  • 12 May 2006
  • OECD, National Center on Adult Literacy
  • Pages: 170

This publication reveals a number of interesting examples of innovative programmes using ICT that can increase access to learning out-of-school youths and adults. The papers show that ICT can be one way -- but by no means the only way -- to improve pathways to learning. It can do this by tailoring learning to the needs and preferred learning styles of the disadvantaged, and it can make learning more interesting by providing immediate feedback. A third message is that just as adult learning itself has been the under-funded and under-appreciated Cinderella of the formal learning spectrum, so the application of ICT within adult learning has tended to lag behind much of the rest of the education system. The present volume provides some cautionary remarks on the recent past and opens up some significant opportunities for the future.  

The development of information and communication technologies and networks, and in particular that of the Internet, has gone hand in hand with the emergence of new types of malevolent actions called cyber-crime: viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and the like. While a number of factors make a strong case for governmental action in the area of information security, there are also important limits to what governments can achieve. This review, the first in a series of risk management policy reviews being conducted by the OECD, identifies areas of good practice in Norway's policies for information security, as well as areas where improvements could be made. For areas that could benefit from improvement, it proposes opportunities for action and, when possible, suggests alternatives.

This publication examines the innovation system in pharmaceutical biotechnology in eight OECD countries - Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway and Spain. The report summarises the results of in-depth studies, providing a comparative analysis of participating countries' performance in science and innovation in biopharmaceuticals. It highlights specific characteristics of the national biopharmaceutical innovation systems in terms of their international openness and the specific role of demand-side factors in the innovation process. Major systemic failures affecting the functioning of the biopharmaceutical innovation systems are identified. Based on rich evidence, the report draws policy recommendations to foster innovation in biopharmaceuticals advocating an integrated policy approach.

  • 15 Mar 2006
  • OECD
  • Pages: 179

From research and development to legal and marketing services, a wide range of knowledge-intensive service activities (KISAs) enables firms and public sector organisations to better innovate. This publication examines the contribution of knowledge-intensive services to the acquisition and growth of innovation capabilities in firms and public sector organisations. It focuses on KISAs in four industy sectors: software, health care, tourism and leisure, and resource-based industries such as mining technology services, aquaculture and forestry. The analysis derives from a series of surveys and case studies undertaken in nine OECD countries: Australia, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Norway and Spain.


This report reviews efforts under way in a number of OECD countries to advance innovation in energy technology, with a particular focus on hydrogen fuel cells. It compares energy innovation systems in Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Korea, Norway, the United Kingdom and United States to identify the roles of government, industry, universities and other public research organisations in the innovation process. It also examines the policies governments are implementing to finance needed research and development and to stimulate market demand for innovative energy technologies.

Les Indicateurs de mondialisation économique, étayés de plus de 250 graphiques, permettent de mieux cerner les activités économiques des pays membres qui sont sous contrôle étranger, et tout particulièrement la contribution des entreprises multinationales à la croissance, à l’emploi, à la productivité, à la rémunération salariale, à la recherche-développement, à la diffusion technologique et aux échanges internationaux. L’analyse mesure ainsi l'intensité et l'importance du processus de mondialisation et jette une lumière nouvelle sur les interdépendances financières, technologiques et commerciales des pays de l’OCDE.

  • 30 Jan 2006
  • OECD
  • Pages: 246

This book presents a systematic overview of the development of and challenges facing e-government in Denmark.  It includes an examination of the context and structure within which e-government operates; the case for e-government, and external barriers to e-government.  It then examines planning and leadership issues, organisational change, common frameworks and collaboration, user focus, and monitoring and evaluation.  Two case studies  and six annexes supplement the main report.

ICT has profound implications for education, both because ICT can facilitate new forms of learning and because it has become important for young people to master ICT in preparation for adult life. But how extensive is access to ICT in schools and informal settings and how is it used by students?

Drawing on data from the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), Are Students Ready for a Technology-Rich World? What PISA Studies Tell Us, examines whether access to computers for students is equitable across countries and student groups; how students use ICT and what their attitudes are towards ICT; the relationship between students’ access to and use of ICT and their performance in PISA 2003; and the implications for educational policy.

  • 16 Dec 2005
  • OECD, Statistical Office of the European Communities
  • Pages: 184

Le Manuel d'Oslo est la principale source internationale de principes directeurs en matière de collecte et d'utilisation d'informations sur les activités d'innovation dans l'industrie. Cette troisième édition tient compte des progrès réalisés dans la compréhension du processus de l' l'innovation, de l'expérience acquise lors de la précédente série de recherche sur l'innovation. Elle prend également compte de l'ouverture du champ d'investigation vers d'autres secteurs de l'industrie et des dernières révisions de classification des normes internationales.

Chinese, Russian, English, Spanish

With over 250 graphs, Indicators of Economic Globalisation helps identify the economic activities of member countries that are under foreign control, and more particularly the contribution of multinational enterprises to growth, employment, productivity, labour compensation, research and development, technology diffusion and international trade.  In so doing, it gauges the intensity and magnitude of the globalisation process, and sheds new light on financial, technological and trade interdependencies within OECD countries. 

This book includes Statlinks, URLs under the tables and graphs that link to spreadsheet files showing the underlying data.


La septième édition du Tableau de bord de la science, de la technologie et de l’industrie de l’OCDE examine l’interaction croissante entre le savoir et la mondialisation. Étant donné que l’innovation devient un des principaux déterminants de la croissance économique et du bien-être social à long terme, le Tableau de bord propose une image précise des performances des pays dans les domaines de la science, de la technologie, de la mondialisation et de l’industrie. À l’aide de plus de 200 graphiques, dont beaucoup sont présentés pour la première fois, il examine les nouvelles questions qui se posent aux pouvoirs publics, notamment la mobilité internationale des chercheurs et des scientifiques, l’accélération de l’innovation telle qu’elle est mesurée par la prise de brevets, la croissance de l’économie de l’information, l’évolution du rôle des entreprises multinationales, les nouvelles caractéristiques de la compétitivité commerciale et l’émergence d’acteurs internationaux clés à l’extérieur de la zone OCDE, notamment de la Chine.


Cet ouvrage explore le rôle potentiel de la technologie spatiale dans cinq grands domaines : l'environnement, l'utilisation des ressources naturelles, la mobilité des biens et des personnes, les menaces sur le plan de la sécurité et le développement de la société de l'information. Il passe en revue les problèmes que peut poser le développement d’applications spatiales, et analyse les forces et les faiblesses des dispositifs institutionnels, légaux et réglementaires qui régissent actuellement les activités spatiales dans la zone de l’OCDE et au-delà. Sur la base de cette analyse, il propose pour finir un cadre général dans lequel les gouvernements pourraient inscrire des politiques qui permettraient de concrétiser le potentiel que l’espace a à offrir.


This book provides lessons from case studies in policy governance for the information society and sustainable development. It highlights important lessons from these policy areas for the governance of innovation policy, and illustrates mechanisms and practices for better co-ordination and integration across policy areas.

Companion volumes to this edition are:

  • Governance of Innovation Systems – Volume 1: Synthesis Report
  • Governance of Innovation Systems – Volume 2: Case Studies in Innovation Policy
  • 16 Nov 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 206

Information and communication technology (ICT) offers an array of tools that can be used to help government services become more agile, responsive, seamless and accountable.  This book looks at new thinking and practice in OECD countries in five different areas:  

  • Making electronic services more responsive to the needs of citizens and businesses;
  • Improving the links between traditional and electronic services;
  • Identifying common processes in government to achieve economies of scale, reduce duplication, and provide seamless services;
  • Measuring and demonstrating the costs and benefits of ICT investments;
  • Bringing a whole-of-government perspective to e-government initiatives.



This book presents case studies of governance of innovation policy in selected OECD countries. It reviews the ongoing changes in these countries with a focus on providing an analysis of governance challenges, institutional changes and policy learning practices. The book provides fresh insight into the emerging third-generation of innovation policy and how governments strive for making innovation policy more coherent.

  • 10 Nov 2005
  • OECD, Statistical Office of the European Communities
  • Pages: 162

The Oslo Manual is the foremost international source of guidelines for the collection and use of data on innovation activities in industry. This third edition has been updated to take account of the progress made in understanding the innovation process, the experience gained from the previous round of innovation surveys, the extension of the field of investigation to other sectors of industry and the latest revisions of international standard classifications.

Spanish, Chinese, French, Russian
Diese Veröffentlichung bietet einen einzigartigen Überblick über Fakten, Daten und Analysen des Wirtschaftswachstums in den OECD-Ländern. Betrachtet werden vor allem die Wachstumsstrukturen der OECD-Länder in den letzten zehn Jahren, wobei versucht wird, die wichtigsten Antriebskräfte des Wachstums zu identifizieren. Ferner wird untersucht, wie und warum Länder unterschiedlich auf diese Kräfte reagieren. Gegenstand der Analyse ist zum einen das Wachstum auf makroökonomischer, Branchen- und Unternehmensebene und zum anderen der Beitrag der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) auf jeder dieser Ebenen.

Mit über 50 Tabellen und Abbildungen bietet das Buch ein einzigartiges Datenmaterial zum besseren Verständnis der Realität des Wirtschaftswachstums.

French, English, Portuguese
  • 13 Oct 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 106

This study of scientific publishing spans both scientific and scholarly research publishing. The analysis covers: scientific, technical and medical (STM); social sciences, humanities and arts publishing; journals, research monographs, reference books and research databases as forms of content; academic publishing and some aspects of professional publishing. It focuses on the transition from print to digital delivery, to shed light on that transition, and it recognises scientific publishing as a central element in creation and dissemination of knowledge and in innovation systems.

  • 13 Oct 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 170

Cet ouvrage analyse les facteurs qui entravent ou au contraire facilitent la prise de décision fondée sur des données d’observation dans les systèmes de santé des pays de l'OCDE. L'ouvrage étudie comment les pays peuvent maîtriser les opportunités et les défis associés aux technologies dans le domaine de la santé. Il s’agit notamment d’optimiser la prise de décision, de reconnaître la valeur de l’innovation, de gérer l’incertitude, ou encore de promouvoir et de coordonner l’évaluation de ces technologies. Enfin, cette publication examine également la capacité des systèmes de santé à faire face aux défis particuliers que pose l’envolée des biotechnologies dans le domaine de la santé.

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