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Le Comité d’aide au développement (CAD) de l’OCDE mène tous les cinq à six ans un examen par les pairs qui passe en revue les efforts de coopération pour le développement de ses membres. Ces examens visent à améliorer la qualité et l’efficacité de leur coopération, en mettant en évidence les bonnes pratiques et en recommandant des améliorations.

La France s’est engagée dans une réforme ambitieuse de sa coopération au développement aussi bien en termes institutionnel, stratégique que financier. Outre un accroissement conséquent des ressources consacrées à l’aide publique au développement et un renforcement de ses instruments de réponse aux crises, la France a vigoureusement défendu l’articulation des agendas vert et social et la mobilisation du secteur privé en faveur du développement durable. L’examen analyse le difficile équilibre entre objectifs de visibilité et d’impact sur le développement, notamment dans les contextes fragiles. Il émet des recommandations pour allier impulsion politique, pilotage par objectifs et flexibilité et approfondir la recherche de bénéfices croisés entre les dimensions sociale, environnementale et économique du développement durable. Il explore également comment renforcer la contribution du secteur privé local à la réduction de la pauvreté grâce à l’optimisation des ressources et instruments disponibles.

  • 08 Jul 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 143

Austria’s economy performed well over the past two decades. The country’s GDP per capita ranks among the highest in the OECD. Income inequalities are relatively low thanks to high redistribution through public transfers, which contributes to a relative poverty rate well below many other OECD countries. The domestic production of energy has a low carbon content largely due to significant hydropower resources. The economy is set to recover from a recession in 2023, but it will do so only slowly and remains fragile. The inflation shock in the wake of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine is taking time to subside. Public debt has increased substantially, while the public deficit remains close to 3%. Greater capacity of the economy to adapt to future shocks and address structural challenges is needed. Sound public finances and low government debt provide fiscal space and strengthen a country’s resilience against short- and long-term shocks. Pension system reforms and efficiency measures in health care can help to mitigate long-term fiscal pressures. Public revenues need to be more friendly to sustainable and inclusive growth by shifting away from high levies on labour towards less growth-distortive taxes. Easing regulation, including strict entry requirements for certain professional services will help efficient allocation of resources towards promising activities and firms. Reducing the gap in skills for disadvantaged students and improving the integration of immigrants will be essential to provide equal access to the labour market. Achieving net zero emissions by 2040 will require a clear and comprehensive strategy including higher and more harmonised carbon prices. High exposure to future climate risks, in particular floods, needs to be addressed, and insurance coverage against natural disasters should be expanded.


  • 08 Jul 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 98

The 2024 edition of OECD Tourism Trends and Policies analyses the latest tourism performance and policy trends across 50 OECD countries and partner economies. It takes stock of the tourism economy’s recovery post-pandemic and highlights the need for co-ordinated, forward-looking policies, as challenges remain to build momentum for a more resilient, sustainable and inclusive future for the sector. Evidence on the significance of the tourism economy is presented, with data covering domestic, inbound, and outbound tourism, enterprises and employment, and internal tourism consumption. Tourism policy priorities, reforms and developments are analysed, and examples of country practices highlighted. Thematic chapters provide insights on strengthening the tourism workforce and building the evidence base for sustainable tourism policies.

  • 06 Jul 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 64

Die G20/OECD-Grundsätze der Corporate Governance helfen Politikverantwortlichen bei der Evaluierung und Verbesserung des rechtlichen, regulatorischen und institutionellen Rahmens der Corporate Governance. Sie benennen die entscheidenden Bausteine eines soliden Corporate-Governance-Rahmens und liefern praktische Hinweise für die Umsetzung auf nationaler Ebene. Zudem dienen die Grundsätze als Orientierungshilfe für Börsen, Investoren, Verbände und sonstige Akteure, die an der Entwicklung einer guten Corporate Governance beteiligt sind.

Vietnamese, English, Armenian, Japanese, French, All
  • 05 Jul 2024
  • African Union Commission, OECD
  • Pages: 270

La publication Dynamiques du développement en Afrique tire les leçons des expériences des cinq régions du continent – Afrique australe, centrale, de l’Est, du Nord et de l’Ouest – pour élaborer des recommandations en matière de politiques publiques et partager les bonnes pratiques sur l'ensemble du continent. Étayé par les statistiques les plus récentes, son décryptage des dynamiques de développement vise à permettre aux leaders africains de réaliser la vision stratégique de l'Agenda 2063 à tous les niveaux : continental, régional, national et local.

Cette édition s’intéresse aux leviers à disposition des gouvernements, des entreprises et des établissements d’enseignement pour augmenter l’offre de compétences de qualité sur le continent, en cohérence avec la demande actuelle et future, et en soutien de l’emploi et de la productivité. Elle analyse l’évolution de la demande de compétences à la lumière des mégatendances – transitions numérique et verte, croissance démographique de l’Afrique et régionalisation du commerce international. Deux premiers chapitres dressent un état des lieux, à l’échelle continentale, des déficits de compétences fondamentales, non techniques et techniques, puis suggèrent différents axes d’action pour développer les compétences de la main-d’œuvre africaine. Les cinq chapitres régionaux proposent des recommandations ciblées sur des secteurs d'activité stratégiques tels que l’exploitation minière, l’agroalimentaire, les technologies numériques et les énergies renouvelables.

Cette publication entend nourrir le débat entre gouvernements de l’Union africaine, citoyens, entrepreneurs et chercheurs. Fruit de la collaboration entre la Commission de l’Union africaine et le Centre de développement de l’OCDE, elle propose une nouvelle coopération entre pays et régions, tournée vers l’apprentissage mutuel et la préservation des biens communs.

  • 05 Jul 2024
  • African Union Commission, OECD
  • Pages: 254

Africa’s Development Dynamics uses lessons from Central, East, North, Southern and West Africa to develop policy recommendations and share good practices across the continent. Drawing on the most recent statistics, its analysis of development dynamics aims to assist African leaders in reaching the targets of the African Union’s Agenda 2063 at all levels: continental, regional, national and local.

This edition explores how African governments, firms and educational institutions can increase the supply of quality skills, in line with current and future demand, to create jobs and increase productivity. Global trends, like the digital and green transitions, Africa’s demographic growth, and the regionalisation of international trade are shaping future skills demand. The report's two continental chapters examine the gaps in foundational, soft and technical skills and identify policy solutions to develop a skilled workforce. Five regional chapters offer recommendations for skills development in strategic areas including mining, digital technologies, renewable energy and agri-food.

Africa’s Development Dynamics feeds into a policy debate between the African Union’s governments, citizens, entrepreneurs and researchers. It proposes a new collaboration between countries and regions, focusing on mutual learning and the preservation of common goods. This report results from the partnership between the African Union Commission and the OECD Development Centre.

  • 04 Jul 2024
  • OECD, CAF Development Bank of Latin America, SELA Latin American and Caribbean Economic System
  • Pages: 277

Este informe evalúa y monitorea el progreso en el diseño e implementación de políticas para PyMEs en la región de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC). Ha sido elaborado como parte del Programa Regional ALC de la OCDE, en cooperación con CAF-Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina y el Caribe y el Sistema Económico Latinoamericano y del Caribe (SELA). El reporte de 2024 hace un seguimiento de los progresos realizados desde 2019 en ocho dimensiones de política pública y presenta las últimas conclusiones clave sobre el desarrollo de las PyMEs. Identifica los retos emergentes que afectan a las PyME en la región y ofrece recomendaciones a los gobiernos para construir un sector de PyME exitoso. La edición de 2024, la segunda de la serie, se beneficia de una metodología actualizada que analiza las políticas de apoyo a la transformación digital de las PyMEs, introduce una dimensión piloto de economía verde e incorpora un enfoque transversal de género. Esta edición amplía la cobertura introduciendo dos nuevos países (Brasil y Paraguay) a los ya siete países participantes (Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, México, Perú y Uruguay), garantizando la inclusión de todos los miembros de la Alianza del Pacífico y Mercosur.

Portuguese, English
  • 04 Jul 2024
  • OECD, CAF Development Bank of Latin America, SELA Latin American and Caribbean Economic System
  • Pages: 277

Este relatório avalia e monitora o progresso na elaboração e implementação de políticas para PMEs na região da América Latina e do Caribe (ALC). Ele foi preparado como parte do Programa Regional da OCDE para a ALC, em cooperação com o CAF-Banco de Desenvolvimento da América Latina e do Caribe e o Sistema Econômico da América Latina e do Caribe (SELA). O relatório 2024 acompanha o progresso desde 2019 em oito dimensões de políticas públicas e apresenta as principais conclusões mais recentes sobre o desenvolvimento das PMEs. Ele identifica os desafios emergentes que afetam as PMEs na região e oferece recomendações aos governos para construir um setor de PMEs bem-sucedido. A edição de 2024, a segunda da série, se beneficia de uma metodologia atualizada que analisa as políticas de apoio à transformação digital das PMEs, introduz uma dimensão piloto de economia verde e incorpora uma abordagem transversal de gênero. Esta edição amplia a cobertura com a introdução de dois novos países (Brasil e Paraguai) aos já sete países participantes (Argentina, Chile, Colômbia, Equador, México, Peru e Uruguai), garantindo a inclusão de todos os membros da Aliança do Pacífico e do Mercosul.

English, Spanish
  • 04 Jul 2024
  • OECD, CAF Development Bank of Latin America, SELA Latin American and Caribbean Economic System
  • Pages: 257

This report assesses and monitors progress in the design and implementation of SME policies in the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region. It was developed as part of the OECD LAC Regional Programme, in co-operation with CAF-Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean and the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System (SELA). The 2024 report tracks progress made since 2019 across eight policy dimensions and presents the latest key findings on SME development and related policies. It identifies emerging challenges impacting SMEs in the region and provides recommendations for governments to build a successful SME sector. The 2024 edition, the second in the series, benefits from an updated methodology that analyses SME digital transformation support policies, introduces a green economy pilot dimension, and incorporates a cross-cutting gender approach. This edition extends the coverage by introducing two new countries (Brazil and Paraguay) to the already seven participating countries (Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay), guaranteeing the inclusion of all members of the Pacific Alliance and Mercosur.

Portuguese, Spanish
  • 03 Jul 2024
  • Sarah Barahona, Jorrit Zwijnenburg, Carrie Exton, Nicolas Ruiz, Julie Johnsen, Katherine Scrivens
  • Pages: 92

Les politiques efficaces en matière de protection sociale sont celles qui tiennent compte des liens d’interdépendance entre les retombées économiques, sociales et environnementales. Ce document, destiné à éclairer les discussions de la filière Finance au cours de la Présidence japonaise du G7 en 2023, décrit une série d’initiatives menées à l’échelle nationale et internationale pour améliorer la mesure du bien-être multidimensionnel « au-delà du PIB ». En particulier, le Système de comptabilité nationale (SCN) de 2025 rendra plus visibles l’économie numérique et les services numériques gratuits, ainsi que les activités non rémunérées des ménages et l’épuisement du capital naturel. Par ailleurs, plus de deux tiers des pays de l’OCDE ont mis au point, à l’échelle nationale, des cadres, des plans de développement ou des enquêtes axés sur le bien-être multidimensionnel, couvrant un large éventail de résultats et d’inégalités au niveau économique, social et environnemental qui ont une incidence sur le bien-être des populations et sa pérennité. Certaines économies du G7 et de l’OCDE ont commencé à utiliser ces éléments pour éclairer l’élaboration du budget, renforcer les outils d’évaluation de l’action publique (y compris l’analyse coûts-avantages) et étayer les cadres de gestion des performances de l’administration et les stratégies de croissance inclusive.

  • 03 Jul 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 123

The Slovenian economy proved resilient following the energy crisis and devastating floods. Growth is projected to pick up gradually. The labour market remains tight, with widespread labour shortages leading to strong wage growth. Inflation has slowed but remains elevated in services. Fiscal consolidation is needed to rebuild fiscal buffers and address emerging pressures from ageing-related cost, notably on pensions. Productivity growth would benefit from lifting remaining barriers in retail trade and restrictions on professional services. Female labour market participation is high, but the gender wage gap could be reduced further through adjustments in the tax and benefit system. Greater harmonisation of carbon prices, notably the removal of reduced tax rates for fossil fuels, is needed to reach emissions targets. High homeownership rates and a limited rental market, combined with insufficient residential construction, constrain housing options for many, especially the young and vulnerable. Enhancing housing supply can be achieved by streamlining spatial planning and permitting systems, reforming housing taxation, improving rental regulations, expanding access to mortgage finance, and promoting the development of social and affordable housing.


  • 03 Jul 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 160

This report provides an overview of Czechia's public investment system across levels of government. It offers analysis and recommendations for strengthening institutional capabilities at the national and subnational levels for planning, co-ordinating, appraising and delivering infrastructure. By strengthening infrastructure investment systems at all levels, Czechia can improve its resilience and secure a more sustainable future.

  • 02 Jul 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 65

The Korean economy is known for its innovation and wealth of intellectual property (IP), having one of the highest patent applications in the world. Its IP-intensive industries are deeply integrated in the global economy through their active participation in global value chains. Such integration, however, exposes Korean IP-intensive products to high counterfeiting and piracy risks. This report examines the global trade in counterfeit products that infringe on Korean intellectual property rights (IPR) and its impact on the Korean economy. Specifically, it estimates the effects in terms of sales and job losses in the Korean manufacturing sector, as well as the impact on government revenues. The report concludes that the infringement of Korean IPR poses a significant threat to the Korean economy. The magnitude and widespread impact of this issue call for the implementation of comprehensive and coordinated solutions.

  • 02 Jul 2024
  • OECD, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
  • Pages: 369

Les Perspectives agricoles de l’OCDE et de la FAO 2024-2033 contiennent une évaluation consensuelle de ce que pourrait être l’évolution, sur les dix ans à venir, des marchés des produits agricoles, halieutiques et aquacoles.

L’édition de cette année met au jour des tendances majeures. Les économies émergentes exerceront une influence déterminante sur le paysage de l’agriculture mondiale, notamment l’Inde qui devrait ravir à la Chine sa place de premier plan. Pour autant, l’apport calorique dans les pays à faible revenu ne progresserait que de 4 %, d’après les projections. L’intensité des émissions de gaz à effet de serre d’origine agricole devrait diminuer, même si les émissions directes de l’agriculture augmenteront sans doute de quelque 5 %. Néanmoins, à supposer que les pertes et gaspillages alimentaires diminuent de moitié, d’ici à 2030, ces émissions pourraient baisser de 4 % à l’échelle mondiale, et le nombre de personnes sous-alimentées de 153 millions d’individus.

Le bon fonctionnement des marchés internationaux de produits agricoles demeurera essentiel à la sécurité alimentaire mondiale et à la subsistance des populations rurales. Compte tenu des évolutions attendues, les prix internationaux de référence réels devraient rester en léger recul tout au long de la décennie, si tant est que des facteurs environnementaux, sociaux, géopolitiques ou économiques ne viennent pas modifier sensiblement ces projections.

On trouvera de plus amples informations à l’adresse suivante : www.agri-outlook.org/fr/.

  • 02 Jul 2024
  • OECD, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
  • Pages: 335

The OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2024-2033 provides a consensus assessment of the ten-year prospects for agricultural commodity and fish markets.

This Outlook edition reveals important trends. Emerging economies will be pivotal in shaping the global agricultural landscape, with India expected to overtake China as the leading player. Yet calorie intake growth in low-income countries is projected to be only 4%. Agriculture's global greenhouse gas intensity is projected to decline, although direct emissions from agriculture will likely increase by 5%. If food loss and waste could be halved, however, this would have the potential to reduce both global agricultural GHG emissions by 4% and the number of undernourished people by 153 million by 2030.

Well-functioning international agricultural commodity markets will remain vital for global food security and rural livelihoods. Expected developments should keep real international reference prices on a slightly declining trend over the next ten years, although environmental, social, geopolitical, and economic factors could significantly alter these projections.

More information can be found at www.agri-outlook.org.


تعد مصر اقتصادًا ناشئًا سريع النمو وتمثل عبئًا ديموغرافيًا ثقيلًا على القارة الأفريقية. فيشكّلُ كلٌ من النمو السكاني المتزايد، وتغير استخدام الأراضي، والتلوث، وتغير المناخ، ضغوطا متزايدة على البيئة الطبيعية، بما في ذلك تنوعها البيولوجي الغني. ورغم أن مصر قد حقّقت فصلًا نسبيًا لانبعاثات غازات الدفيئة عن النمو الاقتصادي، الا أنها لا تزال تحتاج إلى دمج العمل المناخي على نحوٍ أكبر، في مختلف القطاعات، ورفع سقف طموحاها تدريجيًّا. وباعتبارها واحدة من أكثر بلدان العالم معاناة من نقص المياه، فمن المفترض أن تساهم زيادة استخدام الأدوات الاقتصادية في معالجة ندرة المياه وتحسين نوعيتها. وقد التزمت الحكومة، كهدف من أهداف رؤية مصر 2030 بتحويل التحديات البيئية إلى فرص. فقد اتخذت خطوات للتحرك نحو إدارة أكثر استدامة للنفايات ومعالجة تلوث الهواء، الذي لا يزال مصدر قلق صحي. ولدى مصر إمكانات كبيرة لتسريع تحولها إلى الطاقة النظيفة. وفي حين تحسنت المعلومات والبيانات البيئية عموما، ينبغي تعزيز مشاركة الجمهور في صنع القرارات البيئية بشكلٍ أكبر.

إنّها المراجعة الأولى لسياسة النمو الأخضر في مصر. حيث يبحث التقرير في التقدم المحرز نحو تحقيق التنمية المستدامة والنمو الأخضر على مدى العقد الماضي. وتهدف التوصيات الـ 40 إلى مساعدة مصر في تحسين أدائها البيئي، مع التركيز على بناء مدن مراعية للمناخ ومرنة وشاملة.

  • 02 Jul 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 190

Egypt is a rapidly growing emerging economy and a demographic heavyweight on the African continent. High population growth, land-use change, pollution and climate change are increasingly putting pressure on the natural environment, including on its rich biodiversity. Egypt has achieved relative decoupling of greenhouse gas emissions from economic growth, though it needs to further mainstream climate action across sectors and progressively raise ambition. As one of the world’s most water-stressed countries, greater use of economic instruments would help address scarcity and improve water quality. As part of Egypt’s Vision 2030, the government is committed to turning environmental challenges into opportunities. It has taken steps to move towards more sustainable waste management and address air pollution, which remains a health concern. Egypt has significant potential to accelerate its clean energy transition. While environmental information and data have improved overall, public participation in environmental decision making needs to be further enhanced.

This is the first Green Growth Policy Review of Egypt. It examines progress towards sustainable development and green growth over the past decade. The 40 recommendations aim to help Egypt improve its environmental performance, giving a special focus to building climate-smart, resilient and inclusive cities.

  • 30 Jun 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 196

Japan has historically been among the OECD countries with the lowest migration flows relative to its population. However, the situation has changed significantly in the past few years. To counteract the impact of rapid population ageing on the labour market, Japan has introduced major policy changes in the governance of recruitment from abroad.

This review examines the role of labour migration policy in the specific context of Japan and identifies policy directions for the future. Covering labour migration at all skill levels, the review assesses how the long-standing migration channels for international students and high-skilled migrants fare in attracting and retaining international talent. It also reviews the main channels for low to medium skill trades, including the recently introduced Specified Skilled Worker Programme.

This Toolkit synthesises learning and examples gathered from Development Assistance Committee (DAC) members and partners, including their work through international fora such as the OECD, as well as additional research. It aims to support DAC members and partners in deepening their work and accelerate progress on any number of topics contained within the DAC Recommendation’s six pillars. Progress in Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (SEAH) prevention and response can be very incremental and difficult to measure, in part because it relies on addressing the many underlying factors that support the perpetuation of SEAH, such as cultural and social norms, as well as power dynamics. This Toolkit aims to support progress by DAC members on both technical and political levels, as well as support their coordination efforts with their partners to work towards long-term, sustainable change.

  • 28 Jun 2024
  • OECD
  • Pages: 20

This Policy Guidance aims to support the effective and practical delivery of official development assistance (ODA) for inclusive governance, focusing on the central elements of a development project or programme – analytics and diagnostics, programme design and implementation, monitoring, evaluation and learning. Issued by the Governance Network of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC), this Guidance for governance practitioners recommends a series of policy and practical measures designed to reduce social, political and economic exclusion, and enable more inclusive development impacts. Building on a dedicated multi-year programme of work, expert insights and the contributions of a designated Advisory Group, it underscores the significance of inclusive governance as a central attribute of SDG16 and the basis for equitable and sustainable development.

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