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Rising disinformation has far-reaching consequences in many policy areas ranging from public health to national security. It can cast doubt on factual evidence, jeopardise the implementation of public policies and undermine people's trust in the integrity of democratic institutions. This report explores how to respond to these challenges and reinforce democracy. It presents an analytical framework to guide countries in the design of policies, looking at three complementary dimensions: implementing policies to enhance the transparency, accountability, and plurality of information sources; fostering societal resilience to disinformation; and upgrading governance measures and public institutions to uphold the integrity of the information space.

Spanish, French
  • 23 Feb 2016
  • OECD
  • Pages: 160

This report looks at farm management practices with green growth potential, from farmer-led innovations (such as those directly linked to soil and water, Integrated Pest Management, organic farming) to science-led technologies (such as biotechnology and precision agriculture). Global food demand can only be met in a sustainable way if new forms of agricultural production and innovative technologies can be unlocked to increase the productivity, stability, and resilience of production systems with goals beyond just raising yields, including saving water and energy, reducing risk, improving product quality, protecting the environment and climate change mitigation.


Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that scale up have long raised policy interest for their extraordinary potential in terms of job creation, innovation, competitiveness and economic growth. Yet, little is known about which firms could effectively become scalers, and what policies could effectively promote SME growth. This report is part of a series aiming to help policy makers unleash scalers’ potential. Building on new evidence from microdata work, it rethinks the nature and scope of scale up policies, suggesting the need for a broader and more cross cutting approach. The report then explores two thematic areas that are relevant for SME scaling up, i.e. SME data governance and their access to ‘scale up’ finance. Based on an international mapping of 369 institutions and 1174 policy initiatives across OECD countries, the analysis shows that SME and entrepreneurship policy is not among the core mandates of many implementing institutions, calling for sound coordination across the board and further mainstreaming of SME growth considerations in both policy areas. Moreover, national policy mixes vary significantly across countries, reflecting different approaches to promoting SME growth and to SME targeting, but also revealing possible policy blind spots.

  • 27 Apr 2017
  • OECD
  • Pages: 32

Recent years have seen a remarkable backlash against globalisation. The costs of increased openness and connectivity – including the consequences of trade and investment liberalisation – are weighted as never before against the benefits, with many voices advocating a slowdown or even a reversal of the global integration that has characterised the past three decades. While there are many economic, social and political reasons for this backlash, there is sufficient evidence showing that globalisation is leaving many people behind, particularly in the lower half of the income distribution, and especially in advanced countries. This backlash suggests that we need to act quickly to fix globalisation and make sure that its benefits are more equally shared. The consequences of a potential reversal of global integration could be dramatic: increased protectionism resulting in a net loss of wealth and opportunities and dangerous inward-looking policies that would put at risk many of the benefits achieved in the past decades.

  • 18 May 2022
  • OECD
  • Pages: 105

Fostering SME development and digital transformation helps increase productivity, in turn fostering stronger, more diversified and dynamic economies. The Government of Georgia has made significant policy efforts in recent years to build an environment conducive to private-sector development and entrepreneurship, and to support small and medium-sized enterprises in particular. The OECD has supported this reform impetus, working closely with the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development to help identify gaps and develop relevant measures to create a conducive policy environment for Georgian SMEs.

  • 12 Sept 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 128

Innovation is key to green growth. It helps decouple growth from natural capital depletion and contributes to economic growth and job creation. Business is the driver of innovation, but governments need to provide clear and stable market signals, e.g. through carbon pricing. This book explores policy actions for the deployment of new technologies and innovations as they emerge: investment in research and development, support for commercialisation, strengthening markets and fostering technology diffusion. Competition will be essential to bring out the best solutions.

  • 27 Jun 2005
  • OECD
  • Pages: 100

The engines of economic growth in Russia remain concentrated in industries dependent on exports of raw commodities.  To achieve sustainable long-term growth, Russia needs to diversify its economic activities, and boosting innovation needs to be a central objective of the diversification.  This book assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the Russian innovation system and formulates concrete policy recommendations with a focus on public-private partnerships.

  • 24 Oct 2019
  • Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin, Carlos González-Sancho, Mathias Bouckaert, Federico de Luca, Meritxell Fernández-Barrerra, Gwénaël Jacotin, Joaquin Urgel, Quentin Vidal
  • Pages: 360

Creativity and critical thinking are key skills for complex, globalised and increasingly digitalised economies and societies. While teachers and education policy makers consider creativity and critical thinking as important learning goals, it is still unclear to many what it means to develop these skills in a school setting. To make it more visible and tangible to practitioners, the OECD worked with networks of schools and teachers in 11 countries to develop and trial a set of pedagogical resources that exemplify what it means to teach, learn and make progress in creativity and critical thinking in primary and secondary education. Through a portfolio of rubrics and examples of lesson plans, teachers in the field gave feedback, implemented the proposed teaching strategies and documented their work. Instruments to monitor the effectiveness of the intervention in a validation study were also developed and tested, supplementing the insights on the effects of the intervention in the field provided by the team co-ordinators.

What are the key elements of creativity and critical thinking? What pedagogical strategies and approaches can teachers adopt to foster them? How can school leaders support teachers' professional learning? To what extent did teachers participating in the project change their teaching methods? How can we know whether it works and for whom? These are some of the questions addressed in this book, which reports on the outputs and lessons of this international project.


The first official version of the Proposed Standard Practice for Surveys of Research and Development resulted from the OECD convening of national experts on research and experimental development (R&D) statistics in Frascati, Italy, in 1963. The “Frascati Manual”, as it was referred to, soon became the global standard for compiling comparable statistics on the financial and human resources devoted to R&D. In addition to its statistical guidance role, the definitions and classifications provided serve as a common language for across multiple policy and administrative domains. As a result of its widening application and accumulated experience, the manual was revised several times over the following decades.

The second, third and fourth editions of the Frascati Manual, the OECD standard for measuring resources devoted to research and experimental development (R&D), published in 1970, 1976 and 1981, reflected on the accumulated experience of conducting national surveys and compiling international statistics comparing R&D efforts across countries. Successive editions improved, inter alia, the guidance’s alignment with other international statistical standards (2nd edition) and took into account how the data were being used. The scope of the manual was expanded to cover research in the social sciences and humanities (3rd edition). Greater stress was placed on “functional” classifications of R&D, such as socioeconomic objectives (3rd edition), and the specificities of higher education R&D (4th edition).

The internationally recognized methodology for collecting and using R&D statistics, the Frascati Manual is an essential tool for statisticians worldwide. It includes definitions of basic concepts, data collection guidelines, and classifications for compiling statistics.  This updated edition contains improved guidelines adjusted for changes in OECD economies, including measurement of service-sector R&D, R&D globalisation, and R&D human resources.

Korean, French, Chinese, Lithuanian, Portuguese, All

The internationally recognised methodology for collecting and using R&D statistics, the OECD's Frascati Manual is an essential tool for statisticians  and science and innovation policy makers worldwide. It includes definitions of basic concepts, data collection guidelines, and classifications for compiling R&D statistics.  This updated edition contains improved guidelines reflecting recent changes in the way R&D takes place and is funded and the wider use of R&D statistics and definitions. It provides new chapters dedicated to the pratical aspects of collecting R&D data in different sectors, as well as new guidance on capturing different aspects of public support for R&D such as tax incentives.

Spanish, French, Polish, Lithuanian, Korean, All

“Too much red tape” is a common complaint from businesses and citizens in OECD countries. This report analyses proven approaches commonly adopted by governments to reduce and streamline  administrative procedures like one-stop shops (physical and electronic), simplification of permits and licence procedures, time limits for decision-making, methods to measure administrative burdens, regulatory-compliance assistance for small and medium-size companies, and increasing reliance on IT-based solutions.

  • 16 Sept 2011
  • OECD
  • Pages: 140

The field of industrial biotechnology has moved rapidly in recent years as a combined result of international political desire, especially in the case of biofuels, and unprecedented progress in molecular biology research that has supplied the enabling technologies. Different geographical regions  have different priorities, but common drivers are climate change mitigation and the desire for energy independence. Now, industrial biotechnology has reached the centre of scientific and political attention. At no time in the past has there been a more pressing need for coherent, evidence-based, proportionate regulations and policy measures; they are at the heart of responsible development of industrial biotechnology.

This publication examines the international drivers, the enabling technologies that are fast-tracking Industrial Biotechnology, industry trends, some of the products that are appearing on the market, industry structure and finance, and finally policy measures and trends. It examines separately biofuels, biobased chemicals and bioplastics. It is quite clear that a supportive policy framework for the development of biofuels exists in many countries, but that no such framework is in place for biobased chemicals and bioplastics. This seems at odds with the apparent need for the integrated biorefinery, where chemicals and plastics production will significantly improve profitability when produced alongside transportation fuels. 

Als international anerkanntes Standardwerk zur Methodik der Erhebung und Verwendung von FuE-Statistiken ist das Frascati-Handbuch der OECD ein wesentliches Instrument für Statistiker und wissenschafts- und innovationspolitische Entscheidungsträger weltweit. Es umfasst Definitionen der grundlegenden Konzepte, Leitlinien für die Datenerhebung und Klassifikationen für die Erfassung von FuE-Statistiken. Diese aktualisierte Ausgabe des Handbuchs enthält überarbeitete Leitlinien, die den jüngsten Veränderungen bei der Durchführung und Finanzierung von FuE sowie der verstärkten Nutzung von FuE-Statistiken und -Definitionen Rechnung tragen. Darüber hinaus bietet die vorliegende Ausgabe neue Kapitel zu den praktischen Aspekten der Erhebung von FuE-Daten in verschiedenen Sektoren ebenso wie neue Leitlinien für die Erfassung verschiedener Aspekte der staatlichen FuE-Förderung, wie z.B. Steueranreize.

French, English, Korean, Spanish, Lithuanian, All

The internationally recognized methodology for collecting and using R&D statistics, the Frascati Manual is an essential tool for statisticians worldwide. It includes definitions of basic concepts, data collection guidelines, and classifications for compiling statistics. This updated edition contains improved guidelines adjusted for chnges in OECD economies, including measurement of service-sector R&D, R&D globalisation, and R&D human resources.

Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, English, Korean, All

Teikiame skaitytojams Ekonominio bendradarbiavimo ir plëtros organizacijos (EBPO) leidinio Frascati Manual 2002: Proposed Standard Practice for Surveys on Research and Experimental Development (já trumpai vadinsime Frascati vadovu) vertimà á lietuviø kalbà. Ðis leidinys, kaip ir kelios ankstesnës Frascati vadovo versijos, yra parengtas EBPO darbo grupës ir yra skirtas detaliai apibrëþti sàvokà „moksliniai tyrimai ir eksperimentinë plëtra“ (MTEP), nustatyti rodiklius, kuriais matuojamas MTEP veiklos intensyvumas, ir parodyti, kokias veiklas galima (ir reikia) ar negalima priskirti MTEP.

Polish, Korean, French, Portuguese, English, All
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