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Digital Government in Mexico discusses and assesses the efforts of the Mexican Government to build a stronger system of digital government under the Coordination of the National Digital Strategy of the Office of the President. It presents the key policy actions, achievements and co-ordination challenges, and looks at how policy objectives are implemented. The study examines the main initiatives for promoting digital inclusion, reinforcing public sector capacity, and achieving efficient public service design and delivery. This report also assesses the state of data governance, open government data and its strategic use, and the sharing of public sector data both within and beyond the public sector.

  • 02 Jan 2020
  • OECD
  • Pages: 126

이 보고서는 OECD의 아시아/태평양 지역 사회지표에 대한 개요서인 한 눈에 보는 사회: 아시아/태평양의 네 번째 판이다. 이 보고서는 아태지역 국가들의 사회복지 현황에 대한 계량적 지표들을 제공하고 있다. 1장에서는 본 보고서를 소개하고 OECD 사회지표를 해석하는 데 도움이 되는 가이드를 제공한다. 2장은 아태지역 사회적 보호의 범위 확대와 미래에 관한 이슈에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 이미 아태지역에는 사회적 보건적 지원을 제공하지 않는 일자리를 가진 노동자들이 많이 있다. 디지털화와 업무성격의 변화는 일자리의 감소로 이끌 뿐 아니라 숙련 노동자와 미숙련 노동자 사이의, 그리고 사회복지 서비스 접근 가능 노동자와 그러지 못한 노동자 사이의 경제적 불평등을 증가시킬 수 있다. 이러한 불평등의 심화는 가장 지원이 필요한 이들을 지원하는 사회정책을 개발하는데 있어 중요한 쟁점이 될 것이다. 또한 이 장에는 정책적 대응 방안을 제시하기 위하여 국가별 프로그램들을 예시로 수록하고 있다. 3장에서 7장까지의 각 장은 일반적 맥락, 자급 자족, 형평성, 건강 그리고 사회적 결속에 대한 각각의 지표를 제시한다.


This study aims at identifying and better understanding the theoretical linkages and operational complementarities between two initiatives in the mining sector: the EITI and the OECD DDG. The overall objective is to determine how the OECD and EITI can improve the impact and reach of both initiatives, in terms of supply chain management and reporting.


Technology and digitalisation have been transforming the way in which the financial sector is operating over the past years. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the development of digital technologies in all sectors, in particular in finance, as both households and firms have ncreasingly relied on digital as opposed to physical services. This publication contributes to the OECD Going Digital project, which provides policy makers with tools to help economies and societies prosper in an increasingly digital and data-driven world.

The independence of prosecutors is a crucial issue in the fight against corruption. A strong rule of law and the implementation of national anti-corruption legislation require that prosecutors be free from any undue external pressure. The power of prosecutors in deciding whether to prosecute a case, their role in carrying out investigations and the substantial choices they take in the course of the whole proceedings make the independence of prosecutorial service a decisive factor conditioning the possibility of a country to combat corruption crimes.

This is the seventh edition of the OECD survey of large pension funds and public pension reserve funds that collects long-term investment data since it was first published in 2011. The scope of this report covers 87 public and private pension funds from 34 countries. This survey is based on a qualitative questionnaire sent directly to large pension funds and public pension reserve funds. It covers the infrastructure investments made by large pension funds and public pension reserve funds, but also their approach to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. It provides detailed investment information and insights which complement the aggregated data on portfolio investments gathered by the OECD at a national level through the Global Pension Statistics and Global Insurance Statistics projects.

Cette étude vise à identifier et à mieux comprendre les liens théoriques et les complémentarités opérationnelles pouvant exister entre deux initiatives liées au secteur minier : l’ITIE et le Guide de l’OCDE. L’objectif général est de déterminer comment l’OCDE et l’ITIE peuvent améliorer l’impact et la portée des deux initiatives, dans le domaine de la gestion des chaînes d’approvisionnement et de la publication d’information.


This report analyses progress made by Ukraine in carrying out anti-corruption reforms and implementing recommendations of the IAP since the adoption of the Third Monitoring Round report in March 2015. The report focuses on three areas: anti-corruption policy, prevention of corruption, enforcement of criminal responsibility for corruption. The in-depth review of the sector will be conducted separately through a bisprocedure and is not part of the adopted report.

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