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Year Index

  • 08 Dec 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 140

The digital transformation of economic activities is creating significant opportunities for innovation, convenience and efficiency. However, recent major incidents have highlighted the digital security and privacy protection risks that come with an increased reliance on digital technologies. While not a substitute for investing in cyber security and risk management, insurance coverage for cyber risk can make a significant contribution to the management of cyber risk by promoting awareness about exposure to cyber losses, sharing expertise on risk management, encouraging investment in risk reduction and facilitating the response to cyber incidents. This report provides an overview of the financial impact of cyber incidents, the coverage of cyber risk available in the insurance market, the challenges to market development and initiatives to address those challenges. It includes a number of policy recommendations which support the development of the cyber insurance market and contribute to improving the management of cyber risk.

Cette édition 2017 de la publication Statistiques de l'OCDE sur les dépenses en recherche et développement dans l'industrie présente les dépenses de R-D ventilés par secteur secondaire et tertiaire. Les statistiques sont libellées en dollars des É-U courants et constants et portent sur 31 pays de l’OCDE et quatre économies non membres. La couverture d'ANBERD inclut plusieurs secteurs, couvrant notamment de nombreux secteurs de services. Les données sont déclarées selon la classification CITI révision 4. Cette publication est une source unique de données détaillées sur la R-D industrielle comparables au niveau international, ce qui en fait un outil irremplaçable pour l'analyse et la recherche économiques.


This 2017 edition of OECD Research and Development Expenditure in Industry provides statistical data on R&D expenditure broken down by industrial and service sectors. Data are presented in current and constant USD PPP values. Coverage is provided for 31 OECD countries and four non-member economies. The coverage of ANBERD includes multiple sectors, with extended coverage of service sectors according to ISIC Revision 4 classification. This publication is a unique source of detailed internationally-comparable business R&D data, making it an invaluable tool for economic research and analysis.

  • 01 Dec 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 260

The Netherlands today is prosperous, but its future success is not assured.  The Netherlands owes its success in no small part to actions it has taken in the past to develop a highly skilled population. Given the profound economic and social transformation that the Netherlands is currently undergoing, skills will be even more important for success in the future.  The Dutch education system and the skills of the Dutch population are strong overall. Therefore many of the opportunities for further improving the skills outcomes of the Netherlands are to be found in areas of society where the government has more limited influence, such as the workplace and community. As a consequence, achieving the Netherlands’ skills ambitions will require a whole-of-society approach.

The OECD Skills Strategy Diagnostic Report: Netherlands identifies the following three skills priorities for the Netherlands - fostering more equitable skills outcomes, creating skills-intensive workplaces, and promoting a learning culture. These priorities were identified through the analysis of common themes that emerged from stakeholder perspectives on the most important skills challenges facing the Netherlands, and through the OECD’s analysis of the nine skills challenges identified and examined in the report.

  • 01 Dec 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 218

Skills are central to Mexico’s future prosperity and the well-being of its people. Improving opportunities for all Mexicans to develop high quality and relevant skills and supporting employers to improve their human resources management can help Mexico to raise productivity levels and, by extension, the incentives for employers to hire individuals in the formal sector. Fostering better and more equitable skills outcomes, especially for women and youth, will also provide the foundation for building a healthier, more equitable, and more cohesive society.

The OECD Skills Strategy Diagnostic Report: Mexico sets out eight skills challenges for Mexico. These challenges were identified through two interactive workshops with stakeholders, bilateral meetings, internal discussions with experts at the OECD, and analysis of documents and data produced by the OECD and other organisations. The first six challenges refer to specific outcomes across the three pillars of developing, activating and using skills. The next two challenges refer to the “enabling” conditions that strengthen the overall skills system. Success in tackling these skills challenges will boost performance across the whole skills system.

  • 29 Nov 2017
  • OECD, European Union
  • Pages: 144

This report presents evidence-based analysis of current strategies and practices in higher education institutions (HEIs) in Hungary towards a value-creating use of knowledge resources for innovation and entrepreneurship. The analysis and recommendations are highly relevant for policy makers and HEI leaders in other countries. Increased attention to innovation and entrepreneurship both from public policy actors and HEI leadership has triggered an incremental change process in the organisational culture of HEIs and a new approach to education and research for students and staff. HEInnovate is a joint initiative of the European Commission and the OECD to promote the innovative and entrepreneurial higher education institution across Europe and beyond (www.heinnovate.eu).

With some 200 indicators, the 2017 edition of the OECD Science, Technology and Industry (STI) Scoreboard shows how the digital transformation affects science, innovation, the economy, and the way people work and live. It aims to help governments design more effective science, innovation and industry policies in the fast-changing digital era.

The charts and underlying data in this publication are available for download and over half the indicators contain additional data expanding the time and/or country coverage of the print edition.


El presente estudio analiza el sistema de monitoreo y evaluación de la Estrategia de Gobierno en Línea de Colombia y proporciona recomendaciones para el desarrollo de una metodología para la evaluación de impacto de la política de gobierno digital. Se examinan los antecedentes, la evolución y el estado actual de la Estrategia y se deducen enseñanzas como resultado de la aplicación de una metodología transicional. Los hallazgos presentados buscan ayudar al Gobierno Colombiano en la construcción de herramientas eficientes y el desarrollo de capacidades necesarias para la implementación efectiva y sostenible de la Estrategia de Gobierno Digital.

  • 27 Oct 2017
  • Stuart W. Elliott
  • Pages: 108

Computer scientists are working on reproducing all human skills using artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics. Unsurprisingly then, many people worry that these advances will dramatically change work skills in the years ahead and perhaps leave many workers unemployable.

This report develops a new approach to understanding these computer capabilities by using a test based on the OECD’s Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC) to compare computers with human workers. The test assesses three skills that are widely used at work and are an important focus of education: literacy, numeracy and problem solving with computers.

Most workers in OECD countries use the three skills every day. However, computers are close to reproducing these skills at the proficiency level of most adults in the workforce. Only 13% of workers now use these skills on a daily basis with a proficiency that is clearly higher than computers.

The findings raise troubling questions about whether most workers will be able to acquire the skills they need as these new computer capabilities are increasingly used over the next few decades. To answer those questions, the report’s approach could be extended across the full range of work skills. We need to know how computers and people compare across all skills to develop successful policies for work and education for the future.

This review analyses the monitoring and evaluation system of Colombia's Online Government Strategy and provides recommendations for developing an impact assessment methodology for digital government. It looks at the background, evolution and current status of the Strategy, and draws insights from the first implementation of a transitional methodology. The findings will help Colombia build the tools and capacities needed to effectively and sustainably implement its digital government strategy.


La pression démographique et la forte augmentation de la population jeune posent un défi majeur en matière d'emploi, exacerbé par la création insuffisante d'emplois, la rareté des opportunités d'emploi salarié formel et la vulnérabilité sur le lieu de travail. Encourager l'entrepreneuriat jeune a par conséquent pris de l'importance dans l'agenda politique de développement au niveau national et global. Cet ouvrage vise à contribuer au débat actuel sur le rôle de l'entrepreneuriat jeune dans la création d'emplois dans les pays en développement. Il se fonde sur l'analyse d'enquêtes sur la main-d'œuvre et les entreprises réalisées en Côte d'Ivoire, à Madagascar, au Pérou et au Viet Nam, ainsi que sur des évaluations de l’impact de programmes d'entrepreneuriat. Par ces résultats, le rapport enrichit le débat global sur l'entrepreneuriat jeune sur trois plans. Premièrement, il permet de saisir les situations réelles et les multiples visages des jeunes entrepreneurs dans une sélection de pays en développement. Deuxièmement, il fournit de nouvelles données empiriques sur les déterminants de la performance de l'entrepreneuriat jeune. Enfin, il propose une feuille de route politique basée sur les leçons apprises de méta-analyses récentes sur l'efficacité des programmes d'entrepreneuriat.     

  • 11 Oct 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 324

The biennial OECD Digital Economy Outlook examines and documents evolutions and emerging opportunities and challenges in the digital economy. It highlights how OECD countries and partner economies are taking advantage of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the Internet to meet their public policy objectives. Through comparative evidence, it informs policy makers of regulatory practices and policy options to help maximise the potential of the digital economy as a driver for innovation and inclusive growth.

Spanish, French, Korean
  • 28 Sept 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 148

The publication is produced by the OECD-Eurostat Entrepreneurship Indicators Programme based on official statistics. The 2017 edition features a new trends chapter, which also introduces recent developments related to the emergence of the "gig economy" and the use of digital tools by micro-enterprises.

  • 02 Sept 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 368

En complément des Perspectives économiques de l’OCDE et des Études économiques de l’OCDE. Objectif croissance est la publication annuelle de l’OCDE consacrée aux réformes structurelles jugées prioritaires pour rehausser les revenus dans les pays de l’OCDE et dans certains pays non membres de l’Organisation (l’Afrique du Sud, l'Argentine, le Brésil, la République populaire de Chine, la Colombie, le Costa Rica, la Fédération de Russie, l’Inde, l’Indonésie et la Lithuanie). Les priorités d’action identifiées sont actualisées tous les deux ans et présentées dans un rapport complet, incluant des notes par pays dans lesquelles sont formulées des recommandations précises correspondant à ces priorités. La sélection des priorités et le suivi des réformes sont supportés par un ensemble d’indicateurs comparables au niveau international, ce qui permet aux pays d’évaluer leur performance économique et leurs politiques publiques dans un large éventail de domaines. En plus du nouvel ensemble de priorités de politiques publiques et de notes par pays, le rapport 2017 contient un chapitre spécial présentant de quelle manière le cadre d’analyse d’Objectif croissance a été étendu pour identifier un ensemble de réformes pour rehausser la croissance et assurer que celle-ci soit inclusive.


Norway has long used technology to streamline processes within the public sector and bring the government closer to citizens and businesses. Now the country is going further, seeking to transform its public sector through the full assimilation of digital technologies. The goal is to make it more efficient, collaborative, user- and data-driven, and better able to respond to the changing needs and expectations of citizens and businesses. This review analyses the efforts under way and provides policy advice to support the Norwegian government in implementing digital government.

  • 31 Aug 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 268

The OECD Review of Telecommunication Policy and Regulation in Mexico, released in 2012, provided a comprehensive examination of the sector at the time, highlighting potential areas for regulatory and policy reform. Since then, the Mexican telecommunication sector has experienced substantial progress both from a legal and regulatory perspective, but also with respect to current market dynamics. The changes derive, to an important extent, from the reform that has taken place in Mexico since 2013, which closely reflect the 2012 OECD recommendations.

This report assesses subsequent market developments in the telecommunication and broadcasting sectors in Mexico, evaluates the implementation of the 2012 OECD recommendations, and puts forward a number of recommendations for the future. It records the remarkable progress made in implementing policy and regulatory changes and identifies areas where more can be done to continue the momentum that has brought tangible benefits to the people of Mexico.


El Estudio de la OCDE sobre políticas y regulación de telecomunicaciones en México, publicado en 2012, hizo un diagnóstico del sector en su momento, y subrayó las posibles áreas de reforma regulatoria y de política pública. Desde entonces, el sector de telecomunicaciones en México ha progresado sustancialmente, no sólo desde el punto de vista del marco legal y regulatorio, pero también en el aumento del dinamismo del mercado. Los cambios en el sector se derivaron, en gran medida, de la reforma que se ha llevado a cabo en el país desde el 2013, y que reflejan muchas de las recomendaciones que la OCDE hizo en su reporte de 2012.

El presente estudio evalúa los cambios en los sectores de telecomunicaciones y radiodifusión que se realizaron en México a raíz de la reforma, valora la implementación de las recomendaciones que la OCDE hizo en 2012, y propone una serie de mejoras para el futuro. Asimismo, el estudio constata el progreso extraordinario que México ha hecho en la implementación de las recomendaciones en materia de regulación y políticas públicas hasta la fecha, identificando las áreas de oportunidad para continuar con el impulso de dicha reforma que se ha materializado en beneficios tangibles para los mexicanos.


Brazil’s Federal Court of Accounts, the Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), is seeking to go beyond its traditional oversight role and help improve policy formulation, implementation and evaluation. This report identifies ways TCU can achieve this by applying principles of good governance to areas such policy coherence, strategic and long-term budgeting, internal control and risk management, and monitoring and evaluation. It suggests concrete steps TCU can take to adapt its own strategies, approaches and audit programming to provide valuable insight and foresight to policy makers in the centre of government. In this way, it can help ensure that policies and programmes are forward looking and based on evidence.

Le présent rapport met à jour le manuel de 2001 pour les gouvernements sur la responsabilité élargie des producteurs (REP), qui donnait un aperçu des questions clés, fournissait des considérations générales ainsi qu’une discussion des bénéfices et coûts potentiels associés à la responsabilité des producteurs pour la gestion des déchets issus de leurs produits. Depuis lors, les politiques REP visant à améliorer le recyclage et à réduire la mise en décharge ont été largement adoptées dans la plupart des pays de l'OCDE; La couverture des produits a été élargie dans des secteurs clés comme l'emballage, l'électronique, les batteries et les véhicules; Et les programmes REP se répandent dans les économies émergentes en Asie, en Afrique et en Amérique du Sud, ce qui nécessite la prise en compte de contextes politiques différents dans les pays en développement.

À la lumière des changements intervenus dans le contexte global, cette révision des lignes directrices examine quelques-uns des nouveaux défis et des nouvelles opportunités dans la conception et la mise en œuvre des politiques REP ; elle tient compte des efforts récents des gouvernements pour mieux évaluer les coûts et l’efficacité environnementale de la REP ainsi que son impact global sur le marché ; et elle aborde un certain nombre de questions spécifiques aux économies émergentes.

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