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This study is based on research carried out in 2018 in the form of an analysis of the literature available on the subject and interviews carried out in Burkina Faso, Niger, Mali and France with key stakeholders in the production and trading of gold, and with representatives of the countries concerned and international organisations. The overall aim of the study is to promote the responsibility of economic actors, and the traceability and transparency of supply chains of gold ores produced in the LGA Member countries.


В данной работе описывается методология оценки целостности национальных систем образования (INTES): основные вопросы, теоретические основы и ожидаемые результаты. Методология помогает выявить практики в образовании, которые квалифицируются как коррупционные, и исследовать образовательные системы с точки зрения их уязвимости к таким практикам.


В тематическом исследовании «Конфискация орудий, средств совершения и доходов от коррупционных преступлений в Восточной Европе и Центральной Азии» анализируется состояние дел в соответствующей сфере с целью определения лучших практик и общих проблем, а также для разработки региональных рекомендаций, направленных на усиление антикоррупционной политики и практики.


The OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (OECD Guidance) provides detailed recommendations to help companies respect human rights and avoid contributing to conflict through their mineral purchasing decisions and practices. The OECD Guidance is for use by any company potentially sourcing minerals or metals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas.

This thematic study, Confiscation of instrumentalities and proceeds of corruption crimes in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, analyses the state of play in relevant areas to identify best practices and common problems and to develop regional recommendations for strengthening anti-corruption policies and practices


This paper describes a methodology for assessing the integrity of national education systems (INTES): the guiding questions, underlying theory, and expected results. The methodology helps to identify practices in education, which qualify as corrupt and explore education systems from the point of view of their vulnerability to such practices.


Este estudio se basa en una investigación realizada en 2018 en forma de análisis de la literatura disponible sobre el tema y entrevistas realizadas en Burkina Faso, Níger, Malí y Francia con actores clave en la producción y el comercio de oro, y con representantes. de los países interesados y de las organizaciones internacionales. El objetivo general del estudio es promover la responsabilidad de los actores económicos y la trazabilidad y transparencia de las cadenas de suministro de minerales de oro producidos en los países miembros de LGA.


This is the fifth edition of the OECD survey of large pension funds and public pension reserve funds that collects long-term investment data since it was first published in 2011. The scope of this report covers 87 public and private pension funds from 34 countries. This survey is based on a qualitative questionnaire sent directly to large pension funds and public pension reserve funds. It covers the infrastructure investments made by large pension funds and public pension reserve funds, but also their approach to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. It provides detailed investment information and insights which complement the aggregated data on portfolio investments gathered by the OECD at a national level through the Global Pension Statistics and Global Insurance Statistics projects.

This publication focuses on the impact of digitalisation and technology in the areas of financial markets, insurance and private pensions. It also discusses the tools and policies needed to ensure that the challenges posed by digitalisation result in better outcomes and better management of the risks involved.

  • 04 Jan 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 306

En 2004, la OCDE realizó una revisión de las políticas nacionales de educación y un análisis del sistema educativo de Chile. El objetivo de la presente revisión es identificar los cambios clave en el sistema educativo chileno, principalmente entre 2004 y 2016, con el fin de analizar la situación actual de la educación en Chile y ofrecer recomendaciones para ayudar a brindar mejores oportunidades de educación a todos los chilenos durante los próximos años. Por lo tanto, la revisión examina diferentes áreas de la política educativa en Chile, desde la educación parvularia hasta la educación superior.


Το δίκαιο και οι πολιτικές ανταγωνισμού στην Ελλάδα υποβλήθηκαν σε αξιολόγηση από ομοτίμους το 2018. Η έκθεση αυτή περιγράφει και αξιολογεί τις εξελίξεις στο καθεστώς ανταγωνισμού στη χώρα εστιάζοντας  στις τρέχουσες πολιτικές και την εφαρμογή τους, καθώς και στην εξέλιξη των πολιτικών ανταγωνισμού τα τελευταία χρόνια. 

  • 09 Jan 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 348

Varios de los mercados de productos en México se encuentran entre los más regulados de la OCDE. Estas deficiencias estructurales afectan de manera adversa la habilidad de las empresas para competir de manera efectiva en los mercados y obstaculizan la innovación, la eficiencia y la productividad. En ese contexto, el reporte analiza la legislación mexicana en los sectores de medicamentos (producción y comercio al por mayor y al por menor) y de la carne (alimentación y cría de animales, rastros y comercio al por mayor y al por menor) a lo largo de la cadena vertical de valor. Tras emplear las Herramientas para la Evaluación de la Competencia de la OCDE para estructurar el análisis, el reporte analiza 228 regulaciones e identifica 107 disposiciones legales que pudieran ser abolidas o modificadas con el fin de eliminar obstáculos regulatorios a la competencia. El análisis de la legislación y de estos sectores en México se complementó con una investigación de la experiencia internacional y con la consulta a los actores de los sectores público y privado. La OCDE ha desarrollado recomendaciones para abolir o modificar las disposiciones de forma tal que sean menos restrictivas para los proveedores y consumidores, al tiempo que se sigan alcanzando los objetivos iniciales de los legisladores mexicanos. Este reporte identifica los beneficios potenciales de estas recomendaciones y, cuando es posible, provee estimaciones cuantitativas.

  • 09 Jan 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 328

Many of Mexico’s product markets remain among the most heavily regulated in the OECD. These structural flaws adversely affect the ability of firms to effectively compete in the markets and hamper innovation, efficiency and productivity. Against this backdrop, this report analyses Mexican legislation in the medicine (production, wholesale, retail) and meat sector (animal feed, growing of animals, slaughterhouses, wholesale and retail) along the vertical supply chain. Using the OECD Competition Assessment Toolkit to structure the analysis, the report reviews 228 pieces of legislation and identifies 107 legal provisions which could be removed or amended to lift regulatory barriers to competition. The analysis of the legislation and of the Mexican sectors has been complemented by research into international experience and consultation with stakeholders from the public and private sectors. The OECD has developed recommendations to remove or modify the provisions in order to be less restrictive for suppliers and consumers, while still achieving Mexican policy makers’ initial objectives. This report identifies the potential benefits of the recommendations and, where possible, provides quantitative estimates.


Chile is a relatively stable, well-connected, open economy. Over the last decade the country has managed to increase its participation in global value chains and to export new products. However, its knowledge base is limited, productivity is stagnating and economic opportunities are still concentrated in a few places and limited to a few activities and firms. Today’s global production revolution offers a window of opportunity for Chile to “update” its growth model to become more inclusive and sustainable.
The Production Transformation Policy Review of Chile (PTPR) uses a forward-looking framework to assess the country readiness to embrace change, with perspectives on solar energy, mining and agro-food, and identifies priorities for future reforms. This review is the result of government-business dialogue and rigorous analysis. It benefitted from peer learning from Sweden, Germany and the Emilia Romagna Region in Italy through the OECD Initiative for Policy Dialogue on Global Value Chains, Production Transformation and Development.

This review of the Mexican Federal e-Procurement system, CompraNet, assesses the system’s ability to ensure that public procurement in Mexico is efficient, effective, transparent and accountable. It measures CompraNet’s scope, functionality and use against global trends in e-procurement in order to guide its future development. The report includes input from key stakeholder groups such as contracting authorities, suppliers and civil society. It also identifies the supporting mechanisms such as legislation, policy, training, and infrastructure, that are required for the system to be successful.


El presente estudio al sistema electrónico de contratación pública de México, CompraNet, evalúa la capacidad del sistema para garantizar que las contrataciones públicas en México se realicen de manera eficiente, efectiva, transparente y con rendición de cuentas. Para orientar el desarrollo futuro de CompraNet, el estudio mide su alcance, su funcionalidad y el uso que se le da, en comparación con las tendencias globales de contratación electrónica. El estudio también incluye aportaciones de los actores interesados, tales como las autoridades de contratación, los proveedores y la sociedad civil. Asimismo, identifica los mecanismos de apoyo, tales como legislación, políticas públicas, capacitación e infraestructura, que se requieren para que el sistema sea exitoso.


This review highlights achievements of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, IMSS) in a number of areas – human resources, technological capacities and relations with suppliers – which were previously identified by the OECD as pivotal for the successful reform of IMSS procurement operations. This report highlights the progress made and offers recommendations to support IMSS in achieving procurement excellence and fulfilling its mandate to provide the best possible, most cost-effective healthcare services to citizens.


This document provides guidance to both industry and regulatory authorities on how procedures and data requirements can be applied to facilitate the submission of a complete data package/dossier for semiochemical active substances in plant protection products, and the subsequent evaluation of this data package/dossier by the regulatory authorities. The document additionally provides a summary of the legal frameworks and registration procedures for semiochemical active substances as plant protection products in several OECD member countries.

This review examines the ongoing public procurement reforms in Nuevo León, Mexico: both the progress achieved so far and the many challenges that remain. It discusses the benefits of further centralisation of public procurement activities for goods and services, greater aggregation, and a shift in administrative culture from excessive formality toward strategic public procurement and value for money. The review provides concrete proposals addressing every aspect of the procurement lifecycle, from planning and market consultations to contract management.


El presente estudio señala los logros alcanzados por el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) en áreas fundamentales, tales como recursos humanos, capacidades tecnológicas y relación con proveedores, las cuales fueron previamente identificadas por la OCDE para lograr la reforma exitosa de las operaciones de contratación del IMSS. Este estudio destaca el avance logrado por el Instituto y ofrece recomendaciones para apoyar al IMSS a alcanzar la excelencia en sus contrataciones y cumplir su mandato de proporcionar —de manera eficiente— el mejor servicio de salud posible a los ciudadanos.

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