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Year Index

  • 23 Nov 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 113

In Hungary, women are much less likely than men to be in paid work. Despite recent policy reforms and employment increases for both men and women since the global financial crisis, the gender employment gap has widened over the past years. It is now at its highest point since the mid-1990s. A major reason for the persistent employment gap in Hungary is that most mothers with very young children take an extended period out of paid work following childbirth - often until the child is two or three years of age. Traditional family attitudes towards gender roles and caring for very young children play a role. In addition, access to and use of childcare services for very young children remains limited despite some improvements, and flexible working arrangements are not widespread. For Hungary, closing the gender employment gap responds to both gender equality and labour market issues. This report analyses recent reforms and explores potential policy actions in the areas of early childhood education and care, parental leave and flexible working arrangements, which could provide women - and especially mothers of very young children - with better access to paid work.

These three Programming Notes build on the 2009 publication entitled Armed Violence Reduction: Enabling Development. These three notes cover: armed violence in urban areas, youth and armed violence, and linkages between armed violence reduction and security system reform.

Spanish, French
  • 08 Feb 2000
  • OECD, Nuclear Energy Agency
  • Pages: 112

The competitiveness of nuclear power plants depends largely on their capital costs that represent some 60 per cent of their total generation costs. Reviewing and analysing ways and means to reduce capital costs of nuclear power plants are essential to enhance the economic viability of the nuclear option.

The report is based upon cost information and data provided by experts from NEA Member countries. It investigates the efficiency of alternative methods for reducing capital costs of nuclear units. It will provide stakeholders from the industry and governmental agencies with relevant elements in support of policy making.


Governments everywhere are increasingly interested in assessing the effects of their policies and the effectiveness of public institutions, and competition agencies are no exception. This Reference Guide contains an in-depth overview of all the issues linked to ex-post assessments and contains numerous examples and references. It constitutes an excellent resource both for the competition authorities who are planning to start performing ex-post evaluations and for those who already do it but want to improve the quality of their assessment. The Reference Guide complements a Guide for assessing the impact of competition authorities' activities (2014) and a Factsheet on how competition policy affects macro-economic outcomes (2014).

  • 13 May 2024
  • OECD, International Monetary Fund, Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations, Intra-European Organisation of Tax Administrations
  • Pages: 49

This reference guide provides a good grounding in what tax administration reform is, why it is important, what is involved in implementing it, and who should be involved in the reform process. The materials covered in this reference guide are designed to cover the key practices that have been proven to assist the management of reform efforts and will give the tax administrations the best chance of success in developing and implementing reform programs. This guide is divided into five chapters highlighting key terms and definitions, processes to develop and manage a reform program, and how to plan and manage a reform project. It is part of a series of Virtual Training to Advance Revenue Administration (VITARA) reference guides that have been developed based on the content of the VITARA online modules.

  • 13 May 2024
  • OECD, International Monetary Fund, Inter-American Center of Tax Administrations, Intra-European Organisation of Tax Administrations
  • Pages: 45

This guide builds on the Reform Management Fundamentals: Setting up a Reform Program reference guide to provide an understanding of recognized good practices to ensure the success of implementing tax administration reform programs. It presents proven management practices for implementing reform projects that have been applied by tax administrations around the world. It is part of a series of Virtual Training to Advance Revenue Administration (VITARA) reference guides that have been developed based on the content of the VITARA online modules.

  • 24 Apr 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 213

This report presents policy reform options to support Lithuania in meeting its climate neutrality target. It takes stock of Lithuania’s current and planned climate policies and assesses their potential for meeting the country’s climate ambitions. The report details the results of modelling carried out to assess the effectiveness of different policy scenarios, an analysis of carbon pricing and the role of innovation, an assessment of financial needs in the transition to net zero, and an analysis of the distributional implications of carbon pricing. Bringing together these findings the report offers recommendations for policy reform, highlighting the importance of setting price signals complemented by innovation support, as well as the potential of revenue recycling options in alleviating distributional concerns.

Since 1999, the Asian Roundtable on Corporate Governance has brought together the most active and influential policy makers, practitioners and experts on corporate governance in the region, as well as from OECD countries and relevant international institutions. Participants exchange experiences and push forward the reform agenda on corporate governance while promoting awareness and use of the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance as well as the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises. This Report supports decision-makers and practitioners in their efforts to take corporate governance to a higher level. It reflects the discussions and conclusions of various recent Roundtable. The next phase of the Roundtable will focus on how to change behaviour to achieve better outcomes.

  • 29 Mar 2006
  • OECD
  • Pages: 98

The Russian Federation has undergone a major reform of the pension system which has resulted in a shift from a single, publicly managed system to one supplemented by a mandatory, privately managed occupational funded component and voluntary pension arrangements. The reform aimed to tackle a set of problems of demographic, social and economic order inherent to retirement income provision and was viewed as a way to improve old-age security of retirees in Russia by ensuring long-term financial and fiscal stability of the pension system and adequacy of pension benefits. This book examines these reforms and new challenges related to the reforms. Most prominent among the challenges is the need to further strengthen the pension system regulatory capacity and enforcement powers of the authorities in charge of the oversight of private pension institutions.

  • 16 May 2000
  • OECD, African Development Bank
  • Pages: 204

What qualifies an economy as “emerging”? The answers provided in this book lead to a fresh conception of the diversity of the African continent. Thus, growth dynamics cannot simply be measured in economic terms. Indicators must also include governance, efficiency and democracy of institutions, and an appropriate climate for business. All these issues are linked to policies, and the outstanding conclusion of this book, in the face of embedded “Afro-pessimism”, is that policies do matter for growth; that there is no “African mystery”, simply poor policies and bad governance. Reform and Growth in Africa is a contribution to the search for a reversal of the economic plight of African countries, based upon national experience and policy reform. This book reflects the contributions to the first edition of the International Forum on African Perspectives, which was held in Paris in February 2000. The forum was created by the African Development Bank and the OECD Development Centre as an annual meeting place of ideas and strategies from African countries and from the OECD region. The aim of the Forum is to create an area where the knowledge bases of the partners can be combined to exploit their specific advantages in the search for solutions to the economic problems of Africa. The Forum also includes an open meeting where these ideas can be tested in front of a wide audience of people from the worlds of politics, administration, academia, the media and business.

  • 25 Jul 2000
  • OECD, Nuclear Energy Agency
  • Pages: 636

The International Symposium on the Reform of Civil Nuclear Liability, organised by the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency in co-operation with the International Atomic Energy Agency and the European Commission, was held in Budapest, Hungary from 31 May to 3 June 1999. The event attracted over 200 participants from 50 countries, with a view to examining nuclear liability and compensation issues in the context of the recent revision of the Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage, the adoption of the Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage and the current negotiations being carried out under the aegis of the OECD/NEA on the amendment of the Paris and Brussels Conventions. These proceedings reproduce all papers which were presented at the Symposium, and provide detailed records of the discussion periods.

Since 2006 Lithuania has taken steps to ensure higher operational efficiency and to reduce the disparity in prices for water supply and sanitation services. However, progress has been slow. Concerns have emerged regarding representation of small municipalities in consolidated utilities and increased costs for some consumers.

Reform of Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment in Lithuania presents practical options to implement the national strategy towards the consolidation of water supply and sanitation services in Lithuania as a tool to foster operational efficiency and financial sustainability of the sector. Analyses and recommendations benefitted from discussions in two pilot regions in Lithuania, to test the practicality of consolidation scenarios and accompanying measures. Particular attention is paid to tariff setting and different modes of benchmarking – including development plans benchmarking - as tools to incentivise performance. The report provides insights for countries facing similar challenges or seeking to improve the efficiency of water service provision.

The project was undertaken in collaboration with – and with the financial support of – the Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support of the European Commission.

The need to reform Kazakhstan’s mining sector has been very high on the policy agenda. The country has been adversely affected by the downward trend in commodity prices since 2012, with metal prices falling almost 60% over the five years to early 2016. In 2015 and 2016, Kazakhstan real GDP growth slowed to 1.2% and 1%, respectively, the weakest since the 1990s. While 2017 saw growth bounce back to 4%, the recovery still lacks the momentum needed to put Kazakhstan back on the path of rapid convergence with the world’s advanced economies.

  • 05 Sept 2000
  • OECD
  • Pages: 132

Reforms to China’s enterprises are central to the effort to complete the transformation to a market economy that has been underway since 1978. Reforms have become all the more urgent with the severe financial problems now being suffered by a large portion of China’s businesses, and with China’s prospective entry into the World Trade Organisation. Enterprise reforms involve both state owned and non-state businesses, and encompass a wide range of individual policies to bolster financial performances, improve behaviour, and provide supporting institutions and infrastructure essential to a modern enterprise economy.

The study in this volume describes the main reforms that are being undertaken in each of these areas, the progress that is being made, the problems that are being encountered, and the challenges that remain to be overcome. The overall message is that the enterprise reforms are now at a critical juncture. Important progress is being made; but much more remains to be done and rapid advances are needed in several key areas if the overall reform process is to be sustained and China is to realise its growth potential.

Topics covered: the current situation of China’s enterprises; economic restructuring and SOE reorganisation; establishing effective corporate governance mechanisms; the role of the financial system; developing social security programmes.


This report presents recommendations on the reform of economic instruments for water resources management in Kyrgyzstan, specifically on tariffs for urban water supply and sanitation (WSS) and irrigation water, pollution charges, surface water abstraction charges for enterprises (consumptive and non-consumptive uses), specific land tax rates for the Issyk-Kul biosphere reserve, as well as taxes and customs duty on products contributing to water pollution. For each instrument, alternative reform options are identified and assessed, and preferred options put forward, with an action plan.

  • 15 Feb 2012
  • Hansjörg Blöchliger, Camila Vammalle
  • Pages: 136

This book describes and examines reforms of fiscal federalism and local government in 10 OECD countries implemented over the past decade. The country chapters identify common patterns and factors that are conducive to reforms of the intergovernmental fiscal framework, using a common methodological approach. The summary chapter highlights the cross-cutting issues emerging from the country chapters and shows the key factors in the institutional, political, economic and fiscal areas that are supporting reform success. The report’s approach results in valuable insights for policy makers designing, adopting and implementing fiscal federalism and local government reforms.

  • 20 Dec 2019
  • OECD
  • Pages: 164

This review analyses public procurement policies and practices of ISSSTESON, the institution providing health and pension services to the workers of the State Government of Sonora, Mexico. It benchmarks ISSSTESON practices against the 2015 Recommendation of the Council on Public Procurement to help the institute upgrade its procurement operations and increase efficiency, in a difficult financial environment. It also examines the revenue structure of the Institute and suggests reforms for the pension scheme, which is too generous compared to national and international experience.


EU Funded Note

Anti-corruption agencies must mainstream integrity policies and procedures to safeguard their activities, achieve their objectives and build public trust in their functions. This report provides concrete recommendations for strengthening Bulgaria’s Anti-Corruption Commission’s Code of Ethics and its system for undertaking integrity checks of staff. Both these issues are key to creating a culture of integrity within the organisation. The report is part of an EU-funded project under the Technical Support Instrument Regulation and highlights relevant good practices from OECD member countries and provides tailored recommendations in Bulgaria’s context.

  • 13 Apr 2018
  • OECD
  • Pages: 187

Kazakhstan has in recent years intensified its co-operation with the OECD, most notably with the launch in January 2015 of the OECD Kazakhstan Country Programme, which has encompassed co-operation on almost 20 separate projects in a wide range of policy domains. This volume presents an overview of the work done in the main areas covered by the Country Programme, assessing both progress made and the challenges ahead with respect to public governance, economic reform, green growth and social policy. It also considers the linkages between these various strands of policy, in an effort to derive cross-cutting lessons for the future and to present a more integrated understanding of Kazakhstan’s reforms.

  • 01 Feb 2022
  • International Energy Agency, Korea Energy Economics Institute
  • Pages: 95

This report was commissioned by Korea's Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and carried out jointly by the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Korea Energy Economics Institute. The objective of the study was to analyse market design improvements to enable achieving net zero in Korea's power sector, in accordance with the country's long-term decarbonisation objectives. For this the IEA devised a Korea Regional Power System Model to evaluate the emissions implications of the plans laid out in Korea’s 9th Basic Plan for Long-Term Electricity Supply and Demand and the Carbon Neutral Strategy published in 2021. The analysis includes a scenario elaborated by the IEA, based on the World Energy Outlook's Announced Pledges Scenario, to analyse potential for further market improvements. This analysis covers market improvements in areas such as carbon pricing, market price enhancements that better reward lowemissions technologies and security of supply, and market access reforms to ensure the participation of a wider range of new technologies and distributed energy resources.

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