  • 01 Jun 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 192

E-Government in Hungary has been driven by the overarching national goal to integrate Hungary in the European Union. Strong political leadership has lead to results in a short space of time, including the online availability of 20 core e-government services benchmarked by the EU, as well as other transactional services.  The review draws several important lessons from the Hungarian experience: Hungary has moved forward by adopting international good practices, rather than re-inventing the wheel. In order to continue progress, however, Hungary needs to focus on the bigger picture which means using e-government to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the public sector, i.e. better government, not more government.  This review also identifies the challenges that Hungary will face in order to meet these new objectives.

  • 30 May 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 168

Turkey’s e-government efforts received new emphasis in the last three years. The election of a new government brought forward an agenda including public sector modernisation using e-government. Turkey has since made considerable progress with e-government. This review identifies several strategic opportunities. One opportunity is to stimulate the provision of e-services and e-commerce by increasing access to high-speed Internet throughout the country. A second opportunity is to skip the initial stages of e-government applications -- characterised by isolated islands of development -- and instead promote a more “joined up” government. A third opportunity is to use the existing base of 46 million mobile telephones as a communication channel between the government and its citizens. The review also identifies several major challenges. One challenge is bridging the digital divide between urban and rural populations, men and women, and young and old. A second challenge is public sector modernisation in terms of increased transparency and accountability. A third challenge is making sure that investments in e-government are valuable, i.e. that benefits are larger than costs.

  • 28 May 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 272

Rather than pursuing e-government as an end in itself, the Netherlands is seeking to use ICT tools to reduce administrative burdens and improve service delivery. Internationally, the Netherlands is at the forefront of administrative burden reduction, which is a major political priority and an important justification for e-government development. This volume examines questions such as whether the goal of reducing administrative burdens is sufficient in itself for e-government to transform public administrations. Further, how can the public sector build partnerships across levels of government to deliver ICT-enabled end-to-end services that simplify the relationship with citizens and businesses? This report is in English only. However, a French translation of the Assessment and Proposals for Action has been included in this volume.


  • 23 May 2007
  • OECD, Department of Science and Technology
  • Pages: 292

Science and Technology is a key driver of economic growth, and it may also help provide answers for managing resources and reducing pollution, addressing climate change and preserving biodiversity, as well as  reducing disease and safeguarding health and well-being, while maintaining the general quality of life. This publication provides the proceedings of an international workshop, held in South Africa, intended to address how international co-operation in science and technology can further the three inter-related aspects (economic, social and environmental) of the development process. The workshop focused on good practices in international S&T partnerships, specifically in the areas of water and energy.

Teikiame skaitytojams Ekonominio bendradarbiavimo ir plëtros organizacijos (EBPO) leidinio Frascati Manual 2002: Proposed Standard Practice for Surveys on Research and Experimental Development (já trumpai vadinsime Frascati vadovu) vertimà á lietuviø kalbà. Ðis leidinys, kaip ir kelios ankstesnës Frascati vadovo versijos, yra parengtas EBPO darbo grupës ir yra skirtas detaliai apibrëþti sàvokà „moksliniai tyrimai ir eksperimentinë plëtra“ (MTEP), nustatyti rodiklius, kuriais matuojamas MTEP veiklos intensyvumas, ir parodyti, kokias veiklas galima (ir reikia) ar negalima priskirti MTEP.

Polish, Korean, French, Portuguese, English, All
  • 18 May 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 162

This OECD Review of Innovation Policy offers a comprehensive assessment of the innovation system of Luxembourg, focusing on the role of government. It provides concrete recommendations on reforms needed to ensure that additional public investment in R&D will yield the expected economic and social benefits.


Le Luxembourg affiche le PIB par habitant le plus élevé de la zone OCDE. Sa croissance économique dynamique depuis de longues années reflète surtout la performance de secteurs comme la finance, dans lesquels le Luxembourg a jusqu’ici réussi à exploiter efficacement des « niches de souveraineté ». Afin d’élargir et de consolider les bases d’une croissance soutenable à long terme, le gouvernement veut promouvoir une diversification de l’économie reposant sur l’exploitation de nouvelles « niches de compétences » par l’innovation.


These Principles and Guidelines for Access to Research Data from Public Funding (hereafter the “Principles and Guidelines”) provide broad policy recommendations to the governmental science policy and funding bodies of member countries on access to research data from public funding. They are intended to promote data access and sharing among researchers, research institutions, and national research agencies, while at the same time, recognising and taking into account, the various national laws, research policies and organisational structures of member countries...

  • 28 Mar 2007
  • OECD
  • Pages: 115

These best practice guidelines are intended to serve as a target for the quality management of biological resource center collections. They are the result of discussions held by OECD member countries together with a number of key partner countries under the auspices of an expert Task Force established by the OECD Working Party on Biotechnology.   They were developed in extensive consultation with the scientific community.

  • 22 Feb 2007
  • OECD, Nuclear Energy Agency
  • Pages: 132

L'innovation a été un élément majeur dans le déploiement réussi de l'énergie nucléaire et demeure essentielle aujourd'hui pour son avenir durable. Dans la mesure où l'énergie nucléaire est une option intéressante pour assurer la diversité et la sécurité de l'approvisionnment énergétique et pour lutter contre le risque de réchauffement planétaire, la façon de poursuivre l'innovation dans ce domaine est une question importante pour l'industrie et les gouvernments intéressés. Ce rapport présente un panorama de l'état de l'art concernant les systèmes actuels d'innovation dans le domaine nucléaire, notamment ses axes majeurs, ses principaux acteurs, ses cadres institutionnels et juridiques et l'infrastructure pour la gestion des compétences et des programmes. Il propose également des recommendations stratégiques formulées à partir de rapports et d'études de cas fournis par les pays participants.

  • 22 Feb 2007
  • OECD, Nuclear Energy Agency
  • Pages: 118

Innovation has been a driving force in the successful deployment of nuclear energy and remains essential today for its sustainable future. As nuclear energy is an attractive option for ensuring diversity and security of energy supply, as well as lower global climate change risks, the way to continue this innovation is a key issue for industry and interested governments. This report provides an overview of the state of the art in nuclear innovation systems, including their driving forces, main actors, institutional and legal frameworks, and infrastructure for knowledge and programme management. It also offers policy recommendations based on country reports and case studies supplied by participating member countries.


L’énergie, les transports, l’eau et les télécommunications sont autant d’infrastructures indispensables au développement et à la croissance, aujourd’hui comme demain. Au cours des prochaines décennies, les besoins en investissements infrastructurels seront massifs, et se chiffreront en trillions de dollars. Comment seront financés ces investissements, alors que les populations des pays de l’OCDE vieillissent rapidement et que la situation des finances publiques devient plus délicate ? Comment des facteurs tels que l’urbanisation, le changement climatique et la mondialisation affecteront-ils le développement des infrastructures dans les pays de l’OCDE ? et comment le rôle du secteur public et des acteurs privés évoluera-t-il au fil du temps ? Ce ne sont là que quelques-unes des questions que le rapport de l'OCDE rapport soulève dans son évaluation à long terme du devenir des infrastructures des pays de l'OCDE et de la zone non-OCDE.

  • 04 Dec 2006
  • OECD
  • Pages: 250

The OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2006 offers a comprehensive review of key trends in science, technology and innovation policy, and an examination of recent policy developments in OECD countries. In addition to examining main trends across the OECD, the report delves into specific topics that are high on the agenda of innovation policy makers, including the role of intellectual property rights and technology licensing markets in innovation performance, policies to enhance benefits of the globalisation of business R&D, human resources for science and technology, and the evaluation of innovation policy. While retaining its focus on developments in OECD countries, this edition of this biennial publication highlights key developments in a number of important non-member economies, including China, Russia and South Africa. A statistical annex provides up-to-date statistics on R&D funding, patents, researchers and other indicators of innovative performance.  StatLinks provide internet access to Excel® spreadsheets of data underlying the tables presented.


Les Perspectives de la science, de la technologie et de l’industrie de l’OCDE offre un tour d’horizon complet des tendances clés de la politique de la science, de la technologie et de l’innovation en passant en revue les évolutions récentes des politiques publiques dans les pays de l’OCDE. Après avoir examiné les principales tendances dans l’ensemble des pays de l’OCDE, le rapport analyse plus en détail certains thèmes spécifiques qui sont au coeur des préoccupations des responsables de la politique d’innovation, notamment le rôle des droits de propriété intellectuelle et des marchés de vente de licences technologiques dans les performances en matière d’innovation, les politiques destinées à accroître les retombées de la mondialisation de la R-D réalisée par les entreprises, les ressources humaines en science et technologie et l’évaluation de la politique d’innovation. Tout en continuant de privilégier les évolutions dans les pays de l’OCDE, cette édition de la publication biennale met en lumière les évolutions clés dans un certain nombre de pays non membres importants, notamment la Chine, la Russie et l’Afrique du Sud. Une annexe statistique présente des données actualisées sur le financement de la R-D, les brevets, les chercheurs et d’autres indicateurs des performances en matière d’innovation. Les fichiers Excel® qui ont servi à produire les tableaux et graphiques sont disponibles via les liens StatLinks fournis.

  • 28 Nov 2006
  • OECD
  • Pages: 80

These Guidelines offer principles and best practices for the licensing of genetic inventions used in human health care. They are targeted at all those involved with innovation and the provision of services in health, and particularly at those involved in the licensing of such inventions. The Guidelines are intended to assist both OECD and Non-OECD governments in the development of governmental policies as well as in their efforts to encourage appropriate behaviour in the licensing and transferring of genetic inventions. Overall, the Guidelines seek to foster the development and delivery to the market of products and services based on genetic inventions, such as therapeutics and diagnostics, in order to more effectively and efficiently address health care needs in both OECD member and non member countries.

  • 28 Nov 2006
  • OECD
  • Pages: 164

La Suisse est un des pays les plus innovants au monde, mais elle devra doit donc innover davantage si elle souhaite accélérer sa croissance économique et préserver son niveau de vie exceptionnel dans un contexte de mondialisation accrue. Cet examen approfondi propose des réformes susceptibles de l’aider à relever ce défi.

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