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As the world's premier forum for international economic co-operation, the G20 plays a critical role in helping to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Based on robust evidence and available data, this report examines how the G20's contributions to the global goals across key sectors are already making a difference, while also suggesting where it could go further in leading by example to support the global goals.
Collectively, G20 members account for around 85% of global gross domestic product, 75% of world trade and 80% of global carbon dioxide emissions – to name just a few areas of the G20's influence. This report, commissioned by the Government of Japan in support of its 2019 G20 Presidency, takes stock of the G20's progress to date against its Action Plan on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
This brochure is published within the framework of the Scheme for the Application of International Standards for Fruit and Vegetables established by the OECD in 1962. It comprises explanatory notes and illustrations to facilitate the uniform interpretation of the garlic Standard. This brochure describes and demonstrates the quality parameters of garlic, and is accompanied by high quality photographs. It is a valuable tool for inspection authorities, professional bodies, and traders interested in international trade in garlic.
This report quantifies the magnitude, value, scope and trends of global trade in counterfeit and pirated goods, also known as fakes. Using a unique enforcement dataset and tailored methodology, it estimates the overall scale of this threat and outlines which industries are particularly at risk. It also gauges the main economies of origin of fakes in global trade, and the key directions of trade flows. Finally, it analyses recent trends in terms of modes of shipment and the evolution of trade routes.
This book analyses key elements of the trade performance of the BRIICS in relation to the rest of the world, focusing on trade and other policies influencing that performance. Developments in global trade policy are reviewed, notably the impact of preferential trade agreements on the multilateral system and patterns of world trade are described using both indices that reveal networks of trading relations and more standard modeling results.
As well as the global analysis, the book also presents a separate chapter for each of the BRIICS, examining the key development and trade issues in each of the six countries over the past few years.
The effects of globalisation have been at the forefront of public debate in recent years, fuelled on the one hand by the large benefits of integrated markets, and on the other hand, by the detrimental adjustment effects often experienced by many economies as a result. Knowing how trade has been evolving over time and the role policy has played in this evolution are critical to understanding the globalisation debate and grasping the lessons for future policy development. The comparative advantage hypothesis has been suggested as one of the principal explanations of international trade and of the benefits associated with openness. It has also provided the intellectual underpinnings for most trade policy in the past 50 years. This book collects OECD work that builds on recent contributions to the theory and empirics of comparative advantage, putting particular emphasis on the role policy can play in shaping trade.
This report examines governance frameworks to counter illicit trade. It looks at the adequacy and effectiveness of sanctions and penalties applicable, the steps parties engaged in illicit trade take to lower the risk of detection - for example through small shipments - and the use of free trade zones as hubs for managing trade in illicit products. It also identifies gaps in enforcement that may need to be addressed. The report provides an overview of selected enforcement issues in BRICS economies (Brazil, China, India, the Russian Federation and South Africa).
Esta publicación examina los momentos decisivos en la historia de la integración económica, y de manera específica, su ritmo acelerado a partir de la década de los noventa. Asimismo considera su impacto en cuatro áreas cruciales como son el empleo, el desarrollo, el medio ambiente y la estabilidad financiera.
¿La globalización impulsa el desarrollo o acentúa la desigualdad? ¿Genera empleo o elimina puestos de trabajo? ¿Perjudica al medio ambiente u ofrece mecanismos para preservarlo? ¿Nos dirigimos a una desglobalización o de hecho la globalización posibilita la recuperación?
1. Introducción
2. El comerciante, el inventor y el soberano
3. Una integración económica creciente en un mundo dividido
4. ¿Una aldea global o semiglobal?
5. ¿La globalización promueve el desarrollo?
6. ¿La globalización beneficia al empleo?
7. ¿Cuál es el impacto de la globalización sobre el medio ambiente?
8. La crisis financiera de 2008, ¿una crisis de la globalización?
Das Allgemeine Abkommen über den Handel mit Dienstleistungen (GATS) zählt zu den bedeutendsten Leistungen der multilateralen Handelsdiplomatie des späten 20. Jahrhunderts, steht aber auch im Mittelpunkt der handelspolitischen Kontroversen zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts. Mit dieser Untersuchung werden drei Ziele verfolgt: Erstens gilt es, die wirtschaftlichen Argumente für Reformen des Dienstleistungssektors sowie die politischen Beweggründe für eine Öffnung der Dienstleistungsmärkte durch Liberalisierung von Handel und Investitionen in Erinnerung zu rufen. Zweitens sollen die Bedenken über die Auswirkungen des GATS zerstreut werden, indem die Wirkungsweise des Übereinkommens, die damit von den WTO-Mitgliedern eingegangenen Verpflichtungen sowie die ihnen im Rahmen des Übereinkommens offen stehenden Optionen erläutert werden. Und drittens sollen einige besonders wichtige Verhandlungsthemen im Rahmen der derzeitigen GATS-Runde aufgezeigt werden, wobei den Interessen und Sorgen der Entwicklungsländer besondere Aufmerksamkeit gilt und erneut auf die Chancen verwiesen wird, die das GATS für die Umsetzung entwicklungsfördernder Reformen auf den Dienstleistungsmärkten bietet.