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This report presents an analysis of recent trends in migration movements and policies in OECD countries as well as in certain non-member countries. It includes a detailed description of the flows, the different channels of immigration and the nationalities of the migrants concerned.

In addition to this overall analysis, the reader will also find in this publication: Two sections on immigration flows from Asia and recent developments in migration movements in central and eastern European countries; A special chapter devoted to a comparative analysis of student mobility between and towards OECD countries; country notes describing in detail recent developments in migration flows and policies; and a statistical annex containing the most recent available data on foreign and immigrant populations, foreign workers, migration flows and naturalisations.


This book presents an analysis of recent trends in migration movements and policies in OECD countries as well as in certain non-member countries. It includes a detailed description of the flows, the different channels of immigration and the nationalities of the migrants concerned.

In addition to this overall analysis, the reader will also find in this publication two sections on the recent developments in migration flows and policies in Asia and in Central and Eastern Europe; a special chapter devoted to family-linked immigration, the criteria to be fulfilled in order to take advantage of it and the legal systems which regulate family members' access to social welfare and the labour market; and a statistical annex containing the most recent available data on foreign and immigrant populations, foreign workers, migration flows and naturalisations.


This report presents an analysis of recent trends in migration movements and policies in OECD countries as well as in certain non-member countries. It includes a detailed description of the flows, the different channels of immigration and the nationalities of the migrants concerned.  This report also provides details of the significant changes that many host countries (such as Australia, France, Italy, the Netherlands, the United-Kingdom and Poland) have made to their legislation in order to obtain greater control over migration flows. Finally, this report also presents an inventory of policies implemented to improve the integration of immigrants and to extend international co-operation. 

Beside this overall analysis, the reader will also find etailed notes presenting the main migration characteristics of each country; an analysis of the economic and political implications of irregular immigration illustrating the different situations of irregularity, the methods employed to measure its extent, its impact on the labour market and the sanctions imposed on employers; and a statistical annex containing the most recent available data on foreign and immigrant populations, foreign workers, migration flows and naturalisations.

French, German

This analysis of the recent trends of migration movements and policies covers all OECD countries and certain non-member countries. It provides a comprehensive description of these flows, the different channels of immigration and the nationalities of the migrants concerned. This report also examines recent policy developments aimed at better controlling the flows, improving the integration of immigrants and extending international co-operation. Particular attention is given to the links between migration, free trade and regional economic integration.

This overall analysis is completed by thirty detailed country notes presenting the main migration characteristics of each country; a special comparative study on the temporary employment of foreigners describing the different categories of workers involved as well as the manner of their recruitment and the conditions of their stay in OECD countries; and a comprehensive statistical annex providing the most up-to-date data on foreign and immigrant populations, foreign workers, migration flows and naturalisations.


This annual  publication describes the recent trends in international migration, the magnitude of flows, the different channels for immigration and the nationality of the immigrants concerned. It shows that the criteria for admission to host countries is becoming more selective and more oriented to labour market needs. The report also examines recent policy developments for the control of flows and the integration of immigrants. Special attention is given to the links between migration, free trade and regional economic integration.

Detailed country notes present the main migration characteristics of twenty-six OECD countries and Bulgaria, Romania, and the Slovak Republic. The latter country is included for the first time in the notes. Finally, immigration and social transfers is the topic of a special chapter focusing on analytical issues and results obtained in several OECD countries.

A statistical annex provides tables on foreign and immigrant populations, foreign workers, migration flows and naturalisations.

This report examines the implementation of ESG trends in financial markets throughout the Asia-Pacific region. It looks at effective approaches and challenges and provides key insights on ESG disclosure and data indicators. The report then examines how ESG risks are being applied for infrastructure investment and how the application of ESG considerations could be advanced when investing in infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific region.

This report updates the data published in the 2015 OECD Compendium of Agri-environmental Indicators to present a summary of the environmental performance of agriculture in OECD countries as of end-2015. It also includes new and innovative material to further strengthen its relevance as a reference document. In particular, the four thematic chapters each cover a targeted set of indicators for which data coverage is generally more consistent across time in OECD countries and that capture the main pressures agriculture exerts on the environment. The thematic chapters cover the following areas: the interlinked issues of land use, pesticides and farmland birds; ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions, the main air pollutants from agricultural activities; nitrogen and phosphorus balances, two indicators that signal air and water pollution; and water use and irrigation in agriculture.

  • 18 Jan 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 107

Did you ever wonder what the impact of climate change will be on our educational institutions in the next decade? What does it mean for schools that our societies are becoming more individualistic and diverse?

Trends Shaping Education is a triennial report examining major economic, political, social and technological trends affecting education. While the trends are robust, the questions raised in this book are suggestive, and aim to inform strategic thinking and stimulate reflection on the challenges facing education.

This 2022 edition covers a rich array of topics related to economic growth, living and working, knowledge and power, identity and belonging and our physical world and human bodies and interactions. It includes a specific focus on the impact of COVID‑19 on global trends, and new futures thinking sections inviting readers to reflect on how the future might differ from our current expectations.

This book is designed to give policy makers, researchers, educational leaders, administrators and teachers a robust, non-specialist source of international comparative trends shaping education, whether in schools, universities or in programmes for older adults. It will also be of interest to students and the wider public, including parents.

  • 21 Jan 2019
  • OECD
  • Pages: 108
  • 18 Jan 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 116
  • 24 Jan 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 112
  • 28 Sept 2010
  • OECD
  • Pages: 90
  • 02 Sept 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 88

This new biennial publication presents the latest available information on 26 major current trends in education, grouped in 9 broad themes (ageing, global challenges, the new economic landscape, work and jobs, the learning society, ICT, citizenship and the state, social connections and values, and sustainable affluence). For each trend, there is a two-page spread, containing a short introduction, two figures with accompanying text followed by three key questions about the impact of the trend on the future of education. A dynamic link (StatLink) is provided for each figure, which directs the user to a web page where the corresponding data are available in Excel®.

Dutch, French, Chinese

Travel behaviour has evolved in unexpected ways in urbanised areas in the early 21st century. This report examines how significant breaks with past trends happened - and why these shifts were not foreseen. The Covid-19 pandemic adds to uncertainty about future demand to travel. Forecast-led transport planning is not well equipped to handle uncertainty. The report presents new approaches which explicitly address uncertainty, are vision-led and enable the development of resilient plans. It also considers how governance and institutions can be adapted to support such a paradigm shift.

This publication comprises the twenty introductory reports written by specialists for the Symposium and a full summary of discussions of the Thirteenth International Symposium on theory and practice in transport economics held in Luxembourg, 9-11 May 1995. The conference focused on new problems and solutions in transport.

  • 29 Nov 2007
  • European Conference of Ministers of Transport
  • Pages: 150

Containing sprawl is a major preoccupation of many urban planners, who view sprawl as responsible for driving up environmental costs and congestion.  Nevertheless, many economists see benefits to sprawl, allowing households access to larger and cheaper properties. This Round Table examines the costs and benefits of sprawl, shedding light on the linkages between urban form and economic growth, and explored the tradeoffs involved in trying to contain sprawl. Discussions were based on papers prepared by Elizabeth Deakin (UC Berkeley), Matthew Kahn (Tufts University), Gilles Duranton (University of Toronto) and David Banister (University College London).

  • 13 Nov 2001
  • European Conference of Ministers of Transport
  • Pages: 188

With the treatment of waste set to increase -- since the volume of waste is closely related to economic growth -- waste transport will be a major challenge in the future. This raises several issues. Should transport regulations be made more stringent and their implementation reviewed? Should the proximity principle -- incorporated in the regulations in the interests of environmental protection -- be questioned, since it prevents the consolidation of flows in sufficient volume to make the most environmentally-friendly modes of transport viable?

The environmental performance of waste transport can be established only within the framework of an overall approach which incorporates all waste treatment routes. We must indeed be wary of seemingly good ideas such as "waste transport must be restricted" or "recycling is the best solution". The closure of landfills or reprocessing could well lead to a large increase in waste transport.

The Round Table picks up on these issues and uses the cases of different countries to examine, in turn, developments in the waste transport sector and the statistical problems encountered in trying to understand them, the regulations applicable to the modes of transport used and their environmental performance, focusing closely on the difficulties created by the current modal split in this sector.


This book contains the introductory reports and discussion summary for the Ninth International Symposium on Theory and Practice in Transport Economics, held in Madrid, 2nd-4th November 1982. The conference focused on transport for people.


This book summarises the discussions held during the Fifth International Symposium on Theory and Practice in Transport Economics, held in Athens, Greece 22-25 October 1973, and which was focused on transport in the 1980-1990 decade. See the introductory reports in a separate volume.

This book contains the five introductory reports presented at the Fifth International Symposium on Theory and Practice in Transport Economics, held in Athens, 22-25 october 1973, and which focused on transport in the 1980-1990 decade.

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