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This report compares the performance of the French innnovation systems with that of other countries and presents the conclusions of interviews with 30 key actors in the French research and innovation system. During the past ten years, this system has undergone profound changes, and the report highlights the governments plan to dynamise and reform the system.
The growing role of the digital economy in daily life has heightened demand for new data and measurement tools. Internationally comparable and timely statistics combined with robust cross-country analyses are crucial to strengthen the evidence base for digital economy policy making, particularly in a context of rapid change. This report presents indicators traditionally used to monitor the information society and complements them with experimental indicators that provide insight into areas of policy interest. The key objectives of this publication are to highlight measurement gaps and propose actions to advance the measurement agenda.
La ciencia, la tecnología y la innovación (CTI) son factores decisivos para lograr un desarrollo social y económico sostenible. La OCDE hace recomendaciones de política basadas en evidencia acerca de la aportación de la CTI a las metas de crecimiento, empleo, sustentabilidad y bienestar de las naciones. Los países de Iberoamérica han estado trabajando de cerca con la OCDE sobre diversos aspectos de CTI y ahora, a propósito de la Reunión de Ministros y Altas Autoridades de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación, a celebrarse el 27 y 28 de noviembre en la ciudad de Puebla, México, la Organización ha preparado el presente Informe Iberoamericano, que se deriva de su OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2014. Su finalidad es informar a los responsables del diseño de políticas de CTI de la región, así como a representantes y analistas del sector empresarial, sobre los cambios recientes y próximos en los modelos mundiales de CTI. Asimismo, destaca las posibles implicaciones actuales y futuras de las políticas de CTI de los países a nivel tanto global como nacional.
Ce rapport sur la France compare les performances et le fonctionnement du système français avec ceux d'autres pays, et se base sur les conclusions des travaux thématiques de l'OCDE ainsi que sur environ 30 entretiens conduits avec les principaux acteurs du système français de recherche et d'innovation. Ce système a connu des transformations profondes au cours de la dernière décennie, et le rapport met l'accent sur le "Programme des Investissements d'Avenir", un plan gouvernemental qui vise à dynamiser la recherche et l'innovation et à encourager les réformes de l'ensemble du système.
This book offers a comprehensive assessment of the innovation system of Viet Nam, focusing on the role of government and providing concrete recommendations on how to improve policies that affect innovation and R&D performance.
The OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2014 reviews key trends in science, technology and innovation (STI) policies, and performance in more than 45 economies, including OECD countries and major emerging economies. The report draws on the latest OECD work on science and innovation policy analysis and measurement.
Following an overview of the STI global landscape and policy trends, key policy issues are discussed across a series of thematic policy profiles. The third section examines individual STI country performances, along with the most recent national policy developments. These global and national policy trends are monitored by a unique international policy survey conducted by the OECD every two years.
The space sector plays an increasingly pivotal role in the functioning of modern societies and their economic development as the use of satellite technology gives rise to new applications, uses and markets. Space Economy at a Glance offers a statistical overview of the global space sector and its contributions to economic activity using data from over 40 countries with space programmes, and identifies new dynamics in the space sector.
This book provides a comprehensive assessment of the innovation system of the Netherlands, focusing on the role of government and including concrete recommendations on how to improve policies that affect innovation and R&D performance.
New nanomaterials offer promising avenues for future innovation, which can contribute towards the sustainability and resource efficiency of the tyre industry. Yet uncertainty over environmental health and safety (EHS) risks appears to be a main and continuous concern for the development of new nanomaterials in tyre production, even for those closest to market. Lack of sector-specific guidance represents a major gap.
This review offers a comprehensive assessment of the innovation system of Colombia, focusing on the role of government. It provides concrete recommendations on how to improve policies that affect innovation performance, including R&D policies and identifies good practices from which other countries can learn.
The Overall assessment and recommendations is also available in French and Spanish.
Synthetic biology is at such an early stage of development that there is no uniform agreement as yet about what it actually is. To some, it represents a natural extension of genetic engineering, and therefore is “business as usual”. For others, it is a way to bring mass manufacturing out from the decades of biotechnology research. Currently the discipline is limited by the ability to synthesise DNA cost-effectively but this is a technical barrier that it is anticipated will be overcome. Synthetic biology raises a number of policy issues around R&D funding, company investment, PPP arrangements and innovative financing, infrastructure requirements, education and training, intellectual property (IP), regulation, and public engagement. In preparation for the continuing development and greater use of synthetic biology, some countries have started to prepare synthetic biology technical roadmaps and a global roadmap for the medium term would be an extremely useful policy tool. Technical roadmaps could both identify likely future policy requirements, and be a useful vehicle in public engagement.
Ce rapport fournit un aperçu des efforts réalisés par les pays, qui à travers la réglementation, promeuvent la concurrence et stimulent l’innovation sur les marchés de la communication. Il examine également les questions relatives aux marchés de radiodiffusion, aux infrastructures internet, aux dépenses de communication, à l’usage des ménages et des entreprises et aux tendances des échanges dans les services de télécommunications. Il montre que le secteur des communications a fait preuve de résilience durant la crise financière mondiale (CFM), reflétant ainsi son rôle crucial dans les économies d’aujourd’hui.
The Korean innovation system is in many ways highly developed and has helped to underpin Korea’s rapid industrialisation. However, long-standing policy emphases on manufacturing and large firms are today in question. Structural problems - such as the relatively weak innovation performance of SMEs, a lagging services sector and limited domestic job creation among the industrial conglomerates - have led to a shift in policy priorities. This shift is crystallised in the current government’s Creative Economy Strategy, which entails a far-reaching set of measures aimed at fostering cutting-edge innovation and consolidating a knowledge-based economy increasingly driven by high-value services. This review addresses Korea’s industry and technology policies and institutions, and provides policy recommendations.
This book explores emerging topics in innovation policy for more inclusive and sustainable growth, building on concrete examples. It develops the notion of experimental innovation policy – which integrates monitoring and feedback at the policy design stage, and occurs continuously to improve impact and implementation. This approach should help improve the quality and efficiency of public expenditures supporting innovation policy.
Experimental policy making is particularly important for new and emerging innovation domains, where the scope for learning and improvement is the greatest. To make the discussion as concrete and relevant as possible for practitioners and policy makers, three emerging domains of innovation policy are explored in greater detail: innovative entrepreneurship, green innovation, and pro-poor or base-of-the-pyramid (BoP) innovation.
As have OECD countries, Colombia has recognised that the communications sector, and in particular high-speed Internet access provided by fixed and mobile broadband, represents a key infrastructure for improving productivity and economic growth and in enhancing the welfare of its citizens. This report reviews policies and regulations in the telecommunication service sector in Colombia. It puts forward recommendations aimed at furthering regulatory reform and stimulating market competition and investment in the sector as a building block for the future development of the Colombian economy. It aims to help achieve one of the government's goals, which is to develop a knowledge-intensive society.
La estudio de la OCDE sobre políticas y regulación de las telecomunicaciones tomó como base las respuestas de las autoridades colombianas a un cuestionario, así como los resultados de una extensa serie de entrevistas realizadas a los principales actores del sector de las telecomunicaciones durante una visita de investigación efectuada en Colombia.