This report gives a broad description of the shift in governments' focus on e-government development – from a government-centric to a user-centric approach. It gives a comprehensive overview of challenges to user take-up of e-government services in OECD countries and of the different types of approaches to improving it. The monitoring and evaluation of user take-up are also discussed, including the existence of formal measurement frameworks. Good practices are presented to illustrate the different concrete approaches used by OECD countries.
Cette publication examine les succès d’importants pôles d’entreprises et d’innovation des pays de l’OCDE, les défis auxquels ceux-ci doivent actuellement faire face pour maintenir leurs positions, ainsi que les enseignements dont pourraient bénéficier d’autres candidats à la création de pôles performants. De quels facteurs clés dépend le succès d’un pôle ? Quels sont les problèmes qui se profilent à l’horizon ? Quel rôle doit exactement jouer le secteur public pour soutenir le développement des pôles et vaincre les différents obstacles ?
Ces questions, et bien d’autres encore, sont abordées par l’ouvrage qui se livre à l’analyse détaillée de sept pôles de renommée internationale : Grenoble, en France ; Vienne, en Autriche ; Waterloo, au Canada ; Dunedin, en Nouvelle-Zélande ; Medicon Valley, en Scandinavie ; Oxfordshire, au Royaume-Uni ; et Madison, aux États-Unis. Pour chacun de ces pôles, le livre examine les facteurs qui ont contribué à son développement, l’impact du pôle sur les performances de l’entrepreneuriat local, et les défis posés par une expansion supplémentaire. Le livre propose également une série de recommandations politiques s’attachant, dans un contexte élargi, à la question du développement des pôles.
Cet ouvrage constitue une lecture essentielle pour tous les décideurs publics, praticiens et universitaires désireux de connaître les bonnes pratiques en matière de développement des pôles et souhaitant obtenir des conseils pour accroître l’impact économique des pôles.
This book assesses the current status of Mexico’s innovation system and policies, and identifies where and how the government should focus its efforts to improve the country’s innovation capabilities.
The OECD Communications Outlook 2009 presents the most recent comparable data on the performance of the communication sector in OECD countries and on their policy frameworks. The data provided in this report map the eight years of competition for many OECD countries that fully opened their market to competition in 1998. The 2009 edition analyses the communications sector over the years following the "dot com bubble" crisis and explores future developments. The OECD Communications Outlook provides an extensive range of indicators for the development of different communications networks and compares performance indicators such as revenue, investment, employment and prices for service throughout the OECD area. These indicators are essential for industry and for regulators who use benchmarking to evaluate policy performance. This book is based on the data from the OECD Telecommunications Database 2009, which provides time series of telecommunications and economic indicators, such as network dimension, revenues, investment and employment for OECD countries from 1980 to 2007. For more information on trends in information technology, globalisation and the impact on the way people live and work, refer to the OECD Information Technology Outlook, published every other year.
This report assesses the current status of Korea’s innovation system and policies, and identifies where and how the government should focus its efforts to improve the country’s innovation capabilities. It finds that Korea has one of the highest rates of spending on R&D in the world, much of which is performed by private firms. It also has a highly educated labour force – as signalled by its impressive PISA performance and exceptionally high rates of tertiary level graduation – with a strong interest in science and technology.
However, a number of bottlenecks persist that hamper Korea’s economic convergence with the leading OECD economies. These include a relatively weak SME sector and weak performance in services, as well as lagging capacities to conduct leading-edge research in many areas. Furthermore, Korea faces numerous threats in the mid term, notably increased levels of competition from China and other newly-industrialising economies, the lowest fertility rate in the OECD and an ageing society, and a continuing high dependency on imports of natural resources, particularly hydrocarbons. In the shorter term, the economic crisis offers its own challenges, with the need for some policy adjustments to deal with expected falls in business investment in R&D and growing levels of unemployment among the highly skilled.
This publication explores the success of major innovation and entrepreneurship clusters in OECD countries, the challenges they now face in sustaining their positions and the lessons for other places seeking to build successful clusters. What are the key factors for cluster success? What problems are emerging on the horizon? Which is the appropriate role of the public sector in supporting the expansion of clusters and overcoming the obstacles?
The book addresses these and other issues, analysing seven internationally reputed clusters in depth: Grenoble in France, Vienna in Austria, Waterloo in Canada, Dunedin in New Zealand, Medicon Valley in Scandinavia, Oxfordshire in the United Kingdom, and Madison, Wisconsin, in the United States. For each cluster, it looks at the factors that have contributed to its growth, the impact of the cluster on local entrepreneurship performance, and the challenges faced for further expansion. It also puts forward a set of policy recommendations geared to the broader context of cluster development.
This publication is essential reading for policy makers, practitioners and academics wishing to obtain good practices in cluster development and guidance on how to enhance the economic impact of clusters.
The OECD Biotechnology Statistics – 2009 edition brings together the latest available economic and activity data on biotechnology and innovation, collected by OECD member and non-member countries. The report builds on the extensive work of the OECD and national experts to improve the comparability of biotechnology statistics. The results should provide a valuable source of information on biotechnology for policy makers, academics and business managers.
The 2009 edition contains government survey data for 22 OECD countries and additional data for four non-member countries. The survey data provide results on the number of biotechnology firms, business expenditures on R&D, biotechnology employment, and sales of biotechnology goods and services.
This book studies digital piracy - the infringement of copyrighted content (such as music, films, software, broadcasting, books, etc.) - where the end product does not involve the use of hard media, such as CDs and DVDs. It presents the unique economic properties of markets for pirated digital products, where the existence of a large number of suppliers willing to provide pirated content at virtually no cost poses new and difficult challenges to copyright owners and policy makers in combating that piracy. These economic features, together with rapid technological developments, create special and unique problems to policy makers and the large number of actors involved in different jurisdictions. This book also provides an illustrative, in-depth case study of the sports rights owners sector, highlighting how it is affected by digital piracy.
Cette édition analyse l’impact du haut débit sur l’économie, ainsi que ses retombées futures et décrit la croissance dynamique des industries créatives fondées sur le contenu numérique : jeux informatiques et vidéo, films, vidéo et musique en ligne, cyberpublicité. L’évolution récente des politiques menées par les pays de l’OCDE en matière de TIC est examinée pour voir si elles sont adaptées à ces nouveaux enjeux. Les domaines d’action retenus comme prioritaires à cet égard sont notamment l’investissement dans la R-D et l’innovation liées aux TIC, l’amélioration de la cyberadministration, la diffusion du haut débit, le renforcement de l’utilisation des TIC, l’amélioration des compétences et de l’emploi dans le domaine des TIC, ainsi que les mesures en faveur du développement du continu numérique.
Aunque México ha presentado estabilidad macroeconómica en años recientes, el país aún padece de un estancamiento en el crecimiento de su productividad. En un contexto mundial, la competitividad de México a largo plazo necesitará mayor acción tanto en el sector público como en el privado para estimular la innovación y el crecimiento económico en todas las regiones del territorio nacional. En este informe se revisan tanto las políticas nacionales como estatales de México y la manera en que pueden fomentar mejor los sistemas de innovación regional; incluye una semblanza de 15 estados.
The Internet has been remarkably successful in developing greater opportunities for communication access - and economic growth and social development - for the first billion users. The majority of the next several billion users will be mainly from developing countries and will connect to the Internet principally via wireless networks. But there are substantial discrepancies in access to ICTs between developed and developing countries and also within countries, depending on factors such as gender, rural coverage, skills and educational levels.
This book examines how the market for internet traffic exchange has evolved and explores the coherence of policies pursued by developed and developing countries. It notes the increasing innovation occurring in a number of developing countries with competitive markets and discusses how liberalisation has helped to expand of access networks and make ICT services increasingly affordable and available to the poor. The report also highlights the employment, micro-entrepreneurial and social development opportunities which have emerged as access levels have risen among low-income users. The study notes that gateway service monopolies - still in 70 countries - raise the prices for accessing international capacity and reduce the affordability of Internet access to business and end users.
Despite macro-economic stability in recent years, Mexico still suffers from stagnant productivity growth. Mexico’s long-term competitiveness in a global context will require greater public and private action to spur innovation and economic growth in regions throughout the country. This report reviews how both national and state policies in Mexico can better support regional innovation systems and includes profiles of 15 states.
Piedmont is one of the top ten manufacturing regions in Europe and enjoys the highest levels of business investment in R&D in Italy. Birthplace of the most famous Italian automotive company - Fiat – and home to many heavy engineering and manufacturing firms, the region has long been a central part of the national industrial core. Yet since the early 1970s, the fragility of Piedmont's production system has slowly became evident. This report reviews how Piedmont’s new regional strategy supports innovation and how its efforts can be improved.
This 2009 edition of Research and Development Expenditure in Industry provides statistical data on R&D expenditure broken down by industrial and service sectors. Data are presented in national currency values. Coverage is provided for 25 OECD countries and three non-member economies.
The biological sciences are adding value to a host of products and services, producing what some have labelled the “bioeconomy” and offering the potential to make major socio-economic contributions in OECD countries. Using quantitative analyses of data on development pipelines and R&D expenditures from private and public databases, this book estimates biotechnological developments to 2015. Moving to a broader institutional view, it also looks at the roles of R&D funding, human resources, intellectual property, and regulation in the bioeconomy, as well as at possible developments that could influence emerging business models to create scenarios to 2030. These scenarios are included to stimulate reflection on the interplay between policy choices and technological advances in shaping the bioeconomy. Finally, the book explores policy options to support the social, environmental and economic benefits of a bioeconomy.
In developing countries, 6 out of 10 people die from infectious diseases. Nearly 1 billion humans suffer from a neglected infectious disease, according to the World Health Organisation. Yet less than 1% of the new drugs placed on the market from 1975 to the turn of the century were developed for these diseases. This book looks at ways of improving the availability of medicines for infectious diseases through strengthened coherence in health, trade, science and technology, development co-operation and finance.
Welche Kriterien müssen die Innovationsergebnisse eines Landes erfüllen, und welcher Zusammenhang besteht zwischen ihnen und der Wirtschaftsleistung? Welches sind die Hauptmerkmale, Stärken und Schwächen des Innovationssystems eines Landes? Wie können die Regierungen die Innovationstätigkeit fördern?
Die OECD-Prüfungen der Innovationspolitik bieten eine umfassende Analyse des Innovationssystems einzelner OECD-Mitglieds- und -Nichtmitgliedsländer, bei der die Rolle der Politik und der Regierung im Mittelpunkt steht. Sie geben zudem konkrete Empfehlungen zu der Frage, wie ein breites Spektrum von die Innovationsergebnisse der Länder beeinflussenden Politikmaßnahmen zu verbessern ist. Bei jeder Prüfung werden bewährte Praktiken identifiziert, aus denen andere Länder lernen können.
China hat über einen mehr als zwanzig Jahre andauernden Zeitraum ein spektakulär hohes Wirtschaftswachstum zu verzeichnen. Gleichwohl ist China heute mit der großen Herausforderung des Übergangs von einem stetigen zu einem vom sozialen, wirtschaftlichen, ökologischen und umweltpolitischen Standpunkt her gesehen nachhaltigen Wachstum konfrontiert. Die Innovationstätigkeit wurde als eine Hauptantriebskraft für dieses neue Wachstumsmodell identifiziert, und die chinesische Regierung hat eine nationale Strategie initiiert, die bis zum Jahr 2020 eine innovationsinduzierte Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft entstehen lassen soll. Wird es China gelingen, die Herausforderung dieses Übergangs zu meistern? Welche Veränderungen werden hierzu im Bereich der Politikmaßnahmen und Institutionen erforderlich sein? Wie wird sich die Wandlung Chinas zu einer künftigen innovationsgestützten Volkswirtschaft auf die OECD-Länder sowie auf die weltweiten Systeme der Wissensproduktion, -verbreitung und -nutzung auswirken?
Der vorliegende Bericht versucht Antworten auf diese Fragen zu finden, indem er den derzeitigen Zustand des nationalen Innovationssystems Chinas und seiner Investitionspolitik analysiert und besonders wichtige Verbesserungen empfiehlt, die sowohl im politischen als auch im institutionellen Umfeld erforderlich sind, damit es China gelingt, die Innovationstätigkeit durch einen marktorientierten Ansatz zu fördern.
L’édition 2009 du Manuel de l’OCDE sur les statistiques de brevets intègre les développements récents du domaine. Elle fournit des lignes directrices pour l’utilisation des données de brevets à des fins de mesure de S&T, et des recommandations pour la compilation et l’interprétation des indicateurs de brevets dans ce contexte. Le manuel vise à montrer à quoi les données de brevets peuvent ou ne peuvent pas être utilisées, et comment compter les brevets de façon à maximiser l’information sur la S&T tout en minimisant le bruit et les biais statistiques. Enfin, il décrit comment les données de brevets peuvent être utilisées dans l’analyse d’un large spectre de thèmes liés au changement technique et à la prise de brevets, y compris les liens science-industrie, les stratégies de brevets des entreprises, l’internationalisation de la recherche, et la mesure de la valeur des brevets.