
Globalisation is quickly reshaping the international economic landscape, resulting in an increasing global supply of science and technology (S&T) resources and capabilities. This book analyses trends in the offshoring of R&D, examines its drivers and motivations, and identifies implications for innovation policy. It examines the internationalisation of R&D through foreign direct investment (FDI) by multinational enterprises (MNEs), which account for the bulk of business R&D in the OECD area. It also discusses complementary aspects of the global innovation landscape, such as the internationalisation of science, the growing importance of international technology co-operation and the growing international mobility of researchers.

Film and video products take a huge variety of forms from modest training or promotion audio-visuals to blockbuster feature films that earn very large amounts of money from worldwide distribution. Production and distribution for any film or video product involve an extremely wide array of commercial interests often with quite different strategies. This study focuses on commercial entertainment products and production and distribution of films and television programs. It analyses the impact of digital content creation, distribution and use on value chains and business models of the film and video industry and explores the policy implications of these changes to identify how digital content may affect the function and position of participants in the industry along the value chain.

Cette huitième édition du Tableau de bord de la science, de la technologie et de l’industrie de l’OCDE examine les évolutions récentes concernant la science, la technologie, la mondialisation et les performances industrielles des pays de l’OCDE et de grands pays non membres de l’Organisation (notamment le Brésil, la Russie, l’Inde, la Chine et l’Afrique du Sud). À l’aide de plus de 200 graphiques, dont beaucoup sont présentés pour la première fois, elle examine les nouveaux enjeux qui se posent aux pouvoirs publics, notamment la mobilité internationale des chercheurs et des scientifiques, la croissance de l’économie de l’information, l’innovation par région et par secteur d’activité, les stratégies d’innovation des entreprises, l’internationalisation de la recherche, l’évolution du rôle des entreprises multinationales ainsi que les nouvelles caractéristiques de la compétitivité commerciale et de la productivité. Cette édition s’enrichit de nouvelles rubriques concernant les liens entre la science et l’industrie, les progrès scientifiques et technologiques, les technologies de l’environnement, et la délocalisation de la production. Un lien dynamique (StatLink) dirige le lecteur, pour chaque tableau, vers une page Web où les données correspondantes sont disponibles en format Excel®.


Nesta época de rápidas mudanças tecnológicas, a investigação e o desenvolvimento (ID) constituem um elemento importante para o crescimento económico. O acompanhamento dos esforços de ID realizados pela indústria, pela Administração e pelas universidades é a chave

para efectuar análises e levar a cabo políticas bem sucedidas. O Manual de Frascati tornou-se o guia metodológico internacionalmente reconhecido para compilar e utilizar estatísticas de ID, e é uma ferramenta indispensável nos gabinetes de estatística de todo o mundo. Inclui definições de conceitos fundamentais, directivas sobre a recolha de dados e as classificações que devem ser utilizadas na compilação dos dados estatísticos.

Esta sexta edição actualizada inclui directivas melhoradas que reflectem as mudanças nas economias da OCDE, incluindo a medição da ID no sector dos serviços, globalização da ID e recursos humanos em ID.

O Manual será publicado também em formato electrónico, o que permitirá fazer actualizações em tempo real.

Lithuanian, Chinese, French, Korean, English, All
  • 20 Nov 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 228
This eighth edition of the Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard explores recent developments in matters relating to science, technology, globalisation and industrial performance of OECD and major non OECD countries (notably Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). It brings together over 200 figures, many of which are new to this edition, to help examine emerging policy issues including: the international mobility of researchers and scientists, the growth of the information economy, innovation by regions and industries, innovation strategies by companies, the internationalisation of research, the changing role of multinational enterprises, and new patterns in trade competitiveness and productivity. New topics concern science and industry linkages, science and technology advances in emerging technological fields, environmental technologies and the international outsourcing of production. It includes StatLinks, URLs linking the graphics found in the book to Excel® spreadsheets with the underlying data.
  • 31 Oct 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 220

The OECD Reviews of Innovation Policy offer a comprehensive assessment of the innovation system of individual OECD member and non-member countries, focusing on the role of government.  A growing political awareness of the importance of innovation for the Chile’s future has recently translated into two bold decisions: the creation of an Innovation Council for Competitiveness entrusted with the mission of proposing guidelines for a long-term national innovation strategy; and the introduction of a specific mining tax to increase resources available to implement this strategy. This report assesses the current status of Chile’s innovation system and policies, and identifies where improvements are most needed in order to make the most efficient use of this additional public investment.

  • 16 Oct 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 105

Space applications are becoming an increasingly important part of everyday life. Weather forecasting, air traffic control, global communications and broadcasting, disaster management -- these and many other key activities would be almost unthinkable today without satellite technology. The space industry itself is relatively small compared to other manufacturing sectors, but its technological dynamism and strategic significance mean that it plays an ever more critical role in modern society.

Paradoxically, it also figures among the sectors which are the least developed in terms of robust, internationally comparable statistics and data. This book attempts to rectify that situation by assembling information from a wide range of official and non-official sources. Together these paint a richly detailed picture of the space industry, its downstream services activities, and its wider economic and social impacts. Who are the main space-faring nations? How large are revenues and how much employment is there in the sector? How much R&D goes on, and where? What is the value of spin-offs from space spending? Answers to these and other questions are provided in this first-ever OECD statistical overview of the emerging space economy.

A dynamic link (StatLink) is provided for graphs, which directs the user to a web page where the corresponding data are available in Excel® format.


This report presents the results of a survey of over 800 genetic testing laboratory directors in 18 OECD countries. It provides the first detailed overview of the availability and extent of molecular genetic testing across OECD member countries. The survey allowed the OECD to compare practices in individual countries in order to inform international action in setting standards and developing guidelines for practice. Based on the survey results, the report puts forward recommendations for action for better quality assurance and proficiency of molecular genetic testing. It shows, for example, that requirements for licensing and accreditation/certification of diagnostic molecular genetic testing laboratories have not penetrated OECD countries to a high degree or with any consistency. Considerable variations exist in mechanisms of licensing, certification and accreditation, including the standards by which tests are performed, results are reported, and the qualifications for laboratory personnel.

Drawing on an expanding array of intelligent web services and applications, a growing number of people are creating, distributing and exploiting user-created content (UCC) and being part of the wider participative web. This study describes the rapid growth of UCC and its increasing role in worldwide communication, and draws out implications for policy. Questions addressed include: What is user-created content? What are its key drivers, its scope and different forms? What are the new value chains and business models? What are the extent and form of social, cultural and economic opportunities and impacts? What are the associated challenges? Is there a government role, and what form could it take?

As the world interconnects, science, technology and innovation policies cannot be seen as standing alone. There is a growing interest from central banks and ministries of finance in improving the understanding of how science, technology and innovation create value in the form of increased productivity and profits, and contribute to the valuation of enterprises, and ultimately stimulate the growth and competitiveness of economies. This conference proceedings of the OECD Blue Sky II Forum describes some of the policy needs, measurement issues, and challenges in describing cross-cutting and emerging topics in science, technology and innovation (STI). It also presents ideas to exploit existing data and develop new frameworks of measurement in order to guide future development of STI indicators at the OECD and beyond.

  • 10 Sept 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 254
A comprehensive assessment of the innovation system of South Africa, focusing on the role of government, and providing concrete recommendations on how to improve policies which impact on innovation performance, including R&D policies.

Post-apartheid South Africa has succeeded in swiftly opening its economy to international trade and capital flows, and in stabilising the economy while achieving reasonably good growth performance, mainly driven by productivity gains. However, important socio-economic problems persist, especially unemployment, poverty and the exclusion of a large fraction of the population from the formal economy. The country is now in the middle of two more specifically economic transitions: i) responding to globalisation and ii) transforming the structure of the economy away from its former heavy dependence on primary resource production and associated commodity-based industries. In this context, enhancing innovation capabilities is key to a sustained improvement of living standards based on productivity-driven growth. This review assesses the national innovation system of South Africa from this perspective, identifying areas and means for improvement with an emphasis on the role of public research organisations and policies.

  • 22 Aug 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 244

This comprehensive assessment of the innovation system of New Zealand examines how innovation has affected economic performance in New Zealand. It looks at who the actors are and how they are related to each other. And it examines in detail the role of the government and the effectiveness of the system. Finally, it makes a series of recommendations.

Infrastructure systems play a vital role in economic and social development. Demand for infrastructure is set to continue to expand significantly in the decades ahead, driven by major factors of change such as global economic growth, technological progress, climate change, urbanisation and growing congestion. However, challenges abound: many parts of infrastructure systems in OECD countries are ageing rapidly, public finances are becoming increasingly tight and infrastructure financing is becoming more complex. This book assesses the future viability of current "business models" in five infrastructure sectors: electricity, water, rail freight, urban mass transit and road transport. It proposes policy recommendations that aim to enhance capacity to meet future infrastructure needs, including measures that could be taken by governments both collectively and individually to create more favourable institutional, policy and regulatory frameworks.


  • 14 Aug 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 68
China has maintained very rapid economic growth and development over several decades, but it now faces the challenge of ensuring that further progress – economic, social and environmental – will be both sustainable and comprehensive. This will require fostering innovation, which can play a major role in achieving that goal.

Economic reforms, including the launch of the “open door” policy, prepared the ground for the Chinese economy’s nearly three decades of extraordinary performance. China’s re-emergence as a major power in the world economy is one of the most significant developments in modern history...

  • 11 Jul 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 332
Les Perspectives des communications de l’OCDE 2007 présentent un large éventail d’indicateurs du développement des différents réseaux de communications et compare les indicateurs de performance tels que les recettes, les investissements, l’emploi et les prix des services dans la zone OCDE. Ces indicateurs revêtent une importance primordiale pour les participants issus de l’industrie, ainsi que pour les régulateurs qui ont recours à l’analyse comparative pour évaluer l’efficacité de leurs politiques.
Les Perspectives s’appuient sur la Base de données des télécommunications 2007, qui fournit des séries chronologiques d’indicateurs économiques et d’indicateurs propres aux télécommunications  entre 1980 et 2005. Les lecteurs du livre électronique, Les Perspectives des communications de l’OCDE 2007, disposent de l’URL qui donne un accès en ligne à la base de données des télécommunications 2007. Les graphiques et tableaux de toutes les éditions citent StatLinks, liens qui renvoient aux fichiers contenant les données utilisées.
  • 28 Jun 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 320
The OECD Communications Outlook provides an extensive range of indicators for different types of communications networks and compares performance indicators such as revenue, investment, employment and prices for service throughout the OECD area. These indicators are essential for industry and for regulators who use benchmarking to evaluate policy performance. This book is based on data from the OECD Telecommunications Database 2007, which provides time series for OECD countries from 1980 to 2005. Readers of the OECD Communications Outlook 2007 e-book will find a URL that provides online access to the OECD Telecommunications Database 2007. Graphics and tables in all editions include StatLinks, URLs linking to spreadsheets containing the underlying data.
Analysis carried out in this report indicates that international trade in counterfeit and pirated products could have been up to USD 200 billion in 2005. This total does not include domestically produced and consumed counterfeit and pirated products and the significant volume of pirated digital products being distributed via the Internet. If these items were added, the total magnitude of counterfeiting and piracy worldwide could well be several hundred billion dollars more.

Counterfeiting and piracy are illicit businesses in which criminal networks thrive. The report shows that the items that they and other counterfeiters and pirates produce and distribute are often substandard and can even be dangerous, posing health and safety risks that range from mild to life-threatening. Economy-wide, counterfeiting and piracy undermine innovation, which is key to economic growth.

The magnitude and effects of counterfeiting and piracy are of such significance that they compel strong and sustained action from governments, business and consumers. More effective enforcement is critical in this regard, as is the need to build public support to combat the counterfeiting and piracy. Increased co-operation between governments, and with industry, would be beneficial, as would better data collection.

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