  • 23 Dec 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 346
Information technology (IT) and broadband are major drivers of research, innovation, economic growth and social change. The 2008 edition of the OECD Information Technology Outlook analyses recent developments in the IT goods and services industries, and suggests that the outlook is for continued long-term growth, constrained by the currently very uncertain macroeconomic environment in OECD countries but with somewhat higher growth possible elsewhere.  

This edition analyses the impact of high-speed broadband on the economy, and areas of future impacts. The dynamic growth of digital-content-based creative industries is outlined, covering user-created content; online computer and video games; film, video and music; and online advertising.  Recent trends in OECD ICT policies are analysed to assess whether they are rising to these new challenges. Highly prioritised policy areas include investing in ICT R&D and innovation, improving government online activities, spreading broadband, increasing the use of ICTs, raising ICT skills and employment, and supporting digital content development.

Reducing the time for registering a company from weeks and months to under one hour is a concrete result of a unique and ambitious initiative in Portugal to make the public sector more efficient and effective. The Simplex initiative aims at making life easier for citizens and businesses. It focuses on how e-government can be used as a lever for broader administrative simplification, making service delivery more coherent and efficient.

This is the first integrated study undertaken by the OECD to analyse administrative simplification and e-government in a national context. By bringing those two areas together in the context of public management reform, this review helps countries identify how these reform activities can best support overall government performance and economic growth.


¿Cuáles son los logros en innovación del país, y cómo se relaciona al desempeño económico?, ¿cuáles son las principales características, fortalezas y debilidades del sistema de innovación?, cómo el gobierno puede impulsar la innovación?
Las Revisiones de política de innovación de la OCDE ofrecen una revisión amplia del sistema de innovación de un país miembro o no miembro de la OCDE, centrándose en el papel del gobierno. Las revisiones aportan recomendaciones específicas sobre cómo mejorar las políticas que impactan en el desempeño de la innovación, incluyendo políticas de I+D. Cada revisión identifica buenas prácticas de las cuales otros países pueden aprender.
Chile, una economía pequeña y abierta, con una producción fuertemente basada en recursos naturales, ha sido durante las últimas dos décadas el país latinoamericano más exitoso en reducir la brecha del ingreso per cápita con respecto a los países avanzados. Para continuar su avance, Chile necesita fortalecer algunos de sus pilares institucionales de una economía orientada al mercado, como lo es notablemente el sistema de innovación. Existe una creciente conciencia por parte de los actores políticos acerca de la importancia de la innovación para el futuro del país. Esto se ha traducido en tres audaces decisiones: la creación del Consejo de Innovación para la Competitividad, encargado de proponer pautas para una estrategia nacional de innovación de largo plazo; la introducción de un impuesto específico a la actividad minera para aumentar los recursos públicos disponibles para implementar esta estrategia; y la creación de un incentivo tributario. Este informe evalúa la situación actual del sistema y políticas de innovación de Chile con el objetivo de identificar las áreas que requieren perfeccionamiento, para utilizar este aumento de la inversión pública de la manera más eficiente posible.


Cette publication s’appuie sur la littérature analytique, les données disponibles les plus récentes ainsi que les riches inventaires et évaluations des politiques effectués par certains pays membres et pays observateurs pour discuter des dimensions, de l’importance et des implications en termes de politique des flux internationaux de ressources humaines en science et technologie (RHST). Elle vise à élargir la compréhension par les pays membres de l’OCDE de la mobilité des RHST, en particulier des scientifiques, ingénieurs et chercheurs, et de l’éventail des politiques disponibles pour gérer et façonner cette mobilité, en faisant la synthèse des analyses de la mobilité internationale, du transfert de savoir et de l’innovation, et des politiques publiques en la matière.

English, Spanish
Les Perspectives de la science, de la technologie et de l’industrie de l’OCDE 2008 passent en revue les principales tendances concernant la science, la technologie et l’innovation dans les pays de l’OCDE et dans un certain nombre de grandes économies non membres comme l’Afrique du Sud, le Brésil, le Chili, la Chine, Israël et la Fédération de Russie. Au moyen des données et indicateurs les plus récents disponibles, cet ouvrage aborde certains thèmes qui sont au cœur des préoccupations des responsables de la politique de la science et de l’innovation, notamment les performances en science et innovation, les tendances des politiques nationales de la science, de la technologie et de l’innovation et les pratiques pour évaluer les impacts socio-économiques de la recherche publique. On trouvera également pour chacun des pays un profil individuel de ses performances en matière de science et d’innovation en relation avec la situation du pays et les enjeux actuels de la politique publique.

This book examines the contributions that space technologies can make in tackling some of the serious problems posed by climate change. Focusing on examples of water management, marine resources and maritime transport, it sets out the rationale for further developing satellite systems to measure and monitor climate change and help mitigate its consequences. The report underlines the need to consider satellites not just as research and development systems, but as an important component of a critical communication- and information-based infrastructure for modern societies. The tool box for decision makers that concludes the book reviews different methodological options for deciding on investments in space-based earth observation.

  • 12 Nov 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 132

Encouraging Student Interest in Science and Technology Studies examines overall trends in higher education enrolments and the evolution of S&T compared with other disciplines. The results suggest that although absolute numbers of S&T students have been rising as access to higher levels of education expands in OECD economies, the relative share of S&T students among the overall student population has been falling, The report shows that encouraging interest in S&T studies requires action to tackle a host of issues inside and outside the education system, ranging from teacher training and curriculum design to improving the image of S&T careers. Numerous examples of national initiatives are used to complement the analyses to derive a set of practical recommendations.

  • 04 Nov 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 250

Belgian citizens want the look and feel of a single public sector entity and the provision of integrated e-government services customised to their needs rather than to have to understand the complex division of governmental responsibilities. Belgium already has internationally recognised examples to show: most importantly the transformation of the social sector administration through e-governance tools, and more recently the link of e-government services to administrative-burden reduction. Future transformation will be enabled by the common electronic identity card (eID) that has been adopted by all governments. This report shows that the development and provision of the next generation of user-focused services will require the maximisation of synergies between the federal, regional and community governments and local authorities in Belgium.

  • 24 Oct 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 260

The OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2008 reviews key trends in science, technology and innovation in OECD countries and a number of major non-member economies including Brazil, Chile, China, Israel, Russia and South Africa. Using the latest available data and indicators, the book examines topics high on the agenda of science and innovation policy makers, including science and innovation performance; trends in national science, technology and innovation policies; and practices to assess the socio-economic impacts of public research. This volume also provides an individual profile of the science and innovation performance of each country in relation to its national context and current policy challenges.

  • 23 Oct 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 180

This report presents three case studies to illustrate the relationship between environmental policy and technological innovation. The case studies cover abatement technologies for wastewater effluent from pulp production, abatement of motor vehicle emissions, and development of renewable energy technologies. On the basis of patent data, the nature, extent, and causes of innovation in each of these areas have been explored. While a particular focus has been placed on the role of environmental policy in bringing about the innovation documented, it is recognised that other factors play a key role in inducing innovation that has positive environmental implications.


Ce rapport présente trois études de cas illustrant la relation entre la politique environnementale et l'innovation technologique. Les études de cas entrepris sont les suivants : les technologies de réduction des effluents d’eaux usées issus de la production de pâte à papier, la réduction des émissions des véhicules à moteur, et le développement des technologies des énergies renouvelables. Sur la base de données sur les brevets, la nature, l'étendue et les causes de l'innovation dans chacun de ces domaines ont été explorées. Bien que l’accent soit mis particulièrement sur le rôle de la politique environnementale dans la réalisation de ce type d’innovation, il est reconnu que d'autres facteurs jouent un rôle clé pour induire une innovation ayant des répercussions positives sur l'environnement.

  • 20 Oct 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 232

This report assesses the current status of Hungary’s innovation system and policies, and identifies where and how the government should focus its efforts to improve the country's innovation capabilities. The report finds that the level of innovation activity and performance in Hungary has remained relatively low by international standards. This is attributable to both lagging innovation capabilities in the business sector and an insufficient contribution of public research organisations to the innovation system. There is a need for more stable governance of the innovation system and a more evidence-based approach to policy making in the area of science, technology and innovation policy.

With 14.5 million inhabitants and an economy worth over EUR 290 billion, the North of England is larger than many European countries. At the heart of the industrial revolution, the region has been a historic centre for world-changing innovation in transport, computing and in vitro fertilisation. Yet, in the wake of massive losses in manufacturing employment over the past few decades, the region is having to adapt in order to catch up to more prosperous regions in the UK and remain competitive globally.

Like many regions around the OECD, the North of England is seeking to support economic development through innovation, with strategies that build on the region's heritage while also looking to develop new strengths. This report reviews how both national policy and regional strategies support innovation in the North and how these efforts could be improved. It will be of interest to policy makers, firms and others active in promoting innovation and regional economic development.

  • 03 Oct 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 128

To match the global demand and supply of innovation, businesses increasingly internationalise their innovation activities while opening their innovation process by collaborating with external partners (e.g., suppliers, customers, universities). This book examines what drives these global innovation networks across different industries, how they are related to companies' overall strategies, whether they are accessible for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and what the consequences are.

This publication discusses the dimensions, significance, and policy implications of international flows of human resources in science and technology. The international mobility of highly skilled workers is increasing in scale and complexity as more economies participate in R&D and innovation activity. Mobile talent diffuses knowledge both directly and indirectly across borders. This can boost global innovation performance, with benefits accruing to both sending and receiving countries. It is clear that mobility is leading to an increasing level of labour-market internationalisation and integration, and competition for talent is now influencing innovation policy initiatives across the globe.

Most countries offer a range of policies focused on assisting and encouraging mobility, although few have a specific and coherent mobility strategy. Many nations aim to attract the same pool of highly skilled talent; thus, relying on international flows to fill existing or future gaps in supply may entail risks. Addressing shortcomings in national policies that may limit domestic supply of skilled workers, and ensuring that the wider environment for innovation and scientific endeavour is sound, are key policy challenges for countries.

Spanish, French
  • 18 Aug 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 648

OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy offer a comprehensive assessment of the innovation system of individual OECD member and non-member countries, focusing on the role of policy and government. The Chinese government has launched a national strategy to build an innovation-driven economy and society by 2020. Will China be able to succeed in making this challenging transition? This report assesses the current status of China’s national innovation system and policies, and recommends improvements required in both the policy and institutional environments for China to succeed in promoting innovation through a market-based approach.

Les réseaux d’infrastructure jouent un rôle vital dans le développement économique et social. La demande d’infrastructures est appelée à sensiblement augmenter dans les décennies à venir, sous l’impulsion de facteurs majeurs de changement comme la croissance économique mondiale, le progrès technologique, le changement climatique, l’urbanisation et l’aggravation de la congestion. Les défis à relever sont multiples. Dans les pays de l’OCDE, de nombreux éléments de réseaux d’infrastructure connaissent un vieillissement rapide, les budgets publics sont de plus en plus serrés et le financement de l’infrastructure devient de plus en plus complexe. Cette publication évalue la viabilité future des modèles économiques actuels dans cinq secteurs infrastructurels : électricité, eau, transport ferroviaire de marchandises, transports collectifs urbains et transport routier. Elle propose des recommandations pratiques visant à renforcer les capacités afin de répondre aux besoins futurs d’infrastructures, notamment des mesures qui pourraient être prises par les gouvernements tant collectivement qu’individuellement pour mettre en place des cadres institutionnels, politiques et réglementaires plus favorables.
  • 28 Jul 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 107

Les applications spatiales prennent une place de plus en plus importante dans la vie quotidienne. Les prévisions météorologiques, le contrôle de la circulation aérienne, les communications et la radiodiffusion à l’échelle mondiale ou la gestion des catastrophes sont autant d’activités clés qui avec bien d’autres seraient inimaginables aujourd’hui sans les satellites. L’industrie spatiale proprement dite constitue un domaine d’activité relativement limité par rapport aux autres industries manufacturières, mais son dynamisme technologique et son importance stratégique lui confèrent un rôle de plus en plus crucial dans la société moderne.

Paradoxalement, c’est aussi l’un des secteurs à propos desquels on manque de données fiables et comparables au plan international. Cette publication s’attache à combler cette lacune en rassemblant des informations provenant d’un large éventail de sources officielles et non officielles, qui permettent de brosser un tableau complet de l’industrie spatiale, de ses activités de services en aval et de ses retombées économiques et sociales plus larges. Quelles sont les grandes nations spatiales ? Quelle est l’importance du chiffre d’affaires et de l’emploi dans ce secteur ? Quelle est l’ampleur des activités de R-D et sur quels domaines celles-ci se concentrent-elles ? Quelle est la valeur des retombées des dépenses spatiales ? On trouvera des réponses à ces questions ainsi qu’à d’autres dans ce tout premier tour d’horizon statistique publié par l’OCDE sur l’économie émergente du secteur spatial.

Un lien dynamique (StatLink) accompagne les graphiques. Il dirige le lecteur vers une page Web où les chiffres correspondants sont disponibles en format Excel®.

  • 01 Jul 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 212

The key strategic task ahead for the Norwegian government is to maintain high, sustainable growth even after the depletion of oil and gas reserves. Any foreseeable restructuring of the Norwegian economy compatible with this goal will entail a shift towards knowledge-based activities for which innovation is the key determinant of competitiveness. This report assesses the current status of Norway’s innovation system and policies, and identifies where and how the government should focus its efforts to improve the country's innovation capabilities.

  • 27 Jun 2008
  • OECD
  • Pages: 148

Broadband connects consumers, businesses and governments and are now therefore a vital instrument in ensuring the competitiveness of OECD countries. This report examines broadband developments and policies, and highlights challenges such as connecting users to fibre-based networks or coverage of rural areas. It also outlines emerging issues that may need policy attention as we move to next-generation networks. The findings are also relevant to emerging and developing economies designing broadband strategies.

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