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Driven by technological change, global competition and the liberalisation of markets, international direct investment plays a key role in the process of global economic integration. OECD compiles and disseminates reliable and up-to-date statistics which are essential for a meaningful interpretation of investment trends for informed policy making. These statistics are based on official reports by OECD countries for investments world-wide. Internationally comparable data makes it possible to measure the degree of economic integration and competitiveness of markets.
Les informations contenues dans cette publication rassemblent les statistiques sur les échanges internationaux par catégories détaillées de services pour les 36 pays de l’OCDE, l’Union européenne, la zone euro, la Colombie et la Fédération de Russie, ainsi que des liens vers des définitions et des notes méthodologiques. Les données sont fournies et publiées selon la cinquième et la sixième édition du Manuel de la balance des paiements du FMI et la Classification élargie des services de la balance des paiements, qui est compatible avec la classification de la balance des paiements tout en étant plus détaillée.
Cet ouvrage inclut des tableaux récapitulatifs par pays et par catégories de service, et des totaux par zone pour l’Union européenne et la zone euro. Les données par catégories détaillées de services sont également fournies pour chaque pays, pour l’UE et pour la zone euro. Les séries sont exprimées en dollars des États-Unis et couvrent la période 2017-2018.
Cette publication rassemble les statistiques sur les échanges internationaux présentés par pays partenaires pour 34 pays de l’OCDE, l’Union européenne, la zone euro et la Fédération de Russie, ainsi que des liens vers des définitions et des notes méthodologiques. Les données se réfèrent aux échanges entre résidents et non-résidents et sont présentées selon les recommandations du Manuel des statistiques du commerce international des services.
Ce volume inclut des tableaux récapitulatifs par pays partenaires et par principales catégories de services. Les séries sont exprimées en dollars des États-Unis et couvrent la période 2014-2018.
Countries need to urgently scale-up and upgrade their adult learning systems to help people adapt to the future world of work. Today, only two in five adults across the EU and OECD participate in education and training in any given year, according to the OECD Survey of Adults Skills. Participation is even lower among disadvantaged adults, such as those with low skill levels or in jobs at high risk of automation. For adult learning systems to be future-ready, governments must increase their efforts to engage more adults in continuous learning throughout their lives.
While much has been written about the need for progress, it is less clear how adult learning participation can be increased in practice. Many good ideas struggle to translate into real change on the ground, as they get stuck in the reality of policy implementation. This report aims to understand the factors that make adult learning reforms succeed. It identifies lessons from six countries that have significantly increased participation over the past decades: Austria, Estonia, Italy, Hungary, the Netherlands and Singapore. To shed light on how these countries achieved this objective, this study looks at the details of reform design, implementation and evaluation.
Insurance intermediaries have a key role in the efficient functioning of insurance markets, and minimising information asymmetries and risk of adverse selection is an important consideration. Intermediaries can analyse the needs of insurance consumers, and advise on appropriate solutions and policies that fit these needs. As with all principal-agent relationships, the needs and goals of intermediaries and policyholders are sometimes different and sometimes conflicting. This report examines how OECD and non-OECD countries are regulating and supervising insurance intermediation, focussing on market conduct rules as well as rules related to digitalisation of intermediation. It considers areas which require further investigation to address potential conflicts of interest.
The first five years of a child’s life is a period of great opportunity, and risk. The cognitive and social-emotional skills that children develop in these early years have long-lasting impacts on their later outcomes throughout schooling and adulthood.
This report sets out the findings from the International Early Learning and Child Well-being Study in England. The study assesses children’s skills across both cognitive and social-emotional development, and how these relate to children’s early learning experiences at home and in early childhood education and care. It is enriched by contextual and assessment information from the children’s parents and educators. It provides comparative data on children’s early skills with children from Estonia and the United States, who also participated in the study, to better identify factors that promote or hinder children’s early learning.
This report is part of the OECD Tax Policy Reviews publication series. The Reviews are intended to provide independent, comprehensive and comparative assessments of OECD member and non-member countries’ tax systems as well as concrete recommendations for tax policy reform. By identifying tailored tax policy reform options, the objective of the Reviews is to enhance the design of existing tax policies and to support the adoption of new reforms. This report provides an assessment of Seychelles' tax system and recommendations for tax reform, with a focus on the business tax. Chapter 1 gives an overview of Seychelles' key economic and tax challenges. Chapter 2 provides a comprehensive assessment of Seychelles' business tax system and simulates the impact of different business tax reform scenarios, based on business taxpayer microdata. Chapter 3 focuses on improving the design of non-business taxes.
The first five years of a child’s life is a period of great opportunity, and risk. The cognitive and social-emotional skills that children develop in these early years have long-lasting impacts on their later outcomes throughout schooling and adulthood.
This report sets out the findings from the International Early Learning and Child Well-being Study in the United States. The study assesses children’s skills across both cognitive and social-emotional development, and how these relate to children’s early learning experiences at home and in early childhood education and care. It is enriched by contextual and assessment information from the children’s parents and educators. It provides comparative data on children’s early skills with children from England and Estonia, who also participated in the study, to better identify factors that promote or hinder children’s early learning.
Oil 2020 examines the key issues in demand, supply, refining and trade to 2025. This year, the report considers topics such as the impact of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) on demand; slowing supply growth in the United States and other non-OPEC countries; and the level of spare production capacity in OPEC countries to help meet demand growth. Oil 2020 looks at the interplay between the expanding US influence in global oil supply and the demand from Asia for exports from the Middle East.
At the same time, global energy transitions are affecting the oil industry: companies must balance the investments needed to ensure sufficient supplies against the necessity of cutting emissions. In a decarbonising world, refiners face a big challenge from weaker transport fuel demand.
Land use is central to many of the environmental and socio-economic issues facing society today. This report examines on-going challenges for aligning land-use policy with climate, biodiversity and food objectives, and the opportunities to enhance the sustainability of land-use systems. It looks at six countries – Brazil, France, Indonesia, Ireland, Mexico and New Zealand – with relatively large agricultural and forestry sectors and associated greenhouse gas emissions, many of which also host globally important biodiversity. Drawing on these countries’ relevant national strategies and plans, institutional co-ordination and policy instruments, the report provides good practice insights on how to better align land use decision-making processes and to achieve stronger coherence between land use, climate, ecosystems and food objectives.
The Glossary for transport statistics was published for the first time in 1994 with the purpose of assisting member countries during the collection of data on transport using the Common Questionnaire developed by the UNECE, the International Transport Forum and Eurostat. It has since evolved to cover all areas of transport statistics.
The present fifth edition is the result of continuing valuable cooperation between the three organisations, that – through the action of the Intersecretariat Working Group (IWG. Trans.) – has put a sustained effort into harmonizing transport statistics at the European and international level. The IWG provided valuable input with respect to missing definitions, terminology that is outdated, as well as definitions that should be reformulated or clarified, revised and illustrated.
The new 5th edition of the Glossary comprises 744 definitions and represents a point of reference for all those involved in transport statistics. By following the guidance contained within these definitions, a considerable contribution will be given to the improvement in both the quality and comparability of the data.
The OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises have provided an internationally agreed benchmark to help governments assess and improve the way they exercise their ownership functions since 2005. This report documents changes in state ownership and SOE governance in both OECD and partner economies and assesses the extent to which the Guidelines have served as a “roadmap for reform” in individual countries since 2015, following the most recent update of the Guidelines. Drawing on practices in up to 31 jurisdictions, it covers organising the state enterprise ownership function; safeguarding a level playing field between SOEs and private businesses; equitable treatment of shareholders and other investors; stakeholder relations and responsible business; transparency and disclosure practices; and professionalising boards of directors. The report supports policy makers by facilitating greater awareness and more effective implementation of the Guidelines.
How’s Life? charts whether life is getting better for people in 37 OECD countries and 4 partner countries. This fifth edition presents the latest evidence from an updated set of over 80 indicators, covering current well-being outcomes, inequalities, and resources for future well-being. Since 2010, people’s well-being has improved in many respects, but progress has been slow or deteriorated in others, including how people connect with each other and their government. Large gaps by gender, age and education persist across most well-being outcomes. Generally, OECD countries that do better on average also feature greater equality between population groups and fewer people living in deprivation. Many OECD countries with poorer well-being in 2010 have since experienced the greatest gains. However, advances in current well-being have not always been matched by improvements in the resources that sustain well-being over time, with warning signs emerging across natural, human, economic and social capital. Beyond an overall analysis of well-being trends since 2010, this report explores in detail the 15 dimensions of the OECD Better Life Initiative, including health, subjective well-being, social connections, natural capital, and more, and looks at each country’s performance in dedicated country profiles.
The Dutch shipbuilding and marine equipment industries are part of a maritime cluster of about 17 200 Dutch maritime companies that also includes ports, the offshore industry, shipping, dredging, maritime services, fishing, inland shipping, naval activities and the watersports industry. In 2017, the maritime cluster accounted for 3.1% of gross domestic product (GDP) of the Netherlands. In the 1980s, the Dutch shipbuilding industry started to focus on high-tech, specialised vessels. Dutch shipyards produce a variety of vessel types, including dry cargos, dredgers, offshore service vessels, tugs, work/repair vessels, tankers, gas carriers, superyachts, cruise ships, passenger ferries, fully cellular containers, bulk carriers and roll-on/roll-off vessels. The Dutch Maritime Strategy 2015-2025 lists policy priorities and actions to promote the maritime and logistics sectors. The strategy takes into account global economic, demographic, geopolitical, ecological and security policy trends affecting the Dutch maritime sector.
Les Comptes nationaux des pays de l'OCDE, Principaux agrégats couvrent le PIB suivant les trois optiques (dépenses, production et revenus), le revenu disponible, l'épargne et la capacité/besoin de financement, la population et l'emploi. Il comprend aussi des tableaux comparatifs basés sur les parités de pouvoir d'achat et taux de change. Les données couvrent tous les pays de l'OCDE et le groupe de pays Union européenne. Les tableaux sont exprimées en monnaie nationale. Ces statistiques sont basées sur le Système de Comptabilité Nationale 2008 (SCN 2008) pour tous les pays.
The National Accounts of OECD Countries, Main Aggregates covers expenditure-based GDP, output-based GDP, income-based GDP, GDP per capita, disposable income, saving and net lending, population and employment. It includes also comparative tables based on purchasing power parities (PPPs) and exchange rates. Data are shown for all OECD countries and the Euro area. Country tables are expressed in national currency. Data are based on the System of National Accounts 2008 (2008 SNA).
The report assesses the enforcement of the Republic of Kazakhstan's law on access to information with a focus on the practices of the Kazakhstan Commission on Access to Information. It benchmarks the Commission’s mandate and functions against those of similar access-to-information oversight bodies in OECD countries. The report compares the legal nature and the institutional structure of these institutions, focusing on the availability and effectiveness of appeal mechanisms. It proposes ways to align the Commission with similar bodies in OECD countries by adopting good practices or revising current legislation.
In Kazakhstan, over 200 public councils at national, regional and local levels provide a platform for civil society to voice its opinion on important social issues. This report analyses the legal and policy framework for stakeholder participation in Kazakhstan, and compares public councils' current practices against the requirements set out in regulations. It proposes practical recommendations to improve the legitimacy, transparency and inclusiveness of public councils in carrying out their duties. Recommendations are supported by good practices in both OECD and other countries that enable, improve and innovate stakeholder participation.
本報告書は、OECD加盟国の政府が、社会全体のジェンダー平等目標の達成を推進、支援するために、どのような戦略やガバナンスツール、制度設計、画期的アプローチを採用しているのかをまとめたものである。ここでは立法府、司法府を含む全ての国家機関を対象とし、OECD加盟国が持続的影響を達成するうえで直面する課題について論じる。最後に、OECD加盟国での成功例に裏付けられた政策ガイダンスを全ての国家機関に提供する。本報告書は、2015年の公共生活におけるジェンダー平等に関するOECD理事会勧告(OECD Recommendation of the Council on Gender Equality in Public Life)に基づき、モニタリングの進捗状況を調べるための基準を確立するものである。
The 2020 edition analyses tourism performance and policy trends across 51 OECD countries and partner economies. It highlights the need for coherent and comprehensive approaches to tourism policy making, and the significance of the tourism economy, with data covering domestic, inbound and outbound tourism, enterprises and employment, and internal tourism consumption. Tourism policy priorities, reforms and developments are analysed and examples of country practices highlighted. Thematic chapters provide insights on preparing tourism businesses for the digital transformation, and rethinking tourism success to promote more sustainable and inclusive tourism development.