates that in the case of very poor countries, policies aimed at universal provision of education and health services benefit the poor significantly more than more expensive targeted schemes. The book draws attention to the absolute need for coherence and co-ordination so that schools are not built without teachers and dispensaries without drugs. Moreover, national macroeconomic policies have to be realistic if the health and education sectors are not to be deprived of resources. Finally, the quality of governance is shown to have a direct effect on the efficiency of social spending.

  • 24 Apr 2003
  • OECD
  • Pages: 292

The 21st Century has so far witnessed a host of large-scale disasters in various parts of the world including: windstorms, flooding, new diseases infesting both humans and animals, terrorist attacks and major disruptions to critical infrastructures. It is not just the nature of major risks that seems to be changing, but also the context in which risks are evolving as well as society’s capacity to manage them.  This book explores the implications of these developments for economy and society in the 21st century, focussing in particular on the potentially significant increase in the vulnerability of major systems.  It concentrates on five large risk clusters: natural disasters, technological accidents, infectious diseases, food safety and terrorism, identifies the challenges facing OECD countries and sets out recommendations for governments and the private sector as to how the management of emerging systemic risks might be improved.

  • 13 Jan 2004
  • OECD
  • Pages: 373

Las tendencias económicas recientes, que se reflejan en una mayor presión en términos económicos, la reforma del Estado benefactor, el surgimiento de la sociedad civil y la democracia participativa, han destacado la importancia creciente del sector sin fines de lucro en los países de la OCDE. Este sector, a menudo asociado con conceptos como “la economía social”, “el tercer sector”, “el sector de trabajo voluntario”, “el tercer sistema”, “el sector independiente” y, más recientemente, “la iniciativa empresarial social”, se ha enfrentado a una serie de retos cruciales. Entre ellos se encuentra el impulso para introducir criterios administrativos rigurosos, mientras que a la vez se mantiene la dimensión social única del sector y se fomenta la innovación social.

Esta publicación ofrece una evaluación integral y transformadora de las nuevas tendencias en el ámbito de los estudios sobre el sector sin fines de lucro. Contiene contribuciones de expertos y académicos líderes en esta disciplina, y analiza los acontecimientos más significativos registrados en este sector en los países de la Unión Europea, Estados Unidos, Canadá, México y Australia. Asimismo, presenta un análisis comparativo y detallado de las herramientas y métodos empleados para financiar, supervisar y evaluar este sector de actividad económica y social.

Este libro es una lectura fundamental para los diseñadores de políticas, practicantes en el sector y académicos interesados en conocer los más recientes acontecimientos teóricos y empíricos registrados en este sector en continua expansión.

English, French
Social policy is often disparaged as being a burden on society, but this book shows that well-designed social protection can be an asset that is critical for sustaining social development.  To fulfill its potential, however, social protection now needs to recognise new needs of individuals and families, and new constraints on their functioning.  Successful programmes will require new means to attain their goals, to leverage the initiatives of a broad range of actors, and to involve clients at every stage in the design and delivery of programmes.

In examining these questions, this fact-filled report stresses the importance of shifting the focus of social programmes from insuring individuals against a few, well-defined contingencies towards investing in their capabilities and making use of them to the best of their potential at every stage of the life course.  It also underscores the importance of broadening the roles played by individuals, employers and trade unions, as well as profit and not-for-profit providers of social services.

The book opens with a comprehensive assessment of the situation in OECD countries, comparing levels of poverty, social isolation, and social spending and indicators such as fertility rates, divorce rates, and distribution of household types (single, single parents, couples without children, couples with children).  In Part II of the book, issues relating to families and children are explored, with interesting data provided on gender gaps in employment and earnings, time spent by men and women on child care, maternity and parental leave, and family poverty.  The third part of the book examines poverty among prime-aged persons and includes extensive information on social assistance and disability.  The final part of the book examines social issues faced by older people and includes interesting information on employment of older people, effective ages of retirement in different countries, training of older employees, pensions, and long-term care.

  • 12 Jan 2006
  • OECD
  • Pages: 310

The relationship between environment and children’s health has been the subject of increasing interest these last ten years. For example, many OECD member countries are reporting asthma epidemics exacerbated by air pollution: in the United States nearly 1 in 13 school-age children (approximately 4.8 million) has asthma, and the rate is increasing more rapidly in school-age children than in any other group. The importance of this issue has resulted in a growing number of epidemiological studies aiming at better understanding and better characterising the relationship between environmental pollution and the health of children.

However, in many respects, the valuation of children’s health strongly differs from the valuation of adults’ health and constitutes a real challenge for analysts as well as for decision-makers. Consequently, this book proposes an in depth analysis of the main methodological difficulties associated with estimating the social value of a reduction in risk to children. Questions such as how to elicit children’s preferences, what valuation methodology and benefit measure to choose, how to discount benefits to children’s health, and how to account for economic uncertainties in this specific context of economic valuation will be systematically examined in order to define key policy implications and to pave the way for further research.

  • 13 Nov 2008
  • OECD, World Health Organization, The World Bank
  • Pages: 46

This report draws a range of new analyses and case studies carried out in preparation for the Accra High-Level Forum held in September 2008. It it is organized into four parts. Part 1 examines trends in aid for health from a global perspective, focusing both on how increases in aid finance have been used, and on financing modalities and patterns that impact on the implementation of the Paris declaration. Part 2 then draws on a series of country cases studies-including Rwanda, Uganda, Cambodia, Vietnam, Ethiopia, the Kyrgyz Republic, Mali and Tanzania-looking at practical experience from the perspective of the main pillars of the Paris Declaration. Part 3 examines current issues and future directions, highlighting new work on predictable financing, showcasing developments in mutual accountability through country compacts, and innovations in cross-cutting issues such as gender and human rights. Part 4 summarizes the key messages and recommendations following the structure and format of the Accra Agenda for Action.

  • 25 Feb 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 316
This publication summarises key research findings which can be used to redesign initial and continuing teacher education to help practitioners effectively teach diverse students. It looks at challenges teachers face in OECD countries and presents a range of policies and practices used in various contexts, from countries with long histories of diversity to those with more recent experiences. The key role of evaluation – of teachers, schools and systems – is emphasised. Educating Teachers for Diversity: Meeting the Challenge asks how these insights can inspire continuing educational reform for our changing classrooms, with a special focus on key questions for research, policy and practice.

The integration of the children of immigrants – both those born in the host country (the “second generation”) and those who arrived young enough to be educated in the host country – is of growing policy relevance for OECD countries. This group is entering the labour market in ever larger numbers, and their outcomes are often seen as the benchmark for successful integration policy.

The labour market integration of the children of immigrants is an area where comparative international knowledge is gradually evolving, but still underdeveloped. Recent work by the OECD has shown that the children of immigrants tend to have lower employment outcomes than the children of natives in most countries.

This technical seminar proceedings sheds light on the issues involved in the labour market integration of the children of immigrants, and discusses policy answers and good practices. The seminar was organised jointly by the the EU Commission and the OECD Secretariat in Brussels on 1 and 2 October 2009.

A partir de los Principios de la OCDE para fortalecer la integridad en la contratación pública (2008) y las buenas prácticas de organizaciones similares en otros países de la OCDE, el estudio aporta una evaluación integral de las estrategias, los sistemas y los processos de adquisición del ISSSTE.


A partir de los Principios de la OCDE para fortalecer la integridad en la contratación pública (2008) y las buenas prácticas de organizaciones similares en otros países de la OCDE, el estudio aporta una evaluación integral de las estrategias, los sistemas y los processos de adquisición del IMSS, y se propone una hoja de ruta para la reforma de su función de adquisiciones.

  • 01 Oct 2014
  • OECD
  • Pages: 42

This document reflects ongoing work on entrepreneurship within the OECD and was prepared as background paper for the China Development Research Foundation (CDRF) project on Enhancing Women’s Economic Empowerment through Entrepreneurship and Leadership in the Midst of China’s New Urbanization. An initial draft was presented and discussed at the project’s third workshop on 22 July 2014 in Beijing. This document provides a comprehensive overview and analysis based on global evidence to support the hypothesis that enhancing women’s economic empowerment by improving entrepreneurship and leadership could contribute to economic growth, job creation and prosperity. It includes policy analysis and best practices/solutions from OECD countries to support the main argument.

  • 28 Aug 2015
  • OECD, World Health Organization
  • Pages: 60

The results of the survey provide a useful overview of quality strategies and policies, and show increasing commitment to quality of care in the Asia/Pacific region. The outcome of this study confirms the importance of the WHO-OECD expert network to facilitate communication/dissemination of evidence on quality improvement programmes and policies among countries.

Die OECD-Publikationsreihe „Erfolgreiche Integration“ beruht auf zentralen Erkenntnissen aus den Arbeiten der OECD zur Integrationspolitik, insbesondere den Länderstudien der Reihe Jobs for Immigrants. Ziel ist es, in leicht verständlicher, überblicksartiger Form die wichtigsten Herausforderungen und empfehlenswerten politischen Praktiken bei der Förderung der dauerhaften Integration von Zuwanderern und ihren Kindern für ausgewählte wesentliche Zielgruppen und Integrationsbereiche darzustellen.  Jeder Band enthält zehn Empfehlungen sowie Beispiele für empfehlenswerte Praktiken, die durch synthetische Vergleiche des integrationspolitischen Rahmens in den einzelnen OECD-Ländern ergänzt werden, die sich auf bisherige Erfahrungen stützen. Der erste Band befasst sich mit Flüchtlingen und sonstigen schutzbedürftigen Personen, die als humanitäre Zuwanderer bezeichnet werden.

French, English
  • 21 Dec 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 208

Diez años después de la introducción del Seguro Popular y del primer Estudio del Sistema de Salud de la OCDE, el Sistema de Salud mexicano, sin duda, ha progresado. Con la introducción del Seguro Popular en 2004, cerca de 50 millones de mexicanos que antes están afiliados a un esquema de aseguramiento público en salud que les brinda protección financiera. Evidencia reciente muestra que el gasto empobrecedor en salud ha disminuido de 3.3% a 0.8% de la población, y han mejorado los parámetros clave como la mortalidad infantil y las muertes por infartos cardíacos o accidentes cerebrovasculares. Sin embargo, se han intensificado retos graves y urgentes. Entre 2000 y 2012, las tasas de sobrepeso u obesidad aumentaron de 62% a 71% en la población adulta; uno de cada tres niños ya tiene sobrepeso u obesidad. Más del 15% de los adultos padece diabetes, más del doble del promedio de la OCDE de 6.9%

La inversión pública en el Sistema de Salud mexicano ha aumentado de 2.4% a 3.2% del producto interno bruto (PIB) entre 2003 y 2013. Sin embargo, está en duda si estos recursos se están traduciendo en beneficios para la salud tangibles -indicadores clave sugieren que el Sistema de Salud mexicano no está trabajando de la forma más eficaz o eficiente como podría hacerlo. Por ejemplo, el gasto administrativo representa casi 10% del presupuesto nacional de salud, el más alto de la OCDE. El alto gasto de bolsillo en salud también indica una falla del sistema de salud en lograr una cobertura efectiva, servicios de alta calidad, o ambos. Tal vez como resultado de éste y otros factores, la brecha en la esperanza de vida entre México y otros países de la OCDE, se ha ampliado de alrededor de cuatro años de edad a casi seis en la última década.


Die OECD-Publikationsreihe „Erfolgreiche Integration“ beruht auf zentralen Erkenntnissen aus den Arbeiten der OECD zur Integrationspolitik. Ziel ist es, in leicht verständlicher, überblicksartiger Form die wichtigsten Herausforderungen und empfehlenswerten politischen Praktiken bei der Förderung der dauerhaften Integration von Zuwanderern und ihren Kindern für ausgewählte wesentliche Zielgruppen und Integrationsbereiche darzustellen.  Jeder Band enthält zehn Empfehlungen sowie Beispiele für empfehlenswerte Praktiken, die durch synthetische Vergleiche des integrationspolitischen Rahmens in den einzelnen OECD-Ländern ergänzt werden, die sich auf bisherige Erfahrungen stützen. Der zweite Band befasst sich mit der Evaluierung und Anerkennung ausländischer Qualifikationen.

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